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① 有誰知道電影《2012》 完整的英語台詞

In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor) travels to India to meet his friend Satnam, who has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare have penetrated the Earth and are causing the temperature of its core to increase rapidly. Adrian returns to Washington D.C. to inform White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) and US President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover) that this will instigate a chain of events that will bring about the end of the world. At the 36th G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They collaborate to begin a secret project intended to ensure the continuity of human life, strategically choosing 400,000 people for admission on a series of gigantic arks to be constructed in the Himalayas. To help fund the venture, additional indivials are allowed to purchase tickets for one billion euros apiece.

In 2012, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a writer in Los Angeles who works part time as a limousine driver for Russian billionaire Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah and Lily live with her new boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a radio show host and conspiracy theorist. Charlie supports a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge of the ark project and possesses a map of the arks' location. The family returns home as cracks begin to develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in the San Francisco Bay area. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a private plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it collapses into the Pacific Ocean.

As millions begin dying in apocalyptic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. The group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to make a live broadcast of the eruption, is killed by the blast. Realizing the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his twin sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure a larger plane, the Antonov An-225, to head across the Pacific. Also bound for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson remained in Washington D.C. to address the nation one last time. He is soon killed by a tsunami that sends the USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser appoints himself acting Commander-in-Chief.

Sasha discovers that the plane doesnt have enough fuel to get to china, so they have to make a crash landing in the ocean. But as they get near the ground, they discover that they are indeed in china. The earths crusts have shifted.

Yuri, who has purchased ark tickets for himself and his sons, deserts the Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara upon arriving in China. However, the abandoned group is picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk. Together, they begin sneaking onto an ark through its hydraulics chamber with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, a welder for the ark project. In his last moments, Satnam calls Adrian to inform him that a tsunami is engulfing India and heading towards the arks. Learning of this, Anheuser orders the arks be sealed before the boarding process is complete, trapping thousands outside. Adrian manages to convince the other G8 leaders to let the remaining people on board. As the ark's tailgate is lowered, Gordon is killed when he falls in between the gears, followed by Tenzin's large electrical power drill. Yuri sacrifices his life to get his two sons on in time, but the obstruction prevents the gate from closing, rendering the ship unable to start its engines. The tsunami arrives and begins to flood the ark, drowning Tamara and setting the ark helplessly adrift. Jackson and Noah work together to free the drill and its cable from the closing mechanism. The gate closes and the crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.

A title appears that says "Day 27 Month 00 Year 00"

When the floodwater from the worldwide tsunamis eventually recedes, satellite data shows that Africa rose in relation to sea level, and its Drakensberg mountains are now the highest on the planet. As the arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family, and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth revealing all continents have merged, and are in the shape of the African continent.
在2009年,一位美國科學家Adrian Helmsley博士被捲入一個在印度的研究項目,在其中,他的同事薩坦姆發現了一個十分神秘但令人震驚的真相:太陽表層風暴正在對地球產生著足以致命的影響。之後,博士聯絡了他的一位朋友赫斯里——他也是一位年輕的總統科學顧問,並傳達了這場駭人的消息。赫斯里試圖向總統報告這一令人不安的發現,但卻被他長期不受待見的安修斯——自付狂妄的白宮管理部部長 所不了了之了。



中遇到了2012年,走向毀滅的步伐徑直向前……美國西海岸出現了許多「小型地震」,在世界各地冒出許多地裂的徵兆。盡管如此,人們依然一如既往著日常生活,並對即將到來的災難毫無察覺。其中我們的主角傑克遜,一位熱情並清醒的作家,正開著車去接他在位於洛杉磯的前妻的兩個孩子,莉莉和諾亞 ,並打算帶著他們去黃石國家公園進行露營。但當他看到他前妻的現任丈夫——高高掛起的整形大夫高登,他所期待的那份和自己孩子重新團聚的欣喜之情一下冷卻了下來。接著鏡頭轉到了一位老爵士音樂家哈瑞,他既是那位總統科學顧問赫斯里的父親,正當他在舊金山一海岸邊的游輪上表演途中,他試圖說服他的樂隊老友托尼給他遠在日本並與之不和的兒子打個電話的時候,突然整艘游輪北海底冒出劇烈的力量徹底掀翻……鏡頭轉到華盛頓,當總統的女兒勞拉接到一個來自法國的抓狂的博物館館長的電話時,那位館長怒斥她所在的基金會是徹頭徹尾的騙子時,館長所在的轎車突然爆炸了。勞拉逐漸意識到她被某個勢力利用了,而一系列的背後操縱者恰恰就是他父親和科學顧問赫斯里。





② 語文摘抄名句經典語錄


















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