導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 初戀法國電影音樂


發布時間:2023-01-05 18:17:54


歌詞:Met you by surprise
I did not realize
that my life would change forever
Saw you standing there
I did not know I,d care
There was something special in the air
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I tried to live in dreams
it seems as if it is meant to be
Dreams are my reality
A difference kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
and loving seems all right
although it is only fantasy

If you do exist
honey did not persist
show me in your way of loving
Tell me that it is true
Show me what to do
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of reality
May be my foolishness just passed
And may be now at last
I』ve seen how real things can be
Dreams are my reality
a wondrous world where I like to be
I dreaming of holding you all night
And holding seems all right
Perhaps that is my reality

Met you by surprise
I did not realize
that my life would change forever
Tell me that it is true
Feelings that I knew
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
A wondrous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
I tried to live in dreams
Although it is only fantasy
Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems all right
Perhaps that is my reality

❷ 初戀大電影中的一手插曲,就是回憶時的那首歌,叫什麼名字


❸ 求法國電影再一次初戀女主角在和老友聚會上的一首女聲法文歌的歌名。


❹ 法國有部電影叫初戀 誰知道裡面的主題曲是什麼

歌詞:Met you by surprise
I did not realize
that my life would change forever
Saw you standing there
I did not know I,d care
There was something special in the air
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I tried to live in dreams
it seems as if it is meant to be
Dreams are my reality
A difference kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
and loving seems all right
although it is only fantasy

If you do exist
honey did not persist
show me in your way of loving
Tell me that it is true
Show me what to do
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of reality
May be my foolishness just passed
And may be now at last
I』ve seen how real things can be
Dreams are my reality
a wondrous world where I like to be
I dreaming of holding you all night
And holding seems all right
Perhaps that is my reality

Met you by surprise
I did not realize
that my life would change forever
Tell me that it is true
Feelings that I knew
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
A wondrous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
I tried to live in dreams
Although it is only fantasy
Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems all right
Perhaps that is my reality

❺ 誰知道韓劇《初戀》中這首法文歌曲的名字

歌手Marc Hamilton
歌名Comme j'ai toujours envie d'aimer因為我總是想要愛

Comme j'ai toujours envie d'aimer因為我總是想要愛
J'ai toujours envie de toi我總是想要你
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

Comme j'ai toujours envie de toi因為我總是想要你
Je te cherche où que tu sois我找遍每一個角落
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

Comme tu es femme dans la nuit因為你是黑夜的女主人
Mes mains tremblent sur tes hanches我的手在你腰間顫抖
J'ai envie de tes lèvres mon amour我好想要吻你的雙唇,我的愛人

Comme j'ai toujours envie d'aimer因為我總是想要愛
J'ai toujours envie de toi我總是想要你
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

Comme tu es belle dans la nuit夜晚的你是多麼美麗
Quand je sens ton corps sur mon corps當我感覺到你的身體貼近我的身體
J'ai envie de te parler d'amour我想要說愛你

Comme j'ai toujours envie de toi因為我總是想要你
Je te cherche où que tu sois我找遍每一個角落
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

Comme tu es belle quand tu es nue你的胴體是那麼美麗
De sentir ton souffle court當我聽到你短促的呼吸
J'ai envie de te faire l'amour我想要和你做愛

Comme j'ai toujours envie d'aimer因為我總是想要愛
J'ai toujours envie de toi我總是想要你
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

Comme j'ai toujours envie de toi因為我總是想要你
Je te cherche où que tu sois我找遍每一個角落
Oh toi que j'aime哦我愛的人是你

❻ 法國電影(初戀)的背景音樂

Richard Sanderson-Reality
to bloodlili:法國文化、歷史、哲學也不用談了?你個人原則也不用對全世界人說吧。

❼ 求電影《初戀》的下載,音樂為久石讓《HATSUKOI》

母親志津枝(原田美枝子 飾)患上癌症突然入院,十七歲少女會田聰夏(田中麗奈 飾)的平凡生活從此出現巨變。聰夏在一個音樂盒裡,發現母親一封廿四年前沒有寄出的情書,收件人正是她的初戀情人藤木真一路先生(真田廣之 飾),當年一對情人約定在櫻花樹下見面。聰夏為了圓母親年輕時的美夢,拿著一張發黃的照片,獨個兒前往長野縣尋找母親的舊愛。http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/q-vxFyxhYJs/
久石讓為日本電影《初戀》配樂並且還出了原聲碟。 封面就是電影的女主角(田中麗奈飾演的)



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