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① 求一部美國或英國的電影名稱,一個力氣超大的男的,子彈對他無效,但他一靠近一個女的,就沒有那種能力了

全民超人漢考克 Hancock(2008)

編劇:Vincent Ngo/文斯·吉里根
語言:英語 / 日語
片長:92 分鍾/ 102 分鍾(未分級版)
又名:全民超人 / 街頭超人 / Tonight, He Comes

② 急求《全民超人漢考克》的英文劇情介紹

John Hancock (Will Smith) is an alcoholic man with superhuman powers, including supersonic flight, invulnerability, immortality, and super-strength. Though he uses his powers to stop criminals in his current residence of Los Angeles, his activity inadvertently causes millions of dollars in property damage e to his constant intoxication. As a result, he is routinely jeered at the crime scenes. Hancock also ignores court subpoenas from the city of Los Angeles to address the property damage he has caused.

When public relations spokesperson Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman) departs from an unsuccessful meeting pitching his All-Heart logo for corporations who are extraordinarily charitable, he becomes trapped on railroad tracks with an incoming freight train. Hancock saves Ray's life, but he causes the train to derail and nearly injures another driver. Hancock is jeered by other drivers for causing more damage, but Ray steps in and thanks Hancock for saving his life. Ray offers to improve Hancock's public image, and Hancock grudgingly accepts. The spokesperson convinces the alcoholic superhero to permit himself to be jailed for outstanding subpoenas so they can show Los Angeles how much the city really needs Hancock. When the crime rate rises after Hancock's incarceration, the superhero is contacted by the Chief of Police. With a new costume from Ray, Hancock intervenes with a bank robbery, rescuing a cop and stopping the leader of the robbers, Red Parker (Eddie Marsan).

After the rescue, Hancock is applauded for handling the bank robbery. The superhero becomes popular once more, as Ray had predicted. He goes out to dinner with Ray and his wife Mary (Charlize Theron), with whom he reveals his apparent immortality and his amnesia from 80 years ago. After Hancock tucks a drunken Ray in bed, he discovers that Mary also has superhuman powers. He threatens to expose her until she explains their origins, and she tells him that they have lived for 3,000 years with their powers, having been called gods and angels in their time. She explains that they are the last of their kind and that their kind are paired. Mary does not tell Hancock the entire truth, and Hancock departs to tell Ray about the conversation. The exchange results in a battle between Hancock and Mary that takes them to downtown Los Angeles, causing significant damage to the area. Ray, downtown in a business meeting, sees and recognizes Mary using abilities like Hancock's.

Hancock is later shot twice in the chest and wounded when he stops a liquor store robbery. After being hospitalized, Mary enters and explains that as the pair of immortals gets close, they begin to lose their powers. She also explains that Hancock was attacked in an alley 80 years prior, where he obtained amnesia. Mary deserted him then in order for him to recover from his injuries. When he is hospitalized, the hospital is raided by Red Parker, the bank robber, and two men that Hancock had humiliated ring his incarceration. Mary, visiting Hancock, is shot in the process. Hancock is able to stop two men but is further wounded by them. When Red attempts to finish Hancock off, Ray comes to the rescue and kills the bank robber with a fire axe. With Mary nearly dying, Hancock flees from the hospital so their parting would allow her to heal with her powers. He later winds up in New York City, working as a superhero. As gratitude to Ray, Hancock paints Ray's All-Heart logo on the moon and calls the spokesperson to look up to the worldwide advertisement.

③ 一部電影男主角愛喝酒,可以飛,好像叫漢庫克,這電影名叫什麼







編劇Vince Gilligan, Vincent Ngo

製片人Akiva Goldsman











④ 求《全民超人漢考克》2008年百度網盤資源,威爾·史密斯主演的

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1iHiFT5Oglu-GMte8T7eNdw

提取碼: 23k5
《全民超人漢考克 Hancock》
導演: 彼得·博格
編劇: Vincent Ngo、文斯·吉里根
主演: 威爾·史密斯、查理茲·塞隆、傑森·貝特曼、傑·海德、埃迪·馬森、約翰尼·蓋爾克奇
類型: 動作、犯罪、奇幻
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語、日語
上映日期: 2008-07-02(美國)
片長: 92 分鍾、102 分鍾(未分級版)
又名: 街頭超人(港)、全民超人(台)、Tonight, He Comes
Hancock(Will Smith飾),是刀槍不入的全民超人,犯罪分子對他聞風喪膽。然而這位全民超人每次與犯罪分子對峙都鬧得驚天動地,造成嚴重的破壞,對市民的生命和公共財產都是巨大的威脅。這也就是雖然他有著獨一無二的能力卻仍然得不到大眾認同的原因。他暴躁易怒又不辯解的個性更是激化了矛盾。這天公關經理Ray Embrey(Jason Bateman飾)十分倒霉,不僅他的全球愛心理念推銷不出去,更在回家的途中被塞車堵在了火車軌道上,險些就被火車一碾而過。Hancock及時出現救了他一命,不可阻擋地破壞了火車和現場的交通,惹起眾怒。Ray卻靈光一閃,決定包裝Hancock,把他塑造成為一位全民愛戴的英雄。沒想到,最大的反對竟然來自他的妻子Mary(Charlize Theron飾),她堅持要Hancock離開她的家庭。事情發展下去,牽扯出令人驚訝的纏綿前...

⑤ 在一部影片中將一個人的腦袋塞入別人的屁股,這部影片的名字







⑥ 美國電影裡面有兩個人有超能力還不能見面

  1. 這部電影的名字叫做:《全民超人漢考克》。



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