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⑴ 給我推薦倆英文電影



《弱點》是根據邁克爾·路易斯的小說《弱點:比賽進程》改編,由約翰·李·漢柯克執導,桑德拉·布洛克、蒂姆·麥格羅、昆頓·亞倫等主演的勵志電影。 影片講述了一個無家可歸的非洲裔男孩邁克爾·奧赫從小就是一個孤兒,一再的從領養家庭中逃走後終於遇上了好心的陶西太太,而在後者的幫助下,邁克爾·奧赫逐漸的找到了自我,在自己的身體條件與刻苦鍛煉下,他終於成為了美國國家橄欖球聯盟的首批被選球員

⑶ 面對巨人 中英文互譯對白


⑷ 有關巨人的電影


⑸ 跪求影片《面對巨人》中英對照劇本/英文劇本 或者大部分台詞中英對照

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ3MzU3NTQ4.html 其中最經典的片段。

⑹ 如何用英語講述電影(面對巨人)

太簡單了,在wikipedia中輸入Facing the Giants,在plot那裡你就能找到答案,一般人我不會告訴的哦。那一塊我都給你復制過來了~~
Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick) is the head coach for the Shiloh Eagles football team at Shiloh
Christian Academy, and has yet to post a winning record in his six-year
tenure. After his seventh season begins, he learns that his Running
Back, tired of losing, has transferred to a rival school as he moved in
with his dad in that school district. Grant is frustrated as this is the
third time he has spent developing key players but having them transfer
schools in their senior year. Consequently the team is discouraged and
write the season off since he was the one who scored a third of their
points last year. Not surprisingly, the discouraged Eagles get shutout
23-0 in their first game.

Larry Childers, who is confined to a wheelchair, and his son David
have recently moved from Athens, GA where David is entering his junior
year at Shiloh. David is a soccer player but Shiloh does not have a
soccer program so Larry encourages him to try out for the football team
as a kicker despite David's reservations. David is nervous e to his
small stature and lack of experience in football, but his dad tells him
not to be afraid of failure. After try-outs, the coaching staff see
promise in him and he makes the team.

In the next game against Dewey County (a game which the Eagles are
favored to win), the team totally falls apart and loses 21-7 frustrating
the coach to the point where he holds a closed door team meeting and
berates the team for giving the game away e to their poor offense as
well as certain players for missing practice as they had detention for
slacking off in class. Later that night when David discusses the game
with his dad, he agreed with the coach and was glad to not have played
that game and get berated, but his dad again brings up the point that he
still has fear in him e to excuses.

With another losing streak, the players' fathers start making noises
about replacing Grant with defensive coordinator Brady Owens (Tracy
Goode) and hold a late night meeting at the school (with Grant secretly
listening). This is not the only problem Grant is facing. Outside of
football, his car is breaking down and he cannot afford to get another
one, some things in his home are not working properly, and he discovers
that he is the reason that his wife Brooke (Shannen Fields) cannot
become pregnant. With all these issues (giants) that Grant is facing, he
begins asking God for help and God begins to change his perspective on
life and his approach to the team.

During the next team meeting, Grant offers anyone $10 if they could
guess the team who won the sports championship 10 years ago or 5 years
ago. When nobody could come up with the correct answer, he tells the
players that trophies and other material awards as well as personal
recognitions, only last for a short while. He then challenges the
players when it comes to their future in life and their true purpose for
playing football as well as creating a new coaching philosophy to focus
on praising God, no matter what the result.

During practice in preparation for their next game against Westview,
Grant calls out one of his influential players, Brock, to do the death
crawl (crawling across the football field with the knees and elbows off
the ground and with another lighter player on top) after hearing him
write off their next game as a loss. Grant tells Brock to crawl to the
50 yard line but makes him do it blindfolded for the purpose of
maximizing his potential. As Brock is struggling, Grant continually
encourages him not to quit along the way and Brock ends up crawling all
the way to the end zone. Grant sees Brock as an emerging leader and
tells him that the team will sink or swim with his attitude. Inspired by
this, the Eagles come together as a team and defeat their opponent.

Under God's guidance and provision, things begin to take a turn for
the better as the players take their studies in school seriously after
earlier boasting about their low grades. There is a revival at the
school as students start openly praying and sharing their burdens with
each other and Grant personally rebukes a player on his team to respect
his father. As a result, the Eagles begin a winning streak resulting in a
post season appearance and a pay raise for Grant, the player who was
earlier rebuked by Grant reconciles with his dad and they secretly buy
Grant a brand new pickup.

During the post season game against Princeton Heights, the Eagles put
up a valiant effort but come up short. Learning from Grant's previous
lessons, they praise God despite the loss. As the team begins packing up
their gear and calling it a season, coach Grant receives a phone call.
Later, he calls an impromptu meeting with the team and informs them that
Princeton Heights has been disqualified for cheating when they played
two ineligible 19 year olds ring the game. As a result, the Eagles
have advanced to the quarterfinals against Tucker whom they defeat
soundly and then advance to the state championship game against the
three-time defending champion Richland Giants.

Even though the Eagles have only a third as many players as the
Giants, the Eagles hold their own and ultimately win the game on a
51-yard field goal from David, the backup kicker who had never kicked
more than a 39-yarder before.

At home, Grant's prayers for children are also answered as Brooke
conceives after four years and the ending shows Grant playing with his
new child with Brooke watching and pregnant again.



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