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Ⅰ 求迪士尼動畫電影《美女與野獸》完整版百度雲資源,謝謝!!






Ⅱ 求美女與野獸主題曲英文版歌詞

Tale as old as time,true as it can be Barely even friends,then somebody bends, unexpectedly Just a little change, small to say the least, both a little scared neither one prepared Beauty and the beast Ever just the same,Ever a surprise Ever as before, ever just as sure as the sun will rise. Ever just the same Ever a surprise Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise Tale as old as time,ture as old as song Bitter sweet and strange finding you can change,learning you were wrong Certain as the sun,Rising in the east Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme,Beauty and the Beast Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme Beauty and the beast
夜願(Nightwish )版
歌詞 Beauty And The Beast 美女和野獸 Remember the first dance we shared? 還記得我們第一次的共舞嗎? Recall the night you melted my ugliness away? 還記得那夜 你融化了我的丑 The night you left with a kiss so kind 那夜 你帶著一個溫柔的吻 走了 Only a scend of beauty left behind 僅僅留下了美妙的味道 Ah dear friend I remember the night 啊 親愛的朋友 我記得那夜 The moon and the dreams we shared 我們共享的月和夢 Your trembling paw in my hand 你顫抖的爪子在我的手裡 Dreaming of that northern land 那個關於北方的夢 Touching me with a kiss of a beast 一個野獸的吻 使我動容 I know my dreams are made of you 我知道我的夢為你而生 Of you and only for you 關於你 只為了你 Your ocean pulls me under 你的大海 使我墮落 Your voice tears me asunder 你的聲音 將我撕碎 Love me before the last petal falls 在最後一片花瓣凋零之前 愛我 As a world without a glance of the ocean's fair expanse 世界就像大海上空的晴空一樣瞬息萬變 Such the world would be 世界變化如此之快 If no love did flow in thee 如果沒有愛 充實自己 But as my heart is occupied 但我的心 已被佔有 Your love for me now has to die 你對我的愛 已經消逝 Forgive me I need more than you can offer me 原諒我 需要的比你有的更多 Didn't you read the tale 別聽那些傳聞 Where happily ever after was to kiss a frog? 童話的完美結局 是親一個青蛙? Don't you know this tale 你知道這些傳聞嗎 In which all I ever wanted 我曾經想要的 I'll never have 卻從未擁有 For who could ever learn to love a beast? 誰又能試著愛上一個野獸? However cold the wind and rain 這里仍舊下著冰冷的雨 刮著刺骨的風 I'll be there to ease your pain 我仍要在這 減輕你的痛苦 However cruel the mirrors of sin 盡管罪惡的鏡像 如此殘忍 Remember beauty is found within 請記得 美發自內心 ...Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you... 我渴求著你

Ⅲ 《美女與野獸(2017)》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1UmnXFkpRuxo4dT4Se0uvWQ

?pwd=3kje 提取碼: 3kje
導演: 比爾·康頓
編劇: 斯蒂芬·卓博斯基、埃文·斯彼里奧托普洛斯、琳達·伍爾芙頓、珍妮-瑪麗·勒普蘭斯·德博蒙
主演: 艾瑪·沃森、丹·史蒂文斯、盧克·伊萬斯、凱文·克萊恩、喬什·加德、伊萬·麥克格雷格、伊恩·麥克萊恩、艾瑪·湯普森、斯坦利·圖齊、古古·姆巴塔-勞、奧德拉·麥克唐納、內森·麥克、哈蒂·莫拉漢、邁克爾·吉普森、水野索諾婭、亨利·加勒特、戴爾·布蘭斯頓
類型: 愛情、歌舞、奇幻
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2017-03-17(中國大陸/美國)
片長: 129分鍾
貝兒(艾瑪·沃森 Emma Watson 飾)和小鎮上的其他女孩不同,是一個熱愛閱讀和幻想的姑娘,孔武有力英俊強壯的加斯頓(盧克·伊萬斯 Luke Evans 飾)發誓要娶貝兒為妻,但貝兒卻一眼看穿了他的自私和虛偽,拒不從命。某日,貝兒的父親莫里斯(凱文·克萊恩 Kevin Kline 飾)迷路誤打誤撞之下來到了一座荒涼破敗的城堡中,那裡居住著樣貌可怖半人半獸的野獸(丹·史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens 飾)。
因為偷摘了城堡里種植的玫瑰,莫里斯被野獸囚禁了起來,得知此消息的貝兒趕到城堡,要求和父親作交換。就這樣,貝兒開始了和野獸的同居生活。在會說話的茶壺太太(艾瑪·湯普森 Emma Thompson 飾)、燭台盧米亞(伊萬·麥克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 飾)和時鍾葛士華(伊恩·麥克萊恩 Ian McKellen 飾)的照顧和幫助下,貝兒漸漸發現,野獸在醜陋的外表下,隱藏了一顆善良溫柔的心。實際上,野獸的真實身份是一位王子,因受到了女巫的詛咒而淪落至此,而貝兒,是解除詛咒最後的,也是唯一的希望。

Ⅳ 求高清電影《美女與野獸》百度雲盤資源,謝謝。






Ⅳ 《美女與野獸》的主題曲是什麼還有歌手是誰英文版

電影《美女與野獸》英文主題曲《Beauty and the Beast》
曲目:Beauty and the Beast
唱片公司:Walt Disney Records
Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends
Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise
如從前那般美麗 那般確信不已 一如太陽依舊如期升起
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
And ever just as sure
As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bitter sweet and strange
Finding you can change
傳頌改編 歷久彌新
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast

Ⅵ 美女與野獸 高清 中英雙語 百度網盤


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1Tgcro1qYdynLC9jFN4ck3g

提取碼: rjp9



導演:丹尼爾·巴爾茲 Daniel Barnz
主演:亞歷克斯·帕蒂弗 x Pettyfer ....Kyle Kingson
瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens ....Linda Taylor 尼爾·帕特里克·哈里斯 eil Patrick Harris ....Will Fratalli
由CBS電影製作的《野獸》(Beastly)是一出現代版的「美女與野獸」,該片由《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)女星凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)主演,將於2011年3月18日上映.
《野獸》故事說的是相貌、財富、機遇什麼都不缺的富家子弟Kyle Kingson(阿歷克斯·派迪弗)人品很差,他為了嘲弄自己的同學Kendra(瑪麗·凱特·奧爾森),專門把她邀請到自己的聚會上讓她出醜,備受侮辱的Kendra當即給他下了惡咒,把他變成了人見人厭的「怪物野獸」,只有當一個女孩真正發自內心愛上這個野獸,咒語才會解除。
Kyle Kingson的父親見到自己的兒子變成這個樣子,心中充滿厭惡,他冷酷的把Kyle趕到布魯克林的一個宅子里,軟禁了起來,只給他留了一個同情他的管家和一個雙目失明的家庭教師。正當Kyle認為自己永遠也無法解除咒語之際,老天爺給他送來一個人,這個人是個癮君子,被Kyle撞見殺死了毒販,Kyle許諾會給他自由和安全,條件是讓他的女兒Linda(凡妮莎·哈金斯)住進自己的家……

Ⅷ 美女與野獸 英文梗概

"Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters. Two of the daughters, Felicie and Adelaide, are real shrews, selfish, pretentious, evil. They exploit the third daughter, Belle, as a servant. One day, the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle. He picks up a rose for Beauty, what makes the castle's owner appear. He is a monster, half-human (body) and half-beast (paws, head), and he has magic powers. He sentenced the merchant to death, unless one of his daughters replaces him. Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle. She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.

本片講述的是某一村莊的商人,有三個女兒與一個兒子,但他們不是素行不良就是心地惡毒,只有小女兒貝兒最為純潔,卻經常遭到他們的欺負。一次商人在回家的路上迷了路,睡在森林的一個廢棄的房子。第二天起來看到園子里有許多玫瑰,於是采了一朵想獻給小女兒。這時出現一個怪獸,它要他把命獻給它,或者是把他的一個女兒的命獻給它。商人回去後將這件事告訴了三個女兒,但只有小女兒一人願去。來到森林後,她發現怪獸並沒有傷害她,而是把她像女皇一樣侍候著。貝兒的父親病了,她得到怪獸的答應去看他,她的哥姐們看見她的穿著如此豪華,於是就去森林找怪獸,想偷它的鑽石與值錢的東西。貝兒從魔鏡里看到怪獸身患重病,於是騎著魔馬,奔向森林,正好看見她的哥姐們侵入屋內想奪取寶石,奪寶石的哥哥被從女神像後射出的箭刺死,變成了怪獸;而怪獸因為被解除了魔法變成了一位俊美的王子。從此他與貝兒過上了幸福的生活。本片是詩人約翰.寇克多將多估蒙的童話故事改編成電影,運用慢動作的拍攝技巧,精心製作而成,結合幻想和古典美,令觀眾陶 然忘我

Ⅸ 誰知道《美女與野獸》的中英文簡介或劇情介紹

An arrogant Prince lives alone in the grand castle. He refuses an ugly old woman to stay. He is cursed and becomes a beast. Even the prince's servants become all kinds of furniture. To remove the curse, the prince who becomes a beast must learn to treat others sincerely.


Beautiful and kind girl BEI'ER is forced to live with wild animals in the castle to save her father.After a few rounds, they had an unimaginable feeling.


However, Gaston, the villain, suddenly attacks the beast in the castle, which seriously injures him. Bei Er doesn't wait for the chance to escape, and overthrows Gaston with the beast.







Ⅹ 美女與野獸 英文簡介

Beauty and the Beast plot summary

A beautiful,but self-absorbed prince get the chance to help an old raggedy lady,but he treats her badly.She turns out to be a beautiful woman with magical skills and she throws the prince into a spell of ugliness and loneliness.His staff is transformed into...well objects to do with their profession.He gets a magical mirror to watch the world through in his isolation.He needs to learn to love a person for who they are,and get them to love him before a magical rose he also is given loses its petals.

In the village a beautiful young girl feels lonely and misunderstood,'cause she reads book,and seems to be the only one.She daydreams about getting out,getting a better life,meeting a prince.Her father is a "nutty professor".He goes off to compete at an inventors' fair but gets lost in the woods and ends up a prisoner at the beast's castle.Belle,the girl,goes looking for him,finds him there and pleads to let her father go,in return for her staying there with the beast.It's a done deal and Belle is now trapped in the castle with the beast and his..staff.She reads books,enjoys musical numbers such as "Beauty and the beast" and "Be our guest",and manages to fall in love with the beast.In the village the ignorant and manly Gaston is upset that Belle isn't interested in him.When her father claims she trapped with a beast,Gaston sees the opportunity to have him committed to a mental hospital,thereby forcing Belle to marry him.This almost works,but the beast lets Belle out and she is just in time to save her father and prove there is a Beast.She shows them the magical mirror and Gaston takes a posse to go and kill the beast.And the ending begins.



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