導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我去電影院坐汽車英文


發布時間:2023-01-01 00:42:02

㈠ 我打算乘公交車去電影院英文

I plan to go to the cinema by bus.

I plan to go to the cinema by bus.

㈡ 昨天我坐公共汽車去電影院 用英語怎麼說

I took the bus to the cinema yesterday.

㈢ 一起坐公交車去電影院的英文是什麼

Let`s go to the cinema by bus together (to see the movies)
括弧可以省略 不加他也表達這個意思 加上只是強調了看電影這一動作和目的

㈣ 我十二點坐巴士去電影院看電影的英文句子怎麼寫

I went to the movie at twelve by bus.

㈤ 在周末 ,我要去電影院 ,去看電影 ,加上一個王志成 ,坐計程車去 。用英文怎麼

At the weekend, I'm going to the cinema, and take a taxi with Wang Zhicheng.

㈥ 讓我們乘計程車去電影院吧 英文

Let's take taxi to the cinema.

㈦ 翻譯英文: 我到電影院附近乘頭號公車向南行駛一站到博物館。

I went to the cinema by bus No. 1 bus to the south of the museum.

㈧ 我們坐公交車去電影院吧用英語怎麼說

We took a bus to the cinema! How to say it in English

㈨ 上周日我和媽媽坐汽車去了電影院(用英語怎麼說)

Last Sunday, my mom and I went to the theater by bus.

㈩ 我去電影院。的英文是什麼


I will go to the cinema 意在我將會去還沒有去

I'm going to go to the cinema 意在表明我正在去看電影的路上
I went to the cinema 意在我去過電影院



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