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Ⅰ 50分---《獅子王》的內容介紹和其揭示的精神意義(中文英文






近年的國內電影,無論題材還是演員的演技都彷彿走進了瓶頸期,當然也不乏佳作面世,但這已是題外話。為求達到票房的收益,為迎合時尚的趨勢,導演們都熱衷於開拍觀眾所喜歡的搞笑片,動作片等題材的電影,好象也顧及不到自己真正想拍的題材,甚至屬於電影難題的「巨大製作」的宮廷古裝電影也不斷登上熒幕。就如2006年末的《滿城盡帶黃金甲》,一時聲勢浩大得街知巷聞。電影以其鮮艷奪目的場景布置與人物服飾的華麗成為了眾人所關注的焦點,但是在這出眾的焦點之外卻甚少有媒體對其故事本質作出很好的評價,相反地人們紛紛只關注這個焦點,反響有的別扭,有的諷刺,甚至連電影的名字也被改得千奇百怪。當熱潮過後,人們不僅不關注其故事的內容意義,而且連焦點也成了飄散的飛煙,這足以證明電影的魅力單純依靠聲色的精彩是無法取得人們真正的喜愛之情。此外, 梅爾吉布森所執導的《勇敢的心》中主角威廉華萊士以其正義的精神與勇敢的鬥志深入人心,看過該片的觀眾都不會忘記這個高呼「自由」的民族英雄的偉大形象。在刀光劍影鐵血爭戰中,纏綿著溫柔的愛情主題,讓人體會到英雄傳說的盪氣回腸的鐵血柔情。這也很確切地反映了電影所流露的意義深度可以使人的印象到達一個新的高峰,盡管我們忘記了人物的面孔,但是那種精神與氣質卻是心靈難以磨滅的。



辛巴作為主角,天性頑皮,然而在以後的成長歷程里卻給他帶來了身心的巨大變化。兒時受到叔叔刀疤的欺騙與仇恨因單純而絲毫沒有察覺他復雜的野心,背負「殺父」的罪名而流浪漂泊;在身心疲憊的時候友情的來臨給他以新生的希望與活力,在與丁滿和彭彭的開解下體會了生命的快樂與友情的珍貴;而一次與兒時同伴娜娜的再遇,得知叔叔刀疤的惡行後變得勇敢而成熟;最後與刀疤的決戰里更體現出那份王者風范……這一切的經歷中我彷彿也看到了自己,從單純幼稚向成熟自信轉變,所經歷的事情都有著相同之處。如果人不受欺騙,根本無法了解被騙的憤怒;如果不經歷流浪的艱辛,又何以知道友情所帶的溫情的珍貴;如果不經歷命運的掙扎,誰能夠證明自己潛在的能力?我能自然地與他的 生命產生共鳴,也許人生需要的就是那麼一點成長的挫折與顛簸,只有這樣我們才懂得成長的重要性與生命的特別意義。





導 演:
羅傑·阿勒斯 Roger Allers 羅伯·明科夫 Rob Minkoff
主 演:
羅溫·艾金森 Rowan Atkinson 馬修·布魯德里克 Matthew Broderick 烏比·戈德堡 Whoopi Goldberg 傑瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯 James Earl Jones 內森·萊恩 Nathan Lane 切奇·馬林 Cheech Marin 喬納森·泰勒·托馬斯 Jonathan Taylor Thomas
上 映:
1994年06月15日 ( 美國 )更多地區
地 區:
顏 色:
聲 音:
Dolby Digital
時 長:
89 分鍾
類 型:
喜劇 冒險 音樂 動畫 家庭
分 級:
阿根廷:Atp 英國:U 西班牙:T 美國:G 智利:TE 法國:U 挪威:7 澳大利亞:G 加拿大:G 新加坡:G
充滿智慧的老狒狒 ——巫師拉法奇為小辛巴興起行了洗禮,他捧起一把細沙撒在小辛巴頭上。可是獅王的兄弟刀疤對辛巴的出生仇恨不已,他認為如果不是辛巴,自己將會繼承王位,因此在他心中埋下了罪惡的種子。
電影名稱: 獅子王2辛巴的榮耀
其他名稱: The Lion King 2 Simba's Pride
出品商: 迪斯尼
地區: 美國
文件格式: avi
發布時間: 1998-05-01
發行時間: 2003-04-18 17:43:54
原 名:The Lion King 1/2
譯 名:獅子王3
導 演:Bradley Raymond
演 員:Nathan Lane ................ Timon (voice)
Ernie Sabella ............. Pumbaa (voice)
Julie Kavner ................. Mom (voice)
類 型:卡通
片 長:77 分鍾
上 映:2004年
國 家:美國
語 言:英語/普通話
字 幕:中文/英語
文 件:274MB

Ⅱ 獅子王的英文名字,還有它的導演,主演

英文名:Lion King, The
導演:羅傑·阿勒斯 羅伯·明科夫
主演:羅溫·艾金森 馬修·布魯德里克 烏比·戈德堡 傑瑞米·艾恩斯 詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯
英文名:Roger Allers
英文名:Rob Minkoff
英文名:Rowan Atkinson
英文名:Matthew Broderick
英文名:Whoopi Goldberg
英文名:Jeremy Irons
英文名:James Earl Jones
演員羅溫·艾金森 Zazu (voice)
馬修·布魯德里克 Alt Simba (voice)
烏比·戈德堡 Shenzi (voice)
傑瑞米·艾恩斯 Scar (voice)
詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯 Mufasa (voice)
內森·萊恩 Timon (voice)
切奇·馬林 Banzai (voice)
喬納森·泰勒·托馬斯 Young Simba (voice)
Jeff Bennett Zazu (Morning Report) (singing voice) (voice)
Niketa Calame Young Nala (voice)
凱茜·卡瓦蒂妮 Additional Voices (voice)
傑姆·庫明斯 Ed/Gopher (voice)
Judi M. Durand Additional Voices (voice)
Sally Dworsky Alt Nala (singing) (singing voice)
羅伯特·吉爾勞姆 Rafiki (voice)
莫伊拉·凱利 Alt Nala (voice)
Daamen J. Krall Additional Voices (voice)
Zoe Leader Sarafina (voice)
David McCharen Additional Voices (voice)
Mary Linda Phillips Additional Voices (voice)
Philip Proctor Additional Voices (voice)
David Randolph Additional Voices (voice)
Ernie Sabella Pumbaa (voice)
Madge Sinclair Sarabi (voice)
傑森·維夫 Young Simba (singing) (singing voice)
弗蘭克·維爾克 Additional Voices (voice)
約瑟夫·威廉姆斯 Alt Simba (singing) (singing voice)
Laura Williams Young Nala (singing) (singing voice)
Evan Saucedo Young Simba (Morning Report) (singing voice)
編劇Tom Sito story
Jim Capobianco story
布蘭德·查普曼 story
羅娜·庫克 story
Thom Enriquez story
Andy Gaskill story
弗朗西斯·格里巴斯 story
Ed Gombert story
Kevin Harkey story
Barry Johnson story
Mark Kausler story
Jorgen Klubien story
Larry Leker story
Rick Maki story
Burny Mattinson story
Irene Mecchi (written by) and
喬·蘭福特 story
Jonathan Roberts (written by) and
克里斯·桑德斯 story
加里·特利斯戴爾 story
Linda Woolverton (written by)
製片人Alice Dewey associate procer
堂·哈恩 procer
Sarah McArthur executive procer
Thomas Schumacher executive procer
原創音樂Hans Zimmer
Elton John (songs)
Lebo M. (additional composition)
約瑟夫·威廉姆斯 (songs)
改編音樂攝像師電影剪輯John Carnochan
Tom Finan
協調劇組人員Brian Chavanne
藝術指導Andy Gaskill
布景師服裝設計化妝師製片主管Dana Axelrod proction manager
Lisa M. Poole assistant proction manager
助理導演美術Kathy Altieri background painter
Dan Cooper background painter
Randy Fullmer artistic coordinator
弗朗西斯·格里巴斯 storyboard artist
Kevin Harkey storyboard artist
Larry Leker storyboard artist
Rick Maki storyboard artist
加里·特利斯戴爾 storyboard artist
音效Mark A. Mangini supervising sound editor
Steve Lee sound effects librarian
Richard L. Anderson supervising sound editor
Paul Berolzheimer sound effects editor
Matthew C. Beville sound transfer
Mike Chock sound editor
James Christopher sound editor
R.J. Kizer dialogue editor
Mary Jo Lang foley mixer
Mel Metcalfe sound re-recording mixer
Andrew Patterson supervising adr editor
Terry Porter sound re-recording mixer
Adam Milo Smalley supervising music editor
Marco Streccioni sound engineer
Ralph Stuart first assistant sound editor
Carolyn Tapp foley recordist (uncredited)
特技師Dorse A. Lanpher special effects animator
Mauro Maressa effects animator
Joseph C. Pepe effects key assistant
Carl Canga proction assistant
視覺特效師Allen Blyth effects animator
Elrene Cowan color stylist
Gael Harlow CG animation intern (uncredited)
Rhonda L. Hicks assistant color model mark-up supervisor
Scott F. Johnston CGI supervisor
Ted Kierscey effects animator
Scott Santoro visual effects supervisor
David J. Rowe digital compositor: Disney
Jay Shindell effects inbetweener
David Stephan additional animator
特技演員其他職員Steven M. Stern music scoring assistant
Tom Sito story artist
Elton John vocals: "Can You Feel The Love Tonight"
Tim Rice lyricist
Mark Mancina orchestrations and cut song "he lives in you"
Catherine Alexander proction assistant
Tim Allen animator: "Pumbaa"
Ruben A. Aquino supervising animator: "Alt Simba"
Dale Baer animator: "Alt Simba"
Doug Ball background supervisor
Tom Bancroft animator: "Young Simba"
托尼·班卡福特 supervising animator: "Pumbaa"
James Baxter supervising animator: "Rafiki"
Noreen Beasley breakdown artist
阿龍·布萊希 supervising animator: "Young Nala"
Kirk Bodyfelt assistant proction manager: EFX/CGI
Rejean Bourdages animator: "Hyenas"
Ken Boyer animator: "Hyenas"
Susan Bradley title designer
Robert Bryan animator: "Alt Nala"
John Carnochan supervising editor
Randy Cartwright animator: "Zazu"
Michael Cedeno animator: "Alt Simba"
布蘭德·查普曼 story supervisor
Earl Coffman technical assistant
羅娜·庫克 animator: "Alt Simba"
Tod Cooper music proction supervisor (uncredited)
Andraé Crouch music arranger
Anthony de Rosa supervising animator: "Alt Nala"
Andreas Deja supervising animator: "Scar"
Lou Dellarosa animator: "Hyenas"
Ken Duncan additional animator
Russ Edmonds supervising animator: "Sarabi"
Joe Ekers animator: "Alt Simba"
John Emerson airbrush artist
Brian Ferguson animator: "Timon"
Tom Finan supervising editor
Doug Frankel animator: "Scar"
Tony Fucile supervising animator: "Mufasa"
Mark Gilicinski technology development and support
Jean Gillmore character designer
Nico Golfar music proction assistance
Dale E. Grahn color timer
Bruce Hatakeyama software engineer
Randy Haycock animator: "Alt Simba"
Susan Hegarty dialect consultant (uncredited)
Mark Henn supervising animator: "Young Simba"
蒂姆·霍奇 inbetween artist
T. Daniel Hofstedt animator: "Young Simba"
Kent Holaday assistant animator: miscellaneous characters
Ron Husband animator: "Pumbaa"
Joe Jiuliano camera operator
Broose Johnson animator: "Young Simba"
Mark Koetsier animator: "Scar"
Brad Kuha animator: "Mufasa"
Alex Kupershmidt supervising animator: "Hyenas"
Vera Pacheco clean-up supervisor
James Lopez animator: "Timon"
Greg Manwaring animator: "Hyenas"
Craig R. Maras animator
Tony Matthews technology supporter
Burke Mattsson title designer
Thomas Moore Jr. technology proction supporter
Jean Morel animator: "Scar"
Sean Mullen assistant animator
Gilda Palinginis animator: "Alt Nala"
Alan A. Patel technology supporter
David Pruiksma animator: "Pumbaa"
Christopher Ward assistant to composer
Bruno Roussel assistant engineer
Mike Show animator: "Timon"
Dan St. Pierre layout supervisor
Michael Stocker cleanup artist
Michael T. Sullivan technology development and support
Michael Surrey supervising animator: "Timon"
Mike Swofford animator: "Zazu"
Trevor Tamboline key assistant animator
Barry Temple animator: "Zazu"
Tom Todoroff vocal coach: Carmen Twillie
Mark M. Tokunaga technology supporter
Carmen Twillie singer: "Circle of Life"
Chris Wahl animator: "Mufasa"
Danny Wawrzaszek animator: "Young Simba"
Sherilan Weinhart layout artist
Larry White animator: "Hyenas"
Alexander Williams animator: "Scar"
Ellen Woodbury supervising animator: "Zazu"
Phillip Young animator: "Mufasa"
Suzy Zeffren camera department coordinator (IMAX version)
David Nethery key assistant animator
Karen N. Sickles proction coordinator
Raul Garcia animator
Jeannine Berger post-proction administrator
Tamara Lusher key assistant animator: "Banzai"
Elliot M. Bour rough inbetweener: "Simba"
Carl P. Hall clean-up animator: "Alt Nala"
Lon Smart animator
Luc Auviller lyricist: chanson
Kris Heller breakdown artist


Ⅲ (獅子王)簡介 英語翻譯

A heroic coming-of-age story which follows the epic adventures of a young lion cub named Simba as he struggles to accept the responsibilities of althood and his destined role as king of the jungle. As a carefree cub, he is both excited and anxious to become king, one day, and spends his days frolicking with his pal, Nala. His father, King Mufasa, the revered ruler of Pride Rock and the lands that surround it, teaches him about the "Circle of Life"--the delicate balance of nature which bonds all animals together; Simba's father cautions him to prepare for the day when he will be called upon to lead. Mufasa's evil brother, Scar, hopes that day will never arrive and schemes to do away with the king and Simba so that he can assume the throne for his own tyrannical purposes. Scar and his hyena henchmen--Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed--lure Simba into the path of a wildebeest stampede in which Mufasa is killed trying to save his son. Scar convinces Simba that he is responsible for his father's death and urges him to leave the Pride Lands and never return. A frightened and guilt-ridden Simba flees into exile where he is befriended by a wacky but warmhearted warthog named Pumbaa and his free-wheeling meerkat companion, Timon. Under the bious guidance of this nature's odd couple, Simba adopts their "Hakuna Matata" (no worries) attitude towards life--taking things one day at a time. The cub matures into a young alt and is able to forget his past until a beautiful young lioness--who turns out to be his childhood friend Nala--arrives on the scene. She tells him of the hard times and suffering that have come to the Pride Lands under Scar's reign, and beseeches him to take his place as king. With the help of Rafiki, a wise shaman baboon, Simba realizes that his father's spirit lives on in him and that he must accept the responsibility of his destined role.

Ⅳ 翻譯《獅子王》英文簡潔

When the sun rises from the horizon, night into day, Africa, pack up, glory cheering million to celebrate the birth of little lion simba. Little lion simba in many faithful friends with enthusiasm, not only had the most glorious moment in life, also had the most difficult challenges and after birth, death, love and responsibility in the test of life and finally on the throne of the king of the forest, and the nature thrives in the cycle of life experience.

Ⅳ 「獅子王」的英文怎麼拼寫

電影名叫做《The Lion KinG》,The特指辛巴這個獅子王而不是別的獅子王,樓主用網頁名的話Lion king就行了~我是獅迷,有什麼關於獅子王的問題都可以問我~

Ⅵ 《獅子王》的英文名是什麼

推薦《獅子王全集》(The Lion King Movie Collection)國英雙語版[DVDRip],電騾下載:


Ⅶ 翻譯成英語——:「《獅子王》,是「華特迪士尼公司」的第32部經典動畫長片……

"Lion King" ,is"The Walt Disney Company," the first 32 classic animated feature film. Leading to a named "Simba" (Simba) the lion. At that time, use the most advanced 2D animation technology, and with a grand symphony, integration of local original music in Africa, won the 1994 Oscar for best musical and best original film the theme song of the two awards, becoming a milestone in Disney animation works 1. Son. "Lion King" this heat wave then swept around the world.

Ⅷ 獅子王1-3部電影英文版

電 影天 堂
獅 子王三 部曲
隨意下 載

Ⅸ 《獅子王》簡單概括的英文版是什麼

A young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was his fault, and so flees the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow the usurper and claim the kingdom as his own thus completing the "Circle of Life".



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