導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 這部電影比那部有趣英文翻譯


發布時間:2022-11-29 08:02:02

A. 這部電影比那部電影有趣的多.李紅的畫是三幅中最差的.長江是世界上最長的河流。英語翻譯

This movie/film is much more interesting than that one.
Li Hong's drawing is the worst of the three.
The Changjiang River is the longest river in the world.


B. 英語翻譯:這部電影比最近我看過的其他電影有趣的多。(形容詞比較級+than+any other)

this movie is more interesting than nay other movies i have seen rencently.

C. 根據漢語意思翻譯句子  這部電影不如那部電影有趣。

This film/movie is not as/so interesting as that one.

D. 幫我翻譯成英文 黑色的筆比藍色的筆長 米莉的眼比貝蒂大 這課比那課重要 這部電影比那部電影更有趣

The black pen is longer than that blue one
Milly's eyes are bigger than Betty's
This lesson is more important than that one
This film is more interesting than that one.
Tom is the heavist student in our class
He is the worst student in our class
I think diving is the most dangerous sport .
Liu Li is the most beautiful gril among these three grils.


E. 這部電影比那比電影有趣,這部電影是它們中最有趣的。英語翻譯

This film is more instersting than that one,this film is the most insteresting of the all. 純屬原創,個人答案

F. 這部電影非常有趣翻譯

the movie is very interesting.這部電影非常有趣。

it's my favorite movie.這是我最喜歡的電影。(這個句子因為有了favorite,所以就顯得比前一個高級。)

G. 英語翻譯:1.這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣 2.這本字典不如你想像的那樣有用 3.她看起來和以前一樣漂亮

1this film is as funny as that one 2this dictionary is not as useful as you think.
3she looks as pretty as before
4my life style is very different from hers
5the two brothers looks the same

H. 用所給詞翻譯 這部電影比我曾經看過的有趣的多 用much more造句 他們的新教學樓是過

This film is much more interesting than those I have ever seen .
Their new teaching building is three times as high as the old one .
You can't find a better school than this one .
He had so little knowledge of chemistry that he couldn't answer this question .

I. 這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣和春天不像冬天那麼寒冷.分別用英語怎麼說

this film is as interesting as that one.spring is not as cold as winter

J. 這部電影和那部電影一樣有趣 用英語

this movie is as interesting as that movie



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