導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我和父母一起去看了電影英語


發布時間:2023-01-06 03:52:29

1. 我和父母一起去看電影英語作文

Last weekend, the weather was sunny I went to a movie with my parents. We went to the cinema by bus . We started at 1:00 in the afternoon .The name of the film is Avatar.We all enjoyed ourselves in the cinema.We went home at five in the afternoon.



2. 周未我要和爸爸媽媽起去電影院看電影。這句話用英語怎麼翻繹

I will/am going to a/the cinema to see a movie/film with my parents at the weekend.

3. 我和媽媽去電影院看電影,用英語怎麼說


My mother and I go to the cinema.

4. 上星期我和我的父母一起看了場電影英文

i went to cinema with my parents last with

5. 英語翻譯 我和我的父母每個月都去看電影,我們一家人都很喜歡看。

My parents and I go to see a film every month,my family all like seeing films

6. 今天晚上我要和爸爸媽媽去看電影的英語翻譯

My parents and I are going to watch movie tonight.
My parents and I will see a film tonoght.
My parents and I are going to cinema tonight.

7. 我打算和我的父母一起去看電影英語

I'm going to the cinema with my parents.

8. 周六我和爸爸一起去看電影(英語口語翻譯)

I and my father are going to watch a movie on Saturday.

9. 今天我和爸爸去看電影,的英語怎樣寫

Today I am going to watch the film with my father.

10. 今天晚上我要和爸爸媽媽去看電影的英語翻譯

Tonight I would like to see a movie and parents



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