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1. 成龍拍攝的所有電影及其英文

《我是誰》--(Who Am I)
《無敵成龍》--(The Invincible Jackie Chan)
《燕尾服》--(swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail)
《特務迷城》--(The Accidental Spy/Te wu mi cheng )
《一個好人》--(Mr. Nice Guy)
《迷你特工隊》--(Mini Special Force)
《A計劃》--('A' gai waak)
《快餐車》--(Wheels On Meals)
《龍的心》--(Heart of Dragon)
《警察故事》--(Police Story)
《龍兄虎弟》--(Armour of God)
《A計劃續集》--('A' gai waak juk jaap Project A II)
《飛龍猛將》--(Dragons Forever)
《飛鷹計劃》--(Project Eagle)
《火燒島》--(When Dragons Meet)
《雙龍會》--(The Twin Dragons)
《醉拳II》--(Drunken Master )
西域威龍--Shanghai Noon
皇家威龍--Shanghai Knights
千機變--The Twins Effect
新警察故事--New Police Story
神話--The Myth
功夫之王--The Forbidden Kingdom
少林門--Countdown in Kung Fu
蛇形刁手--Snake-shaped hand
《重案組》--Crime Story

2. 我需要這些電影的英文簡介!

1 a space odyssey
Director:Stanley Kubrick
Writers:Stanley Kubrick (screenplay) &
Arthur C. Clarke (screenplay)
Release Date:6 April 1968 (USA) more
Keir Dullea ... Dr. Dave Bowman
Gary Lockwood ... Dr. Frank Poole
William Sylvester ... Dr. Heywood R. Floyd
Daniel Richter ... Moon-Watcher
Leonard Rossiter ... Dr. Andrei Smyslov
Margaret Tyzack ... Elena
Robert Beatty ... Dr. Ralph Halvorsen
Sean Sullivan ... Dr. Bill Michaels
Douglas Rain ... HAL 9000 (voice)
Frank Miller ... Mission controller (voice)
Bill Weston ... Astronaut
Ed Bishop ... Aries-1B Lunar shuttle captain (as Edward Bishop)

Glenn Beck ... Astronaut
Alan Gifford ... Poole's father
Ann Gillis ... Poole's mother
Instead of writing a paragraph, I'll give four good reasons why 2001 is the greatest cinema experience of all time: 1) It is a visual Odyssey that could only be told on the big screen. The special effects that won Kubrick his only Oscar are the most stunning effects before that age of Jurassic Park and T2. They allow Kubrick to give an accurate (or at least are the most accurate) depiction of space travel to date. The silence that fills the space scenes not only serves its purpose as accurate science, but also adds to the mood of the film (to be discussed in a later point with HAL). The fact that Kubrick shot the moon scenes before the Apollo landing is a gutsy yet fulfilling move. Many have said that upon its original release, it was a favorite "trip" movie. I can think of no other movie that has such amazing visuals for its time and even of all time (sorry Phantom Menace fans!) 2) Kubrick's directing style is terrific. As in all his films, Kubrick likes to use his camera as means to delve into the psychology of his characters and plots. His camera is not as mobile as other greats, such as Scorsese, but instead sits and watches the narrative unfold. Faces are the key element of a Kubrick film. Like classic movies, such as M and Touch of Evil, Kubrick focuses on the characters' faces to give the audience a psychological view-point. Even he uses extreme close-ups of HAL's glowing red "eye" to show the coldness and determination of the computerizd villain. I could go on, but in summation Kubrick is at the hieght of his style. 3) HAL 9000 is one of the most villainous characters in film history. I whole-heartedly agree with the late Gene Siskle's opinion of HAL 9000. Most of this film takes place in space. Through the use of silence and the darkness of space itself, a mood of isolation is created. Dave and his crewmen are isolated between earth and jupiter, with nowhere to escape. Combine this mood with the cold, calculated actions of HAL 9000 and you have the most fearful villain imaginable. I still, although having see this film several times, feel my chest tighten in a particular scene. 4) The controversial ending of 2001 always turns people away from this film. Instead of trying to give my opinion of the what it means and what my idea of 2001's meaning in general is, I'd like to discuss the fact that the ending serves to leave the movie open-ended. Kubrick has stated that he inteded to make 2001 open for discussion. He left its meaning in the hands of the viewer. By respecting the audience's intelligence, Kubrick allowed his movie to be the beginning, not the end, of a meaningful discussion on man's past, present, and future. The beauty of 2001 is that the ending need not mean anything deep, it can just be a purely plot driven explanation and the entire movie can be viewed as an entertaining journey through space. No other movie, save the great Citizen Kane, leaves itself open to discussion like 2001. It is truly meant to be a surreal journey that involves not only the eye but the mind. Instead of waiting in long lines for the Phantom Menace, rent a widescreen edition of 2001 and enjoy the greatest cinematic experience.

2 a clockwork orange

Director:Stanley Kubrick

Writers:Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)
Anthony Burgess (novel)

Release Date:2 February 1972 (USA) more
Genre:Crime | Drama | Thriller more

Malcolm McDowell ... Alex
Patrick Magee ... Mr. Alexander
Michael Bates ... Chief Guard
Warren Clarke ... Dim
John Clive ... Stage Actor
Adrienne Corri ... Mrs. Alexander
Carl Duering ... Dr. Brodsky
Paul Farrell ... Tramp
Clive Francis ... Lodger
Michael Gover ... Prison Governor
Miriam Karlin ... Catlady
James Marcus ... Georgie

Aubrey Morris ... Deltoid
Godfrey Quigley ... Prison Chaplain
Stanely Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" is one of the first movies that proved that cinema can be the most enlightening and amazing art form around. Movies have always been a true love for me, but it wasn't until this film challenged me that I fell deeply in love. The first viewing left me speechless, unable to describe how weird and terrible I felt. I thought it was the film that left me in this mood, so of course that was the easy target to blame. It was just a bad movie, overrated and stupid and a waste of time. But upon further thought, I realised the film did exactly what it was supposed to. It showed how the world can be a weird and horrible place, and how this young man who goes around torturing people and being a wicked person ultimately doesn't have to pay for what he does. And it's funny too. So this film brilliantly satirises this world, showcasing pure evil and people who ordinarily do not perform such evil are forced to laugh and observe what we all hate to admit is the truth. It's sick, but at the same time brilliant. And when one gets down to the core, you can't really explain it. It just is what it is. It's real. No one really sees it very often, but it is out there and everyone knows. And no one does anything about it. In essence, "A Clockwork Orange" is the ultimate satire, and one of the ultimate film experiences. It's art, it's life, and in a funky way, it's entertaining.

3 annie hall

Director:Woody Allen

Writers:Woody Allen (written by) and
Marshall Brickman (written by)

Release Date:20 April 1977 (USA) more
Genre:Comedy | Romance more

Woody Allen ... Alvy Singer

Diane Keaton ... Annie Hall
Tony Roberts ... Rob

Carol Kane ... Allison
Paul Simon ... Tony Lacey

Shelley Duvall ... Pam
Janet Margolin ... Robin
Colleen Dewhurst ... Mrs. Hall

Christopher Walken ... Duane Hall (as Christopher Wlaken)
Donald Symington ... Mr. Hall
Helen Ludlam ... Grammy Hall

Mordecai Lawner ... Mr. Singer

Woody Allen's masterpiece will always be "Annie Hall." What is most remarkable today about this film is the way Allen presents it. It's a movie about a relationship. But rather than taking a linear approach, Allen plays with time. We see the middle, the begining, and the end. And not always in that order. Allen also breaks the fourth wall a lot and has many dream sequences and asides which add to the complexity of the characters. This is a highly autobiographical film and Allen pulls no punches. This movie is not about romance in the way that "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is. Rather, "Annie Hall" is a deconstruction of a romance. At times it is funny and heartbreaking and always classic. "Love fades," indeed.

4 bonnie and clyde
Arthur Penn

Writers:David Newman (written by) &
Robert Benton (written by)
Release Date:13 August 1967 (USA) more
Genre:Action | Biography | Crime | Drama | Romance more

Warren Beatty ... Clyde Barrow

Faye Dunaway ... Bonnie Parker

Michael J. Pollard ... C.W. Moss

Gene Hackman ... Buck Barrow
Estelle Parsons ... Blanche
Denver Pyle ... Frank Hamer
Dub Taylor ... Ivan Moss
Evans Evans ... Velma Davis

Gene Wilder ... Eugene Grizzard

First of all, let me say that I'm appalled by the real life Bonnie and Clyde. They were two psychopathic thrill killers from Dallas who had a special hatred for law enforcement officers. I must admit that I do feel sorry for the way they were killed, but like the old axiom goes, "If you live by the sword, you die by the sword."

That said, the movie "Bonnie and Clyde" was a groundbreaking film. It was the first time that we the audience were allowed inside the killers minds, and could see what made them tick. This is perhaps the first film that takes a somewhat objective look at crime; we the audience don't have "FBI Seal of Approval" morality shoved down our throats, but we still can tell by the actions of the characters that they are evil, whether they know it or not.

The story is of two Texas young alts who, bored with their lives and the prospects of going nowhere in the world, decide to live out their dreams of stardom by going on a crime spree. They fancy themselves a sort of "Romeo and Juliet" couple, and think of their robberies as harmless fun. They start out small by knocking over grocery stores and gas stations, but soon graate to banks when they need more money to accommodate their lifestyle. Soon they have a simple minded gas clerk named C.W. and Clyde's brother and wife in the gang, and the o goes down into history.

Then the fun and games are over. With law enforcement officials now looking for Bonnie and Clyde, they become targets of bounty hunters, unethical cops and other greedy persons who wish to make a name for themselves, and they lose a part of their childish innocence as the escalation of their crimes makes them become more and more violent. When death finally comes for Bonnie and Clyde, it comes with a vengeance.

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway have never been better. Beatty, who plays Clyde Barrow as an impotent, ne'er do well country boy who seems to be sowing his wild oats, is in top form. He makes Clyde likable, with a goofy smile perpetually pasted on his face, even when sticking up a bank with two guns in his hands. Dunaway is the ultimate femme fatale as Bonnie Parker, a sweet natured Southern belle who likes the feel of a .38 in her hands as she politely asks for all the money. It's absurd, it's unrealistic, but hey, it's Hollywood. And the film works.

But most importantly, Bonnie and Clyde are in love. It's a kind of love that only few films afterward have been able to equal. There is a genuine feeling of giddy romance between the two no matter what the scene, be it a bank robbery or family get-together away from the reaches of society.

Arthur Penn was obviously a man on a mission when he directed this film. You could sense with every frame that he knew of the importance of this movie; a cinematic masterpiece that dares to make its audience evoke pathos for what would have been banned just a few years earlier.

The finale is still to this day a triumph of audience manipulation. The two bandits, finally captured and unable to escape, are dealt with in a fashion that will haunt you days after viewing. It's sad, it's disgusting, but it brings closure to the lives of two indivials whose works and existence could not be tolerated by the powers that be.

The movie "Bonnie and Clyde" inspired a generation of film makers to look at cinema in a different light. Actions movies were allowed to be funny from this point; funny movies could get away with violence. On the negative side, however, the film changed the morals of Hollywood by allowing murder to be dealt with in such a nonchalant fashion.

Sure, Claude is obviously shaken up after his first kill, as are Bonnie and C.W., but from that point on violence against law officials is no longer a problem. The police in this film are rather like the way gangsters used to be portrayed; a collection of stupid, soulless indivials who only want to ruin Bonnie and Clyde's fun.

In the end, this in an excellent film about Depression era gangsters. Most ironically, however, is that it seems dedicated to the two real life robbers who don't deserve such an honor of having a film legacy created in their names.

10 stars. Innovative, fresh, and hey, it helped pave the way for "Dillinger", my favorite movie in the robber-gangster genre

5 brief encounger

Director:David Lean

Release Date:24 August 1946 (USA) more
Genre:Romance | Drama more

Celia Johnson ... Laura Jesson
Trevor Howard ... Dr. Alec Harvey
Stanley Holloway ... Albert Godby
Joyce Carey ... Myrtle Bagot
Cyril Raymond ... Fred Jesson
Everley Gregg ... Dolly Messiter
Marjorie Mars ... Mary Norton
Margaret Barton ... Beryl Walters, Tea Room

There's not a lot to say. Like many classics this film is simply constructed with all the elements in balance so that none stands out. Everything in it contributes something essential; the lighting, the unromantic railway station sets, the minor characters and of course the music, the ultra-romantic Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no 2. The emotional rollercoaster of the illicit affair has seldom been better portrayed. Perhaps it is a little understated for transatlantic tastes but no-one viewing this movie would not appreciate that the English can be as passionate as the rest of us.

Celia Johnson as Laura and Trevor Howard as Alec are perfect together. It being 1945, they do not get to bed – that would have ruined the audience's sympathy for them in those rather more censorious times. It's all in their minds but their faces give the game away – to each other and to the bystanders. Nothing happens to drag anyone near the awful divorce courts, but you are left wondering whether Celia will ever feel quite the same about her ll, comfortable, patronising and boring husband. As for Alec, he professes he will love her forever but then, he's a man.

Noel Coward proced this film from a short play of his from 1935 (the war and post-war shortages are absent), and his lcet tones may be recognised in the railway station announcements. David Lean directed, and it is a remarkable collaboration. The action is opened out a little – a row on the lake, a drive in the country - but the scenes from the play set entirely in the railway refreshment rooms still remain the centre of the story. The parallel relationship between Albert the station guard (Stanley Holloway), and Myrtle the refreshment room attendant (Joyce Carey), is an interesting counterpoint to the angst-ridden middle class would-be alterers. Surely Noel old boy you weren't suggesting that the working class handles this sort of thing better? We see things largely from Laura's point of view and perhaps Alec didn't feel quite so guilty, but their consciences are going to make them pay. A gem of a movie.

6 chariotes of fire

Hugh Hudson

Writer:Colin Welland (original screenplay)

Release Date:9 October 1981 (USA) more
Genre:Drama | History | Sport more
Nicholas Farrell ... Aubrey Montague
Nigel Havers ... Lord Andrew Lindsay
Ian Charleson ... Eric Liddell

Ben Cross ... Harold Abrahams

Daniel Gerroll ... Henry Stallard

Ian Holm ... Sam Mussabini

John Gielgud ... Master of Trinity (as Sir John Gielgud)
Lindsay Anderson ... Master of Caius
Nigel Davenport ... Lord Birkenhead
Cheryl Campbell ... Jennie Liddell
Alice Krige ... Sybil Gordon
Dennis Christopher ... Charles Paddock
I watched this again last night. I had forgotten just how beautifully done it was - both a character study of two very different men and a gripping plot of their attempts to succeed - partly through athletics. the writer and director so well convey both Cambridge and the Edinburgh Presbyterian missionary disciples, in the early 1920s so very well.

The acting is superb - I had never seen a character presented like Eric Liddell in movies - how fine Ian Charleson was in this role, the softness of his voice, his ease and joy in running competitively (especially in contrast with the tense tortured Harold Abrahams). I also loved the more supporting roles - I've read a biography of F.E. Smith and Nigel Davenport is exactly how I would imagine him. The actor who played the Prince of Wales also seemed exactly right with his effortless charm, looks, and lack of imagination. Ian Holm, John Gielgud, Lindsay Anderson - all wonderful.

The actors weren't chosen for glamour either - Liddell and Abrahams are not Leni Riefenstahl images of athletic ideals, Liddell's sister is no beauty - and Abrahams' girlfriend is pretty but not stunning. It made them seem more real. (In nice contrast were the near-pretty boy looks of Nigel Havers as Lord Lindsay - it so suited his character).
he races are riveting - partly e to the music and sound effects.
So many small things are done so well - e.g., when Lord Lindsay has the confidence of his class to barge into a room containing the Prince of Wales, and three other lords (including Birkenhead and the head of the British Olympic Committee) and greets them by name - no need for introction there (as there was for Liddell). It's small but seems quite real.
As an American, it was interesting and funny to see our Olympic team shown as the numerous, ominous, invulnerable "other"! (something like watching a Rocky movie with Rocky as the proct of a Russian or East German success machine!). In fact, the one scene that seemed a bit off was the scene of the American track athletes warming up for the Games - all heavy music, machine like athletes, ferocious coach yelling with a megaphone into people's ears. It pounded too hard on the "these are the scary almighty inhuman opponents" theme in contrast to the cheerful British boys running along the beach.

Something I had forgotten about the movie was how stubborn BOTH protagonists are - Liddell fully as much as Abrahams. Liddell is not overly deferential or bashful when dealing with the Prince of Wales - but instead straightforward and very firm.
I truly can't understand anyone not liking this movie - it is very exciting even on the basic level of "will they win?" and so much more. (For example, Ian Holm's character's reaction to success after 30 years is very moving). Those who write to say that "Reds" deserved the Oscar more - are simply wrong. (Reds was so simplistic that it felt like watching the movie "The Hardy Boys Go to the Russian Revolution"). Those who say they cannot differentiate among the boys or between the Scottish and English accents - well, it sounds like some political statement to me.

Do watch it - it's very fine, very moving, very exciting.


3. 請問哪位高手知道電影《辣媽辣妹》片尾,安娜在媽媽婚禮上唱的那首lindsay lohan 唱的《ultimate》……


You're the kind of friend who always bends when I'm broken

Like remember when

You took my heart and put it back together again

I've been wasting time with clueless guys

But now it's over

Let me tell you why

I'm through

I've meet someone new

Who's just like you

You're it

You're the ultimate

It's automatic.

I'm sure of it

No lie

So don't even try

To tell me that you're not the guy

Cuz I've been waiting all my life

For someone just like you

But you're it

You're the ultimate, you

You're the kind of guy who's hands and mind send shivers up and down my spine

You took my heart and put it back together again.

You're the kind of guy that blows my mind

But now it's my turn

You've been right in front of me

Everything I need

Why didn't i see

You're it

You're the ultimate

It's Automatic.

I'm sure of it

No lie

So don't even try

To tell me that you're not the guy

Cuz I've been waiting all my life

For someone just like you

But you're it

You're the ultimate, you

[Guitar Playing]

You're it

You're the ultimate

It's automatic

I'm sure of it

No lie

So don't even try

To tell me that you're not the guy

Cuz I've been waiting all my life

For someone just like you

But you're it

You're the ultimate, you

You're it

You're the ultimate, you....


一切福至心靈 我很確定
別說謊 想都別想
就是你 我的真命天子


一切福至心靈 我很確定
別說謊 想都別想
等待像你這樣人就是你 我的真命天子

4. 麻煩幫我找3部英文電影

1. Smallville introction: Entering its explosive tenth season, Smallville culminates in the epic rise of the world's ultimate hero -- Superman. Finally working alongside the intrepid Lois Lane at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent had accepted his destiny as the guardian of Metropolis when General Zod arrived, challenging Clark's authority and power. Just when the romance between Clark and Lois began to bloom, Clark was called into ty by the legendary Justice Society and his own burgeoning league of heroes to fight the gathering dark forces. As season nine drew to a close, Clark sacrificed himself to save the world from Zod. Season ten promises the classic reuniting of the timeless romance between Clark and Lois, and brings Clark face to face with his destiny as he overcomes his final trials and forges the iconic identity that will be known for all time. The series stars Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Erica Durance as Lois Lane, Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen and Cassidy Freeman as Tess Mercer. SMALLVILLE was developed for television by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Shanghai Noon," "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"), based on the DC Comics characters. Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson serve as executive procers, along with James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins, Joe Davola and Tom Welling. The series is proced by Tollin/Robbins Proctions, Millar/Gough Ink and Warner Bros. Television. SUPERMAN was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Slot: 1、 This Naman guy is supposed to come from the stars......have the power of 10 men and shoot fire from his eyes,......if one person could do all that he would be a formidable enemy. He could conquer the world. He could become a tyrant if nobody kept him in check. So I've been thinking......anybody who'd be willing to fight him would have to be pretty brave. Clark......did it ever occur to you that maybe the hero of the story......is Sageeth? 這個叫Naman的傢伙據說來自外星,擁有10個人的力量,雙眼會射出火焰。若一個人真的可以擁有這些能力,他將是無人匹敵的。他可以征服世界,如果沒人制約他的話,他將成為一個暴君。所以,我在想……挺身與他抗衡的一定是個非常勇敢無畏的人。Clark,你有沒有想過,或許這個故事的英雄是……Sageeth? 2、 In life, the road to darkness is a journey, not a light switch. 在生活中,引領至黑暗的是通過漫長的行程,而不是如同電燈開關一蹴而就。 3、 Doctor: What's more important than your life? Lex: The truth. 還有什麼比你自己的生命更重要? 真相。 4、Lex和Clark的初次「碰撞」: Clark: Come on, don't die on me! Lex: I could've sworn I hit you. Clark: If you did, I'd be...I'd be dead. 5、 Lionel: Honestly, Lex, I have no idea what you're talking about. Lex: Well, then perhaps I can refresh your memory. 老實說兒子,我根本不知道你在說什麼。 那麼或許我也該幫你電擊一下。 6、 Lex: They said that dosage would kill an ordinary man, but apparently, I'm not ordinary. Lionel: No, you're not. You're my son. Lex: God help me. You shouldn't wound what you can't kill, dad. 據說葯量足以使一個普通人斃命,但是很顯然,我不是普通人。 是的,你當然不是,你是我兒子。 是上帝的幫助。爸爸,你不該傷害一個你殺不了的人。 7、 Lex: Clark? Do you believe a man can fly? Clark: Sure, in a plane. Lex: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about soaring with the air beneath you. Clark: People can't fly, Lex. Lex: I did. After the accident, when my heart stopped. It was the most exhilarating two minutes of my life. I flew over Smallville. And for the first time......I didn't see a dead end. I saw a new beginning. Thanks to you, I have a second chance. We are the future, Clark. Nothing will stand in the way of our friendship. Clark,你相信人會飛嗎? 當然,坐飛機 我不是指這個。我指的是自由翱翔在高雲之上 Lex,人無法飛。 我飛翔過。就在車禍之後當我的心臟停止跳動,那是我一生中最興奮的2分鍾。我飛過小鎮,那是我有史以來第一次。我沒有看到死亡的終點,我看到了新的開始。謝謝你,給了我重生的機會。我們就是未來,Clark,沒有什麼可以阻隔我們的友誼 8、 Dad, if you want to blame someone for Luthor Corp's woes, why don』t you lookin』 the mirror? 爸爸若你覺得有人該為Luthor企業的災難而負責的話,你何不照照鏡子?(面對關在「籠子」里「虎落平陽」的父親,老頭子最後警告兒子「I'm in a cage, Lex. I'm not dead. 我是被關在籠子里,但我並非死了。」) 9、Lionel:Well done, Lex. But wasn't it you who warned me, don't wound what you cannot kill? Lex:Oh, and, dad...I wouldn't have missed this for the world. 幹得出色,Lex。但是,是不是你警告過我的,不該傷害一個你殺不了的人? 哦,爸爸,為了這個世界好,我還是不會錯過這個(傷害一個殺不了的人的機會)的。 10、Look, sometimes you have to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. 聽著,有時候必須去做對的事情,不論付出什麼代價。(「教育」Clark)

5. 用英文簡介五部歐美電影及主人公

功夫熊貓2---Kung Fu Panda 2
In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five. But Po's new life of awesomeness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. Po must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious origins; only then will he be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed.
Jack Black--Po
Angelina Jolie--Tigress
Dustin Hoffman--Master Shifu
Gary Oldman--Lord Shen
Jackie Chan--Monkey
Seth Rogen--Mantis
Lucy Liu--Viper
David Cross--Crane
James Hong--Mr. Ping
Michelle Yeoh--The Soothsayer
Danny McBride--Wolf Boss

哈利波特7----- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. The much-anticipated motion picture event is the second of two full-length parts. In the epic finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here.
Daniel Radcliffe--Harry Potter
Rupert Grint--Ron Weasley, Ron Wesley
Emma Watson--Hermione Granger
Helena Bonham Carter--Bellatrix Lestrange
Ralph Fiennes--Lord Voldemort
Michael Gambon--Professor Albus Dumbled...
Alan Rickman--Professor Severus Snape
Robbie Coltrane--Rubeus Hagrid
Bonnie Wright--Ginny Weasley
John Hurt--Mr. Ollivander
Timothy Spall--Wormtail
Tom Felton--Draco Malfoy

Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious ring the dream state when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible -- inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.
Leonardo DiCaprio--Cobb
Joseph Gordon-Levitt--Arthur
Ken Watanabe--Saito
Ellen Page--Ariadne
Dileep Rao--Yusuf
Tom Hardy--Eames
Cillian Murphy--Robert Fischer Jr
Tom Berenger--Browning

加勒比海盜4---Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed adventure. Crossing paths with the enigmatic Angelica (Penélope Cruz), he's not sure if it's love-or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the "Queen Anne's Revenge," the ship of the legendary pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know whom to fear more: Blackbeard or Angelica, with whom he shares a mysterious past.
Johnny Depp --Captain Jack Sparrow
Penelope Cruz --Angelica
Geoffrey Rush--Captain Hector Barbossa
Ian McShane--Blackbeard
Kevin McNally--Joshamee Gibbs
Sam Claflin--Philip
Astrid Bergés-Frisbey--Syrena
Stephen Graham--Scrum

After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic ring a dockside card game, American Jack Dawson spots the society girl Rose DeWitt Bukater who is on her way to Philadelphia to marry her rich snob fiance Cal Hockley. Rose feels helplessly trapped by her situation and makes her way to the aft deck and thinks of suicide until she is rescued by Jack. Cal is therefore obliged to invite Jack to dine at their first-class table where he suffers through the slights of his snobbish hosts. In return, he spirits Rose off to third class for an evening of dancing, giving her the time of her life. Deciding to forsake her intended future all together, Rose asks Jack, who has made his living making sketches on the streets of Paris, to draw her in the nude wearing the invaluable blue diamond Cal has given her. Cal finds out and has Jack locked away. Soon afterwards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.
Leonardo DiCaprio--Jack Dawson
Kate Winslet--Rose DeWitt Bukater
Billy Zane--Cal Hockley
Kathy Bates--Molly Brown
Frances Fisher--Ruth DeWitt Bukater
Gloria Stuart--Old Rose

拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan
The story opens with a prologue in which a veteran brings his family to the American cemetery at Normandy, and a flashback then joins Capt. John Miller and GIs in a landing craft making the June 6, 1944, approach to Omaha Beach to face devastating German artillery fire. This mass slaughter of American soldiers is depicted in a compelling, unforgettable 24-minute sequence. Miller's men slowly move forward to finally take a concrete pillbox. On the beach littered with bodies is one with the name "Ryan" stenciled on his backpack. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall , learning that three Ryan brothers from the same family have all been killed in a single week, requests that the surviving brother, Pvt. James Ryan , be located and brought back to the United States. Capt. Miller gets the assignment, and he chooses a translator, Cpl. Upham , skilled in language but not in combat, to join his squad of right-hand man Sgt. Horvath , plus privates Mellish , Medic Wade , cynical Reiben from Brooklyn, Italian-American Caparzo, and religious Southerner Jackson , an ace sharpshooter who calls on the Lord while taking aim. Having previously experienced action in Italy and North Africa, the close-knit squad sets out through areas still thick with Nazis. After they lose one man in a skirmish at a bombed village, some in the group begin to question the logic of losing more lives to save a single soldier.
Tom Hanks--Capt. John Miller
Edward Burns--Private Richard Reiben
Tom Sizemore--Sgt. Horvath
Jeremy Davies--Cpl. Upham
Vin Diesel--Pvt. Caparzo
Adam Goldberg--Pvt. Mellish
Barry Pepper--Pvt. Jackson
Giovanni Ribisi--T/4 Medic Wade
Matt Damon--Pvt. James Ryan
Dennis Farina--Lt. Col. Anderson
Ted Danson--Capt. Hamill
Harve Presnell--Gen. George Marshall
Dale Dye--War Dept. Colonel
Bryan Cranston--War Dept. Colonel
David Wohl--War Dept. Captain
Paul Giamatti--Sergeant Hill

6. 成龍主演電影 要英文名

到目前為止,JACKIE CHAN(成龍)參與的電影:
《功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda 》 (2008) ...Master Monkey (voice)
《功夫之王/雙J計劃 The Forbidden Kingdom 》 (2008) ...Lu Yan
《 Joe's Last Chance 》 (2008) ...Friendly
《 The Wind 》 (2007) ...co-procer
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...action director
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...executive procer
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...Fong Ka Ho
《寶貝計劃/BB計劃 Bo bui gai wak 》 (2006) ...stunt coordinator
《 2006 Asian Excellence Awards 》 (2006) ...Presenter
《 90 Mins 》 (2006) ...
《尖峰時刻3 Rush Hour 3 》 (2005) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...Jack/General Meng-yi
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...executive procer
《神話 San wa 》 (2005) ...stunt director
《精武家庭 Jing mo gaa ting 》 (2005) ...executive procer
《長恨歌 Changhen ge 》 (2005) ...chief procer
《 The 11th China Movie Awards 》 (2005) ...Himself
《海南雞飯 Hainan ji fan 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...Senior Insp. Chan Kwok-Wing
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...stunt director
《新警察故事 San ging chaat goo si 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《千機變2/千機變II/千機變II花都大戰 Fa dou daai jin 》 (2004) ...Lord of Armour
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...stunt choreography (uncredited)
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...fight choreographer
《環游地球80天/80日環游世界 Around the World in 80 Days 》 (2004) ...Passepartout/Lau Xing
《大佬愛美麗 Daai lo oi mei lai 》 (2004) ...Client of Julie (Cameo)
《大佬愛美麗 Daai lo oi mei lai 》 (2004) ...executive procer
《 Jackie Chan: The Inside Story 》 (2004) ...Himself (also archive footage)
《電影香江三部曲/電影香江:功夫世家/電影香江:刀光劍影/電影香江:儷影傾情 Cinema Hong Kong: Kung Fu 》 (2003) ...Himself
《飛龍再生 The Medallion 》 (2003) ...executive procer
《飛龍再生 The Medallion 》 (2003) ...Eddie Yang
《千機變 Chin gei bin 》 (2003) ...Jackie
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...action choreographer
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...Chon Wang
《上海騎士/上海正午2/贖金風暴2/上海武士/龍旋風2 Shanghai Knights 》 (2003) ...executive procer
《龍的深處:失落的拼圖 Traces of a Dragon: Jackie Chan & His Lost Family 》 (2003) ...Himself
《 Miss World 2003 》 (2003) ...Judging Panelist
《100位最偉大的電影明星 The 100 Greatest Movie Stars 》 (2003) ...Himself
《 Brit Awards 2003 》 (2003) ...Presenter
《燕尾服 The Tuxedo 》 (2002) ...Jimmy Tong
《電影終結之戰 Ultimate Fights from the Movies 》 (2002) ...Wong Fei-Hung (archive footage)
《 "Heroes of Black Comedy" 》 (2002) ...(archive footage)
《 2002 ABC World Stunt Awards 》 (2002) ...Himself
《功夫片歲月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture 》 (2002) ...Himself - Interviewee
《尖峰時刻2 Rush Hour 2 》 (2001) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...procer
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...stunt coordinator
《特務迷城 Dak miu mai shing 》 (2001) ...Buck Yuen
《 2001 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2001) ...Himself - Presenter
《 Making Magic Out of Mire 》 (2001) ...special thanks
《 Language Barrier 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan Adventures 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Culture Clash: West Meets East 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Kung Fu Choreography 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Making Magic Out of Mire 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan's Hong Kong Tour 》 (2001) ...Narrator (voice)
《 Hong Kong Superstars 》 (2001) ...Himself
《 Attaining International Stardom 》 (2001) ...Himself
《李小龍:勇士的旅程/死亡游戲之旅 Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey 》 (2000) ...(archive footage)
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...stunts (uncredited)
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...Chon Wang
《上海正午/贖金之王/龍旋風 Shanghai Noon 》 (2000) ...executive procer
《特警新人類2:機動任務 Tejing xinrenlei 2 》 (2000) ...presenter
《2000年MTV電影頒獎典禮 2000 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 International Indian Film Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 Jackie Chan Stuntmaster 》 (2000) ...stunts
《龍火 Lung feng 》 (2000) ...Himself (uncredited)
《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Himself
《 "Jackie Chan Adventures" 》 (2000) ...Himself (66 episodes, 2000-2005)
《 Jackie Chan Stuntmaster 》 (2000) ...Himself (voice)
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...Himself
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...procer
《成龍:我的特技 Jackie Chan: My Stunts 》 (1999) ...
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...presenter
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...Poor Fisherman
《特警新人類 Tejing xinrenlei 》 (1999) ...executive procer
《喜劇之王 Hei kek ji wong 》 (1999) ...Famous Movie Star
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...written by
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...procer
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...C.N. Chan
《玻璃樽 Bor lei jun 》 (1999) ...action choreographer
《 A Piece of the Action: Behind the Scenes of 'Rush Hour' 》 (1999) ...Himself
《尖峰時刻 Rush Hour 》 (1998) ...stunt coordinator
《尖峰時刻 Rush Hour 》 (1998) ...Chief Inspector Lee
《幻影特攻 Waan ying dak gung 》 (1998) ...procer
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...Whoami
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...Himself
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...stunt coordinator
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...procer
《我是誰 Ngo si sui 》 (1998) ...
《成龍的傳奇 Jackie Chan: My Story 》 (1998) ...
《一個好人 Yatgo ho yan 》 (1997) ...Jackie
《雙龍一虎闖天關/星光龍門陣 Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn, An 》 (1997) ...Himself
《警察故事 IV:簡單任務 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu 》 (1996) ...Jackie Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 IV:簡單任務 Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu 》 (1996) ...stunts (uncredited)
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...Chan Foh To
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...executive procer
《霹靂火 Pi li huo 》 (1995) ...stunt coordinator
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...stunt director
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...martial arts director
《紅番區 Hong faan kui 》 (1995) ...Ah Keung
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...Wong Fei-hung
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...martial arts choreographer
《醉拳2 Jui kuen II 》 (1994) ...(uncredited)
《重案組 Zhong an zu 》 (1993) ...Inspector Eddie Chan
《重案組 Zhong an zu 》 (1993) ...(uncredited)
《超級計劃 Chao ji ji hua 》 (1993) ...Inspector Chan
《城市獵人 Cheng shi lie ren 》 (1993) ...Ryô Saeba
《黃飛鴻之二男兒當自強 Wong Fei-hung ji yi: Naam yi dong ji keung 》 (1992) ...singer: closing theme
《警察故事 III:超級警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha 》 (1992) ...Kevin Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 III:超級警察 Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha 》 (1992) ...executive procer
《雙龍會 Shuang long hui 》 (1992) ...stunt choreographer
《雙龍會 Shuang long hui 》 (1992) ...Ma Yau/Die Hard (John Ma/Boomer in US version)
《西藏小子 Xi Zang xiao zi 》 (1992) ...Cameo appearance
《阮玲玉 Yuen Ling-yuk 》 (1992) ...procer
《危險情人 Wei xian qing ren 》 (1992) ...procer
《火爆浪子 Huo bao lang zi 》 (1991) ...procer
《飛鷹計劃 Fei ying gai wak 》 (1991) ...
《飛鷹計劃 Fei ying gai wak 》 (1991) ...Jackie Condor (Jackie Chan)
《金裝武術電影大全 Best of the Martial Arts Films, The 》 (1990) ...
《 Wu tai jie mei 》 (1990) ...procer
《初到貴境 Chu gui jing 》 (1990) ...Inspector (uncredited)
《火燒島 Huo shao 》 (1990) ...Lung/Steve
《奇跡 Qiji 》 (1989) ...'Charlie' Cheng Wah Kuo
《神勇飛虎霸王花 Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua 》 (1989) ...
《奇跡 Qiji 》 (1989) ...
《神勇飛虎霸王花 Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua 》 (1989) ...procer
《飛龍猛將 Fei lung maang jeung 》 (1988) ...proction supervisor
《飛龍猛將 Fei lung maang jeung 》 (1988) ...Jackie Lung
《霸王花 Ba wong fa 》 (1988) ...
《警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 》 (1988) ...Kevin Jackie Chan Ka Kui (Jackie Chan)
《霸王花 Ba wong fa 》 (1988) ...procer
《警察故事 II Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 》 (1988) ...
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...stunt coordinator
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...
《A計劃續集 'A' gai waak juk jaap 》 (1987) ...Dragon Mao
《胭脂扣 Yin ji kau 》 (1987) ...procer
《飛鷹計劃 2:龍兄虎弟 Longxiong hudi 》 (1987) ...Jackie
《飛鷹計劃 2:龍兄虎弟 Longxiong hudi 》 (1987) ...
《 Brothers, The 》 (1987) ...
《扭計雜牌軍 Nui ji za pai jun 》 (1986) ...procer
《扭計雜牌軍 Nui ji za pai jun 》 (1986) ...Prisoner
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...Kevin (Jackie) Chan Ka Kui
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...stunt coordinator
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...
《警察故事 Ging chaat goo si 》 (1985) ...fight choreographer
《威龍猛探 Protector, The 》 (1985) ...
《威龍猛探 Protector, The 》 (1985) ...Billy Wong


7. 關於電影 金剛

King Kong is the name of the fictional giant ape, from the fictional Skull Island, who has appeared in several works. The character's name is Kong -- a name given to him by the inhabitants of "Skull Island" in the Indian Ocean, where Kong lived along with other over-sized animals such as snakes, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. 'King' is an appellation added by an American film crew led by Carl Denham who captures Kong and takes him to New York City to be exhibited. Kong escapes and climbs the Empire State Building where he is shot and killed by aircraft.
King Kong (2005 film)

King Kong is the 2005 remake of the original 1933 King Kong film about a fictional giant ape called Kong. In 1933, Great Depression-era New York City, actress Ann Darrow has just lost her job at the local theater and is recruited by film director Carl Denham because of the presence of her favorite writer Jack Driscoll. They set sail to a remote Indian Ocean island known as Skull Island, inhabited by prehistoric creatures and the mighty giant gorilla Kong.

Mr. Bean is a British comedy television series of 14 half-hour episodes starring Rowan Atkinson as the eponymous title character. It was written by Rowan Atkinson, Robin Driscoll, Richard Curtis and Ben Elton. The self-titled first episode was broadcast on 1 January 1990, with the final episode, "Goodnight, Mr. Bean", on 31 October 1995.

The series followed the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's body", in solving various problems presented by everyday tasks and often causing disruption in the process.

During its five-year run the series gained large UK audience figures, including 18.74 million for the 1992 episode, "The Trouble With Mr Bean", and was the recipient of a number of international awards, including the Rose d'Or. The show has been sold in over 200 territories worldwide, as well as inspiring two feature films and an animated cartoon spin-off.

希望能幫到你! 好好學習哦~、、、嘿嘿



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