導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 一直往前走你就會看到電影院英文


發布時間:2022-12-17 16:22:53

1. 翻譯成英文-——向前走15分鍾,在十字路口處左拐,然後在你的右側會看見電影院,我的家就在電影院旁邊。

Walk on for fifteen minutes. Turn left at the crossing. Then you will see a cinema on your right. My home is beside the cinema.


2. 從電影院一直往前走的英文

Go straight from the cinema

Go straight from the cinema

3. 你可以先出門左轉然後再往上走然後再左轉就可以到達電影院的英文

First,go along this street,then turn right,just walk staight,you will find the cinema,when you are turning left

4. 你從第一中學出發,沿著街頭向前走,在公園對面的購物中心向左拐。你就會看到電影院,千萬別遲到。的英文

◆Starting from the first middle school, you go along the street, in the shopping center opposite the park turn on the left. You will see the cinema, never be late.

5. 先往左走到公園,再往左轉一直向前到電影院,再往右走就到郵局了!把這句話翻譯成英文句子

Walk left to the park first,then turn left,go straight to the cinema,then turn right,you will see the post office soon.

6. 沿著街道一直走,你將會看到那個電影院。用英語怎麼說

go along/down the street,and you will/can see the cinema



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