導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 她經常放學看電影英文


發布時間:2022-11-04 13:26:45

A. 她經常在晚上八點看電視用英文

She often watches TV at eight o'clock at night. 同學您好,如果問題已解決,記得右上角採納哦~~~您的採納是對我的肯定~謝謝哦

B. 在周末她經常和她的朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

she usually goes to the cinema with her friends on weekends

C. 他經常下課讓我們看電影 用英文怎麼說

He often let us watch movies after class.


D. 翻譯 她希望放學後去看電影

She hopes to go to the cinema after school

E. 她常常周末去看電影 英語句子

She always goes to see movie at weekend.

F. 翻譯英語:1.他經常去看電影______________________ 2.她從來不穿牛仔褲和運動鞋_____________________

1. He often goes to the cinema.
2. She never wears jeans or sports shoes.
3. a pair of sports shoes
4. a pair of jeans
5. many; much; a lot of; lots of
6. watch a football match on TV
7. My brother likes reading novels.
8. different habbits
9. at once=in no time=immediately

G. 在業余時間她通常去看電影英語

She often goes to see the film in spare time.
She usually goes to see the movie at leisure.

H. 在周末她經常和她的朋友去看電影用英語怎麼說

On weekends she and her friends ofen go to the movies.

She ofen go to movies with her friends on weekends.

I. 晚飯後,她經常看電視的英文

After dinner, she often watches TV

J. 她常常在周日和朋友們一起去看電影(翻譯成英文)

She often goes to the movies with her friends on Sundays 。



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