導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 海底總動員電影原詞英文翻譯


發布時間:2022-10-30 18:00:52

A. 海底總動員金典語錄中英文

1.Fish are friends,not food.
2.If this is some kind of pratical joke,it's not funny.
3.No,it's true.I forget things almost instantly.
4.What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? It's not safe. That's my boy.
對於海洋我們要記住哪一點?它並不安全 好孩子
5.Don't worry.We're gonna stay together as a group.
不要擔心 我們會像一個團隊一樣待在一起的。
6.You're doing pretty well for a first timer.
7.You can't hold on to them forever,can you?
8.All right, kids, feel free to explore.

B. 海底總動員英文對白翻譯

NEMO:醒醒,快醒醒! 快點,開學第一天.
Marlin: 我不想上學-- 你再讓我睡五分鍾吧.
Marlin:我瞧瞧. 你真想今天去上學嗎?不去也沒關系 就是再等五六年也不晚


C. 海底總動員的英文名稱是

英文名稱:Finding Nemo

D. 海底總動員的英語名


英文名是:Finding Nemo

E. 海底總動員介紹人物及故事情節英語譯文

主角是一對可愛的小丑魚(Clownfish)父子。父親瑪林本來有一個幸福的家庭,但在一場意外中妻子珊珊和大部分孩子都被鯊魚吃掉,只剩下唯一的兒子尼莫。他們一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中過著安定而"幸福"的平靜生活。但在那巨大的打擊後魚爸爸瑪林一直謹小慎微,行事縮手縮腳,雖 然已經身為人父,卻絲毫不會影響它成為遠近聞名的膽小鬼。也正因為這一點,兒子尼莫常常與瑪林發生爭執,甚至有那麼一點瞧不起自己的父親。直到有一天,在父親瑪林的不信任眼神中,游向了停在海上的游輪底部。正當尼莫回返時,卻被潛水員捉住了。並將它帶到了澳洲悉尼灣內的一家牙醫診所。
雖說是已下定決心,但這並不代表瑪林可以在一夜之間拋棄自己怯懦的性格。途中與大白鯊布魯斯的幾次驚險追逐,很快便令它萌生退意,險些使父子重聚的希望化為泡影。但幸運的是,瑪林遇到了來自撒馬力亞(Samaritan)的藍唐王魚(Regal Blue Tang)多莉(Dory)。多莉是一隻熱心助人、胸懷寬廣的大魚。雖然嚴重的健忘症常常搞得瑪林哭笑不得,但是有多莉在身邊做伴,卻也漸漸令瑪林明白了如何用勇氣與愛戰勝自己內心的恐懼,也懂得了一生中有一些事情的確是值得自己去冒險去努力的道理。
Protagonist is a pair of cute clown fish (Clownfish) and his son. Father Malin had a happy family, but in an unexpected wife, Shan and most children are eaten by sharks, only only son Nemo. They have been in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia in stability and "happiness" to live in peace. But in the huge hit Malin fish father has been timid, timid to act, although already a father, but did not influence it became known far and wide for a coward. It is because of this, son Nemo often quarrel with Malin, even a little less despised his father. Until one day, in the eyes of the father Malin distrust, swam to the bottom of the sea in the cruise stop. While the return of the nimodipine, but was caught by the divers. And bring it to a dental clinic in Australia in the bay of Sydney.
At the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef, hovering between life and death of the beloved son, the news suddenly, for Malin fish father is tantamount to a bolt from the blue. Although now in order to save the timid and overcautious, beloved children, it only takes numerous Malin has. It is determined to keep up with the current Australia, on a course for his son.
Although it is determined, but this does not mean that Malin can abandon their timid character overnight. Bruce and the way of a great white shark several thrilling chase, soon will make it tuiyi initiation, the father and son reunited nearly hope evaporated. But fortunately, Malin encountered from the SA sanmariya (Samaritan) blue Tangyu fish (Regal Blue Tang Dory, Dory). Dolly is a warmhearted, broad-minded fish. Although severe amnesia often engage in Malin mbfounding, but dolly in the side companion, but also graally make Malin understand how to use and courage to love conquer fear in your heart, but also how to have a life is something really worthy of take risks to work on their own reasoning.
So and the two fishes in the vast Pacific Ocean adventure to make them the hands of all kinds of friends, and suffered all kinds of crises. Malin father and the fish finally overcome, reunited with his son and safely returned to their hometown. The past let his son are looked down upon the coward Malin, after the test become son eyes of the true heroes! A family reunion in this drama, eyes full of tears came to a close.
《海底總動員》是一部由皮克斯動畫工作室製作,並於2003年由華特迪士尼發行的美國電腦動畫電影。這部電影的故事和劇本是由安德魯·史丹頓編寫的,導演則是史丹頓以及李·安克里治兩人。故事主要敘述一隻過度保護兒子的小丑魚馬林和它在路上碰到的藍唐王魚多莉兩人一同在汪洋大海中尋找瑪林失去的兒子尼莫的奇幻經歷。在路途中,瑪林漸漸了解到它必須要勇於冒險以及它的兒子已經有能力照顧自己了。該影片一經上映即獲得了空前好評,並於2004年成功收獲奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎 。

F. 海底總動員英文名是什麼

尼莫 海底總動員的英文名就叫FINDING NEMO (尋找尼莫)

G. 海底總動員用英語怎麼翻譯

電影原文片名是Finding Nemo,中文譯為海底總動員

H. 海底總動員用英語復述以及意思

馬林(Marlin)是一隻住在大堡礁的小丑魚。很久以前,它的配偶珊瑚以及它們所產下來大多數的卵都在一場梭子魚的攻擊中被吃掉了。因此它變得非常的緊張、神經兮兮,且過度地保護它唯一的兒子:尼莫(Nemo)。尼莫的卵在那場攻擊意外中經過碰撞,導致生下來的它右鰭異常的小,被稱為它的「幸運鰭」,但也因為如此,馬林更是擔心尼莫的游泳能力。尼莫上學的第一天,它的老師鱝老師(Mr. Ray)帶著它和其它學生們一起去校外教學。尼莫到了大堡礁的邊緣以後,就和同學們大膽的冒險游離礁石區,游到了他們口中的"屁屁"——一艘人類的船底下,碰到了那艘船的底部。馬林趕到以後非常的生氣,但尼莫卻在這個時候被一位潛水員給捉了去,潛水員還幫馬林拍了一張照。潛水員將尼莫帶上船以後就開船消失了。
後來,馬林和多莉又經歷了一場冒險:它們被一隻巨大的鯨魚給吞了進去,但後來卻借著鯨魚呼吸的氣體交換被「噴了出來」。被噴出來之後,它們就成功抵達了悉尼,差點被其中一隻鵜鶘當成早餐,幸好因為噎到吐了出來,祖哥認出了它們,祖哥於是就將馬林和多莉帶到了牙醫的辦公室。不過,牙醫卻正好要將尼莫送給妲拉,而尼莫就裝死,希望能夠藉此被沖到馬桶而排放到大海中,可是牙一走進廁所,但他的舉動陣驚了魚群-他打算將它丟進垃圾桶!馬林看到後,就以為尼莫真的死了。驚恐的馬林拉了祖哥的蛇頭讓他飛進牙醫的辦公室,造成了一場混亂,吉哥於是趁機將尼莫 《海底總動員》劇照(26張)送進了漱口池的水管中,順利的流向了大海。
演職員表跑完後,還播放了一小段後傳:後來魚缸的自動濾水器也壞了,而尼莫當初丟進去的小石子於是就起了效用,魚缸中的魚兒們也就順利的逃到了大海中,只不過它們卻還被裝在當初牙醫使用的小塑膠袋中。最後,豚豚(Bloat)就說道:「現在呢?」("Now what?")。
Ma Lin (Marlin) is a live in Great Barrier Reef clown fish. A long time ago, itsspouse Coral and their proction down most of the eggs in a pike attackwas eaten. So it becomes very tense, nervous, and excessive protection itonly son: Nimmo (Nemo). Nemo eggs in the attack in the accident after the collision, resulting in born it right fin very small, known as the "lucky", butalso because of this, Ma Lin was even more worried Nemo swimming ability.Nemo's first day of school, the teacher ray teacher (Mr. Ray) took it andother students go off campus teaching. After nimodipine to the edge of Great Barrier Reef, and the students bold adventure free reef area, swim totheir mouth "fart" -- a human bottom, met the ship bottom. Ma Lin arrivedafter the very angry, but Nemo is at this time was a diver to catch up to, the divers also help Ma Lin took a picture. Divers will later Nemo brought aboard sailed away.
Marin panic nervous swam out of the Great Barrier Reef, on the way to seek help. It had a quasi Acanthuridae a naive, optimistic personality hastransient amnesia: dolly (Dory). On the way to Finding Nemo, they met three"to be" Shark: Bruce (Bruce), An An (Anchor) and Shen (Chum), while Bruce took them to an abandoned ship. There, Ma Lin found the originalcatch goggles go nimodipine diver, and write the diver. After deep in the sea a thrilling journey, Dolly was successfully read out the frog mirrorwriting, so that divers place is located in Sydney australia. Then they met a group of cooking saury, they told Ma Lin to go to Sydney the fastest way is to take the East Australian current. They met a group of dangerous jellyfishand on the way to the East Australian current, in through the swarms ofjellyfish jellyfish attack while they were away, wake up lying on a namedturtle (Crush) of the green turtle, turtle shell and one of its peers. Ma Linwhere will it and dolly Finding Nemo along the way, adventure story toldsmall turtles, and the story after teach orally were also introced into Sydney harbor for Pelican progenitor brother (Nigel) that.
Catch Nemo diver -- dentist Hillman, will be back in Sydney he Nemo harborclinics in aquariums. There, Nemo meets in aquarium fish, and their leaderis a personality stubborn, named Ji brother (Gill) is a fish. Those fish hear the dentist to Nemo to his niece was very afraid, because Daala (Darla) lovekept swinging fish bag, gave her the fish often die an untimely on. Often afish tank, in part because see starfish small peach knock sang 'little star".Her brother was thought out a new plan to escape from the fish tank, is to allow Nemo drilling water filter, and with the small stones to block water filterpipe. Allowing a dentist had to fish them out, had to clean the tank. Nimmo then took the small stones into the water filter, but failed, and nearly lost hislife. But fathers brother (Nigel) came to tell again about it for his son in a vast expanse of water in the father's story, Nemo firmly with stones to try again, and success. However, the plan was for the dentist bought an automatic cleaning of the advanced water filter failed.
Later, Ma Lin and Dolly was an adventure: they are a huge whale to swallowit, but by the whale breathing gas exchange is "spouted out". After beingsprayed out, they successfully arrived in Sydney, almost is one a pelican asbreakfast, but choked to spit it out, father brother recognized their fathersbrother, so will Ma Lin and dolly brought to the dentist's office. However, the dentist is just to Nemo to Daala, and nimodipine was dead, and hope to berushed to the toilet and discharged into the sea, but the tooth into the toilet,but his move surprised fish - he's going to throw it into the stbin! After Ma Lin see, think Nemo really dead. Frightened Malinla Zu brother - let him fly into the dentist's office, resulting in a mess, Ji brother and took the opportunity to Nimmo "Finding Nemo" still (26 Zhang) to gargle pool water,smooth flow to the sea.
Ma Lin felt very sad, decided to go home by himself. Dolly later met washedinto the sea of nimodipine, and in view of its transient amnesia, the dollydoesn't remember anything about Ma Lin, so he helps Nemo together to find that it doesn't remember "Ma Lin". Later, in the Sydney subsea sewerdolly saw "SYDNEY" and then returned to memory, and then help Nemofound its father. Ma Lin see it son safe and sound after to feel at ease, butsoon after, dolly and a group of fish is a fish net to get away. Nemo after telling his father it must let Nemo to fly, and got into the net, and dollytogether to help the fish from escaping from the net. Nimmo then took Jibrother teach it method: "try to swim down", the Ma Lin don't want him to do so, fearing failure and let Nimmo out, but Nimmo over Ma Lin's objections,succeeded in disrupting the nets.

I. 《海底總動員》的英文名字叫什麼。

《海底總動員》英文名Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo is the fifth installment for Pixar Studios, the most reliable studio in Hollywood today, and it is my personal favorite. The first obviously outstanding aspect of the movie is the animation. From the breathtaking wonder of the Great Barrier Reef, to the cold, sterile fish tank, the animation is top notch and truly state of the art. The water, which has always been the bane of animation, is picture perfect, and the animators have captured the rolling but constant ocean and the light refractions perfectly. But animation itself doesn't make a film. Finding Nemo's strongest aspect is it's warm, witty, heartfelt, and funny story of a father's quest to reclaim his son. The kids will love the vibrant characters and funny situations, and so will the parents. However, the parents will be able to enjoy the film on a level far more than the kids will. The story is about losing a child, and the desperate quest to be reunited, which will hit the parent right in the gut. This is the story's dark side, which has, thankfully, not been sugar coated by the creators. Overall, lets just say Halleluja, Pixar, you've done it again!

J. 求海底總動員的中英文台詞

《海底總動員》英語台詞 Nemo: Wake up, wake up! First day of school.

Marlin: I don't want to go to school—five more minutes.

Nemo: Not you. Dad, me.

Marlin: Ok.

Nemo: Get up, get up. It's time for school, time for school.

Marlin: All right, I'm up.

Nemo: Whoa!

Marlin: Nemo!

Nemo: First day of school!

Marlin: Nemo, don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. Unh! You feel a break?

Nemo: No!

Marlin: Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. Are you woozy?

Nemo: No!

Marlin: How many strips do I have?

Nemo: I am fine.

Marlin: Answer the stripe question.

Nemo: Three.

Marlin: No! see? Something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three—That's all I have? You are ok. How's the lucky fin?

Nemo: Lucky.

Marlin: Let's see. Are you sure you want to go to school this year? There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.

Nemo: Come on, Dad, it's time for school.
Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?
Dory: Aah! Something's got me.
Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.
Dory: Who's that?
Marlin: Who's that could it be? It's me.
Dory: Are you my conscience?
Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven't spoken for a while. How are you?
Dory: Can't complain.
Marlin: Yeah? Good. Now Dory, I want you to tell me—Do you see anything?
Dory: I see a … I see a light.
Marlin: A light?
Dory: Yeah. Over there. Hey, conscience, am I dead?
Marlin: No. I see it, too. What is it?
Dory: It's so pretty.
Marlin: I am feeling happy, which is a big deal for me.
Dory: I want to touch it.
Marlin: Hey, come back. Come on back here.
Dory: I am gonna get you.
Marlin: I am gonna swim with you. I am gonna be your best friend. Good feeling's gone



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