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① 卓別林系列電影都有哪些

查理·卓別林(Charlie Chaplin),1889年4月16日生於英國倫敦,英國影視演員導演、編劇。

② 《卓別林》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1pcF-vZEB5P9ONIEzCC9Z4A

?pwd=j6x9 提取碼: j6x9
導演: 理查德·阿滕伯勒
編劇: 威廉·博伊德、布萊恩·福布斯、威廉姆·高德曼、查理·卓別林
主演: 小羅伯特·唐尼、傑拉丁·卓別林、保羅·瑞斯、約翰·肖、莫伊拉·凱利、安東尼·霍普金斯、丹·艾克羅伊德、瑪麗莎·托梅、佩內洛普·安·米勒、凱文·克萊恩、瑪麗亞·皮提羅、米拉·喬沃維奇、凱文·杜恩、黛布拉·摩爾、戴安·琳恩、大衛·杜楚尼
類型: 劇情、傳記
製片國家/地區: 英國、美國、法國、義大利
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1992-12-18
片長: 143分鍾
又名: 卓別林傳(港)、卓別林與他的情人(台)
傳記作家喬治赴瑞士采訪卓別林(Robert Downey Jr 飾),後者將自己的故事娓娓道來……1894年的英國,小小年紀的卓別林已經開始為臨時演員母親救場,但失祜的困苦生活導致卓別林兄弟分離,母親也因發瘋入院。1903年,卓別林經哥哥介紹進入一家英國劇團開始自己的 演藝生涯,不久他打出名號,獲得美國製片廠的邀請,在美國,卓別林接觸到夢幻般的電影藝術,並用自己的靈氣在電影這種媒介的幫助下名利雙收。卓別林無法忘記自己的出身,掌握製片權後堅持在自己的影片中加入批判精神,也因此被扣上紅色份子的帽子,惹上諸多麻煩。這位卓越的電影人經歷了政治打壓、情人們的離去、成功與失落後垂垂老矣,他在影院看著自己當年的電影,潸然淚下。

③ 卓別林十部經典電影




④ 卓別林共有多少影片

查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin電影作品列表:(一共 299 個電影作品)

作為導演查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:47)"The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
紐約王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡爾杜先生/殺人的喜劇/殺人狂時代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登時代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
朝聖 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
發餉日/發薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
棄兒的故事/尋子遇仙記 The Kid ------- (1921)
有閑階級/無業遊民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快樂的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
債券 The Bond ------- (1918)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
The Cure ------- (1917)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
冒險家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
安樂街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
救火員 The Fireman ------- (1916)
凌晨一點 One A.M. ------- (1916)
當鋪 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
百貨店巡視員 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
溜冰場 The Rink ------- (1916)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
在銀幕後面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
流浪漢/街頭提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
公園 In the Park ------- (1915)
流浪漢 The Tramp ------- (1915)
銀行 The Bank ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
冠軍 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
在海邊 By the Sea ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
計程車上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)

作為演員查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:118)Old Hollywood: Silent Stars, Deadly Secrets ------- (2007)
Geraldine en España ------- (2006)
Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006)
"The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
Douglas Fairbanks: The Great Swashbuckler ------- (2005)
The Forgotten Films of Roscoe Fatty Arbuckle ------- (2005)
Cecil B. DeMille: American Epic ------- (2004)
Final Cut: The Making and Unmaking of Heaven's Gate ------- (2004)
Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust ------- (2004)
Chaplin Today: A King in New York ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Kid ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Gold Rush ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: The Circus ------- (2003)
電影之光:卓別林的藝界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: Monsieur Verdoux ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: Modern Times ------- (2003)
Outlaw Comic: The Censoring of Bill Hicks ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: City Lights ------- (2003)
Chaplin Today: A Woman of Paris ------- (2003)
Charlie Chaplin - Les années suisses ------- (2003)
The Tramp and the Dictator ------- (2002)
Chaplin Today: Limelight ------- (2002)
Captured on Film: The True Story of Marion Davies ------- (2001)
Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Power of Women in Hollywood ------- (2000)
"Canada: A People's History" ------- (2000)
第72屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2000)
第71屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮 The 71st Annual Academy Awards ------- (1999)
"Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years" ------- (1999)
Charlie Chaplin: A Tramp's Life ------- (1997)
Birth of a Nation ------- (1997)
"Biography" Sophia Loren: Actress Italian Style ------- (1997)
Sports on the Silver Screen ------- (1997)
Mary Pickford: A Life on Film ------- (1997)
Judy Garland's Hollywood ------- (1997)
The Roaring Twenties ------- (1996)
Chaplin's Goliath ------- (1996)
The Casting Couch ------- (1995)
賽璐路壁櫥 The Celluloid Closet ------- (1995)
Jackie Mason: An Equal Opportunity Offender ------- (1995)
Entertaining the Troops ------- (1994)
卓別林/卓別靈傳 Chaplin ------- (1992)
A Tribute to the Boys: Laurel and Hardy ------- (1992)
The Chaplin Puzzle ------- (1992)
Oscar's Greatest Moments ------- (1992)
Hollywood Sex Symbols ------- (1988)
The Secret Life of Sergei Eisenstein ------- (1987)
A Good Turn Daily ------- (1983)
變色龍/西力傳 Zelig ------- (1983)
Unknown Chaplin ------- (1983)
Hollywood Outtakes ------- (1983)
Ken Murray Shooting Stars ------- (1979)
希特勒:職業生涯 Hitler - eine Karriere ------- (1977)
It's Showtime ------- (1976)
America at the Movies ------- (1976)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? ------- (1975)
The Gentleman Tramp ------- (1975)
Chaplinesque, My Life and Hard Times ------- (1972)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Funniest Man in the World ------- (1967)
Hollywood My Home Town ------- (1965)
米高梅公司的喜劇電影回顧 The Big Parade of Comedy ------- (1964)
三十歡樂世界 30 Years of Fun ------- (1963)
Hollywood Without Make-Up ------- (1963)
Nickelodeon Days ------- (1962)
Days of Thrills and Laughter ------- (1961)
滑稽大王 When Comedy Was King ------- (1960)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
紐約王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
Screen Snapshots: Memories of Famous Hollywood Comedians ------- (1952)
Herrliche Zeiten ------- (1950)
凡爾杜先生/殺人的喜劇/殺人狂時代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
Ewige Jude, Der ------- (1940)
摩登時代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
Show People ------- (1928)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝聖 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
發餉日/發薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
棄兒的故事/尋子遇仙記 The Kid ------- (1921)
有閑階級/無業遊民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快樂的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
債券 The Bond ------- (1918)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
安樂街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
冒險家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
當鋪 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
凌晨一點 One A.M. ------- (1916)
百貨店巡視員 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
救火員 The Fireman ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
流浪漢/街頭提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
在銀幕後面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
溜冰場 The Rink ------- (1916)
公園 In the Park ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
冠軍 The Champion ------- (1915)
流浪漢 The Tramp ------- (1915)
在海邊 By the Sea ------- (1915)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
銀行 The Bank ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
計程車上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
Kid Auto Races at Venice ------- (1914)
Tillie's Punctured Romance ------- (1914)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
Making a Living ------- (1914)
作為編劇查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:49) "The American Experience" Mary Pickford ------- (2005)
卓別林/卓別靈傳 Chaplin ------- (1992)
The Adding Machine ------- (1969)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
紐約王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡爾杜先生/殺人的喜劇/殺人狂時代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登時代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
朝聖 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
發餉日/發薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
棄兒的故事/尋子遇仙記 The Kid ------- (1921)
有閑階級/無業遊民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快樂的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
債券 The Bond ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
冒險家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
安樂街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
在銀幕後面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
凌晨一點 One A.M. ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
警察 Police ------- (1916)
當鋪 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
溜冰場 The Rink ------- (1916)
救火員 The Fireman ------- (1916)
流浪漢/街頭提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
百貨店巡視員 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
在海邊 By the Sea ------- (1915)
計程車上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
公園 In the Park ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
銀行 The Bank ------- (1915)
冠軍 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
流浪漢 The Tramp ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
作為製片人查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:31)香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
紐約王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡爾杜先生/殺人的喜劇/殺人狂時代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登時代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝聖 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
發餉日/發薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
棄兒的故事/尋子遇仙記 The Kid ------- (1921)
有閑階級/無業遊民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
快樂的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
債券 The Bond ------- (1918)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
安樂街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
冒險家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
溜冰場 The Rink ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
百貨店巡視員 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
流浪漢/街頭提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
救火員 The Fireman ------- (1916)
在銀幕後面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
當鋪 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
凌晨一點 One A.M. ------- (1916)
作為原創音樂查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:16) Por un amor ------- (2005)
電影之光:卓別林的藝界人生 Charlie: The Life and Art of Charles Chaplin ------- (2003)
Pokhorony Stalina ------- (1990)
The Gentleman Tramp ------- (1975)
香港女伯爵 A Countess from Hong Kong ------- (1967)
The Chaplin Revue ------- (1959)
紐約王 A King in New York ------- (1957)
舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)
凡爾杜先生/殺人的喜劇/殺人狂時代 Monsieur Verdoux ------- (1947)
大獨裁者 The Great Dictator ------- (1940)
摩登時代 Modern Times ------- (1936)
城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
作為電影剪輯查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:37)城市之光 City Lights ------- (1931)
馬戲團 The Circus ------- (1928)
淘金記/尋金熱 The Gold Rush ------- (1925)
朝聖 The Pilgrim ------- (1923)
巴黎一婦人 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate ------- (1923)
發餉日/發薪日 Pay Day ------- (1922)
棄兒的故事/尋子遇仙記 The Kid ------- (1921)
有閑階級/無業遊民 The Idle Class ------- (1921)
光明面 Sunnyside ------- (1919)
快樂的一天 A Day's Pleasure ------- (1919)
從軍記/大兵日記 Shoulder Arms ------- (1918)
狗的生涯 A Dog's Life ------- (1918)
移民 The Immigrant ------- (1917)
冒險家 The Adventurer ------- (1917)
The Cure ------- (1917)
安樂街 Easy Street ------- (1917)
在銀幕後面 Behind the Screen ------- (1916)
百貨店巡視員 The Floorwalker ------- (1916)
The Count ------- (1916)
救火員 The Fireman ------- (1916)
溜冰場 The Rink ------- (1916)
當鋪 The Pawnshop ------- (1916)
流浪漢/街頭提琴手 The Vagabond ------- (1916)
凌晨一點 One A.M. ------- (1916)
Shanghaied ------- (1915)
銀行 The Bank ------- (1915)
女郎女狼 A Woman ------- (1915)
流浪漢 The Tramp ------- (1915)
A Night in the Show ------- (1915)
在海邊 By the Sea ------- (1915)
公園 In the Park ------- (1915)
計程車上的私奔 A Jitney Elopement ------- (1915)
冠軍 The Champion ------- (1915)
工作 Work ------- (1915)
新工作 His New Job ------- (1915)
A Night Out ------- (1915)
The Rounders ------- (1914)
作為其他職員查理·卓別林 Charles Chaplin的電影作品(數量:1)舞台春秋/舞台生涯 Limelight ------- (1952)

⑤ 卓別林的英文介紹

Charles Chaplin made Limelight at the most troubled period of his alt career. In the late 1940s, America¹s Cold War paranoia reached its peak, and Chaplin, as a foreigner with liberal and humanist sympathies, was a prime target for political witch-hunters. It did not help that he had recently been cited in an unseemly paternity suit. Pilloried as he was by the right-wing press and reactionary institutions like the American Legion, it seemed that America had turned against the man it had once idolised.

In this atmosphere, his 1947 film, Monsieur Verdoux, with its sardonic view of war, was attacked as being anti-American. Not surprisingly, then, in choosing his next subject he deliberately sought escape from disagreeable contemporary reality. He found it in bitter-sweet nostalgia for the world of his youth - the world of the London music halls at the opening of the 20th century, where he had first discovered his genius as an entertainer.

His story concerns a once-famous comedian who has lost the ability to command his audience. Chaplin said that he based the character on real-life stage personalities whom he had seen lose their gifts and their public - the American black-face comedian Frank Tinney (1878-1940) and the Spanish clown Marceline (1873-1927) with whom he had himself worked as a boy. Clearly he was also thinking of his own present bitter experience of a faithless public.

Chaplin spent more than two years writing Limelight. His method was remarkable, and unique in his work. As a preliminary, he wrote the story in the form of a full-length novel - some 100,000 words long and entitled "Footlights". The novel - never published or apparently even intended for publication - relates the story as it appears in the finished film, but in addition includes two separate biographies of Calvero and Terry, detailing their lives before the action of the film proper begins.

What makes these biographies so remarkable is that we can trace in them a great deal of extended autobiography, as Chaplin quite openly introces episodes from his own life and those of his parents. Just like Chaplin¹s own father, Calvero is devastated when he discovers his wife¹s infidelity and drifts into alcoholism. In the novel, Calvero even dies in the same hospital - St Thomas』 on the banks of the Thames - where Charles Chaplin Senior died in 1901 at the age of only 37.

The character of Terry, the young dancer, was equally clearly based on Chaplin』s mother, Hannah, though with reminiscences too of Chaplin』s first and never forgotten love, Hetty Kelly.

Claire Bloom, who plays Terry, remembered that in rehearsing her, Chaplin was always recalling gestures of his mother or Hetty, and the clothes they wore. With this strong underlay of nostalgia, Chaplin was at pains to evoke as accurately as possible the London he remembered from half a century before. In this he was helped by the great Russian-born designer, Eugene Lourié, who remodelled a set on the Paramount lot to look like a Victorian London street. A permanent setting of a theatre at RKO-Pathe was decorated to look like the Empire Theatre, London』s grandest music hall.

For the climactic scene Chaplin planned a ballet, in which Claire Bloom - not a dancer herself - was doubled by Melissa Hayden, a star of the New York City Ballet. Since the coming of sound films, Chaplin had always composed his own music scores, with the assistance of arrangers. Exceptionally, the music for the ballet - 25 minutes, though it was reced in the final film - had to be composed in advance. Chaplin was relieved when Melissa Hayden and her partner and fellow star André Eglevsky assured him that the music was suitable for choreography. The "Limelight theme" was to remain one of Chaplin』s best-loved compositions; and in 1972, twenty years after the film』s first release, he and his musical collaborators Ray Rasch and Larry Russell were awarded a belated Oscar for "Best Original Dramatic Score".

The beautiful, 20-year-old English stage actress Claire Bloom was chosen to play Terry after much soul-searching; and Chaplin』s son Sydney was given the secondary male role. Perhaps it was a comfort in these difficult days - and an element of the nostalgia - to have his family around him: four other children and his half-brother Wheeler Dryden also played in the film, and even his young wife Oona doubled for Claire Bloom in two brief shots. Though Chaplin』s public life was beset by problems, the shooting of Limelight at least was trouble-free and completed in 55 shooting days an exceptional standard of economy for Chaplin』s feature proctions. The premiere was, appropriately, held in London on 16 October 1952. In Chaplin¹s absence, open official hostility in America escalated to a point where he decided not to return to "that unhappy country". Thereafter he made his permanent residence in Europe. At that moment Chaplin believed that Limelight would be his last film. It was not: but if it had proved so, this exercise in nostalgia and family autobiography would have been a fitting conclusion to his career.

⑥ 卓別林的電影有哪些


⑦ 卓別林的介紹 中英版


Charlie Chaplin, born in London on April 16, 1889, is a British actor, director and screenwriter.


His main works include gold rush, light of the city, modern times, great dictator, Mr. ver, stage career, etc.


He died at the age of 88 at home in Switzerland on Christmas morning, December 25, 1977.





⑧ 卓別林的所有電影

1914 Making a Living(謀生)
1914 Kid Auto Races at Venice (威尼斯兒童賽車記)
1914 Mabel's Strange Predicament (梅布爾的奇怪困境)
1914 A Thief Catcher (捉賊高手)
1914 Between Showers (陣雨之間)
1914 A Johnnie Film (拍攝強尼)
1914 Tango Tangles(探戈紛亂)
1914 His Favorite Pastime (他的消遣)
1914 Cruel, Cruel Love (殘酷的愛情)
1914 The Star Boarder (明星寄宿者)
1914 Mabel at the Wheel (梅布爾賽車記)
1914 Twenty Minutes of Love (二十分鍾的愛情)
1914 Caught in a Cabaret (在卡巴萊飯館里)
1914 Caught in the Rain (遇雨)
1914 A Busy Day (忙碌的一天)
1914 The Fatal Mallet (致命的大頭錘)
1914 Her Friend the Bandit(她的強盜朋友)
1914 The Knockout (決勝一擊)
1914 Mabel's Busy Day (梅布爾的忙碌一天)
1914 Mabel's Married Life (梅布爾的婚後生活)
1914 Laughing Gas (笑氣)
1914 The Property Man(道具員)
1914 The Face on the Bar Room Floor(酒吧地板上的肖像畫)
1914 Recreation (娛樂)
1914 The Masquerader(假面舞會)
1914 His New Profession(他的新職業)
1914 The Rounders (酒鬼)
1914 The New Janitor(新看門人)
1914 Those Love Pangs (競爭調情者)
1914 Dough and Dynamite (面團與炸葯)
1914 Gentlemen of Nerve(厚顏紳士)
1914 His Trysting Place (他的幽會場所)
1914 Tillie's Punctured Romance (蒂莉的破損戀情)
1914 Getting Acquainted(公平交換)
1914 His Prehistoric Past (他的遠古過去)

——1915-1916 1915 His New Job(他的新工作)
1915 A Night Out(深夜外出)
1915 The champion(冠軍)
1915 In The Park(在公園里)
1915 A Jitney Elopement(乘車逃婚記)
1915 The Tramp(流浪者)
1915 By the Sea(在海邊)
1915 Work(工作)
1915 A Woman(女人)
1915 The Bank(銀行)
1915 Shanghaied(誘騙)
1915 A Night in the show(演出之夜)
1916 Burlesque on Carmen(卡門的鬧劇)
1916 Police(警察)

——1916-1917 1916 The Floorwalker(巡視員)
1916 The Fireman(消防隊員)
1916 The Vagabond(漂泊者)
1916 One A.M.(凌晨一點)
1916 The Count(伯爵)
1916 The Pawnshop(當鋪)
1916 Behind the Screen(幕後)
1916 The Rink(溜冰場)
1917 Easy Street(安樂街)
1917 The Cure(療養)
1917 The Immigrant(移民)
1917 The Adventurer(冒險者)

First National(第一國家影片公司)
——1918-1923 1918 A Dog"s Life(狗的生涯)
1918 Shoulder Arms(槍上肩/夏爾洛從軍記)
1918 The Bond(債券)
1919 Sunnyside(光明面/田園詩)
1919 A Day's Pleasure(一天中的快樂/快樂的一天)
1921 The Kid(小孩/尋子遇仙記/孤兒流浪記)
1921 The Idle Class(有閑階級)
1922 Pay Day(發薪日)
1923 The Pilgrim(朝聖者)

United Artist(聯美影片公司)
——1923-1952 1923 A Woman of Paris(巴黎一婦人)
1925 The Gold Rush(淘金記)
1928 The Circus(馬戲團)
1931 City Lights(城市之光)
1936 Modern Times(摩登時代)
1940 The Great Dictator(大獨裁者)
1946 Monsieur Verdoux(凡爾杜先生)
1952 Limelight(舞台生涯)

British Proction(英國倫敦影片公司)
——1957-1967 1957 A King in New York(一個國王在紐約)
1967 A Countess from Hong Kong(香港女伯爵)



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