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發布時間:2022-11-05 02:30:01

⑴ 有沒有動畫片的較好聽的英文


delte goodrem-in this life《拯救德爾托拉》


Angela Aki-Kiss Me Good-Bye《最終幻想12》

王菲-eyes on me《最終幻想8》

宇多田光-Fly me to the moon 《EVA》

種ともこ-broken wings 《聖魔之血》

Rie Fu-life is like a boat 《死神》(有一點日語)

FictionJunction ASUKA-everlasting song《武器種族傳說》(這個有英文和日文兩個版本)

片霧烈火-why or why not《蟬鳴之時》

MELL-red fraction《黑礁》

宮村優子-It's only the fairy tale《舞HIME》

LENA PARK-祈り~You Raise Me Up 《羅密歐和朱麗葉》

⑵ 求動漫里好聽的英文歌...或有些動漫歌曲的英文版....


EVA專輯的《Komm, susser Tod/甘き死よ、來たれ/來吧,甜美的死亡》試聽http://www.ya-online.net/download/music/EVA-Komm,susser_Tod.wma。還有一首高橋樣子的《LOVE ANTIQUE》試聽http://images.bcct.cn/resourceDir/music/2512.mp3

寒蟬中的主題曲:《why,or why not》試聽http://www.animemundi.net/musica/why_or_why_not.mp3

hack//SIGN 中的《fake wings》,《aura》 ,《a stray child 》,《key of the twilight》 四首,這部動畫中的英文歌曲很多。都是梶浦由記的作品。不過比較難找。一般都在hack//SIGN 音樂全集里。

NOIR中的《Lullaby》試聽http://pds6.egloos.com/pds/200711/10/85/02.MP3。推薦其中一首德語歌:《Canta Per Me》試聽http://jcs555.free.fr/Musique/noir%20-%20Canta%20Per%20Me.mp3

死神的歌謠中的主題曲。《NO ONE》試聽http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/oKv06Yq1VFA/。

《Throuch The Years And Far Away》 劇場版[星之聲]主題歌(演唱者是新海誠當時的女友)試聽http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ch00XMTg1NTg3NjQ=.html這個

校園迷糊大王中的《best friend》,作者是大森俊之試聽http://cn.stareastnet.com/music/NetFriend/MusicFile/1014.mp3這個是05年就有的連接。不知道失效沒有。。

⑶ 求一首英文歌,歌詞有中間唱噠啦d啦迖啦,重復了幾句的,是一個歐美動畫卡通電影主題曲,唱歌男生是金色

Did you think my life would end that day
That you walked out when you broke my heart
Did you think I couldn't make it through
Ooh, without you
Did you think you'd stop my world with goodbye, oh no
Did you think I'd crumble inside
Not Me, I'm still breathing
And this heart of mine is still beating
I, I'm not feeling any pain
No baby, not me, I'm still breathing
This old heart of mine is still beating
The tears I cried have dried
You are gone and I survived

I'm still breathing
Braxton Toni
There were times when it took all my strength
To just get through, yeah, through another day
There were so many nights I thought that I was gonna die
Without you
But the tears I cried somehow made me strong, so strong
Did you think I couldn't go on
Not Me, I'm still breathing
And this heart of mine is still beating
I, I'm not feeling any pain
No baby, not me, I'm still breathing
This old heart of mine is still beating
The tears I cried have dried
You are gone and I survived
I'm still breathing
You tried to cut me down
But look who's still around
Did you think you'd stop my world with good bye, no baby
Did you think I'd crumble, just crumble inside
Not Me, I'm still breathing
And this heart of mine is still beating

I, I'm not feeling any pain
No baby, not me, I'm still breathing
This old heart of mine is still beating
The tears I cried have dried
You are gone and I survived
I'm still breathing
The tears I cried have dried
You are gone and I survived
I'm still breathing
The tears I cried have dried
You are gone and I survived
I'm still breathing

⑷ 動畫片里輕松的英文歌有哪些呢

Four Seasons——犬夜叉劇場版[天下霸道之劍]主題曲
I'm alive 宮村優子
It's only the fairly tale (舞hime)
狼與香辛料 片尾曲 「リンゴ日和~The Wolf Wishing Song 」
Broken Wing (出自《聖魔之血》)
Life is like a boat(出自《死神》)
fly me to the moon(《新世紀福音戰士》的超級經典片尾曲) 宇多田光
everytime you kissed me 潘多拉之心 這個不知道應該算不算輕快

⑸ 求古裝電視劇、動漫、歐美英文歌曲中的好聽的歌曲(主題曲、片尾曲、插曲)!我要歌曲的名字




⑹ 請問一首英文歌,高潮部分是什麼baby you are go go go ,什麼的 好像是過國外動

me and you 歌手:阿福

You're my everything
and I need you to know
I just can't waiting for the moment
and I love you so
oh baby,
You're my everything
but I need you to know
I will be giving you my promise
and I to do so
why I loving you loving you all day
and all night I just want see your face
tell me what should I do to loving you
tell me what can I do to meeting you
Me and you
turn round and what can we do
me and you
I will love you
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
when I love you, loving you all day
and all night I just wanna see your face
tell me what should I do to loving you
tell me what can I do to meeting you
me and you
turn round and what can we do
me and you
I will love you
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just wanna let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beauty you are how I can see
you're my everything
and need you to kown
I just can't waiting for the moment
and I love you so
you're my everything
but I need you to know
I will be giving you my promise
and I to do so
Oh, baby, baby, please don't go
I just want let you know
you are my lover never never end
so beautiful that how I can see.

⑺ 動畫電影《帶我去月球》(fly me to the moon)里的歌

歌手: The Young Rascals

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away too soon
I can't imagine anything that's better
The world is ours whenever we're together
There ain't a place I'd like to be instead of

Movin' down a crowded avenue
Doing anything we like to do
There's always lots of things that we can see
You can be anyone we like to be
All those happy people we could meet
Just groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really, couldn't get away too soon

We'll keep on spending sunny days this way
We're gonna talk and laugh our time away
I feel it coming closer day by day
Life would be ecstasy, you and me endlessly

Groovin' on a Sunday afternoon
Really couldn't get away to soon
No, No, No, No

⑻ 歐美卡通里的英文歌

What we're all about(蜘蛛俠)
What I've done(變形金剛)
New Divide(變2)
Pretty Women
Here I am(小馬王)
Forever may not be long enough(蠍子王)
Rock star(搖滾之星)
I stand alone(蠍子王2)

⑼ 求好聽的英文電影插曲~

1、《Mystery of Love》

《Mystery of Love》是電影《請以你的名字呼喚我》插曲,由Sufjan Stevens演唱,發行於2017年11月03日。

2、《This Is Me》

《This Is Me》是美國流行女歌手Keala Settle為電影《馬戲之王》獻唱的一首插曲,單曲於2017年12月22日通過華納唱片公司發行。

3、《Remember Me》

《Remember Me》是羅伯特·洛佩茲作曲、克里斯汀·安德生-洛佩茲作詞的歌曲,是動畫電影《尋夢環游記》的主題曲,電影中由安東尼·岡薩雷斯、蓋爾·加西亞·貝納爾、本傑明·布拉特和安娜·奧菲麗亞·莫吉亞演唱,片尾中則由美國歌手Miguel和墨西哥歌手Natalia Lafourcade演唱。

4、《Let It Go》

《Let It Go》是華特迪士尼動畫工作室的2013年動畫電影《冰雪奇緣》的主題曲,由克里斯汀·安德森-洛佩茲和羅伯特·洛佩茲作曲作詞。在電影冰雪奇緣中,伊迪娜·門澤爾為主角艾莎配音並配唱,而收錄於《冰雪奇緣》官方音樂帶里是迪斯尼歌手黛米·洛瓦托版的《Let It Go》。


《Shallow》是由Lady Gaga和布萊德利·庫珀共同演唱的一首歌曲,詞曲創作由Gaga、Andrew Wyatt、Anthony Rossomando、Lukas Nelson和馬克·容森共同完成,於2018年9月28日發行,收錄於電影《一個明星的誕生》的同名原聲帶中。

⑽ 迪士尼動畫電影中好聽的英文歌

《海洋之心》(How Far I』ll Go)



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