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發布時間:2022-10-22 22:56:25

❶ 環太平洋英文影評

Shuang degree full point piece of entertainment! The Japanese robot animation, monster films, tokusatsu melting in a furnace smelting (director really love these are A). Gorgeous screen. See Japanese robot who grew up certainly happy. Go beyond the text of the play, the characters are relatively thin, but anyway, focusing on Robot Wars monster A! Neurons of joint human driving, fighting monsters with a solid punch. There handsome - fly above the earth burst cut the enemy's sword out going classic plot (Dragon King Road!!)

❷ 環太平洋英語簡介加翻譯

The film is set in the 2020s, when Earth is at war with the Kaijus,[a] colossal monsters which have emerged from an interdimensional portal on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. To combat the monsters, humanity unites to create the Jaegers:[b] gigantic humanoid mecha, each controlled by at least two pilots, whose minds are joined by a neural bridge. Focusing on the war's later days, the story follows Raleigh Becket, a washed-up Jaeger pilot called out of retirement and teamed with rookie pilot Mako Mori as part of a last-ditch effort to defeat the Kaijus.
2020年,地球正處於和一種名為kaijus的來自太平洋底部時空節點(時空隧道吧大概)的怪獸作戰。為對抗怪獸,人類合作製造了Jaegers,一種由至少兩名機師通過設備連接五感才能夠駕駛的巨型機甲。故事著重講述了戰爭末期名為Raleigh Becket的前機師與新生代機師Mako Mori合作執行的以徹底擊潰Kaijus為目的的最後作戰。

❸ 環太平洋中有一個名詞叫通感(或者叫浮動鏈接,或者叫神經元鏈接),這個詞的英文原文是什麼


❹ 環太平洋中Mako最後說的那句日語到底是我會想你還是我愛你

sensei、ai shite imasu。
怎麼說呢....有不同的配音版本,我看過一個版本mako說的是good bye sensei,I well be miss you.

❺ 環太平洋英文簡介

When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes - a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi) - who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

In 2013, human cities come under attack by the Kaijus: colossal extradimensional beasts who rise from an interdimensional portal on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. To combat them, the nations of the Pacific Rim build the Jaegers: equally colossal humanoid war machines, each manned by two pilots whose brains are linked to share the overwhelming mental load of piloting the sophisticated machines. Though the Jaegers are effective, the Kaiju attacks grow more frequent and powerful. By 2025, the Pacific Rim governments have discontinued the Jaeger project and resort to building massive coastal walls to protect humanity from the Kaijus. The four remaining Jaegers are redeployed to Hong Kong to defend the unfortified coast until the wall is completed. Stacker Pentecost (Elba), commander of the Jaeger forces, devises a plan to end the war by using a nuclear weapon to destroy the portal.

Pentecost approaches retired pilot Raleigh Becket (Hunnam) and convinces him to return and pilot Gipsy Danger, the Jaeger he and his brother Yancy once piloted. During a mission off the coast of Alaska, Yancy was killed by a Kaiju while connected to his brother, traumatizing Raleigh. Arriving at Hong Kong, Raleigh is paired with potential co-pilots to find one with a strong connection, as the stronger the connection, the better their performance in battle. Sensing a strong connection, Raleigh demands to be partnered with Mako Mori (Kikuchi), the director of the Jaeger refurbishment project. Pentecost opposes, as Mako is his adopted daughter, but he eventually relents. The o's initial test run nearly ends in disaster when Mako becomes engrossed in a childhood memory of the Kaiju attack that orphaned her; she inadvertently activates and almost discharges Gipsy Danger's weapons while in the hangar. Shortly thereafter, the other Jaegers are tasked with fending off a double Kaiju attack in Hong Kong. The defense goes badly, with the Kaijus destroying two Jaegers and disabling the third. Pentecost sends Raleigh and Mako to mount a last stand with Gipsy Danger.

Meanwhile, Newton Geiszler (Day)—a scientist studying the Kaijus—assembles a machine allowing him to establish a mental link with a Kaiju brain fragment. The experience nearly kills him, but he discovers the Kaijus are not wild beasts, but engineered weapons fighting at the behest of a race of alien conquerors. With Pentecost's approval, he seeks out Hannibal Chau (Perlman), a major figure in the trafficking of Kaiju parts, in an attempt to procure an intact Kaiju brain to repeat the experiment. Chau deces that the Kaijus are searching Hong Kong for Geiszler, because his experiment has attracted their attention, as the mental link is two-way and the Kaijus possess a hive mind. After Gipsy Danger kills both Kaijus, Chau and his team move in to harvest parts. Geiszler realizes one of the Kaijus is pregnant. The newborn bursts from its mother and swallows Chau before dying. Geiszler and his partner Hermann Gottlieb (Gorman) merge with the newborn Kaiju's intact brain and learn the portal will only open for a Kaiju, which is why all previous attempts to destroy it have failed.

The two remaining Jaegers are sent to execute Pentecost's plan to destroy the portal with a nuclear weapon. Pentecost co-pilots the Jaeger carrying the warhead, but they are forced to detonate early, sacrificing themselves to destroy the powerful Kaijus guarding the portal. Raleigh and Mako seize the final Kaiju with Gipsy Danger and use it to enter the portal. Running out of oxygen, Raleigh ejects Mako, initiates the nuclear reactor's overload sequence, then ejects himself. Gipsy Danger's nuclear core detonates, laying waste to the alien conquerors and destroying the portal. Mako and Raleigh's escape pods surface safely in the Pacific, and the o embrace as rescue helicopters arrive.

In a post-credits scene, Chau—revealed to have survived—cuts his way out of the newborn Kaiju's stomach.

❻ 環太平洋二中的英語形客詞

one dont u ever touch me again,two dont u ever touch me again!

❼ 環太平洋 1小時28分 菊地凜子 說的那句 「為了我的家人」 是什麼內容求寫法。

wa ta shi no ka zou ku ta mai ni

❽ 《環太平洋》英文簡介是什麼

For years, Earth is repeatedly attacked by giant monsters called Kaiju that emerge from a portal beneath the Pacific Ocean. The only effective defense is the Jaeger program, massive complex robots that require pairs of neural-linked pilots. However, as each Kaiju attack becomes more powerful and frequent, Humanity must change its tactics. To that end, former Jaeger pilot Raleigh Becket is reactivated as part of a desperate plan to destroy the portal. As Raleigh strives to heal his inner scars and help his new partner conquer hers, an intrepid scientist discovers a way to link to the Kaiju's mind to learn about them. Unfortunately, that proves a mixed blessing as vital information of both sides is inadvertently shared and the stakes rise for a final battle.

As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse.

❾ 環太平洋觀後感,用英語寫,100詞左右


This is an absolutely magnificent movie! I have seen hundreds of films and this movie is only the 6th that I have awarded a 10/10 to. All this year, I had been anticipating the release of Snyder's Man of Steel, with Pacific Rim coming in at a distant 2nd for my "Most Anticipated of 2013" list. Not only was this movie better than Man of Steel, but I am now prepared to say it is one of my favourite movies of all time! Not being impressed by Del Toro's Hellboy, I was a bit anxious when he was directing a movie about giant robots fighting aliens, but my fears were aside with an impressive first trailer. Giant robots fighting enormous aliens - it's not just for meth-heads anymore... Incredible film!


這是一個絕對華麗的電影!我已經看到數百部電影,而這部電影能被我列為最好看的十部電影中的第六名!今年我已經欣賞了我期待已久的《鋼鐵俠》,但隨著《環太平洋》的到來,它只能列在「最受期待的2013年」列表中的第二。這部電影不僅僅比《鋼鐵俠》好看,我甚至可以說它是我看過最好看得電影之一!德爾·托羅的地獄男爵並沒有給我留下深刻的印象,但我卻被他在《環》中指揮者機器人奮勇抗擊外星人的身影所感動,我緊張的心情隨著預告片而放在一邊。巨大的外星人戰斗的巨型機器人 - 它不只是為甲基頭了... 令人難以置信的電影!





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