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『壹』 長城的簡介(英語)

The Great Wall(長城)
The Great Wall

The Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon. Although it was once thought to have been built entirely ring the Qin Dynasty between 221 and 208 BC, it is now believed to have been started earlier.

The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies. To the common people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, however. The wall, and other public works completed by the Qin Dynasty,had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the country. As a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty,and in 207 BC the Han Dynasty began.

Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the Great Wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations.





『貳』 長城的英文簡介

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike peoples or forces. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; these, later joined together and made bigger and stronger, are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall.

Especially famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Little of that wall remains. Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed ring the Ming Dynasty.

Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of ties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.

The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Lake in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. A comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi). This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall, 359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers. Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi).




『叄』 如何評價電影《長城》(The Great Wall)


『肆』 萬里長城英文介紹

Great Wall of China

Chinese Wanli Changcheng

Defensive wall, northern China.

One of the largest building-construction projects ever carried out, it runs (with all its branches) about 4,000 mi (6,400 km) east to west from the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli) to a point deep in Central Asia. Parts of the fortification date from the 4th century BC. In 214 BC Shihuangdi connected existing defensive walls into a single system fortified by watchtowers. These served both to guard the rampart and to communicate with the capital, Xianyang (near modern Xi'an) by signal
smoke by day and fire by night. Originally constructed partly of masonry and earth, it was faced with brick in its eastern portion. It was rebuilt in later times, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. The basic wall is about 30 ft (9 m) high, and the towers rise to about 40 ft (12 m). It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

亦稱萬里長城(Wanli Changcheng)。

『伍』 長城簡介(英文)

The Great Wall
The Great Wall is very wonderful. It is in North China. It's more than 6000 kilometers long.It's about 7.5 metres tall. It was built up with earth,brick and stones. It started building in 7th Century BC. That time was in Qin Dynasty(about 221 to 206 BC). The purpose of the wall was to keep out invaders. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Every year a lot of people from all over the world come to visit it. It is one of the seven great wonders of the world. Welcome to visit the Great Wall!

『陸』 電影長城的簡介





該片於2016年12月15日晚19點在中國350家IMAX影院超前上映,16日以3D、IMAX3D、中國巨幕3D、杜比視界、杜比全景聲、Auro格式在中國全面上映 。


中國的古代,以人類為餌食的怪獸——饕餮,每六十年便會集結到人類的領地覓食,捍衛領土的人類軍團鑄造長城的目的也是為了抵禦怪獸的入侵。來到中國尋覓黑火葯發財的外國僱傭軍威廉·加林(馬特·達蒙飾)與佩羅· 托瓦爾(佩德羅·帕斯卡飾),因為一次偶然的機會誤打誤撞進入了長城,認識了對抗饕餮的中國無影禁軍,也見證了無影禁軍的精銳和勇敢,並被這群戰士之間的信任和犧牲所感動,威廉·加林義無反顧地加入到了共同守護人類的戰斗當中。然而,在對抗的過程中,他們卻發現饕餮大軍不斷進化,到最後已經能夠從長城打進皇宮,一場大戰也由此拉開。


電影將背景設在古代中國科技和文化相對發達的時期,除了長城外,還融入了神話怪獸和四大發明之一的火葯等中國元素,饕餮的原型來自於中國志怪古籍《山海經》 。


《長城》是張藝謀首部與好萊塢主創團隊合作的電影,同時也是個人第一部IMAX 3D電影 。

電影里五軍根據職能分類,用動物特性象徵,顏色也是。不是特別的設計,僅僅是為了戰爭中好區分 。


《長城》後期特效製作長達15個月,為了製作視覺特效,張藝謀多次前往美國與工業光魔和維塔工作室商討電影視覺製作,包括設計出首次亮相大銀幕的中國神話怪獸饕餮 。


《長城》幕後創作團隊,來自37個國家,語言的障礙是最難調度,因此劇組配備了幾十名翻譯 。

演員威廉·達福,每天只要有戲份他就會第一個來現場,在拍攝被饕餮追逐的那場戲中,威廉·達福就堅持不用替身,即使摔倒了也馬上爬起來繼續跑,一遍又一遍的重復拍攝 。

影片里無影禁軍“五軍”的設計構思,靈感都來源於中國傳統文化,用五獸作為五支軍隊的代表,就是沿襲了中國古代以獸命名的傳統 。









該片服裝設計由邁耶斯·C·魯比歐擔任服裝指導,力圖呈現中西融合的主體構想來展現中國工藝,運用中國古代針織技法展現那個時代的服裝之美。從將士的盔甲、披風到頭盔,設計理念讓中國傳統服飾顯得更具活力。除了中西元素的融合,對色彩的運用也是張藝謀導演極其重視的一個環節,張藝謀讓五軍分穿不同顏色的盔甲,每位主演的服裝都根據自身的性格特點,做出了獨特的設計。影片服裝設計中最大的挑戰是從零開始打造六種軍隊的服裝。設計師在每位將領的服裝上精心雕琢每隻動物的造型,最復雜的一套服裝需要18雙手同時操作才得以穿上。服裝團隊中90%都是中國人 。

『柒』 求關於長城的中英文簡介, 謝謝合作

The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall, is a military defense project in ancient China. It is a tall, solid and continuous terrace to limit the actions of enemy horsemen.

The Great Wall is not a simple isolated city wall, but a defense system which takes the city wall as the main body and combines with a large number of cities, barriers, pavilions and signs.

The history of the Great Wall can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, from which came the famous allusion "the princes of beacon fire opera" which took place in the capital of Chengjing (now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province).

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, countries fought for hegemony and defended each other. The construction of the Great Wall reached its first climax, but at this time the length of the construction was relatively short.

After the Qin Dynasty destroyed the six countries and unified the world, Qin Shihuang joined and repaired the Great Wall of the Warring States, which was known as the Great Wall.

The Ming Dynasty was the last dynasty to build the Great Wall. Today most of the Great Wall people see is built at this time.















『捌』 長城英文簡介


The Great Wall is located in the northern part of China, it Shanhaiguan in Bohai Bay, Hebei Province, east, west to Jiayuguan in Gansu Province inland areas. Trans-Hebei, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu and other seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and total length of about 6,700 kilometers, about 13.3 thousand years, in the world, the "Great Wall" reputation.
The Great Wall in China's vast land of the north east and west lie the rolling one, imposing, as long as more than ten thousand li long wall. This is considered the world's architectural history of the Great Wall a great miracle. Great Wall is China's ancient defense project is a great crystallization of ancient Chinese people's strong determination and a high degree of wisdom in ancient China embodies the remarkable achievements of engineering technology, but also shows the Chinese nation's long history.


『玖』 長城英文簡介

Great wall is famous.
It is in China.
It is famous because it is the longest wall in the world.
The ancient chinese people built it with their wisdom and effort.
There you will see and learn the history of China.
It is always a good place for the chinese and foreign tourists.

語法沒問題. 問題是,這樣夠簡單么....

『拾』 關於長城的英文介紹是什麼

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world.It is about 4000 miles long.


The Great Wall of China is called the "Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall" in Chinese.


The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries.


The Great Wall is wide enough at the top for five horses or ten men to walk side by side.


It was very difficult to build such a wall in the ancient days without any modern machines.


Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest not only to the Chinese but to people from all over the world.


Many of them have come to know the famous Chinese saying:"He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man."


The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.


Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many touri



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