導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 是時候了英文電影裡面說的


發布時間:2022-10-16 09:02:50

Ⅰ 如何看懂英文電影


Ⅱ 在美國,一個男孩說另一個男孩是「my boy」,是表示哥們的意思嗎


1,就homie 的含義:我去查了「維基網路」中關於「homie」的註解,發現,homie 的含義有多種,但沒有「同性戀」之意。 就你的提問,維基網路中的一句話可以解答你:It (homie)is slang for "friend".(Homie 是表達一個俚語,它表達「朋友」之意)

——也就是說,homie 是「朋友、老友、哥們兒之意」。 多用於日常口語,用於打招呼、寒暄等。

2,關於兩個男生之間相互稱「my boy 」:這個問題,我剛才在MSN上問了我班的美國外教,他說,這是兩人(關系較好的朋友之間,如舍友、同學等)之間相互打招呼常用的表達,是「哥們兒」的意思,沒有愛昧的內涵在裡面。

綜上,homie 與my boy 用於正常情況下的對話場合,完全可以互換使用,沒有本質上的差別。

關於提高英語口語,俺來簡要寫兩句(這是題外話了,呵呵*^^* ):

我們在平時英文教科書上難以見到如您所說的這些口語常用表達,但是英文電影中很多。 您周末時可以看一看「Friends」(老友記)什麼的 ,對提高口語效果很好。 我們大二時每天下自修都在舍宿里看英文電影,一次看40分鍾左右,然後就學著用裡面的句子,相互開玩笑,對練口語和提高英文興趣幫助挺大,您可以試試。


Ⅲ 「電影」在英式英語和美式英語里分別怎麼說

[詞典] film; movie; cinema; motion picture; cine;
Let's see a movie for a change.

film 英[fɪlm] 美[fɪlm]
n. 電影; 影片; 膠片; 薄層;
vt. (把…) 拍攝(成)電影[電視等]; 上鏡頭;
vt. (給…) 覆上一薄層; 生薄膜; 變得朦朧;
[例句]Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun.

Ⅳ 請教英語電影中「時間不多了」口語怎麼說的好像就兩個單詞,聽著發音像take clock之類的。謝謝!

是說 tick tock 吧。那是指鍾表走的聲音,也可以表示時間快沒了。

Ⅳ 英語電影中經典對白

Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me? (聽著,羅斯。你要離開這里。你要去做的。你要活下去,生很多孩子,你要去看他們成長。你真是快要死了老,一位老太太在她溫暖的床,別在這里,而不是今晚在這里,不是這樣的。你了解我嗎?)
I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go. (我的身體凍僵了。傑克:贏了那張船票(《泰坦尼克號》)羅斯,玩撲克游戲的最好的事情我。讓我認識了你,我很感激:(哭泣)你必須打哆嗦)…你要——要為我做這件事。答應我你多麼讓人絕望,永不放棄,不管發生什麼事,不管多麼絕望。答應我,現在,羅斯,永遠不要忘記你的承諾,我們永不放棄。)
I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go, I promise. (羅斯:我決不放棄,傑克。我決不放棄,我保證。)

I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" 有一天我的小孫子問我"爺爺,你是大戰中的英雄嗎?
"No," I replied,」 But I served in a company of heroes." 我回答:不......但我與英雄 們一同服役。"

三、簡-愛 :

簡:Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal.您為什麼對我講這些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什麼關系?您以為我窮,不好看,就沒有感情嗎?告訴你吧,如果上帝賜予我財富和美貌,我會讓您難以離開我,就想我現在難以離開您。可上帝沒有這樣做,但我的靈魂能夠同您的靈魂說話,彷彿我們都經過 墳墓,平等地站在上帝面前。
簡:Let me go, sir.讓我走,先生。
羅切斯特:I love you. I love you!我愛你。我愛你!
簡:No, don't make me foolish.別,別讓我干傻事。
羅切斯特:Foolish? I need you. What's Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father's land with. Marry me, Jane. Say you marry me.傻事?我需要你,布蘭奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什麼?我知道我對她意味著什麼,是使她父親的土地變得肥沃的金錢。嫁給我,簡 。說你嫁給我。
簡:You mean it?你是說真的?
羅切斯特:You torture me with your doubts.Say yes,say yes(He takes hersintoshis arm and kisser her.)God forgive me.And let no men meddle with me.She is mine.Mine.你的懷疑折磨著我,答應吧,答應吧。(他把她摟在懷里,吻她。)上帝饒恕我,別讓任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。

I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo? 我能在你眼中看到。你有看的人接受他看到的,因為他希望從夢中醒來。具有諷刺意味的是,這與現實並不遙遠。你相信命運么,尼奧?
No. 不
Why not? 為什麼不?
Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life. 因為我不喜我的生命由別人掌權。
I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about? 我非常了解你的意思。讓我告訴你為什麼你在這里。你來到這里,是因為你知道一些事情了。你知道你不能解釋。但你放心吧。你覺得你的一生。那個有毛病了世界。你不知道是什麼,但它的存在,就像一個刺你的思想、反叫你癲狂了。正是這種感覺,已經把你帶到我。你知道我在說什麼嗎?
The matrix? 矩陣?
Do you want to know what it is? The matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. 你想知道這是什麼嗎?矩陣無處不在。它就在我們的周圍,即使是現在在這間屋子裡。你能看到它當你看它的時候你的窗口或當你打開你的電視上。你可以感覺到如果你去上班,當你去教堂,當你付出你的稅賦。這是世界上攔下來,你的眼睛瞎了你遠離實際情況的了。
What truth? 什麼?
That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind...... Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes...... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more...... 你是一個奴隸,尼歐。像其他人一樣你出生在束縛,出生在一個監獄,你不能氣味和口味或觸摸。監獄你的頭腦……不幸的是,沒有一個人能得到矩陣究竟是什麼。你應該靠自己去了解它。這是你最後一次機會。1這事以後,不能再回頭。你選擇藍色葯丸,這個故事結束了,你會在你的床上醒來,相信你所想相信的東西。你選紅葯丸,你留在愛麗絲夢游的仙境,我告訴你怎麼深兔子洞去……請記住,所有我要給說的都是事實,其他什麼也不做……

[Amélie hands a begger some money] (愛美麗給一個乞丐一些錢)
Sorry madam, I don't work on Sundays. 對不起,女士,星期天我不工作。

Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you ! 米歇爾,你是我想要的女人是我不能失去的女人。我愛你!
Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you .吉姆,我不用擔心找不到的詞來告訴你如何,我覺得,我才知道什麼。愛不是只有一種感覺,愛是你要做什麼。這是我的衣服,去bandcamp,一個特別的發型。吉姆你把所有東西都給我,我想要的庄嚴的宣誓,同樣,我給我的一切都給你

Kay: Michael, why did you come here? Why? What do you want with me after all this time? I've been calling and writing.為什麼來這里?為什麼?你想讓我做什麼怎麼樣?我一直找你。
Michael: I came because I need you. I care for you.邁克爾:我來,因為我需要你。」我關心你。
Kay: Please stop it, Michael.凱:請住手,邁克爾。
Michael: Because... I want you to marry me.邁克爾:因為…我希望你嫁給我。
Kay: It's too late.凱特:太遲了。
Michael: Please, Kay...I'll do anything you ask to make up for what's happened to us. Because that's important, Kay. Because what's important is that...we have each other. That we have a life together. That we have children. Our children. Kay, I need you. And I love you.凱:邁克爾,你.....邁克爾:請,凱…我會為你做任何事情來彌補的發生的事件。因為那是很重要的,凱。因為那很重要的是…我們擁有彼此。我們有一個生活在一起。我們有孩子。我們的孩子。凱特,我需要你。我愛你

Rhett: I』m not asking you to forgive me. I』ll never understand or forgive myself. And if a bullet gets me, so help me, I』ll laugh at myself for being an idiot. But there』s one thing that I do know. And that is I love you, Scarlett. In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, I love you. Because we』re alike. Bad lots, both of us. Selfish and shrewd. But able to look things in the eyes and call them by their right names.「
Scarlett: Don』t hold me like that. 斯佳麗:別這樣抱著我。
Rhett: Scarlett, look at me. I love you more than I』ve ever loved any woman. And I』ve waited longer for you than I』ve ever waited for any woman.」 瑞特:斯佳麗,看著我。我愛你勝過愛任何女人。我等待你比等待任何一個女人都要久。

Roy Cronin: The ballet was beautiful. 羅伊·克羅寧:今晚的芭蕾舞美極了。
Myra Lester: Madame didnt think so. 瑪拉·萊斯特:夫人可從來不這么想。
Roy Cronin: Well, experts never know - it takes outsiders to know, and I tell you, it was beautiful. 羅伊·克羅寧:那麼,專業人士從來就不懂的--只有門外漢才懂,讓我來告訴你,它就是美極了。
Myra Lester: That certainly proves youre an outsider.瑪拉·萊斯特:那這就證明你完全是一個門外漢。

Executioner:It can all end,right now.Peace.Bliss.Just say it.Cry outmercy.Cry out.Just say it.Mercy.劊子手:它就結束,對,現在!說。哭泣吧。大聲呼喊吧。你這可憐的人 ,上帝會寬恕你的。
Hamish:Mercy lad,mercy.哈密士:可憐的小夥子,原主寬恕你。
Executioner:The prisoner wishes to say a word.劊子手:犯人希望的說不出話來。
William:freedom(William is beheaded)威廉:(高呼)自由!(威廉被斬首)

Ⅵ 跪求英語電影中俗語或者成語 帶翻譯 重點是要帶出處!!!英語課急用~謝謝大神了!

這是從豆瓣轉來的,原作者是 咖灰



1.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境
2.childhood issues:童年的問題
3.be a natural at sth.:擅長做某事
4.roll the dice:滾篩子
5.be pedantic:迂腐的
6.look on the bright side:從積極的一面看問題
7.choke on sth:吃。。噎到
8.have a little spat:口水戰(sheldon一直樂此不疲的)
9.take your mind off those things:不要再想這些問題
10.back off:讓開
11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事
12.have the guts to do:有勇氣做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.)
13.pick up on all her little hints:領會她的某些暗示
14.be a little peeved:耍脾氣
15.build an empire with sb from the ground:與某人一起白手起家
16.It's a sign:這是註定的
17.drift out:開小差(字面意思:汽車移滑 =half-listening/half-minded)
18.blend in:融入圈子
19.put yourself down:擺平自己(=swallow your pride)
20.I『m a little on edge:我剛有點激動,不耐煩(貌似是sheldon說的)
21.It baffles me:。。讓我不解(sheldon常說)
22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管嚴(Haward說Penny 和 Leonard)
23.obnoxious and insufferable:又討厭又難以忍受(好像是Leonard說Sheldon)
24.expel sb from the country:把某人從國家驅逐出去(Raj)
25.Be deported:被驅逐
26.on trial:在實驗中或者受審
27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(這么覺得這能Sheldon 能說出來)
28.run into a dead end:死路一條
29.be adept at reading facial cues:擅長察言觀色(from Sheldon )
30.conjugal visit:夫妻之間的訪問
31.I'm the third wheel:我是電燈泡
32.make a pact:約法三章
33.pull strings:套近乎
34.maternity leave:產假
35.buckle down:認真做事或者扣緊
37.future appears to be bleak:前途慘淡
38.What stakes do you propose:你和我賭神馬?
39.you have a wager:你有賭注了
40.ironic doesn't agree with me:我不喜歡諷刺
41.shack up with sb:與某人同居
42.first come, first serve:先到先得
43.take the pressure off:卸下壓力
44.fix on the trivial:為小事糾結(Leonard 形容Sheldon)
45.in a moment filled with biblical resonance:醍醐灌頂
46.self-criticism and repentance:自我批評和後悔
47.catch a break:休息一下
48.buoy my spirit:振奮精神
49.lessen your discomfort:減輕你的不適
50.ground-breaking strikes:極大的打擊
51.career trajectory has taken a minor detour:職業道路有點偏差
52.with a docterate:獲得博士學位(eg.Haward is the only men who does not possess a doctrate.)
53.be a godsend:及時雨
54.I am engineered:我是試管嬰兒
55.one's life revolve around:某人的生活以。。為中心
56.be wiped clean:一干二凈了
57.beneath the exterior,there are cracks:在貌似完好的外表下充滿了危機
58.cool off :冷靜下來
59.Mull over:考慮
60.go off on the wrong foot:有些誤解
61.I'm in no position to do:我沒有打算去做。。
62.I don't possess the tool of leadership:我不擅長領導
63.pipe dream:白日夢
64.deploy out on a mission:為一個任務差遣
65.old prank:常用的笑話-fall for one of sheldon's old pranks
66.hover over my head:在我腦袋中盤旋
67.telephone is unlisted:沒有存電話
68.sullen teenage daughter:沉悶的處於青春期的女兒
69.I'm on fire:我狀態超好。
70.be within earshot:還在聽力范圍之內
71.bonus question:附加題
72.propose an enormous undertaking:費了很大精力
73.I'm not good with cold:我怕冷
74.descend into anarchy:衰退至無政府狀態
76.zip your hole:把嘴閉上
77.make small talk:閑聊
78.get me wrong:誤解我
79.get your mind off this:別再想這個了
80.What do you say?:你覺得呢?
81.blissful evening:美妙的夜晚
82.mouthwash:漱口水 body wash:沐浴液 hair conditioner:護發素
83.catch up with you:跟上你
84.ravish me:蹂躪我吧
85.break dancer:噼啪舞者
86.housewarming gift:搬家禮物
87.a little bubbles forming on the corners of one's mouth:恨得某人咬牙切齒(Penny給Sheldon找CD那集)
88.outearn sb:比某人掙錢多
89.assembly line:流水線
90.be condescening:屈尊的
91.take a nap:小睡一會
93.head off:扼殺
94.quench our thirst:遏制渴望
95.pull together:齊心協力(Penny做頭花那集)
96.can't-miss smypossium:不可錯過的論壇會
97.get a shot=take a shot:試一試
98.creep sb out:惡心某人
99.be disproportionate to my physical stature:和我體型不成比例
100.unmitigated disaster:為緩解的災難
101.flash drive:優盤
102.slumdog millionare:平民窟的百萬富翁
103.small package good things:濃縮就是精華(Leonard形容自己)
105.black out:暈倒
106.pop into my head:在我的腦海中出現
107.go black:失去意識
109.intrude on:侵犯
110.take it personally:別介意
111.be too hard on sb:對某人太苛刻
112.be louging on a sofa:在沙發上懶散得躺著
113.enlighten sb:啟發某人
114.never-ending stream of:永無止境的。。
115.find out sound:潤嗓子
116.menopausal symptoms:更年期
117.perky:活潑(penny 去試鏡)
118.be tempted:被。。吸引
119.smooth talker:擅長談話的人
120.despite a hard and crusty shell, he is a sensitive men:在堅強的外表下,他是一個內心敏感的人
121.nuture it and make it shine:培養它
122.get over oneself:別自以為是
123.call it off:取消
124.get braces off:把牙套去掉
125.my hubris and my pride:我的自以為是和驕傲
126.a little carried away:有點過分
127.you pick up on that:你看穿了
128.hit it off:合得來
129. be behind on one's bill:手頭緊
130.move a conversation forward:推進談話
131.get off my case:別管我
132.It's my treat.:我請客
133.takeout food:外帶
135.The die has been cast:木已成舟
136.bring it on yourself:自找
137.lay the following conundrum at your feet:自找困難
138.conversation opener:開場白
139.slide over one:坐座位向旁邊移一個
140.tell on sb:打小報告(Leonard向Sheldon他媽)
141.that is big of you:氣量大(Penny形容Sheldon)
142.well played:夠狠(Sheldon 和PeNNY 斗那集)
144.put it on the agenda:放在行程中
145.put it on mute:放靜音
146.take a stand:明確立場
147.rever sb:崇拜某人(Sheldon的女學生)
148.You are so witty:你真狡猾
149.it tickles:癢癢
150.doze off:打瞌睡
151.I'M On a roll:人氣高
152.hassle with:與。。斗爭
153.my door is open:我隨時歡迎你
154.weep for:流淚
155.second-rate mind/lesser mind/mediocro mind:智商一般的(Sheldon 說爛了都)
156.I'm close to a breadthrough:我差點就破記錄了
157.lower a bar:降低標准
158.flaunt one's success:炫耀某人的成功
160.be rife with:充滿了
161.crash to the ground:化為huijin
162.make oneself scarce:溜走
163.make pee-pee:尿尿
164.screen people out:篩選人
165.snort of derision:嘲諷的聲音
166.shore up self-esteen:建立起自尊
167.I'll take the bullit:我先試吧
168.spy on sb:監視某人
169.sb is a close talker:善於交談的人
170.get on my nerve:惹毛我了
171.cross my mind:出現在我的腦海中
172.I don't kown where I am:我不知道自己所處的位置
173.We are a good fit:我倆很合適
174.she speaks my language:她和我是一路人
175.be at each other's throat:看對方不順眼
176.hobnob with people :與人過分親近
177.beat our brains out:絞盡腦汁
178.make a habit of it:形成習慣
179.dwell on:總想著
180.go off:走火
181.Life I envisioned/pictured for us:我所預想的生活
182. be meant for each other:天生的一對
183.have a yen for me:對我蠢蠢欲動
184.thoughts started taking precedence over feeling:理性戰勝利感性
185.as the last days expired:隨著剩下幾天慢慢消逝
186.keep options open:保持自由身(Leonard描述他和penny的交往)
187.hook up with sb:與某人交往
188.Are you high:你喝高了么?
189.hold out for rediculous fatasy:堅持無聊的幻想
190.I do not judge a book by its cover,I'am interested in the person underneath:我不會以貌取人
191.masturbatory fantasies:YY
192.fiddle with oneself:擺弄自己
193.sink to his level:降低到他的水平
194.the more,the merrier:人越多,越好
195.play innocent with:裝清純
196.put it on vibrant:調成振動
197.take some sense into you:調教調教你
198.remarkable and high-achieving:有卓越成就的(Sheldon諷刺Penny沒學問時)
199.at length:詳細的

Ⅶ 電影里導演經常說的一英文!是什麼

action 開始

Ⅷ 播放的電影是中文字幕,裡面說的卻是英文。換聲道也不行怎麼辦


Ⅸ 求五部英文電影里的經典句子

1、Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.懦怯囚禁人的靈魂,希望可以令你感受自由。強者自救,聖者渡人。
2、I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.人生可以歸結為一種簡單的選擇:不是忙著活,就是忙著死。
3、Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...有的鳥是不會被關住的,因為它們的羽毛太美麗了!
4、Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies.希望是件好東西,也許是世上最好的東西.好東西從來不會流逝.
5、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.這些牆很有趣。剛入獄的時候,你痛恨周圍的高牆;慢慢地,你習慣了生活在其中;最終你會發現自己不得不依靠它而生存。這就叫體制化。
1、鍵盤有始有終,你確切知道 88 個鍵就在那兒,錯不了。它並不是無限的,而音樂,才是無限的。你能在鍵盤上表現的音樂是無限的,我喜歡這樣,我能輕松應對,而你現在讓我走過跳板,走到城市裡,等著我的是一個沒有盡頭的鍵盤,我又怎能在這樣的鍵盤上彈奏呢 ? 那是上帝的鍵盤啊 !

Ⅹ 播放的電影是中文字幕,裡面說的卻是英文。換聲道也不行怎麼辦




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