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A. 有沒有Disney的動畫片電影《泰山》的英文情節簡介

In the late 1880's off the coast of Africa, a young couple and their infant son escape a burning ship and land on the unexplored rainforests of Africa, where they build themselves a treehouse in which to live ("Two Worlds"). Meanwhile, a gorilla couple named Kerchak and Kala are traveling with the rest of their group when their infant son is eaten by a leopard named Sabor. The next day, Kala stumbles upon the treehouse, which has been attacked by Sabor, and although the infant has survived, both his parents are dead. Kala returns the baby to the rest of the group, but Kerchak despises the boy for his appearance. Nevertheless, Kala decides to raise the boy as her own, naming him Tarzan ("You'll Be in My Heart").

A few years later, Tarzan makes friends with young gorilla Terk and an elephant named Tantor ("Son of Man"). Despite his inablity to compete with the rest of the gorillas, Tarzan perseveres and eventually grows into a strong, capable and gorilla-like man. When Sabor attacks the group again, Tarzan successfully kills her, earning Kerchak's respect. Tarzan then notices another group of humans arriving: Professor Porter and his daughter Jane, who have travelled to Africa in search of gorillas, along with their hunter guide Clayton. Jane then has an encounter with angry baboons who attack her by taking her boot. Tarzan heroically saves her then tickles and plays with her feet. Jane then goes back to camp.

Meanwhile, Tarzan's friends arrive at the trio's campsite and proceed to destroy it by playing music using various human objects the find in camp ("Trashin' the Camp"). Tarzan returns Jane to camp and departs with the animals before Professor Porter and Clayton arrive. In the jungle, Kerchak instructs the others to stay away from the campsite, but Tarzan protests, believing that the humans pose no threat. Tarzan secretly returns to the campsite and is introced to the other men, and the three of them teach Tarzan about the human world ("Strangers Like Me"); nevertheless, he refuses to tell them the gorillas' location, fearing Kerchak's fury. A few days later, when the boat to England arrives, the trio, unable to find the gorillas, prepares to leave, and Tarzan is heartbroken to see Jane depart. Clayton explains, however, that they will stay once they find the gorillas. Tarzan then wants Terk to do him a favor. He wants Terk to get Kerchak out of the way. Terk, at first, refuses to help him because she thought that Tarzan didn't care about Terk anymore, now that he was so keen on Jane. Finally, Terk agrees because Tarzan gave her a look that makes Terk say yes. Terk then becomes furious because she told Tarzan that he better not make her do anything embarrassing, but Terk is disguised as Jane (with the skirt and lipstick) and Tantor is disguised as the professor.

Tarzan leads them to the nesting site, but Kerchak appears and attacks Clayton, much to the humans' fright. Tarzan puts Kerchak in a headlock, allowing the humans to escape, and as such alienates himself from the gorillas. Sympathetic, Kala takes Tarzan to his biological parents' treehouse, and he decides that he belongs in the human world. Tarzan decides to depart for England with the others, but Clayton and the crew attack them and lock them up; Clayton reveals that he wanted to find the apes to kill and sell them on the black market. As the crew storm the jungle, Tantor and Terk rescue Tarzan and they go off to stop Clayton, who mortally wounds Kerchak with his rifle. Tarzan and Clayton el among the treetops until Clayton, entangled in vines, falls from the tree, resulting in an accidental death by hanging. Tarzan then finds the ailing Kerchak, who apologizes to Tarzan for his behavior and makes him, as the uncontestedly most capable of the younger generation, leader of the gorillas. Kerchak dies, and Tarzan and the gorillas mourn for his demise.

With the crew captured, Jane and Professor Porter prepare to depart for England. However, realizing where her heart belongs, Jane returns to the jungle and is soon followed by her father; the three of them reside happily in the jungle among the animals and gorillas ("Two Worlds Reprise").

B. 求一部電影記得好像是跟泰山有關的電影 但又不確定 電影男主角被稱為白猩猩,叫喬治。

中文名稱:森林泰山 英文名稱:George of the Jungle 別名:叢林泰山、至野一族、叢林王喬治、森林王子 資源類型:DVDRip 發行時間:1997年

C. 有一部電影;(忘了名字了,國外的)劇情、是一個小女孩從小被家人遺棄到山林里,後來被狼



英文名:Jungle Book, The






D. 跪求《泰山(1999)》百度雲高清資源在線觀看,布耐恩·布萊塞得主演的


《泰山 Tarzan》
編劇:泰布·墨菲、鮑勃·祖迪克、諾尼·懷特、斯蒂芬·安德森、Carole Holliday、蓋坦··布里茲、保羅·布里茲、唐·多爾蒂、Ed Gombert、唐·霍爾、凱文·哈基、格蘭·基恩、伯尼·馬丁森、傑夫·斯諾、克里斯·烏雷、馬克·沃爾頓、施特維·韋默斯、埃德加·賴斯·巴勒斯
主演:布耐恩·布萊塞得、格倫·克洛斯、明妮·德里弗、托尼·戈德溫、奈傑爾·霍桑、蘭斯·亨利克森、韋恩·奈特、亞歷克斯·D·林茲、羅茜·歐唐內、傑克·安傑爾、約瑟夫·阿什頓、鮑伯·伯根、羅德格爾·邦帕斯、莉莉·柯林斯、凱特·克雷西達、吉姆·卡明斯、Aria Noelle Curzon、詹妮弗·達林、黛比·德里貝里、Patti Deutsch、保羅·伊丁、布萊克·麥克萊弗·尤因、斯科特·馬丁·格爾琴、Sam Gifaldi、傑姬·戈諾、麥卡·霍普特曼、Grady Hutt、雪莉·琳恩、丹尼·曼恩、傑森·馬斯登、米凱·麥高萬、菲爾·普洛克特、Michael A. Reagan、伊恩·雷德福、傑西卡·羅特、克里斯·桑德斯、史蒂芬妮·索伊爾、Laurie A. Schillinger、布瑞安·西爾多、Shane Sweet、伊瑞克·馮·迪滕、喬·懷特、Danielle Keaton、Michael Perl、瑪麗·凱·伯格曼、Darren T. Knaus、弗蘭克·維爾克、艾普爾·溫切爾
片長:88 分鍾

E. 跪求 泰山 百度雲免費在線觀看資源


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/17PBD22OKNSEjbVhymsZ4Zg

提取碼: fqui


F. 動畫片《泰山》

作品名稱】 Tarzan
【中文翻譯】 泰山
【在美推出】 1999年6月17日
【片長時間】 約88分鍾
【文件格式】 DivX5 + AC3
【視頻尺寸】 800 x 480
【作品類別】 迪士尼第37部經典動畫,長篇劇情動畫片
【原著取材】 改編自 Edgar Rice Burroughs 的《泰山》系列知名小說

之前 Tarzan 的故事早已被多次搬上銀幕,這次迪士尼首度以動畫方式呈現,故事則較多著墨在 Tarzan 少年時代的成長過程。在電影一開始,母猩猩 Kala 發現了與父母失散的小男嬰,便收養了他並取名為 Tarzan ,但是 Tarzan 從小就被猩猩養父 Kerchak 和其他猩猩排斥,Tarzan 也對自己與眾不同的外型感到困擾,只有母猩猩 Terk 和大象 Tantor 與他成為最好的朋友。直到 Tarzan 長大後見到隨父親來森林觀察猩猩生態的女孩 Jane,他才知道自己原來跟他們同樣是人類,不料同行的獵人 Clayton 心懷不軌計畫要獵捕猩猩運回英國拍賣,Tarzan 的養父 Kerchak 也因此受到重創,Tarzan 最後該如何抉擇?是要選擇與猩猩們一同留在森林?還是與 Jane 回到人類文明的世界?本片採用最新的「景深效果」技術,使得片中森林場景頗具3D立體感,至於主角人物則依舊還是用迪士尼傳統手繪,負責主角 Tarzan 的動畫家是迪士尼目前首席動畫大師 Glen Keane ,他由他那酷愛滑板、溜冰…等運動的兒子身上得到靈感,創造出在林間快速穿梭飛躍又酷又帥的泰山!
2005 - 泰山2(Tarzan 2)《影音產品首映》

本片由 Bonnie Arnold 擔任製片,由 Chris Buck 和 Kevin Lima 共同執導,由 Tab Murphy 、Bob Tzudiker 、Noni White 共同編劇。

由 Alex D. Linz 和 Tony Goldwyn 分別負責主角 Tarzan 童年和成年,女主角 Jane 則由演過【心靈捕手】的 Minnie Driver 擔任,另外,曾演過【101真狗】、【空軍一號】的 Glenn Close 幫撫養泰山長大的人猿媽媽 Kala 配音,至於猩猩爸爸 Kerchak 由 Lauce Henrickson 負責,Tarzan 的猩猩好友 Terk 則由 Rosie O'Donnell 擔任。

本片配樂是由 Mark Mancina 所負責,片中歌曲的作曲、作詞則是由英國搖滾歌手 Phil Collins 所擔任, Phil Collins 並且還為本片演唱英語、法語、德語、義大利語和西班牙語五種語言版本的歌曲!電影片尾的兩首流行版主題曲分別是「You'll Be in My Heart」和「Two Worlds」,都是由 Phil Collins 所演唱,他還與超級男孩('N Sync)演唱了一首流行版的「Trashin' the Camp」,收錄於原聲帶里。

1. Two Worlds
2. You'll Be in My Heart
3. Son of Man
4. Trashin' the Camp
5. Strangers Like Me

獲得奧斯卡最佳歌曲(「You'll Be in My Heart」)

電影原聲帶在美國1999年5月就已發行,迪士尼唱片在美國迪士尼專賣店還發行一限量版原聲帶,CD封面圖片會動,這個特別版本只有在專賣店預購才買得到,預購還送一隻送不賣的「You'll Be in My Heart」單曲。本片的錄影帶及一區DVD則是在2000年的2月初發行。本片後來迪士尼還改拍成電視卡通影集,另外,1999年迪士尼樂園還計畫將已開幕三十多年的『魯賓遜家庭樹屋』設施(出自電影【海角一樂園】)移除,把這大樹推出新的『泰山樹屋』設施。佛羅里達的迪士尼世界動物王國、巴黎迪士尼樂園都推出過【泰山】的相關表演。



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