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發布時間:2022-11-08 07:40:46

⑴ 人生就像一場戲,有時自己是主角有時是觀眾用英語怎麼說

Life is like a drama,and sometimes he is the protagonist and sometimes the audience

⑵ 人生像一場無法回放的電影 該珍惜的絕不放手 該放棄的絕不挽留(翻譯英文

Life is like a sort of movie which we cannot replay.
We will never let things that are deserved to be cherished go .
At the same time, we will never let things that are supposed to be abandoned stay.

⑶ 求英語大神翻譯一下,杜絕機器翻譯 1.人在生命中最輝煌的時期 2.人的一生就像是一部電影,每個

1. The people in my life the most glorious period
2. The person's life is like a movie, each particular time can be recorded, as if film adhesive tape.
3. Present a desired effect 4. Part of the transition with the yellow pigment, one is to put this part of the gold plating to natural part of the transition to "death", 2 it is to consider the color balance.
5. Dry trees, and the god of death is to emphasize that the atmosphere of death

⑷ 人生是一場無法回放的電影翻譯成英語


Life is a can't replay movie

⑸ 用英語怎麼說如果人生就像一部電影,你註定就是那一個彈窗廣告。

If life is like a movie, you're the one pop ads.

If life is like a movie, you're the one pop ads.

⑹ 生活就像一場電影,喜怒哀樂在其中。英文怎麼翻譯

Life is like a movie, in which the smiles and sorrows

⑺ 人生就像一場戲,我該怎樣扮演這個角色呢,英文是什麼意思

life is like a drama, how can I perform that role?

⑻ 17.人生是一場電影,痛苦是一個開端,掙扎是一種過程,死亡是一種結局用英語怎麼

Life is a movie, the pain is a beginning, is a process of struggle, death is an ending



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