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❶ 海棉寶寶英語版影評初二水平

海綿寶寶(海綿寶寶) 帕特里剋星(帕特里剋星) 章魚哥(章魚哥觸手) 蟹老闆(尤金·H. Krabs) 小蝸牛(加里) 山姆拉迪奇亞歷克斯(桑迪奇克斯) 浮游生物(J·謝爾頓浮游生物) 泡芙老師(泡泡袖女士) - 歐洲更多的「海綿寶寶」次要人物 海超人(又名美人魚戰士)(人魚文)是超人的海底世界,但...因為年齡過長,往往皮革老闆的惡作劇。 海洋游俠(又名企鵝男孩)(藤壺男孩)是超人的海底世界,但因為年齡過長,往往皮革老闆的惡作劇。 漂泊的荷蘭人(又名飛天魔鬼)(飛翔的荷蘭人)是荷蘭幽靈漫步在海底,並開著幽靈船。 蝦霸(也明拉里)(拉里的龍蝦)是龍蝦救生員。 珍珍(珍珠Krabs)蟹老闆的鯨魚女兒。 海綿寶寶的父母(父親寶寶與媽媽寶寶) 莫文蔚(莫文蔚)浮游生物計算機的妻子。 海盜派科技(斑塊海盜)字元出現在一些特殊的程序。 鸚鵡波利(波利的鸚鵡)將開放,在未來,當海盜鸚鵡。 - 發送大明星父母(父親帕特里剋星與母親帕特里剋星)

❷ 海綿寶寶英文版影評 60詞(帶譯文)

I'm ready. -- the classic lines SpongeBob SquarePants. A piece of soft and yellow sponges actually living in the seabed andas a pleasurable occupation..., it is incredible, and the square headboy wearing the iconic Square Pants it caused a big confusion in the underwater world, fish site has become its playground. A pair ofmaster itself look. SpongeBob SquarePants is enthusiastic, but often with good intentions, but anything in it there is not a problemwhether it is good or bad, it always treat every person and everything in a positive and optimistic attitude, so he and his friendsin their own world to live the same wonderful, pie star, octopusbrother, Mr. krabs, sandy, Mrs. puff and so on, each role has different features but they have one thing in common, that is, can not live without SpongeBob SquarePants, though it often brings them endless trouble. No matter how many times I would play funny plot uproarious,always wondered why Americans have such a good idea, why they do the things out can be swept the world? I think this is not only a technical problem, but a kind of attitude to life, a seemingly playdisrespectful is actually in the serious consideration of the attitude of life, not the eyes closed also can think out preaching, only in the most simple form the most accessible humor reveals the wisdom of life bit by bit, not what no taboo, taboo, who can bring ridicule whatcan be used to humor, assuming they would not violate the moral bottom line. In contrast to have a look of our country animation,needless to say what, but the so-called animation is the activity atextbook or encyclopedia and moral ones, with a slight movement is the crown of the name and violence is banned, but now the children are precocious are, not what they don't know, and secretivemysterious not openly at some affectation, less important than whatthe slogan. And friends around talking about SpongeBob SquarePants they are using a disdain tone, even more watching cartoons. I faint, watching cartoons will not age but a state of mind, who says the cartoonschildish?! Do not know do not talk nonsense. I just want to watch cartoons, look at the past, now, future also depends on! 自己刪,神器做的

❸ 一片介紹海綿寶寶英語作文 70詞

Spongebob Squarepants is box-shaped yellow sponge, in beech ( base ) beach deep sea of a pineapple ( pineapple ), his pet is a" cat ~ cat ~" small ( s...ea snail ), Spongebob Squarepants likes to catch jellyfish, occupation is Fort king crab in number one cook. Patrick, octopus brother and Sandy are his friends. Spongebob Squarepants is always able to calm Beach ( base ) Fort beach trouble, although a few jokes, but he always dilemma, and then create a new trouble. 海綿寶寶塊形黃色海綿住比奇(基)堡海灘深海菠蘿(鳳梨)寵物貓~貓~蝸(海蝸牛)海綿寶寶喜歡捕捉水母職業蟹堡王號廚師派星章魚哥姍迪都朋友海綿寶寶總能給平靜比奇(基)堡海灘製造麻煩雖鬧些笑總能擺脫困境製造新麻煩

❹ 海綿寶寶的英文介紹

海綿寶寶是一塊居住在海洋深處的海綿(住所是一個大菠蘿),他是一個可愛、慷慨大方、友好、可信賴的好人。他露出齙牙的笑容,非常富有表現力的臉和身體,以及他純真美好的天性使他非常可愛。 特徵:穿著方形褲子,黃顏色的海綿,露出兩顆大牙齒。天真樂觀,充滿善意,但是盡管他出於好意,仍免不了陷入麻煩之中。 該片曾獲得全美兒童電視動畫片收視冠軍,每個月都有將近6000萬觀眾收看,除了兒童觀眾以外,還有一半觀眾都是成年人。曾連續於2002年~2004年獲得艾美獎最佳兒童節目獎,並於2004年獲得美國電視評論家獎最佳兒童節目獎。而該片創作者及執行製片人史蒂芬·希倫伯格是尼克兒童頻道最受歡迎的創作者之一,曾獲2002年格雷斯公主電影基金獎,並獲得南加州首個環保公益組織「拯救海灘」的最高榮譽。 SpongeBob SquarePants is a living in the depths of the ocean sponge (home is a big pineapple), he is a lovely, generous, friendly, trustworthy man. He exposed Baoya smile, a very expressive face and body, and his innocent good nature made him very cute. Feature: wearing square pants, yellow sponge, revealing two large teeth. Naively optimistic, full of good intentions, but despite his good intentions, are still unavoidable in trouble. The film won the U.S. animated children's television ratings winner, each month has nearly 60 million viewers, in addition to child viewers, there are half of the audience are alts. Had a row in 2002 to 2004 was the best children's programs Emmy Award, and in 2004 the U.S. television commentators Award for best children's programs. Film creators and executive procer Steven Xilunboge Nick is the most popular children's channel one of the creators, the 2002 winner of the Princess Grace Film Fund Award, and was the first Southern California environmental charity organization " Save the Beach "the highest honor.

❺ 海綿寶寶英文

海綿寶寶英文:SpongeBob SquarePants


1、SpongeBob b SquarePants海綿寶寶

2、The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie棉球方塊歷險記 ; 海綿寶寶電影版 ; 海綿寶寶歷險記 ; 原聲帶

3、SpongeBob SquarePants-SuperSponge超級海綿笨伯




MarkNortheast'sideasincludea carrotand rocketFinding Nemoclownfish,a hamsandwichcaterpillarwitha cherrytomatofor a head .


❻ 海綿寶寶

《海綿寶寶》是美國著名卡通影片,於1999年開始播出,原名是《穿方形褲子的海綿鮑勃》(Sponge bob Squarepants)。 該卡通片的主角名字也叫海綿寶寶。該卡通影片熱播後被改編成電影和游戲。 動畫簡介 《海綿寶寶》(SpongeBob)這個在美國可是相當之有名,不過引進的時候改了名字,原名是《穿方形褲子的海綿鮑勃》(SpongeBob Squarepants)。 海綿寶寶 海綿寶寶是方塊形的黃色海綿,住在比奇(基)堡海灘深海的一個菠蘿(鳳梨)里,他的寵物是一隻會「貓~貓~」叫(注意,不是「喵」)的小蝸(海蝸牛),海綿寶寶喜歡捕捉水母,職業是蟹堡王里的頭號廚師。派大星,章魚哥和姍迪都是他的朋友。海綿寶寶總是能給平靜的比奇(基)堡海灘製造麻煩,雖然鬧出一些笑話,不過他總能擺脫困境,然後又製造新的麻煩。 《穿方形褲子的海綿鮑勃》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是美國電視節目歷史上最受孩子們喜愛的動畫系列片之一。該片曾獲得全美兒童電視動畫片收視冠軍,每個月都有將近6000萬觀眾收看,除了兒童觀眾以外,還有一半觀眾都是成年人。曾連續於2002年~2004年獲得艾美獎最佳兒童節目獎,並於2004年獲得美國電視評論家獎最佳兒童節目獎。而該片創作者及執行製片人史蒂芬·希倫伯格是尼克兒童頻道最受歡迎的創作者之一,曾獲2002年格雷斯公主電影基金獎,並獲得南加州首個環保公益組織"拯救海灘"的最高榮譽。2004年推出劇場版(《棉球方塊歷險記》),2006年央視引進國內,中文片名定為「海綿寶寶」。《紐約時報》編輯梅爾曼對它的評價:「這是電視上所曾出現的最有魅力的卡通,它有著干凈單純的快樂,集合了成人的幽默和兒童的純真。」 故事場景設定於太平洋中,是一座稱為比奇(基)堡(Bikini Bottom)的城市。這部動畫除了繪制的卡通場景與人物之外,也會穿插一些真實物件或是人物,例如曾經演出海灘游俠與霹靂游俠的大衛·霍索夫(David Hasselhoff),以本人的身份出演了幾集。 《海綿寶寶》雖然是低齡動畫(早已不是),但由於劇情幽默而充滿想像力,同時也吸引了很多成人喜歡,成為風靡世界的作品。 本動畫的主角是一塊居住在海洋深處的黃色海綿(住所是一個大菠蘿(即鳳梨)中),他是一個可愛、慷慨大方、友好、可信賴的朋友。他露出齙牙的笑容,非常富有表現力的臉和身體,以及他純真美好的天性使他非常可愛。 特徵:穿著方形褲子,黃顏色的海綿,露出兩顆大牙齒。天真樂觀,充滿善意,幼稚可愛,似乎從來沒有什麼煩惱,每天樂呵呵的;但是盡管他出於好意,仍免不了陷入麻煩之中,鬧不少笑話。美國尼克洛迪恩電視台熱播動畫系列《海綿寶寶》將於7月17日迎來十歲生日。《海綿寶寶》自1999年首播後,成為了美國乃至全世界兒童最喜歡的動畫之一,主角黃色的「海綿寶寶」則是美國家喻戶曉的卡通明星。後曾翻譯成多種語言在全球熱播,被翻譯為中文後深受中國小朋友的喜愛。

❼ 海綿寶寶英文介紹

SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series and media franchise. It is currently one of Nickelodeon's and Nicktoons Network's most-watched show. In 2007, TIME named it one of the greatest television shows of all time. Although its original network is Nickelodeon, SpongeBob is now broadcast around the world. It was created by artist, animator and former marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg, and is proced through his proction company, United Plankton Pictures, Inc. It is the second longest-running Nicktoon, next to the Rugrats. The series is set in the Pacific Ocean, in the fictional city of Bikini Bottom and on the surrounding lagoon floor. The pilot episode first aired in the United States on Nickelodeon after the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on May 1, 1999. The "official" series premiere followed on July 17, 1999, with the second episode, "Bubblestand/Ripped Pants." The series star is a character who is a sea sponge, but in shape and color his body more closely resembles a kitchen sponge. 《海綿寶寶》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是一系列美國電視動畫,1999年開播,推出在尼克卡通,比先前的尼克卡通(貓與狗)的集數還要多,創始者是一名海洋生物學家兼動畫師史蒂芬??海倫伯格(Stephen Hillenburg),他同時也是動畫製作公司United Plankton Pictures的老闆。故事場景設定於太平洋中,一座稱為比奇堡(Bikini Bottom)的城市。這部動畫除了繪制的卡通場景與人物之外,也會穿插一些真實物件或是人物,例如曾經演出海灘游俠與霹靂游俠的大衛??霍索夫(David Hasselhoff),以本人的身份出演了幾集。雖然定位為低齡動畫,但由於劇情幽默而充滿想像力,也同時吸引了許多成年人喜歡,成為風靡世界的作品。 最早播放的電視網是尼克國際兒童頻道,在台灣則由東森幼幼台和東森綜合台播出。



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