導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 我經常周日去看電影的英語


發布時間:2022-10-15 06:34:32

① 我通常在周末去看電影 用英文怎麼寫 他幾乎不給他父母寫信 用英

您好翻譯為 I usually go to the theather on weenkend
He hardly write letters for parents

② 我常常去看電影翻譯成英文是什麼

I always go to the cinema.

③ 我經常在周末看電影。 i often[ ] movies on weekends.

I often ( go ) ( to )movies with my friends
He wants to ( see ) movies ( on )weekends

④ 在周日,我經常和爸爸看電影用英語怎麼說

I want to learn something about Chinese history.
On weekends,I often go to movies with my father.

⑤ 我周末經常和朋友們一起去看電影怎麼說

英文:I always go to cinema with my friends at weekends.

⑥ 邁克和我通常在周日看電影英文


Mike and I usually watch movies on Sunday.

. 第一時間為你解答,敬請採納,
如對本題還有疑問可追問,Good luck!

⑦ 我們經常在周末去看電影、用英語怎麼說

We usually go to movies on the weekends.

⑧ 我每個星期天都會去看電影英文怎麼說 答對,必採納

was making just his second game

⑨ 我經常周天上午彈鋼琴和畫畫,周天下午看電影用英語怎麼說

I often play the piano and draw on Sunday morning, and watch movies on Sunday afternoon.

⑩ 在周末,我經常去看電影

I often go to the movies on weekends.
I often go to see/watch movies/films on weekends.


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