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A. 美國電影歌舞青春1百度雲




B. 歌舞青春系列電影簡介資料

歌舞青春(High School Musical)是美國一部獲得艾美獎的電視電影。它於2006年1月20日發行,是迪士尼頻道最成功的原創電影。鑒於該電影的成功,迪斯尼公司又陸續推出了歌舞青春2(2007年)和歌舞青春3(2008年)。

中文名: 歌舞青春
外文名: High School Musical
出品時間: 2006年
出品公司: First Street Films
導演: 肯尼·奧特加 Kenny Ortega
編劇: Peter Barsocchini
類型: 愛情,家庭,劇情,歌舞,喜劇
片長: 93 min / 98 min
上映時間: 2006年1月20日 美國
對白語言: 英語
對白語言: 英語 / 西班牙語
分級: USA:TV-G
兩個表面毫無關系的高中生——學校籃球隊隊長 Troy Bolton 跟性格害羞、成績優異的新生 Gabriella Montez,他們兩人本是兩個不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一個卡拉OK比賽中,他倆發現原來彼此對唱歌都十分熱愛,假期結束後,他們更發覺原來就讀於同一學校!於是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算參加試音,希望成為學校最新音樂劇的男女主角。Gabriella 新認識的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息後均表示不贊成,Chad 不希望看到自己的籃球偶像登上舞台,而 Taylor 則擔心自己帶領的學術比賽團隊將失去一個重要的隊員。一向都是學校音樂劇主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦擔心自己在學校的地位將受動搖,於是聯同 Taylor 及 Chad 想盡辦法使 Troy 及 Gabriella 不能成為音樂劇的主角。雖然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 並沒有因此而放棄,反而更積極追尋自己的夢想,亦影響到其他同學向別人展示一些他們一直隱藏起來的才華!究竟最後 Troy 及 Gabriella 的歌唱夢想能否實現呢?

C. 電影《歌舞青春》英語簡介,導演,演員,思想內容。全英文簡介,急急急急!謝謝啊

1 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. They became friends, and expected not to see each other again. But then, Gabriella's mother's company transferred her to another home in Alburquerqe, New Mexico, where Troy lives. Then, Troy and Gabriella end up at the same school after winter break. They decide to audition for their school's musical, and after they audition and get a call back along with Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical, the whole school makes the biggest deal out of it. Then, Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, and Troy and Gabriella got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.
2 At the winter, in a new years party. Troy and Gabriella, two strangers, sing together at a karaoke bar. Gabriella's mom soon transferred to New Mexico, so then Gabriella ended up in the same school with Troy. They both audition for a musical and performs the song "Breaking Free". Troy and Gabriella supposedly won.
3 The movie start out on New Years Eve when Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are at a Ski Resort During Winter break. Troy is a popular basketball player and Gabriella is a girl Einstein. They are forced to sing karaoke and afterwords exchange numbers. After winter break, Troy returns to his school in Albequerque New Mexico, where he is surprised to discover Gabriella is a new student. They become friends quickly and decide to audition for the Winter Musical in pairs. They get callbacks, and have upset Drama Queen Sharpay Evans and her brother Ryan. Troys friend Chad becomes upset because he is afraid that Troy will become distracted from the basketball championship. Gabriellas friend Taylor wants her on the Decathelon team and is willing to do anything to get her on the team. Chad and Taylor decide to film Troy saying how Gabriella isn't important after Chad tricks him into saying it. Taylor shows the video to Gabriella. Gabriella then refuses to do the call backs with Troy. Confused, Troy convinces Gabriella that he didn't mean it by climbing up into her balcony and singing to her. Meanwhile, Sharpay and Ryan manipulate the Callbacks to the same time when The Championship game is, and the Decathalon is. The two manage to get to the tryouts, and they're events and win the Callbacks, getting parts as the lead pair in the Winter Musical, Twinkle Town : ) The Movie ends with a big finale with the entire cast singing "Were All in This Together".
4 Two high school students who are worlds apart -- the school's hoops star and the president of the science club -- secretly decide to audition for their school's musical, a decision that turns both their world and their school upside down.
5 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two totally different teenagers who meet at a party while singing karaoke on New Years Eve. One week later Troy goes back to his high school, East High, in New Mexico to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close, really good friends and accidentally audition for the school musical. After getting a callback, drama queen, Sharpay Evans and her sidekick brother, Ryan are furious. Then Chad, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate, and Taylor, Gabriella's new friend on the decathlon team must find out a way to make Gabriella hate Troy. After seeing that Troy and Gabriella sad about not talking, they soon support their choices and let them "break free".
1 The Wildcats are back. They start off getting out of school, where Shar Pay makes sure Troy has job at her country club. Troy then in returns gets everyone else a job at the country club too. Gabrielle is the new lifeguard, while Troy, Chad, and the others work in the kitchen. At the country club there is a talent show, which Sharpay and Ryan win every year. Kelsie had written a song for Troy and Gabrielle to sing at the talent show, which later on Sharpay takes (at a faster tempo) for her and Troy to sing at the talent show. Sharpay plots to take Troy away from Gabrielle,by getting him a better job than the rest of the Wildcats. Troy starts changing, all for a "scholarship", starting to act like a jerk, which results in Gabrielle breaking up with Troy, saying she doesn't belong there. After Troy loses all his friends, because he began acting like a jerk and had found out that Sharpay had made it where no Junior Staffers can perform in the talent show, he decides to do something about it, and asks for his old job back with the rest of his friends and quits the talent show leaving Sharpay with nothing, since she had ditched her brother to perform with Troy. She then goes back to Ryan, who had been working with the Junior Staffers on an act, who then leaves her saying she always wanted the spotlight, now she has it. Troy ends up doing the talent show, thinking that he would be performing with Sharpay. He learns a new song within a matter of minutes.
2 Troy is offered a job at Ryan & Sharpay's country club and ends up landing jobs for Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Jason, Martha and Zeke. He is then introced to Sharpay's parents and realizes that Sharpay can land him many opportunities and even a basketball scholarship. Meanwhile, while Zac starts hanging out with the rich folk, Chad is worried that Zac will forget his friends. Gabriella feels as though she is losing Troy to Sharpay. In the end, Troy will have to learn how to think about his scholarship without losing his friends.
3 Good-bye, classroom! Hello, summer! But for Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor, this vacation is no day at the beach. That's because they're all working at a country club founded by Ryan and Sharpay's family! And with the club's annual talent show right around the corner, Sharpay's competitive instincts are sizzling. She mps Ryan as her singing partner and starts wooing Troy to join her onstage instead. Gabriella is less than thrilled that Troy has agreed to sing with Sharpay. How could he do that to her? Things are heating up on the lawns of high society. Will Troy and Gabriella realize that they're meant to be? Or is it already too late for them to sing one last song together?

D. 《歌舞青春(2006)》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1Im6H1hs7MDXDblqrRYkbSQ

?pwd=hik2 提取碼: hik2
導演: 肯尼·奧特加
編劇: 彼得·巴索奇尼
主演: 扎克·埃夫隆、凡妮莎·哈金斯、阿什麗·提斯代爾、盧卡斯·格拉比
類型: 劇情、喜劇
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語、西班牙語
上映日期: 2006-01-20(美國)
片長: 98分鍾
又名: 高校音樂劇、High School Musical:Remix
特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron飾)和蓋布利拉(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens飾)本是分屬兩個世界的年輕人。特洛伊從小就作為籃球種子來培養,而蓋布利拉則是個高智商的學習優秀學生。新年晚會兩人被推上舞台,合唱了一首美妙的歌,彼此的內心都燃起了火花。

E. 求歌舞青春的英語簡介,不要太長,加中文翻譯

High School Musical is a very interesting movie. It tells a story about students in a high school. The main characters of this movie is Troy and Gabriella. Troy is the leader of the school basketball team and Gabriella is a shy girl whose grades are great. They first met each other in a singing competiton and later, they found with great surprise that they study in the same school. So they decided to take part in the school singing competition together. However, their friends and many other students in the school do not want them to do this and tried to persuade them not to do this. Can they sing together at last? Well, that is for you to find out.
歌舞青春是一部非常有趣的電影。它講述的是一群高中生的故事。電影的主人公是Troy 和 Gabriella。Troy是學校籃球隊的隊長,而Gabriella則是一個成績優異的害羞女生。他們第一次見面是在一次歌唱比賽上。後來他們驚奇的發現彼此居然在同一所學校就讀。所以他們決定一起參加學校的歌唱比賽。但是他們的朋友以及學校里的許多其它同學都反對他們這么做並且都盡力說服他們放棄。他們最後是否能共同登台演唱呢?這就要等你自己去尋找答案啦!


F. 美國迪士尼電影《歌舞青春》的男女主角各是誰順便給介紹一下他們的祥細資料!

Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Baby V
Van兩部電影《Thirteen》(2003)和《Thunderbirds》的搭檔演員都是Brady Corbet。
還客串過美國熱播電影《hannah montana》(雙面孟漢娜)
父母:Greg Hudgens and Gina Guangco
Van曾參演過的歌劇有:Evita, Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King & I, The Music Man, Cinderella, Damn Yankees, The Hunchback of Notre Dam, and The Little Mermaid, 等等。
Van是Natalie Wood的粉絲。
她的妹妹是Stella Hudgens。
她的好朋友是Ashley Tisdale、Zac Efron、Corbin Bleu、Alexa Nikolas、Brenda Song和Miley Cyrus。
她因在High School Musical中演繹Gabriella Montez而廣為人所知。
在沒有成名的時候,她的好朋友是Erin Annis。
喜歡的電視劇:Degrassi: The Next Generation
2006年,在迪斯尼頻道的第一款DC游戲里,她被稱為The Heartbreaker。
她喜歡的牛仔褲是Frankie B。
她喜歡的汽車是保時捷的Carerra GT。
她最喜歡的歌手是Alicia Keys和Celine Dion。
在High School Musical試鏡中,她演唱了Robbie Williams的Angel。
她的歌Whatever Will Be同時是她的座右銘。
她有一個妹妹叫Stella。當她小的時候,一家人搬到了San Diego, California。
和Kayslee Collins是要好的朋友。
在High School Musical里,她最喜歡的是最後全體演員一起唱We're All In This Together的那一幕。
2006年的6月,她與Hollywood Records(迪斯尼旗下的唱片公司)簽了唱片合約。
在High School Musical眾多明星中,Van第一個發行個人專輯,她的出道專輯《V》代表很多意思:代表了她的名字Vanessa開頭第一個字母,以及代表了這張專輯混合了流行,流行搖滾,電子舞曲,抒情等。《V》用了不到兩個月時間便錄制完畢,將於在2006年9月26日在美國發行。
現與Zac Efron(曾在歌舞青春中飾演Troy的男演員)是戀人關系。
其中首打歌 Sneakernight 在yahoo 有看`
她主演的電影High School Musical 3將在2008年10月24日在美國上映. 【中文名】扎克·埃夫隆
【英文名】Zac Efron
【全名】Zachary David Alexander Efron
【出生地】San Luis Obispo, CA (加利福尼亞州,San Luis Obispo))
【星座】天秤座(Libra )
【身高】5'9" 179cm
【現女友】凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens)
埃夫隆是因為出演迪斯尼電影《歌舞青春》和電視劇《海岸情緣》而被大家所熟知,2007年的《歌舞青春2》他再次出演男主角Troy Bolton。他是2002年踏入演藝圈的,剛開始實在一些CSI電視劇中扮演以前客串小角色。
Zac Efron生於一個猶太家族,但是他不太奉行猶太教。 編輯本段|回到頂部個人經歷 扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)15歲出道,客串過《CSI》、《海岸情緣》的Zac Efron。到2009年扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)也才剛滿22歲,著名導演亞當·山克曼稱扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)為當今美國最好的青少年演員。
扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)的父親大衛·埃夫隆是一位電子工程師。 扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)生於一個猶太家族,但是扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)不太奉行猶太教。
扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)以迪斯尼最熱門的青春電視電影《歌舞青春》(英文原名「High School Musical」,中文名也有稱《高校音樂劇》) 男主角而走紅。
扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)因為出演迪斯尼電影《歌舞青春》成為好萊塢今夏炙手可熱的年輕人。為突出《歌舞青春》的「音樂劇」為核心的特色,《歌舞青春》的演員是從600多人中海選出來,要求同時具備演唱、跳舞和表演三方面的才能,作為男主角扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)的才華可見一斑。在戲外,扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)與該劇的女主角凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens) 似乎順理成章地走在了一起,意氣風發四個字似乎是扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)目前最恰當的寫照。
扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)和凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens) 的街拍也成為最受歡迎的好萊塢明星街拍之一。扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)還參與了凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens) 第二支單曲《say ok》的音樂錄影帶的演出。
據悉,他將於2010年與女友凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens)步入婚姻殿堂 編輯本段|回到頂部參演電影 演出時間/劇中和角色
2009 重回十七歲 17 Again
2008 歌舞青春 3: Troy Bolton
2007 歌舞青春 2: Sing It All Or Nothing! Troy Bolton
2007 發膠Hairspray(Filming) Link Larkin
2006 If You Lived Here, You'd be Home Now Cody
2006 Heist Pizza Delivery Guy
2006 The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Trevor
2006 歌舞青春 Troy Bolton
2006 NCIS海軍調查處 Danny
2005 海岸情緣 Cameron Bale
2006 The Derby Stallion Patrick McCardle
2005 犯罪現場 CSI: Miami Seth Dawson
2004 Miracle Run Steven Morgan
2003 The Guardian Luke Tomello
2004 Triple Play Harry Fuller
2003 ER Bobby Neville
2003 The Big Wide World of Carl Laemke Pete Laemke
2002 Firefly Young Simon 編輯本段|回到頂部專輯介紹 2006: High School Musical: The Soundtrack #1 US (3x Platinum) (US Sales: 2.8 million; shipped: 3 million), #1 AUS (Platinum)
2007: High School Musical 2: The Soundtrack — early 2007 編輯本段|回到頂部單曲介紹 2007: Everyday
2007: All For One
2007: You are the music in me
2007: Bet On It
2007: Work this out
2007: What's time is it with starring in HSM
2006: Breaking Free with Vanessa Anne Hudgens,Zac Efron & Andrew Seeley #4 US
2006: Start of Something New with Vanessa Anne Hudgens,Zac Efron & Andrew Seeley #28 US
2006: We're All In This Together with High School Musical Cast & Andrew Seeley #34 US
2006: I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You with Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale,Zac Efron and Lucas Grabeel
2006: What I've Been Looking For (Reprise) with Vanessa Anne Hudgens,Zac Efron & Andrew Seeley 作品簡介[01]
歌舞青春(英文:High School Musical)是迪士尼頻道原創電影,裡面充滿了舞蹈和音樂。電影講述了兩個天性熱愛音樂的孩子特洛伊和加百利嘗試進入學校的音樂劇。不管同學們的阻撓他們的夢想,堅持應對自己想要的夢想。

G. 《歌舞青春》英文觀後感


High School Musical> is a good movie, is my favorite style, the United States middle school students and college students living in the film is neither asjust so funny and serious, unlikeso colorful, unlike theso difficult to obscure, notof the older generation, and other inspirational preaching wealth to the movies then, not morethen a single, and at the same time have their own distinct characteristics . Of course, the most distinctive features of music, beautiful melodies, the voice actor is also a super-Chan, Troy's voice is pure, without impurities, in particular, to grasp some of the bass, treble, but it is a pity that some of the occasional break to sing. Gabriella's voice is clear, great treble. Ryan I appreciate very much a role, not artificial voice, singing school songs for singing RAP, R & B, what would be the ideal. Sharpay's voice, of course, very artificial, you compare her to speak and sing to know. All in all, at the beginning of the first paragraph of the quartet I really had a beautiful, as if Nature, when singing their grasp of eye contact is also in place. The first screen test at the same song by two pairs of two kinds of people out of style interpretation, and there is great taste. As Gabriella and solo section lyrical songs on the last few people not particularly impressed.

Troy I am not a role like that feeling is hard to be made out of, the kind of body height should not be playing basketball, Shuai do, I think not Shuai Ryan, and Ryan wearing a lot less than that also. Gabriella this role well, very pure, Mexico should be the origin, of course, I have reservations about this style of female appearance, coupled with the all-A Health a good voice, should constitute an element of good girls, not to mention her There are a pair of talking eyes. Ryan and I really appreciate too, although some artificial performance, but was wearing envied people dressed, perfectly clean face jealous people, the quality is very good, Sharpay in the side I think he's much more vigorous and even shine. I do not want to evaluate more than Sharpay, I did not like this type of girl, she reminds me of me a painful girls, the same beautiful colors, the same Xingaoqiao, who do not care about her pay, even like Those who do not like her very much like the fate of. Zeke and Chade hard to make up a pair of I do not agree with very much, Kelsi was a very lovely girls, I really appreciate his ugly ckling type of character, a small body in a vast reservoir of strength and stunning beauty, waiting for the real Her understanding of the people to discover.

The film, of course, there are deficiencies, as the songs in order to emphasize the sense of the scene, a bit like a shot of the MV ordinary music or movies (especially the singing actor into the future), this can not be reflected as an inspirational film school youth The nature of the. But also because of restrictions on film, and some cases where the development of some haste, in order to pursue the plot twists and turns, an increase of too much coincidence, but some modeling.

In general, the Department is a very good film, worthy of recommendation, I have been looking forward to tomorrow, a Data.

H. 歌舞青春~~~~~~~英文介紹

High School Musical
High School Musical is an Emmy Award-winning American television film. Upon its release on January 20, 2006, it became the most successful Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) ever proced, with a television sequel High School Musical 2 released in 2007 and the feature film High School Musical 3: Senior Year to be released theatrically in October 2008. It will be the first Disney Channel Original movie to have a theatrical sequel. A fourth installment, High School Musical 4, has been announced to be in the writing stages.

High School Musical was Disney Channel's most watched movie at its time, with 7.7 million viewers in its premiere broadcast in the US. In the UK, it received 789,000 viewers for its premiere (and 1.2 million viewers overall ring the first week), making it the second most watched program for the Disney Channel (UK) of 2006. It was also the first ever Disney Channel Original Movie to be broadcast on the BBC on December 29, 2006. The film's soundtrack was the best-selling album in the United States for 2006.

With a plot described by the author and numerous critics as a modern adaptation of Romeo & Juliet, High School Musical is a story about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens), a beautiful and shy transfer student who excels in math and science. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical, and as a result, divide the school. Despite other students' attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella resist peer pressure and rivalry, inspiring others along the way not to "stick with the status quo."

High School Musical was filmed at East High School located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the auditorium of Murray High School, & Downtown Salt Lake City. Murray High School was also the set of: Take Down (1978), Read It and Weep (2006), Minutemen (2008) and High School Musical: Get in the Picture (2008).

歌舞青春(High School Musical)是美國一部獲得艾美獎的電影電視。它於2006年1月20日發行,是迪士尼頻道最成功的原創電影。2007年又發行了它的續集歌舞青春2。歌舞青春3:畢業年也計劃於2008年10月發行。此外,歌舞青春4也宣布在撰寫階段。




I. 英文原版電影在哪個平台看



一,《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)。


二,《海上鋼琴師》(The Legend of 1900)。





三,《風雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard)。


四,《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)。

麻省理工學院的數學教授藍波公布了一道困難的數學題,卻被年輕的清潔工威爾(馬特·戴蒙 飾)解了出來。可是威爾卻是個問題少年,成天和好朋友查克(本·阿弗萊特 飾)等人四處閑逛,打架滋事。


J. 跪求《歌舞青春》百度雲免費在線觀看,肯尼·奧特加導演的


提取碼: bivy
《歌舞青春 High School Musical》
導演: 肯尼·奧特加
編劇: 彼得·巴索奇尼
主演: 扎克·埃夫隆、凡妮莎·哈金斯、阿什麗·提斯代爾、盧卡斯·格拉比
類型: 劇情、喜劇
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語、西班牙語
上映日期: 2006-01-20(美國)
片長: 98分鍾
又名: 高校音樂劇、High School Musical:Remix
特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron飾)和蓋布利拉(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa



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