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發布時間:2022-11-20 18:32:44

Ⅰ 電影不懼風暴英文介紹



A group of high school students are in a car together as a storm is brewing. When the storm gets worse, the kids look up ahead and see a tornado approaching. A girl begs for them to go, but the boy recording on a camera gets out to video tape the tornado. He gets back in the car, but the tornado picks them up before they can escape, killing them all.
In the town of Silverton, Oklahoma, the local high school senior class is preparing for graation. The high school's vice-principal, Gary Fuller, has asked his two sons, Trey and Donnie, to record messages from the seniors for a time capsule to be opened in 25 years. Elsewhere, Pete, a veteran storm chaser, has been attempting to intercept and film tornadoes using a heavily armored vehicle nicknamed Titus, but has come up short all year long. Upon learning of a major line of developing storms, the chasers confer and decide to head for Silverton in hopes of filming tornadoes. After arriving in Silverton, the team discovers that the cell they had been chasing has dissipated, upsetting Pete. As the team reconvenes to determine its next move, the Silverton cell abruptly strengthens, resulting in a hailstorm and tornado. As the team films, the funnel abruptly shifts course and heads for the high school.
At the high school, the senior students are participating in commencement ceremonies when the weather suddenly sours. Moments later, the tornado sirens sound, and the students are subsequently marshaled into the school building by the head principal and his staff. In the aftermath of the tornado, shaken students emerge from the damaged building to view the destruction, while Gary sets out to rescue his eldest son, who had gone to an abandoned paper mill to help a friend with a project; both were subsequently trapped when the tornado brought the building down on them.
As Pete's storm chase team stops in a small part of town, a tornado takes shape just as Gary and Trey arrive, destroying several buildings. Everyone except Gary and Pete's meteorologist Allison Stone make it to safety, while the two are almost killed before the twister dissipates. Then, after Gary pleads for help, Pete's team agree to help Gary get to the paper mill. While en route to the mill, another round of erratic tornadoes forms and encircles Pete's team, in the process destroying a residential neighborhood and a car lot. One of Pete's cameramen, Jacob, is killed while filming a firenado that formed from an explosion in the lot, which causes friction between Pete and his team, as Pete's concern seems to be more on collecting data than ensuring his team's safety. After recovering their vehicles, Allison leaves with Gary to continue their trip to the paper mill.
At the mill, the two trapped students attempt to use their phones to call for help, but the storm's devastation has rendered the phones almost useless. To make matters worse, a water pipe abruptly breaks and begins to flood the hole in which the two are trapped. Injured and at risk of drowning the two record messages for their loved ones, then prepare for the worst. At the last minute, Gary and Allison arrive and successfully free the two students.
In the skies above Silverton, a convergence of tornadoes results in a colossal EF5 tornado that threatens to level the town. The town's citizens have taken shelter at the school, and Pete's team, however, determines that the school's storm shelter will be inadequate in the face of the monstrous tornado. Unable to alert the school's staff with mobile devices, Pete's team rushes to the school to notify the citizens that they must evacuate. While citizens rush to board school buses to flee the advancing storm, Pete and his team move to track and follow the storm, but the last school bus and a handful of cars are cut off from the retreat e to a downed transmission tower.
In an attempt to improvise a shelter, the storm chasers and school refugees take cover in a storm drain, but debris from the tornado damages one of the storm grates, compromising the shelter. In an attempt to save lives, Pete hands over his research hard drives, then sacrifices himself by leaving the shelter to move Titus down to the storm grate, where a combination of the vehicle's weight, ground anchors, and winch cable are used to anchor the storm grate to the concrete face. Titus's equipment proves unable to anchor the vehicle to the ground, and the tornado picks up the vehicle. From the camera turret aboard Titus, Pete observes the eye of the tornado as the vehicle is lifted above the clouds before falling back to earth, killing him instantly. Shortly thereafter, the EF5 tornado dissipates.
In the aftermath of the tornado outbreak, the townspeople begin efforts to clean up and rebuild. As Gary's sons move to complete their time capsule film, many of those they interview after the tornadoes express a newfound appreciation for their lives, and a hopeful outlook on life.

Ⅱ 求一部電影叫什麼



達斯汀•霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman ....Col. Sam Daniels
摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman ....Brig. Gen. Billy Ford
蕾妮•羅素 Rene Russo ....Robby Keough
凱文•史派西 Kevin Spacey ....Maj. Casey Schuler
小庫珀•古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. ....Maj. Salt



Ⅲ 求 生死時速!音樂之聲!恐怖地帶!這幾部電影主要人物的英文名字

基努·李維斯 Keanu Reeves .....Jack Traven
桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock .....Annie Porter
音樂之聲(The sound of music )
朱麗·安德魯斯Julie Andrews ....Maria 瑪麗亞克里斯托弗·普盧默 Christopher Plummer ....Captain Georg von Trapp 喬治·馮·特拉普上校

Ⅳ 請問誰知道這部電影的名字


原 名:Twister
譯 名:龍卷風
導 演:簡 德 邦特 (Jan de Bont)
演 員:海倫 亨特 (Helen Hunt) ...... Dr. JoAnne 'Jo' Thornton-Harding
比爾 帕克斯頓 (Bill Paxton) ...... William Harding
卡里 埃爾威斯 (Cary Elwes) ...... Dr. Jonas Miller
傑米 格爾茲 (Jami Gertz) ...... Dr. Melissa Reeves
菲利普 西摩 霍夫曼 (Philip Seymour Hoffman) ...... Dustin Davis
洛伊絲 史密斯 (Lois Smith) ...... Meg Greene
類 型:動作/驚栗/劇情
片 長:113 分鍾
上 映:1996年
國 家:美國
語 言:英語
字 幕:中文

簡 介:


原 片 名:Outbreak
中 文 名:恐怖地帶/極度恐慌/危機總動員
IMDB評分:6.4/10 (11,402 votes)
國 家:美國
類 別:動作/驚悚
導 演:沃爾夫岡 彼得森(Wolfgang Petersen)
主 演:達斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)
雷妮·魯索(Rene Russo)
摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
凱文·斯派恩(Kevin Spacey)
影片長度:128 Mins



片 名:天地大沖撞 / 英文:Deep Impact
導 演:咪咪·萊德爾(Mimi Leder)
主 演:羅伯特·杜瓦爾Robert Duvall
蒂·李歐妮(Tea Leoni)
摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
類 型:劇情(Drama) 科幻(Sci-Fi)
語 言:英語
發行公司:夢工廠(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)
製作公司:夢工廠(DreamWorks) 派拉蒙(Paramount)
首映票房:$41,152,375.00 (單位:美元)
MPAA定級:PG-13 級
全美票房:$140,464,664.00 (單位:美元)
片 長:120 分鍾
海外票房:$209,000,000.00 (單位:美元)


14歲的萊奧.畢德曼從未想過自己會有如此驚天動地的大發現,他在觀測天空時,無意中發現了後來以他的名字命名的「畢德曼彗星」,但科學家們很快就發現這個彗星將要猛烈撞擊地球。 電視主持新秀珍妮.萊納在緊鑼密鼓地報道致使財政部長下台的性丑聞的同時發現了彗星將撞擊地球的消息,珍妮因此被總統「請」去密談。總統已獨家報道為條件,讓珍妮將這一秘密保守兩天。
在記者招待會上,總統貝克宣布將派一支特殊小分隊到太空去摧毀向地球撞來的彗星。前著名宇航員坦納臨危授命,率領五名宇航員乘彌賽亞飛船到達彗星,並在彗星上設置核子炸彈,藉以引爆彗星或偏轉彗星行進方向,從而拯救危在旦夕的地球。接下來的幾個月里,人人面臨著即將到來的滅頂之災,人人在試圖尋找生命的意義。美國政府為使所有生靈不到滅絕,特意建造了一個以諾亞方舟命名的地下庇護所,以使少數人和動物得以存活。 用核彈摧毀彗星的行動失敗後,宇航員們在返回地球途中毅然決定駕駛裝有核彈的彌賽亞飛船撞向彗星,以自己的生命換取地球上人類的安全,但還是有一個小彗星撞上了地球,引發了史無前例的災難……

片 名:Independence Day
譯 名:獨立日 / 天煞-地球反擊戰
導 演:羅蘭·艾默里克 (Roland Emmerich)
編 劇:Dean Devlin
Roland Emmerich
主 演:威爾·史密斯 (Will Smith)
比爾·普爾曼 (Bill Pullman)
傑夫·戈德布拉姆 (Jeff Goldblum)
瑪麗·麥克唐奈 (Mary McDonnell)
賈德·赫希 (Judd Hirsch)
羅伯特·洛吉亞 (Robert Loggia)
蘭迪·奎德 (Randy Quaid)
瑪格麗特·科林 (Margaret Colin)
類 型:動作 / 科幻
片 長:145 min / USA:153 min (special edition)
分 級:PG-13
製作公司:福克斯 (20th Century Fox)


當另一個世界的生命突然來到地球的時候會是什麼情況?如果明天早晨你走出門口,看到有無數的太空飛船在城市上空盤旋你會是什麼感覺?如果你知道這樣的事情正在我們的地球上發生你又會做些什麼? 這些問題已經在地球上引發過無數次的討論和假設,現在我們就要得出結論了。這是一個平常的夏日,在沒有任何先兆的情況下特別的事情發生了。 無數的陰影投落在大地上,天空上出現了不祥的物體,所有的人都被看到的景象驚呆了。 確定無疑的是我們人類在宇宙中不再是孤獨的生命體,並且在這一瞬間地球上每一個人的命運都將發生改變。我們的地球面臨危險。

導演:邁克爾·貝 Michael Bay
主演:查爾頓·赫斯頓 Charlton Heston .... Narrator (voice)
斯蒂夫·巴斯米 Steve Buscemi .... Rockhound
麗芙·泰勒 Liv Tyler .... Grace Stamper
布魯斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis .... Harry S. Stamper
本·阿弗萊克 Ben Affleck .... A.J. Frost
比利·鮑伯·湯頓 Billy Bob Thornton .... Dan Truman, NASA Administrator
邁克爾·貝 Michael Bay .... NASA Scientist (uncredited)


美國太空總署發現一顆巨大的隕石正朝地球方向而來,並將在18天之內撞上地球,為了阻止隕石造成人類的毀滅,太空總署想出的方法是派人登陸隕石的表面,並鑽洞貫穿至隕石的地心,放入核彈引爆,使之在撞上地球前就先在太空中毀滅,而布魯斯威利斯飾演的就是身負此重任的鑽油井工人的工頭,而本·阿弗萊克不但是他的屬下,同時也是布魯斯·威利斯女兒(麗芙·泰勒飾演)的男朋友 ,為了完成此項訓練,兩人同時接受太空總署的訓練,一夕之間從一個打井工人成為太空人及救世英雄。

原 片 名:The Perfect Storm
中 文 名:完美風暴
出品公司:華納兄弟 WarnerBros
國 家:美國
類 別:冒險 / 動作 / 劇情
導 演:沃爾夫岡 彼得森Wolfgang Petersen
主 演:喬治 克盧尼馬克 瓦爾伯格黛安娜 萊恩卡倫 威廉 菲徹特納
影片長度:129 Mins



原 名:War of the Worlds
譯 名:世界大戰
導 演:史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格 Steven Spielberg
演 員:湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise .... Ray Ferrier
達科塔·法寧 Dakota Fanning .... Rachel Ferrier
蒂姆·羅賓斯 Tim Robbins .... Ogilvy
米蘭達·奧托 Miranda Otto .... Mary Ann Ferrier
類 型:冒險/驚悚/科幻/動作
片 長:116分鍾
上 映:2005年
國 家:美國
語 言:英語
字 幕:中文/英文

簡 介:


中文 名 後天/末日浩劫/明日之後
片 名 The Day After Tomorrow
年 代 2004
國 家 美國
類 別 劇情/驚悚/動作/冒險/科幻
語 言 英語
字 幕 中文
片 長 124 Min
導 演 羅蘭德·艾默里克 Roland Emmerich
主 演 丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid .... Jack Hall
傑克·吉倫希爾 Jake Gyllenhaal .... Sam Hall
艾美·羅薩姆 Emmy Rossum .... Laura Chapman
達什·米霍克 Dash Mihok .... Jason Evans
傑伊·山德斯 Jay O. Sanders .... Frank Harris
瑟拉·沃德 Sela Ward .... Dr. Lucy Hall
伊恩·霍姆 Ian Holm .... Terry Rapson

簡 介

影片描繪的是地球氣溫一天之內突然急劇下降,進入冰期的科幻故事。故事中,氣候學家傑克·霍爾(丹尼斯·奎德飾演)在觀察史前氣候研究後指出,溫室效應帶來的全球暖化將會引發地球空前災難。傑克博士曾警告政府官員採取預防行動,但警告顯然已經太晚。傑克·霍爾博士於是急告美國副總統宣布北緯30度以南全美民眾盡速向赤道方向撤離,該線以北民眾要盡量保暖。 而就在此時,霍爾博士得知兒子山姆(傑克·吉倫荷飾)被困於紐約,於是決定冒險前往救援……



中文 名 地火危城/活火熔城
片 名 Volcano
年 代 1997
國 家 美國
類 別 動作/驚悚/劇情/災難
語 言 英語
字 幕 中文
片 長 104 Mins
導 演 Mick Jackson
主 演 湯米.里.瓊斯(Tommy Lee Jones)
安妮.海切(Anne Heche)

簡 介


片 名:The Core
譯 名:地心毀滅
導 演:喬恩·阿米爾 (Jon Amiel)
編 劇:Cooper Layne
John Rogers
主 演:阿倫·艾克哈特 (Aaron Eckhart)
希拉里·斯萬科 (Hilary Swank)
切基·卡尤 (Tchéky Karyo)
斯坦利·塔奇 (Stanley Tucci)
德爾略·林多 (Delroy Lindo)
阿爾法·沃德 (Alfre Woodard)
類 型:劇情 (Drama) / 科幻 (Sci-Fi) / 動作 (Action) / 驚悚 (Thriller)
片 長:135 min
分 級:PG-13
國家地區:英國 / 美國
發行公司:派拉蒙影業 (Paramount Pictures US)
出品公司:Core Prods. Inc. [us]
語 言:英語






Ⅳ 小王子電影英語簡介120字


There was a boy who had golden hair. He never asked what he asked. In short, as long as a boy is such a boy, you will guess who he is. Yes, he's the little prince.

The little prince is a child from other planets. One day, the little prince decided to leave the planet. He visited six planets successively, and the seventh planet he visited is the earth.

The Little Prince wanted to go back to his planet and return to the home he dreamed of, so he went back to the place where he landed in the Sahara. Here, he met a pilot who landed in Sahara e to a plane failure and communicated with heart and heart. Finally, the little prince died with the help of the snake, and his mind returned to his asteroids.








Ⅵ 電影《我是傳奇》的英文簡介

If you are fan of Matheson's book prepare to be disappointed as the film entirely misses the point, especially when it comes to the title itself. Having said that, taken on it's own merits the film is not all that bad. The opening half hour is well constructed and the lingering shots of a deserted NYC are quite effective. Will Smith reigns in his usual on-screen persona to deliver a good performance as Robert Neville, although at times it does seem as though he's playing to an audience which is at odds with the permeating sense of isolation (problems with the script rather than Smith himself). Aside from it's deviation from the book, the film's most glaring problem are the dark seekers themselves. They are entirely rendered in by today's standards unconvincing cgi and therefore never quite achieve the feeling of menace we're supposed to feel. Real actors in make-up with perhaps a little cgi augmentation would've been far better. Also the attempt to create an antagonist for Neville falls a little flat, as he comes across as nothing more than a slighter smarter creature with a grudge. What does work though is Neville's relationship with his dog, Sam. Considering they spend the majority of their screen time together it was important it felt like they had a genuine bond and they do. Also Neville's flashbacks to a time shortly before the worst of the outbreak are well-implemented, never interrupting the pace of the narrative. Ultimately it's the last predictable half hour of the film that falls flat and undoes most of the good work. It's worth seeing but for all Richard Matheson fans it will be frustrating at best. In fact, for anyone who read Mark Protosevich's script that leaked online a few years back you'll probably wish they made that film instead.

In the very near future a doctor creates what appears to be a cancer vaccine. I genetically engineered virus that when injected into 10,000 cancer patients, cured every single one of them. The problem is, when you play God, you may find out you』re not as good at as you might think. The virus mutates into a plauge that pretty much wipes out the entire human race, killing the vast majority of the population almost instantly, while leaving some survivors…. but most of those survivors are turned into Vampire/Zombie/Rage Virus type beings who lose their humanity and kill every survivor left uneffected. Will Smith is the last human being in New York, and maybe the world, who is also a military geneticist (what great luck) who works tirelessly to not only survive in this new nightmare world, but also struggles to find a cure for the rest of those who are infected.

Immediately after watching I Am Legend I went to a bookshop and bought myself a of Richard Matheson』s classic novel. Greater praise hath no man. It』s quite different from the film, mind, but not in a bad way.
New York City, 2012. Robert Neville (Smith) gets up every morning. Does his exercises. Eats breakfast. Listens to music. Takes his dog Sam out for walks, and to pick up supplies. Goes to work. Plays a little golf. Sends out a broadcast on the radio. Nothing so unusual about any of this, I hear you think. Well, no. Except that Robert Neville is, as far as he knows, the only living human being on the planet. He and Sam are entirely alone, and have been for three years.

In 2009, a scientist called, ironically, Dr Krippen (Emma Thompson, in an uncredited cameo), announces that she has discovered the cure for cancer – a retrofitted virus that is initially hailed as a breakthrough in modern medicine. But it isn』t long before the virus has mutated into a deadly airborne form, killing millions of people. Neville, a military scientist, is part of the team working to find a vaccine, but as the pandemic spreads, the government orders Manhattan locked down, with only the uninfected allowed to evacuate.

Those who the virus didn』t kill, it changed…

And now Neville lives alone with Sam, surrounded by strange, primal creatures who dwell in darkness, only emerging at night to eat. But Neville is determined to find a cure. He knows he is immune to the virus, he just doesn』t know why. He has set up a lab in his basement, and is determined to find a cure, testing various strains and solutions of his blood on infected rats. And one day he has the breakthrough he has been hoping for, and can start testing on humans…

Will Smith might seem like an odd choice to play Robert Neville (in the novel, apart from anything else, he is blond and blue-eyed) but actually his performance is excellent and completely believable. It』s easy to forget that Smith is actually a fine actor, and that his range is not just limited to action films. That said, there is quite a lot of action in I Am Legend, escaping from the infected, hunting deer (and Smith has clearly been through a gruelling training regime – the man is buff) but its in the quiet moments that Smith really shines. His face is more drawn than usual, and he』s clearly fighting for his sanity everyday.

The design of the film is absolutely superb. Danny Boyle did it first, and I Am Legend surely owes him a debt, but the scenes of New York with grass growing up between the paving stones, the buildings rotting, herds of wild animals rampaging between the abandoned cars are incredibly impressive and the budget here stretches to helicopter shots which obviously Boyle』s did not. Neville harvests sweetcorn in Central Park and fishes for carp in a museum. But all the while he keeps an eye on the time, for darkness is coming.

Cleverly the infected are only revealed bit by bit. First just as howls and screams drifting across the city. When Neville is forced to venture into a building to save Sam, we see more, but only in flashes from his torch. Far, far more scary to only see them in bits, and this scene has some great jumpy moments. As usual, once we can see them properly, they』re less interesting, but by then the story has taken a new turn – Anna (Braga) and Ethan (Tahan), survivors, hear his broadcast and come to find him. Though he has been desperate for company, after three years of complete isolation Neville finds it hard to cope, but now he has something else to live for.

Like all the best science fiction, I Am Legend says a lot about the times we live in, from the dangers of genetic tampering to our fear of pandemic diseases, from scientific rationality to irrational, but very human faith. It』s a powerful and ultimately uplifting film, despite the weak last third, and a disappointingly cheesy ending; a superb central performance by Will Smith, and acting awards for an Alsatian called Abbey, who steals every scene she』s in.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

In I Am Legend, Will Smith, as a U.S. Army officer who may be the last man on earth, drives at top speeds through the concrete valleys of Manhattan, which have been deserted for so long that the cracks in the roads now sprout scruffy green weeds. For sheer eeriness, that effect — the metropolis as vacant lot — far outdoes the desolate Times Square of Vanilla Sky, and Smith is the perfect actor (maybe almost too perfect) to play a survivor who has no one to talk to but his dog and himself. Smith has always worn his self-sufficiency like a suit of armor, often treating costars as sounding boards; he brings that jaunty insularity to the abandoned canyons of a trashed Twilight Zone New York. Here, though, he also draws on the vulnerability he showed last year in The Pursuit of Happyness, suggesting a man whose sanity is beginning to fray.

Based on Richard Matheson's 1954 novel, I Am Legend is a spooky-hokey postapocalyptic thriller built around our fear of contagion (the premise is that a ''miracle'' cancer cure has wiped out the earth's population). It's a movie that might have fit snugly into the zeitgeist had it been made in the early '90s, or maybe 1971 — when, in fact, it was made as The Omega Man, a somber but colossally silly Charlton Heston thriller. Let's be honest: The peril of infectious disease, while quite real, is hardly the anxiety of the moment. In spirit, I Am Legend is caught in some abstractly doom-laden sci-fi past. For what it is, though, the film is well-done, a case of suspenseful competence trumping questionable relevance.

There's one scary sequence in which Smith follows his dog into a warehouse, but as soon as you see the prancing, gnashing, veiny mutant humanoids who have taken up refuge there, you think, ''Okay, it's a fake-demon CGI movie.'' And so it is, though at least it never becomes a soulless monster-hunt videogame like Resident Evil. Smith, who keeps the movie grounded, isn't just surviving — he's on a mission. In The Omega Man, Heston faced a cult of white-faced hippie mutants in sunglasses and medieval monks' robes. Sometimes, CGI really is an advance

Ⅶ 電影outbreak是不是講出血病的啊


Ⅷ (高分懸賞!)提供美國經典災難性電影名稱和簡單介紹


紐約地震(Aftershock: Earthquake in New York)…紐約發生大地震
加州大地震(Miracle on Interstate 880)…描述1989年10月17日美國舊金山大地震
洛城大地震(The Big One: The Great Los Angeles Earthquake )…一個地震預測學家預測洛杉磯即將發生地震,當局卻不理睬
大地震(Earthquake)…洛杉磯發生大地震,獲奧斯卡 「視覺效果特別成就獎」
火燒舊金山(San Francisco)…克拉克·蓋博主演,描寫1906年舊金山大地震

山崩地裂(Dante's Peak)…小鎮火山爆發,007捨命救援
火山爆發之天搖地動( Volcano: Fire on the Mountain)…加州滑雪渡假聖地天使湖火山爆發
火山危情(Terror Peak)…火山專家旅遊遭遇噴發事件,題材類似上兩部電影
紐約火山(Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York)…題材同上,地點換成了紐約

原子風暴(Atomic Twister)…龍卷風威脅小鎮核電站
颶風襲擊美國(Category 6: Day of Destruction)…兩股龍卷風同時襲擊美國芝加哥
閃電風暴(Lightning: Fire from the Sky)…兩個巨大的暴風雲團在密蘇里州小鎮上空對峙
雷電(Lightning: Bolts of Destruction)…歐洲籠罩在即黑又厚的雲層中,雲層下面發生以怨報德的導光現象
龍卷風暴:天怒(Tornado-Der Zorn des Himmels)…龍卷風襲擊德國柏林

驚天大火災(Heaven's Fire)…恐怖分子大廈縱火,金庫警衛虎膽龍威
火燒摩天樓(The Towering Inferno)…題材雖小,卻巨星雲集
芝加哥大火記(Old Chicago)…描寫1871年真實的芝加哥大火災
火爆大油城(City on Fire)…失業石油工人將石油排入下水管道,導致全城大火
雲梯49(Ladder 49)
地陷危機(On Hostile Ground)…新奧爾良地下出現巨大空洞,城市面臨沒頂之災

大洪水:救救我孩子(The Flood: Who Will Save Our Children?)…野營兒童遭遇洪水
奪金暴潮(Hard Rain)…洪水淹沒小城,匪徒趁水打劫

冰海沉船(A Night to Remember)…題材同上,英國出品的經典黑白老電影
完美風暴(The Perfect Storm)…風暴完美,人類頑強
驚濤大冒險(The Guardian)…2006年的海難題材電影
沖出地獄海(Raise the Titanic)…打撈泰坦尼克號的災難片
海猿2(Limit of Love: Umizaru)…日本拍的,貨船觸礁沉沒
生死時速2:海上驚情(Speed 2: Cruise Control)…威廉·達福操縱失控游輪沖上海邊小鎮
極度深寒(Deep Rising)…深海大章魚血洗游輪
幽靈船(Deep Rising)…媚惑人的黃金,幽靈般的鬼船
深淵(The Abyss)…美國核子潛艇沉沒海底深淵
萬劫餘生(Seven Waves Away)…豪華郵輪遭遇海難,二十六名乘客擠上一艘只能容納十二人的救生艇
郵船大浩劫(Final Voyage)…恐怖分子襲擊首航郵輪,亂戰中面臨沉沒危機

鳳凰劫(The Flight of the Phoenix) …墜毀蒙古沙漠中的機組成員DIY飛機,兩個版本
潘多拉航班(Pandora's Clock )…致命病毒肆虐航班,波音客機成為「潘多拉魔盒」
時間裂縫(The Langoliers)…航班穿越時空,進入異次元空間
勢不兩立(The Edge)…飛機失事,一群身份各異人士被困阿拉斯加荒野
空中蛇患(Snakes on a Plane)…毒蛇登航班,高空顯驚魂
空軍一號(Air Force One)…美國總統飛機被恐怖分子劫持
空中監獄(Con Air)…囚犯劫持飛機大逃亡,老尼小約翰里應外合應對危機
93號航班(United 93)…911恐怖襲擊中的感人一幕
虎膽龍威2(Die Hard 2)…恐怖分子控制紐約機場,終極警探老布再次上陣
最高危機(Executive Decision)…看F117如何對接波音747的天才創意
絕命大北極(Crash Point Zero)…恐怖分子劫持民航客機迫降北極荒原
九宵驚魂(Miracle Landing)…真實事件改編,客機機頂脫落變成「敞蓬航班」
緊急降落174(Falling from the Sky: Flight 174)…粗心地勤人員竟然只給波音飛機加了一半的燃油
死亡航班(Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane)…空中版「生化危機」
冰原空難(Ordeal in the Arctic)…客機墜毀北極,乘客如何求生?
機組乘務員(Air Crew)…蘇聯客機遭遇異國地震,空乘人員被迫險中求生
空中驚魂(Panic in the Skies!)…客機高空遭遇雷擊
國際機場1977(Airport 1977)…客機遭遇劫持,迫降海面變身成潛水艇

觸及巔峰(Touching the Void)…兩名登山者攀登安第斯山Siula Grande 峰遭遇山難
挑戰巔峰(Into Thin Air: Death on Everest)…業余登山者加入了職業登山好手,攀登途中遭遇暴風雪
垂直極限(Vertical Limit)…名氣太大,不說也罷
巔峰殺戮(Extreme Ops)…極限運動員雪山拍攝廣告遭遇恐怖分子
巔峰任務(The Protector)…四個好朋友共赴一場危險的滑雪之旅
冰峰搶險隊(High Ice)…登山隊遇險,搶險隊救援
勇闖雷霆峰(The Eiger Sanction)…已退休的特級殺手被迫執行CIA的雪山暗殺任務
零下911(Nature Unleashed: Avalanche)…毀滅性超級大雪崩正在蘊釀,最終會否淹沒俄羅斯烏拉爾山小鎮?

獨立日(Independence Day)
世界大戰(War of the Worlds)…外星人入侵地球
天地大沖撞(Deep Impact)…彗星撞地球,美國來拯救
地心危機(The Core)…地核停轉創意不錯,但拍得不行
後天(The Day After Tomorrow)…集所有災難片之大成者
地球危機(Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea)…大氣層燃燒突生危機,地球極速升溫頓成人間煉獄
隕石噩夢(Comet Impact)…地球即將毀滅!成千上萬隕石來襲,讓你逃也不了!
地心崩裂(Deep Core)…工程人員無意造成地球金屬爆炸,導致地心內連鎖反應
冰河末世紀(Absolute Zero)…行星地球進入另一冰河時期


卡桑德拉大橋(The Cassandra Crossing)…最經典的病毒災難片

Ⅸ 求一部電影名字


片 名: Outbreak

譯 名: 恐怖地帶 | 蔓延

導 演: ( 沃爾夫岡·彼德森 Wolfgang Petersen )

主 演: (達斯丁·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman) (蕾妮·羅素 Rene Russo) (摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman) (凱文·史派西 Kevin Spacey) (小古巴·戈丁/庫巴·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr.) (唐納德·薩瑟蘭 Donald Sutherland)

上 映: 1995年03月06日




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