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發布時間:2022-12-14 22:51:16

① 提問,請問有有《霸王別姬》《讓子彈飛》《2046》等電影的英文字幕版下載資源嗎謝謝


② 電影<霸王別姬>有沒有其它英文譯名哪裡可以找到該片的英文簡介


Farewell My Concubine spans fifty-three years, presenting the lives of two men against the historical backdrop of a country in upheaval. Initially banned in China but shown to international acclaim, Chen Kaige's film is one of the year's true masterpieces. Deserving of its award at Cannes and of its prominent position in 1993's New York Film Festival, Farewell My Concubine is a motion picture experience that few will soon forget after leaving the theater.

In 1924 Beijing, the youthful Douzi and Shitou are brought together under the thumb of the strict master of a small acting troupe. It quickly becomes apparent that these are the most talented of the master's pupils, and he pushes them harder than his other students. Thirteen years later, their suffering has paid off. Douzi, now going by the name of Chen Dieyi (Leslie Cheung), and Shitou, called Duan Xiaolou (Zhang Fengyi), are major opera stars, and their proction, "Farewell My Concubine" is nationally known. The two are inseparable, until the woman Juxian (Gong Li) comes between them.

Farewell My Concubine is neatly divided into eight chapters, including a 1977 prologue and epilogue that bookend the story. Each section represents a different era in Chinese history and the lives of the characters. The historical background from the time of the Warlords through the Cultural Revolution, including the Japanese invasion of 1937 and the Communist takeover, is integral to the plot.

The first portion of the film is devoted to the early lives of Dieyi and Xiaolou as they form an unshakable bond under the often-cruel punishments of their master. Years later, when we meet them again as well-known actors, the bond has only strengthened. These two are as close as men can be - yet Dieyi wishes for even greater intimacy. The subject of homosexuality is only once overtly referred to in Farewell My Concubine, but its presence is never far from the surface. While Xiaolou remains blissfully unaware of the nature of his friend's love, Dieyi is tortured by it. The introction of Juxian, a prostitute who becomes Xiaolou's companion, creates a moral dilemma for Dieyi that he is unable to fully resolve. Chen Kaige has done a fabulous job portraying these various relationships with depth, sensitivity, and realism. This is a real and powerful illustration of human interaction that depicts layers of hatred and love.

③ 《霸王別姬》經典片段的英文版台詞,對話版的那種。。

人縱有萬般能耐,終也敵不過天命。No matter how resourceful you are, you can't fight fate.

虞姬最後一次為霸王斟酒,最後一次為霸王舞劍,而後拔劍自刎,從一而終。For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.

I'm talking about a lifetime. One year one month one day even one second's less makes it less than a lifetime.

You are really obsessed. Your obsession with the stage carries over into your everyday life. But how are we going to get through the days and make it in the real world among ordinary people?

這虞姬她怎麼演,也得有一死。The concubine has to die one way or the other.

But now even the King of Chu is on his knees begging for mercy, can Peking opera survive this indignity?

④ 用英語介紹《霸王別姬》

The film centers on the joys and sorrows of the two Peking Opera actors for half a century.


It shows the thinking and understanding of traditional culture, people's living condition and human nature.


In 1993, the film was released in mainland China and Hong Kong, China.


Since then, it has been released in many countries and regions in the world, and broke the box office record of mainland Chinese art films in the United States.





⑤ 求張國榮電影《霸王別姬》的英文字幕版本



⑥ 誰能發我一份《霸王別姬》張國榮電影版的英文字幕跪求。謝謝

樓主你好,http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/UURXqVWyQOg/?union_id=100501_100500_01_01&m=yunfan我在上面找到的英文字幕 本來想下載出來發鏈接給你,但是是土豆的資源,我不會下載哦~

⑦ 急求霸王別姬英文版,帶英文字幕也可以!!

|字幕為繁英 此片為港,
片 一般都 為簡繁。

⑧ 霸王別姬經典台詞英文翻譯


⑨ 為什麼霸王別姬的英文譯名是「Farewell My Concubine」

因為Farewell My Concubine的中文翻譯是永別了我的妃子。霸王別姬中的姬就是小妾,是地位次於正室妻子的人,英文就有concubine 表示。慈溪太後在成為太後之前,就是妾室,很多英語文獻就用concubine 來稱呼她。farewell 是英語書面用語中告別。









⑩ 霸王別姬用英語怎麼說

[名] Farewell to My Concubine;
I bet that "Farewell My Concubine" will win the Oscar for Best Foreign Picture.
Q.What did Chen Kaige tell you about "Farewell my concubine"? What about thescript?
Q.What did you know about Chinese Opera before "Farewell my concubine"?
An Interpretation of the Themes in Chinese Films& Farewell My Concubine andGreen Snake



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