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發布時間:2022-10-30 02:54:11

Ⅰ 功夫熊貓人物英語名字

Po大熊貓Master Shifu 紅色的熊貓Master Tigress東北虎Tai Lung 雪豹Master Viper 綠樹蛇Master Monkey 金絲猴 Master Mantis 螳螂Master Crane 仙鶴Master Oogway 龜Mr.Ping 山羊Zeng 鵝Commander Vachir 爪哇犀牛...

Ⅱ 功夫熊貓主要內容如何用英語介紹


In the quiet and peaceful Valley of Peace, a group of leisurely lovely Dongwu. qizhong, fat panda Awa ( jack black voice ) as a waiter in the noodle shop, he also often gets people's xiai. raner, a fierce evil snow leopard Stallone, the residents of Valley of Peace are prepared to call the most intrepid men in the form of conference to including master







阿寶在父親的“提醒”下,帶著面攤去翡翠宮觀看典禮,無疑遲到了。 他想盡各種辦法想進去,卻次次失敗,又一次次想新的辦法,這里看得出阿寶很執著,這是一個伏筆。

當阿寶乘著自己製作的“火箭飛入廣場時,全場震驚。因為他是“從天踏著祥光而降”,而且落在了即將選出龍戰士的烏龜大師的手指之前 。烏龜大師說:“這可真有意思。”這句話大有深意,下面解釋2。




















這部影片還有不少值得我們警戒的地方,比如,師父對大龍的溺愛導致了悲劇的發生,我們是不是該重視一下子女的 教育 問題。 麻將 竟然成了中國的代表,這諷刺意味太濃重了。

總而言之,這是一部值得收看和 收藏 的影片。

Ⅲ 功夫熊貓的主角也就是那隻熊貓的英文名字是什麼啊





Enthusiastic, big and a little clumsy, Po is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around…which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five--Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey--under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

Ⅳ 功夫熊貓的主人公的英語簡介

The panda is the laziest animal which recognizes with Pinggu. When meets the powerful enemy to invade with Pinggu, in the valley all animals agrees holds a time martial arts world congress to select a martial arts world master to lead everybody resistance foreign enemy, defends the homeland. When the Arab League wave intruded martial arts contest congress's scene time accidentally, the masters on the scene shock discovered: The panda which looks like has no merit to speak of is unexpectedly soon saves entire with Pinggu's destiny it 「the bear」!

Ⅳ 功夫熊貓里的幾個主角的英文名字都叫什麼

毒蛇(Master Viper)
猛螳螂(Master Mantis)
飛虎女(Master Tigress)
仙鶴(Master Crane)
雪豹太郎(Tai Lung)

Ⅵ 用英語介紹一部電影(功夫熊貓)60詞左右!

hello,everyone.i will introce a film「Kung Fu Panda」(功夫熊貓)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.

Ⅶ 功夫熊貓英文簡介

Kung fu panda is an American action comedy film with Chinese kung fu as its theme.


The film is set in ancient China, and its landscape, scenery, costumes and food are all full of Chinese elements.


The story tells the story of a clumsy panda determined to become a martial arts master.


Directed by John Stephenson and mark osborne, the film is proced by merry schabbe.





Ⅷ 功夫熊貓的各種角色的英文介紹,急求~~~~~

還有很多,本來我准備發網址的,但是網路不允許。郁悶。你上Google,搜kung fu
Master Shifu is the student of Oogway and the (at first) extremely militaristic trainer of the Furious Five. He is at first very unwilling to train Po, not believing he has what it takes to defeat Tai Lung; he therefore tries to make the training unbearable to force Po to give up. As such, Shifu is greatly annoyed at how Po embraces and enres all his attempts. At first, Shifu voices his contempt of Po by referring to him as "Panda" rather than his name. After much convincing from Oogway as well as his new responsibility as the guardian of the Valley of Peace after Oogway's ascension into the Heavens, Shifu trains Po until he is ready to face Tai Lung.
Shifu once loved Tai Lung like a son after he was abandoned at his doorstep as a very young cub. He tried to sube him after Tai Lung attacked the Valley and made a bid to take the Dragon Scroll by force, but froze, unable to destroy what he created through love, and failed. In Secrets of the Furious Five, it is revealed that he is Tigress' adoptive father as well. He taught her how to control her own fury by playing a game of dominoes with her and later adopted her as his own daughter from an orphanage despite all the other alts' fear of adopting her. His experience with Tai Lung otherwise stiffened him, unfortunately, causing him to train Tigress and the Furious Five in a harsher and more critical manner than he used with Tai Lung or uses with Po. When Tai Lung returns to the Valley to enact his revenge, Shifu is nearly killed in the battle that ensues until Po arrives to save him. Shifu admits to Tai Lung that his pride and love for him turned into complacency and Tai Lung angrily rants that Shifu drove him to training until his bones cracked, implying that Shifu had always been strict even when Tai Lung was a cub. Po's defeat of Tai Lung fulfills Master Oogway's prophecy, bringing him inner peace and forever breaking down the barriers over his heart. Since then, Shifu continues to be surprised by Po, such as being a more effective teacher than he expected in Secrets of the Furious Five, and underestimating Po's loyalty and compassion in Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special. In the latter, Shifu confesses to Po, "What goes on in your head I really don't always understand, but what goes on in your heart will never let us down."

His sense of humor, before being cynical and sarcastic, is also shown returning ring the end credits when he is seen laughing at Tigress, who has apparently tried some of Po's noodles, with one hanging above her lips in the same comical fashion as Po's earlier in the film. He enjoys playing his bamboo flute and is also able to use it as a striking and throwing weapon.

Despite his age and limping on his left leg, which Tai Lung broke in their first battle, Shifu can move faster than any opponent. He is so strong and powerful that one or even all of the Furious Five combined cannot make him break a sweat
Master Oogway
Master Oogway is an aged tortoise and the senior master of the Jade Palace.[2] He is extremely wise and possesses considerable physical skill - to defeat Tai Lung, Oogway instantly subed him with a series of lightning fast nerve strikes. Also, he proved skillful in his battle with Monkey, and encouraged him to use compassion towards others after decing why Monkey played tricks on everyone. His selection of Po as the Dragon Warrior is strongly doubted by all, especially Po himself, but he stands by his decision, which proves to be the correct one. After convincing Shifu to train Po, Oogway ascends to the Heavens in the midst of dozens of peach blossom petals floating away in the cold night breeze as he dies. Among all the proverbs he recites, his most recurring is "There are no accidents."

Ⅸ 用英語介紹《功夫熊貓》這部影片(加上中文)

The is about a Panda named Po,(voice Jack Black),who is a sweet,but clumsy and has dreams of fighting with the legendary Furious Five and protecting the city against all threats. The only problem is that Po has no real life experience of kung fu, and his real job is serving noodles at his dad's noodles shop. News of selecting the Dragon Warrior is sent out from the Jade Temple, and the whole city along with Po, go to the celebration. The competition is between the Furious Five: Tigress (voice Angelina Jolie), Viper (voice Lucy Liu), Crane (voice David Cross), Monkey (voice Jackie Chan), and Mantis (voice Seth Rogen). Po accidentally enters the contest and is named the Dragon Warrior. Master Shifu (voice Dustin Hoffman) must find a way to train Po and make him a Kung Fu Master, especially, after they learn that the snow leopard, Tai Lung (voice Ian McShane), is headed their way.


Ⅹ 《功夫熊貓》英文版都有那些明星配音

阿寶--傑克·布萊克(原版) 師傅--達斯汀·霍夫曼(原版) 烏龜大師--蘭德爾·杜克·金(原版) 悍嬌虎--安吉麗娜·朱莉(原版) 大龍--伊恩·麥柯肖恩(原版) 猴王--成龍(原版) 靈蛇--劉玉玲(原版) 螳螂--塞斯·羅根(原版) 仙鶴--大衛·克羅斯(原版) 阿寶爹--詹姆斯·洪(原版) 監獄長--邁克·克拉克·鄧肯(原版) 鴨子信使--丹·福勒(原版)

《功夫熊貓》是一部以中國功夫為主題的美國動作喜劇電影 。





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