導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 中國的電影產業英文


發布時間:2022-11-01 03:44:00

① 關於介紹中國電影的英語作文


Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.


The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans』attraction.


Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts ring the Republic of China.


In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie.


the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years.


Besides, the leading roles went to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully proced and fantastic Kung Fu movie.


I watched it in the cinema, feeling it』s so great that I couldn』t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.


② 中國電影中英文對照

《Farewell My Concubine》 《霸王別姬》
《Be There or Be Square》《不見不散》
《Ashes of Time》《東邪西毒》
《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》《水滸傳:英雄本色》
《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora『s Box》《大話西遊之月光寶盒》 《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》
《Funeral of the Famous Star, The》《大腕》
《TheDream Factory 》《甲方乙方》
《Steal Happiness》《沒事偷著樂》
《In the Mood for Love》《花樣年華》
《From Beijing with Love》《國產007》
《In the Heat of the Sun》《陽光燦爛的日子》
《Keep Cool》《有話好好說》
《Flirting Scholar》《唐伯虎點秋香》
《A Better Tomorrow》《英雄本色》
《Once Upon a Time in China》《黃飛鴻》
《Twin Warriors》《太極張三豐》
《A Man Called Hero》《中華英雄》
《Mr. Nice Guy》《一個好人》

③ 剛剛過去的2009年裡,中國電影市場的持續火爆是有目共睹的文化現象。 英文翻譯

During the latest 2009, Chinese movie market has kept booming is a cultural phenomenon that was well known by the public.
有目共睹翻譯成了well known by the public。

④ 中國電影發展史的英文介紹

An introction of the history of Chinese films in English.

⑤ 徵求一篇關於我國電影發展史的英文稿



On the occasion of the founding of the China Film century, our generation is lucky. On the occasion of the link between past and future nodes time, we want to do practical things in the next 100 years for China to expand study of the history of film to make modest. At present, we can read the earliest Chinese writing the history of film, there are two, that is, the 1934 edition of "China Film Year Book," published in the sword-st "the history of Chinese film developed" and the 1936 edition of "Modern Chinese History of the development of the arts," the income of Zheng Junli "Modern Chinese History of cinema."The two authors in this field have the arous work and vision of its total power as far as I can, beyond the start-up period of Chinese film about the impact of anecdotal things.
After new China was founded in film history have a major impact on most of the quarter-China editor-in-chief of the two-volume "History of the development of Chinese film." The book, "10-year Sword", began in 1950, from all over the country to search for information on China's film, newspapers, periodicals, brochures, posters and stills, officially approved in 1958 into writing, to amend the final version in 1962; about the leadership cautious for the Purposes, the decision to "first draft" of the press, opened for the first time in 1963 and India 4200 sold out.Bianzhu three who had the face of China's film study of the history of this "has not yet opened up the virgin land", to gather around the plot into a micro-book, for the integration of resources is significant - the body of the index reached title in 1336 (), film names index 985 to 000 (times), published photos, stills 819; provided in the appendix from 1905 to 1949 between the films proced catalog-quarter of China said that this manuscript as "the first time, very preliminary film on the history of China A survey report. "Although today's point of view, "the development of Chinese film history" there are still a lot of bias, but Bianzhu so proud of those who, in collecting historical data on this point at home and abroad to win professional recognition, such as the 1986 version of the "Cambridge Chinese History of Chinese history in "stress" of the two volumes of this book is still the study of Chinese film the widest coverage for the contents of the book. "

⑥ 電影行業常見的英語詞彙



1. presents

2. proction, a proction of ...

3. a film

4. director, directed by, a film by

5. screenplay by

6. based on a story by

7. proced by

8. executive procer

9. proction manager

10. director of photography

11. music by

12. sound effect

13. sound mixer

14. 1st assistant director

15. casting by

16. cast of characters

1. 出品

2. 攝制

3. 製片人

4. 導演

5. 編劇

6. 原著

7. 製片

8. 執行製片

9. 製片主任

10. 攝影

11. 音樂

12. 音響效果

13. 聲音合成

14. 首席助理導演

15. 選派演員

16. 演員表


⑦ 用英文介紹一部中國電影

英文:"In Mount Taihang" is crosses the river by the Chinese redarmy soldier, very before

the opposition to Japan , wards offestablishes the Mount Taihang base the movie, it has

very muchecates Italy .







⑧ 「中國電影集團公司」的英文名是什麼

china film group corporation

⑨ 中國電影集團公司的介紹

中國電影集團公司(英語:China Film Group Corporation),簡稱中影集團,英文縮寫CFGC,成立於1999年2月,是由原中國電影公司、北京電影製片廠、中國兒童電影製片廠、中國電影合作製片公司、中國電影器材公司、電影頻道節目中心、北京電影洗印錄像技術廠、華韻影視光碟有限責任公司等8家單位組成。中影集團擁有全資分子公司15個,主要控股、參股公司近30個,1個電影頻道,總資產28億元。中影集團是中國大陸唯一擁有影片進口權的公司,而且是中國產量最大的電影公司。2011年5月,入選第三屆「文化企業30強」。中影集團成立以來,按照現代企業制度的要求,進行了業務重組、資產整合和產權制度的改革,逐步實現了資源統一開發,人事、財務統一管理,形成了影視創作生產,發行放映,境內外合拍影片管理、協調和服務,院線經營管理,數字製作,數字影院的建設與管理,洗印加工,影片進出口,電影器材營銷,後電影開發,光碟生產,媒體運營,廣告,物業管理,房地產開發等主業突出、多種產業門類共同發展的鏈條式經營模式。中影集團擁有全資分子公司15個,主要控股、參股公司近30個,1個電影頻道,總資產28億元。2011年5月13日,入選第三屆「文化企業30強」。中影集團不斷推進股份制改造,實現投資主體多元化,生產規模、經營實力和融資能力不斷增強,以其巨大的有形和無形資產吸引社會資本和境外資本,相繼與中外多個知名公司合作。

⑩ 中國電影集團公司是不是央企


中國電影集團公司(英語:China Film Group Corporation,簡稱中影集團,英文縮寫CFGC)成立於1999年2月。中影集團是中國大陸唯一擁有影片進口權的公司,而且是中國產量最大的電影公司。



中國電影集團公司主業規模:電影主業規模發展 中影集團將影視創作生產作為重中之重,始終堅持「三貼近」原則,把握正確導向,豐富和滿足廣大人民群眾日益增長的精神文化需求是我們的最大追求。




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