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A. 古墓麗影電影英文簡介


In the tomb raider games and actress Laura spread all over the world, and have been have the film version of the tomb raider news until 2001 Hollywood film company finally made with game tomb raider based the once-hot film, Angelina jolie, many fans as lara let big shout smash, can say in numerous game adaptation in the movie has made pretty good grades. Because of this, proction company make persistent efforts again in two years later launch sequel tomb raider 2 the life cradle ", let a person without thought of is the second volume performance is unsatisfactory, box office and word-of-mouth are as expected, it also makes the procers of the third set proction lost confidence, don't know when to let fans see expect third episode.
(a) tomb raider
1. The film basic information [translation name] lara croft
[don't name] Tomb Raider Tomb robbers Jones, Laura... (USA) (Tomb Raider: your title) without The Achilles Shield... (USA) (Tomb Raider: your title) business Adventures of Lara Croft The... (USA) (Tomb Raider: business title) The attention.... (USA) (title) [on business yingxiu] in 2001, June 11 (USA) more areas [land area] American Japan British Germany [to] English [yan color white color []] DTS Dolby Digital voice sound [when] [class 100 minutes long fantasy adventure movement type]] Argentina: [points level Atp Germany: 12 Australia: M Spain: 7 Sweden: 11 American: PG - 13 Canada: 14A Norway: 15 Switzerland: 14 Switzerland: 16 2. Mainly give personnel [guide play] Simon, Simon. West West [Lord play] Jon Voight Angelina Jolie WoYiTe Jon, Angelina Jolie, Daniel Craig Alex West 3. Plot synopsis: as three planets in the sky in a row, lara croft in his father healing-wise earl twenty years ago mining tomb brought the box, find a harness mysterious clock. Several years ago, her father told her about a mysterious organization called the illuminati, this organization has been searching for a dead clocks, they believed it open with antique clock is the key of time and space, the key is a crystallization of molten metal meteorites triangles mysterious object, five thousand years ago was used to destroy all of their enemies. This triangle is divided into two halves, just leave the two halves are combined into one, the father of the illuminati will rebirth, human's future will be changed forever. 48 hours later, when the planet completely in a row, the sky will appear a total eclipse phenomenon, and at this moment the triangle strength to reach its peak after, if you miss this hour, it must to wait for another five thousand years. Laura must in short within two days, before to Cambodia light dance tomb, find for half of the triangle, and then get Siberian million shadow grotto, find the other half. Lara would ever be in 48 hours, find the mysterious triangle, and timely to save the universe?
(2) tomb raider 2 the life cradle
1.影片基本信息 【片 名】Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) 【別 名】Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Die Wiege des Lebens(2003) (Germany) Tomb Raider 2(2002) (USA) (working title) 【譯 名】古墓麗影2 生命的搖籃 【上 映】2003年07月21日 ( 美國 )更多地區 【地 區】美國 荷蘭 英國 德國 中國香港( 拍攝地 ) 【對 白】英語 普通話 【評 分】5.3/10( 6903票 ) 詳細 【顏 色】彩色 【聲 音】DTS Dolby Digital 【時 長】117 分鍾 【類 型】冒險 動作 奇幻 【分 級】阿根廷:Atp 德國:12 澳大利亞:M 西班牙:7 瑞典:11 美國:PG-13 加拿大:14A 挪威:15 瑞士: 14 瑞士:16 2.主要演職人員 【導 演】簡·德·邦特 Jan de Bont 編劇: Steven E. de Souza .... (story) and melky James v. Hart James v. Hart... (Georgaris Dean story)... (screenplay) [in] the Lord put · Haynes Ciaran Hinds... Jonathan Reiss Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie... Lara Croft Mr Thibault spence wei lattice Til Schweiger... Does Sean JiMeng hughes Djimon Hounsou... Robert Kosa Atiko... Armin Kal Chris Barry Chris

B. 有什麼關於古墓的電影,像木乃伊那樣好看的

~~死亡不是結束,而是開始~~《故事緣起》 故事發生於19王朝,斯提一世的愛妃安蘇那姆被法老王發現與大祭司印何闐【Arnold Vosloo飾】之間有姦情而被處死,就在印何闐要為安蘇那姆施還魂術時,被法老王的忠心護衛阻止並且活製成木乃伊,並施以「鴻怠」之刑加以封印,法老王的忠心護衛世世代代守護這神秘之城,以防有人釋放他的靈軀而為埃及帶大災難,造成世界末日…… 《劇情簡介》在1930年代,艾佛琳【Rachel Weisz飾】為了要尋找傳說中的神秘之城而在監獄中救出三年前曾至此城的歐肯納【Brendan Fraser飾】。後來他們一行人,包含艾佛琳的哥哥強納森【John Hannah飾】在船上便遭襲擊,差點失 去鑰匙,後來上了岸,走了幾天後又與在船上碰見的美國佬遇見,搶先抵達哈姆納塔城(Hamunaptra)。進到古墓後,本想找太陽之書的艾佛琳卻發現了印何闐的木乃伊,而美國佬發現死者之書及卡諾普罐【Canopic】,可是只有艾佛琳有鑰匙,

古墓麗影·1 (2001)導演:西蒙�6�1韋斯特 Simon West主演:喬恩�6�1沃伊特 Jon Voight安吉麗娜�6�1朱莉 Angelina Jolie國家/地區: 美國/日本/德國/英國對白語言:英語上映日期: 2001年6月11日 美國 ...更多中文片名:古墓奇兵盜墓者羅拉更多外文片名:Tomb Raider.....(USA) (short title)Tomb Raider: The Achilles Shield.....(USA) (working title)Tomb Raider: The Adventures of Lara Croft.....(USA) (working title)Tomb Raider: The Movie....(USA) (working title)類型:動作/奇幻/冒險片長:100 min劇情簡介正當三顆行星在天上排成一列時,勞拉克勞馥在他父親寇伯爵二十年前挖掘古墓帶回來的箱子里,找到一具神秘的時鍾。多年前,她父親曾跟她提到一個叫作光明會的神秘組織,這個組織一直在尋找一具古鍾,他們相信這具古鍾是打開時間和空間的鑰匙,這把鑰匙是一塊結晶的隕石金屬所鑄成的三角形神秘物體,五千年前被用來消滅他們所有的敵人。這塊三角形被分成兩半,只要把這兩半結合為一,光明會的始組將獲得重生,人類的未來也將永遠改變。四十八小時後,當行星完全排成一列,天空將出現日全蝕現象,而這時後三角的力量達到巔峰,如果錯過這個時辰,就必須再等待另一個五千年。勞拉必須在短短的兩天內,先到柬埔寨的光舞墓,找到三角形其中的一半,然後再趕到西伯利亞的萬影窟,找到另一半。勞拉究竟能不能在四十八小時內,找到神秘的三角形,並且及時拯救宇宙呢?

C. 想找個探險古墓類電影

英文片名 Alien Vs. Predator
更多中文片名 異獸戰 異形大戰捕食者 異形戰場
片長 101 min / 108 min (unrated version)
國家/地區 美國 加拿大 德國 捷克 英國
億萬富翁查爾斯·維蘭德(蘭斯·韓里克森 飾)通過自己的熱能成像探測衛星,發現在南極圈冰下幾千英尺深處埋藏著一座遠古的金字塔形神廟,根據推算,這座阿茲台克神廟的建築年份應該在埃及人建築金字塔之前。為了驗證自己的發現,查爾斯組建了一隊由萊克斯·伍德(莎娜·拉珊 飾)領導的精英探險隊前往南極進行考察。

D. 古墓麗影英文

《古墓麗影》是迄今為止銷量最好的游戲之一。.一站式出國留學攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

E. 古墓麗影電影版英文對白

Present Day

A year or so has elapsed since Lara Croft discovered the Scion,
an artifact from the lost continent of Atlantis. In the intervening
year,she has taken the time to take care of some unfinished
business in Egypt and the remnants of Atlantis, write about her
latest travels, and build a training course on the grounds of her
mansion to hone her skills. She even did a little fashion modeling
for a celebrity magazine.

Lara is enjoying a rare bright and sunny afternoon on the balcony
of her bed room. Her faithful old servant, friend, and research
assistant brings her a cup of Earl Grey and along with it, an
ominous letter that was just delivered. Tearing open the envelope,
Lara begins to read the letter enclosed within...

Dearest Lara,

I am writing to you with sad news of Professor Richard Pollard;
our mutual mentor, colleague and friend. Most recently,
Professor Pollard joined with a team of Chinese archaeologists to
excavate around the ruins of the remote western region of the
Great Wall of China.

I have just confirmed news that Professor Pollard, as well as his
entire team, was brutally murdered while at this dig. I have been
unable to obtain any further information or details from either the
British Consulate in China or the Chinese government. However,
from the scarce information I was able to gather, the perpetrators
of this heinous crime are likely part of some organized crime
syndicate. It is the only possible way that anyone could have the
resources to locate the professor's team.

I have tried to make sense of this all. I haven't a clue as to the
motives of such an attack on the professor. I know that you and
Professor Pollard were good friends and he considered you his
brightest student at the university. I was certain that you would
want to know of these events. There will be a memorial service
held for the professor at the university this Tuesday. I do not
know when the wake and funeral service will be held, but I'm
sure it would give his wife, Elizabeth, great comfort if you would

Your Humble Servant,
Robert Trent

Lara slowly sinks into her chair in horror and let the letter slip
from her fingers. Doctor Pollard was her mentor and had taught
her everything she knew about field archaeology. He was a
gentle man, an archaeologist with integrity and of great renown.
He was dedicated to the preservation of antiquities, and hadn't an
enemy in the world. This act of senseless violence leaves Lara
bewildered. Or is it really senseless after all?

Lara's sharp memory drives to consult the old tomes and scrolls
in her library. After pouring over map after map of the mountains
of China, a glow comes over her face. These ruins must represent
the resting place of the legendary Dagger of Xian. It would be
hard to assess what the dagger would be worth on the black
market. The dagger would be a prize indeed, but is it worth
killing for?

I'll stop by to see Elizabeth on my way to the airport, Lara thinks
to herself, I doubt that the Chinese government will be articularly

hospitable to my visit, perhaps I should charter a heli. Shesprings
from her seat not wasting a moment to hesitation, as she prepares
to leave for China.

"Possibly an organized crime syndicate, eh?" Lara ponders aloud,
as she opens the door to the closet near her bed, "Then these
might come in handy." She draws out a pair of well worn pistols
and a shotgun

Lara approaches the sealed door, and is greeted with a flurry of
gunfire from above. She dives for cover as a thug dressed in black
attempts to pounce on her. Lara manages to flip him over and he
slams against the door. His tommy gun flies off to the side.

"Pardon me, if that was just your way of trying the doors for me,"
she purrs.

"Heh heh heh heh," the thug chuckles to himself, "With a tommy
gun on my key-ring."

"Though not anymore... so after you," Lara chides.

"Somehow you don't behave like you got a monk's blood," the
thug replies.

"I understand that somehow is in my favor," she states. "So
inlge me about the dagger. I'd be indebted with your life," she
continues, as she trains her pistol on the thug.

"These doors are waiting for the right one, the right time to arrive,
and then the dagger's blade will honor the hearts of those who
believe," the thug obliges. "So unless you pledge your loyalty as

"And which one is that?" Lara asks.

"To the sins and fortunes of Marco Bartoli!" The thug exclaims
while waving a flask in front of his face. He takes a drink from the
flask, which is apparently some form of poison, and dies.

"Perhaps not just yet, then," Lara says dryly as she holsters he
guns. Lara turns and walks away from the door.

Near the campfire, she finds a notebook computer sitting on a
crate. She begins to examine the contents of the hard drive, and
finds the information she is looking for. "Aha! Gianni Bartoli. Via
Caravelli, Venice," she says to herself.

Lara sneaks aboard the sea-plane and shuts the hatch behind her.
She finds herself in the plane's cargo hold which is mostly empty
except for a few wooden crates marked with the insignia that she
is growing familiar with. As the plane takes off Lara begins to
open some of the crates to investigate their contents. She
overhears a conversation taking place in the cockpit, but the
voices are muffled and by the engine noise, and she is only able to
catch a few words.

"It's not the workload that is worrying me... perhaps the tide has
gulped it away -- perhaps Gianni had never... I don't know..." As
Lara moves closer to the cockpit, she grabs onto a cargo hook for
balance and is able to better hear the conversation taking place.

"... it's just his grave has surrendered nothing, like we say,
'substantial'. It's all very interesting -- oh yes, I'm sure of it.." Fabio,
the pilot, nervously states. "...believe me -- but it's not quite the
same now is it?"

"Someday you will get a speeding ticket for that tongue, Fabio,"
Marco, the other man, snarls. Fabio, who is staring at the horizon

to avoid eye contact with Marco doesn't notice Marco glaring at

"Hey, it's just a gut feeling, but maybe you are wrong to look
there," Fabio suggests. Marco punches Fabio in the gut for his

"Is your belief so fragile?" Marco asks Fabio. Doubling over in
pain, Fabio momentarily loses control of the plane causing the
plane to pitch forward. Lara, who at the time was climbing some
crates to examine their contents, is thrown from the stack of crates.
The uppermost crate comes crashing down on her.

Marco pulls Fabio off of the steering column, unconcerned by the
plane's dive. "Relax," Marco continues as Fabio fumbles to level
the plane, "Breathe deep. The gut, Fabio, has no more direction
than a simple 'through and out'. Honest perhaps, but not

Lara kicks aside the crate that landed on her legs and moves
toward the bow of the sea-plane.

Marco explains. "When my father left when I was a boy, he
confided to me that he was enlightened... beckoned by something
greater than impulse. He possessed the Seraph -- but he was just a
disciple in this design. His death plotting a path to be sought by
the one, his son," Marco pronounces with great grandeur and a pat
on Fabio's back, "You understand? Have faith Fabio, not gut-rot.
We are searching the right place."

"I know it. I believe it, Marco," Fabio replies, somewhat
sheepishly. Marco's perverse logic and faith has won Fabio over.
Fabio is nodding like a puppet -- thankful that things have been set

Lara cautiously approaches the ladder that leads up to the cockpit
and begins to climb it. At the same time Marco gets up and flings
the cockpit door open and yells down into the cargo hold, "Eros,
have you..." Startled, Lara drops down from the ladder. She draws
her pistols and points them upward toward the cockpit. Marco's
voice trails off as he stares into the business end of Lara's pistols,
"... fixed that rail yet?"

Perhaps it was the throbbing pain in her legs. Perhaps it was the
start because of being discovered on board the plane. Whatever it
was that was pulsing through her head was quickly drowned in
inky blackness as Eros rushes forward hanging from the cargo
hook and whips a wrench, that he's holding in his free hand, across
the back of Lara's head.

"Si!" Eros triumphantly declares.

F. "tomb raider" 為什麼翻譯為 "古墓麗影"


G. 古墓麗影和勞拉的全名,英文怎麼拼

古墓麗影:Tomb Raider

勞拉·克勞馥:Lara Croft


游戲中玩家控制女主角勞拉·克勞馥(Lara Croft)去探索她以前不相信的超自然現象和未知的世界,尋找永生的秘密。從日本龍三角的邪馬台逃生後,勞拉卻仍未從那次冒險的陰影里解脫出來,為了證明她在那裡看到的一切並非虛無,勞拉決定跟隨父親的研究,在敘利亞尋找先知雅各的墓穴,之後前往西伯利亞,搜尋那裡的神秘古城:Kitezh。



安吉麗娜·朱莉,1975年6月4日出生於美國洛杉磯,好萊塢電影明星、社會活動家、聯合國高級難民署特使。畢業於the lee strasberg theatre & film institute和紐約大學電影學院。1989年朱莉以模特開始職業生涯,期間參加過Meat Loaf, LennyKravitz,Lemonheads的音樂MTV拍攝。

H. 請問誰知道一部關於古墓的電影,我記得叫大咒司還是大祭司的。

片 名:Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
別 名:Tomb Raider(2001) (USA) (short title)
Tomb Raider: The Achilles Shield(2000) (USA) (working title)
Tomb Raider: The Adventures of Lara Croft(2000) (USA) (working title)
Tomb Raider: The Movie(1998) (USA) (working title)
譯 名:古墓麗影 / 古墓奇兵 / 盜墓者羅拉
導 演:西蒙·韋斯特 Simon West
主 演:喬恩·沃伊特 Jon Voight .... Lord Richard Croft
安吉麗娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie .... Lara Croft
Rachel Appleton .... Young Lara
克里斯·巴里 Chris Barrie .... Hillary
Stephanie Burns .... Little Inuit Girl
Richenda Carey .... Imperious Woman
Carl Chase .... Ancient High Priest
David Cheung .... Head Laborer
丹尼爾·奎格 Daniel Craig .... Alex West
Olegar Fedoro .... Russian Commander
伊恩·格雷 Iain Glen .... Manfred Powell
理查德·約翰森 Richard Johnson .... Distinguished Gentleman
Leslie Phillips .... Wilson
Julian Rhind-Tutt .... Mr. Pimms
Jimmy Roussounis .... Venetian Rogue (DVD only) (uncredited)
上 映:2001年06月11日 ( 美國 )更多地區
地 區:美國 英國 德國 日本 ( 拍攝地 )
對 白:英語
評 分:5.2/10( 18585票 )
顏 色:彩色
聲 音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時 長:100 分鍾
類 型:冒險 動作 奇幻
分 級:西班牙:T 阿根廷:13 德國:12 智利:TE 澳大利亞:M 法國:U 瑞典:11 加拿大:PG 美國:PG-13 瑞士:12


I. 古墓麗影有幾部電影是什麼名


J. 求一部外國古墓探險電影

英文名: The Rundown
中文名: 叢林奇兵
別 名: 追戰時刻 | 浴血叢林
上映: 2003年9月22日 美國
電影投資:$85,000,000 (estimated)
類型: 喜劇片 冒險片 動作片
地區: 美國
語言: 英語
時長: 104分鍾
顏色: 彩色
聲音: DolbyDigital
導 演: ( 彼德·貝格 Peter Berg )
主 演: (岩石/巨石強森/德威恩·約翰遜 The Rock) (西恩·威廉·斯科特 Seann William Scott) (羅莎里奧·唐森 Rosario Dawson) (克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken) (艾文·布萊納 Ewen Bremner) (瓊·格瑞斯 Jon Gries)



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