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❶ 介紹一下英國病人這部片子

英國病人 The English Patient (1996)
導演: 安東尼·明格拉
編劇: 邁克爾·翁達傑 / 安東尼·明格拉
主演: 拉爾夫·費因斯 / 克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯 / 朱麗葉·比諾什 / 威廉·達福 / 科林·費爾斯/ 納威恩·安德利維斯
類型: 劇情 / 愛情 / 戰爭
製片國家/地區: 美國 / 英國
語言: 英語 / 德語 / 義大利語 / 阿拉伯語
上映日期: 1996-12-06(美國) / 1997-03-14(英國)
片長: 162分鍾
英國病人的劇情簡介 · · · · · ·
一段愛情,在戰火中燃燒,逾越了道德,改變了戰局。艾馬殊(拉爾夫•費因斯 Ralph Fiennes 飾)是一個歷史學者,跟隨探險家來到撒哈拉沙漠考察,結識了繪制地圖的飛機師傑佛和他妻子凱瑟琳(克里斯汀•斯科特•托馬斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 飾)。凱瑟琳的才氣和美麗讓艾馬殊深深著迷,兩人在沙漠一個幽深洞穴參觀壁畫時,更加發現彼此志趣相投。

❷ 求英國病人TheEnglishPatient(1996)由安東尼·明格拉導演的在線觀看的百度雲視頻鏈接地址分享一下


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1MIDGMdYk8hqXGFVw7pj1sQ



❸ 求電影《英國病人》的簡介











❹ 英國病人以及阿甘正傳的英文影評

英國病人'The English Patient' can rightly be compared to the films of David Lean, whose sweeping epics such as 'Lawrence of Arabia' and 'Bridge on the River Kwai' must have inspired the director Anthony Minghella. The film is beautifully photographed, and like 'Lawrence', is set in Northern Africa, but ring the second world war. The story is complex, but it boils down to a forbidden love between an opinionated and often difficult archeologist played by Ralph Fiennes and a married woman played by Kristin Scott Thomas.

The story, based on a novel by Michael Ondaatje, is told in flashbacks by Fiennes' Count Laszlo de Almasy - the titular character. The fact that his name does not sound like he's English plays a key role in what unfolds. He has been badly burned in a plane crash, occurring just as the film opens, and is being cared for back in Europe by Hana, an army nurse played by Juliette Binoche. What makes this story epic is the vast sweep across place and time, and the development of characters beyond that of the two ill-fated lovers. The film makes clear that true love and passion, even with dreaded consequences, can make life worth living, or worth dying for. If you're a romantic at heart, and can appreciate a film without the standard happy endings and simple moral codes, you may find that 'The English Patient' speaks directly to you. 阿甘正傳Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
In the contention of the best picture of the 67th Oscar Award in 1995, film <Forrest Gump> Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best picture , the best actor , the best achievement in directing , adapting drama , the best achievement in film editing and the best visual effect bestly ,etc. at one blow . The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U.S.A.'s life, important incident of social political life make and represent to these decades such as U.S.A. from one unique angle. Film adapt Winston · novel of the same name of Groom since. Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifies and beautifies the story. Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning , have added a kind of tender feeling for the film. This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more, but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work , make the film become one kind and idealize ethical symbol .
Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.
Tom · Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having among film. He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior in this film. This second movie emperor's money already whom he obtained in succession looks like. Success of < Forrest Gump>, make Tom Hanks become one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too. To Tom Hanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers

❺ 求英國病人女主角臨死前寫給男主角的信的英文台詞

My darlingI』m waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone now and I』m horrible cold. I really ought to drag myself outsidebut then there』d be the sun. I』m afraid I waste the light on the paintings and on writing these words. We die. We die rich with lovers and tribestastes we have swallowedbodies we have entered and swum up like rivers. Fears we』ve hidden inlike this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We』ve the real countries. Not the boundaries draw on mapsthe names of powerful men. I know you』ll come and carry me out into the palace of winds. That』s all I』ve wantedto walk in such a place with youwith friends. An Earth without maps. The lamp』s gone out and I』m writing in the darkness.

親愛的,我在等著你。黑暗中的 一天有多長呢,或者,黑暗中的一個禮拜呢?這會兒火已經熄了,我冷得要命。我真應該把我自己拽到外面去,不過,也得外面有有太陽才行。恐怕我現在是在浪費 那亮光繪圖,浪費那亮光寫這些東西。我們會死。但我們死的好富有。我們擁有著自己的愛人和部類;擁有我們曾經吞咽過的美味;擁有我們進入的身軀,我們在其 中就像在河裡游啊游。我們把恐懼埋藏在這裡面,像這個凄涼的洞穴。我要把所有的這一切,都銘刻在我的身軀上。我們會有著真正的國度,可不是地圖上勾畫的邊 界,或者強權者的名字所代表的那種。我知道你會回來,把我帶出去,帶我走進風的宮殿。在這樣的地方和你,和朋友們一起漫步,那就是我所想要的一切了。一個 沒有地圖的地球。燈光也熄滅了,我現在是在黑暗中書寫。

❻ 英國病人的作者簡介

邁克爾·翁達傑(Michael Ondaatje,1943-)加拿大小說家、詩人。出生於斯里蘭卡,11歲時隨母親來到英國,19歲移居加拿大,接受高等教育。到目前為止,翁達傑共出版6部長篇小說、10餘部詩集和其他一些非虛構作品。1992年出版的《英國病人》獲得英國布克獎和加拿大總督獎,根據小說改編的同名電影大獲成功。2007年出版的小說《遙望》獲得總督獎。翁達傑的小說,融合了爵士樂的節奏、電影的蒙太奇手法,語言深刻而優美。

❼ 英國病人 人物和劇情介紹

簡介:原 片 名:The English Patient
中 文 名:英國病人
類別:愛情 / 劇情 / 戰爭
導演:安東尼 明格拉(Anthony Minghella)
主演:拉爾夫 法因斯 (Ralph Fiennes)
朱麗葉 比諾奇 (Juliette Binoche)
威利姆 達福 (Willem Dafoe)
克里斯汀 斯科特 托馬斯 (Kristin Scott Thomas)
內維因 安德魯斯 (Naveen Andrews)
影片長度:161 Mins










❽ 誰能下載到英國病人的英文劇情介紹及碟傳給我呢急需急需,若有能幫者萬分感謝

Hana, a young Canadian Army nurse, lives in the abandoned Villa San Girolamo in Italy, which is filled with hidden, undetonated bombs. In her care is the man nicknamed "the English patient," of whom all she knows is that he was burned beyond recognition in a plane crash before being taken to the hospital by a Bedouin tribe. He also claimed to be English. The only possession that the patient has is a of Herodotus' histories that survived the fire. He has annotated these histories and is constantly remembering his explorations in the desert in great detail, but cannot state his own name. The patient is, in fact, László de Almásy, a Hungarian desert explorer who was part of a British archaeological group. He, however, chose to erase his identity and nationality.

Caravaggio, a Canadian who served in Britain's foreign intelligence service since the late 1930s, was a friend of Hana's father, who died in the war, having been a pilot whose plane was shot down. Caravaggio, who entered the world of spying because of his skill as a thief, comes to the villa in search of Hana. He overheard in another hospital that she was there taking care of a burned patient. Caravaggio bears physical and psychological scars; he was deliberately left behind to spy on the German forces and was eventually caught, interrogated and tortured, his thumbs having been cut off. Seeking vengeance three years later, Caravaggio (like Almásy) is addicted to morphine, which Hana supplies.

One day, while Hana is playing the piano, two British soldiers enter the villa. One of the soldiers is Kip, an Indian Sikh who has been trained as a sapper or combat engineer, specializing in bomb and ordnance disposal. Kip explains that the Germans often booby-trapped musical instruments with bombs, and that he will stay in the villa to rid it of its dangers. Kip and the English Patient immediately become friends.

Prompted to tell his story, the Patient begins to reveal all: An English gentleman, Geoffrey Clifton and his wife, Katherine, accompanied the patient's desert exploration team. The Patient's job was to draw maps of the desert and The Clifton's plane made this job easier. Almásy fell in love with Katherine Clifton one night as she read from Herodotus' histories aloud around a campfire. They soon began a very intense affair, but in 1938, Katharine cut it off, claiming that Geoffrey would go mad if he discovered them. Geoffrey, however, did discover the affair when he tricked her into thinking he was out of town for the day (wanting to surprise her for their first wedding anniversary) and saw Katherine getting into a car on her way to Almásy.

When World War II broke out in 1939, the members of the exploration team decided to pack up base camp and Geoffrey Clifton offered to pick up Almásy in his plane. However, Geoffrey Clifton arrived with Katharine and tried to kill all three of them by crashing the plane, leaving Almásy in the desert to die. Geoffrey Clifton died immediately; Katharine survived, but was horribly injured. Almásy took her to "the cave of swimmers," a place the exploration team had previously discovered, and covered her with a parachute so he could leave to find help. After four days, he reached a town, but the British were suspicious of him because he was incoherent and had a foreign surname. They locked him up as a spy.

When Almásy finally got away, he knew it was too late to save Katharine, so he allowed himself to be captured by the Germans, helping their spies cross the desert into Cairo in exchange for gas and a car to get back to Katherine. After leaving Cairo, his car broke down in the desert. He went to the cave of swimmers to find Katharine, and retrieved her body and took it to the crashed plane, which had been buried under the sand. He tried to fly back to civilization, but the plane malfunctioned ring flight. Almásy parachuted down covered in flames which was where the Bedouins found him.

Caravaggio, who had had suspicions that the Patient was not English, fills in details. Geoffrey Clifton was, in fact, an English spy and had intelligence about Almásy's affair with Katharine. He also had intelligence that Almásy was already working with the Germans.

Over time while Almásy divulges the details of his past, Kip becomes close to Hana. Kip's brother had always distrusted the West, but Kip entered the British Army willingly. He was trained as a sapper by Lord Suffolk, an English gentleman, who welcomed Kip into his family. Under Lord Suffolk's training, Kip became very skilled at his job. When Lord Suffolk and his team were killed by a bomb, Kip became separated from the world and emotionally removed from everyone. He decided to leave England and began defusing bombs in Italy. Kip's best friend, a British Army sergeant is killed in a bomb explosion.

Kip forms a romantic relationship with Hana and uses it to reconnect to humanity. He becomes a part of a community again and begins to feel comfortable as a lover. Then he hears news of the atomic bomb being dropped on Japan. He becomes enraged. He feels deceived and betrayed by the western world that he had tried to assimilate to. He threatens to kill the English Patient, but instead decides to leave the Villa.

For some time after their separation, Hana wrote Kip letters, but he never responded. She eventually stopped. Years later Kip is happily married with children and is a successful doctor; however, he still often thinks of Hana.
這是電影的介紹,覺得不夠詳細但還是貼出來:The film is set ring World War II and depicts a critically burned man, at first known only as 'the English patient', who is being looked after by Hana, a French-Canadian nurse in a ruined Italian villa. The patient is reluctant to disclose any personal information but through a series of flashbacks, viewers are allowed into his past. It is slowly revealed that he is in fact a Hungarian geographer, Count László de Almásy, who was making a map of the Sahara Desert, and whose affair with a married woman ultimately brought about his present situation. As the patient remembers more, David Caravaggio, a Canadian thief/intelligence operative, arrives at the monastery. Caravaggio lost his thumbs while being interrogated by officers of the German Afrika Korps, and he graally reveals that it was the patient's actions that had brought about his torture. 你說的那段沒找到。要找這部電影的話,用迅雷去gougou.com里下。

❾ 電影《英國病人》百度網盤鏈接,要有字幕

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1xQBGRWOEagq2ynezgRKy7A

?pwd=fw4n 提取碼: fw4n

❿ 世界著名電影及內容簡介



在回憶與現實互相交錯的時空下,影片中的所有人都成為了戰爭的受害者,他們在人性,國界與戰爭的面前都顯得是那麼軟弱與渺小。雖然他們自身的愛是具有毀滅性的,但卻無法與戰爭所帶來的災難相比。也許在戰火中脆弱的生命只有超越戰爭,回歸到愛,回歸人性才能得到心靈的平靜。於是,英國病人的愛情在影片中被演化為某種符號,象徵著個體在戰爭中的精神創傷,傳遞著關於忘卻與記憶、傷痛與瘋狂、精神與慾望的種種信息。身受戰爭重創的人們,渴想著用愛來呵護與滋潤自身;「英國病人」 ,就成為了一種走向文明的人性象徵。而戰爭在影片當中,就如同那漫漫大漠 ,蠻野又空禿 ,凌人而酷吏,宛若是一抹罪惡的荒沙。




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