⑴ 側耳傾聽的英文簡介~~~~
Whisper of the Heart, known in Japan as Mimi wo Sumaseba (耳をすませば?, lit. If You Listen Closely) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Aoi Hiiragi. In 1995, it was adapted into an anime feature film by Studio Ghibli. This was the first Japanese film to use the Dolby Digital sound format. An English b of this film was released by Buena Vista Home Entertainment on March 7, 2006. Turner Classic Movies televised both the bbed and subbed versions on January 18, 2006 as part of their month-long celebration of Miyazaki (in honor of his birthday, January 5). The English title, Whisper of the Heart, was created by Studio Ghibli and used on several officially licensed "character goods" released around the same time as the movie was released in theaters in Japan.
One summer evening in 1994, Shizuku Tsukishima, a fourteen-year old girl who is in junior high school in Tama New Town, on the outskirts of Tokyo, looks through the checkout cards in her library books and notices a pattern: Each book had previously been checked out by someone named "Seiji Amasawa". The next day Shizuku goes to school to meet her friend Yūko Harada. While waiting, she asks her teacher Kosaka-sensei to open the library so she can check out a book. The book contains the name Amasawa, so she asks Kosaka-sensei about him. She doesn't remember him, but tells Shizuku to ask one of the older teachers. Shizuku meets up with Yuko and shows her the draft of the song Shizuku has been writing for graation. Yuko then tells Shizuku she's received a love letter, but already has feelings for another classmate — Sugimura.
On the way home, Shizuku suddenly realizes she left her book at the school. She rushes back to find a boy her age reading it. He hands it back to her, addressing her by name, which he read on the checkout card. He also comments on her lyrics, calling them "corny" — which leaves her feeling irritable for the rest of the evening. Shizuku's sister Shiho comes home and scolds her for slacking off on her chores. The next morning, Shiho tells Shizuku to take their father his lunch at the library. On the train on the way there, Shizuku sees a large cat apparently traveling by itself. When it gets off at Shizuku's station, she decides to follow it. It stops at an antique shop, where she sees the statue of a cat in formal clothing. The owner of the shop, Nishi-san, tells her his name is Baron Humbert von Jikkingen. He also shows her a recently restored grandfather clock, that tells a tale of the King of the Dwarves and a Fairy Queen. Shizuku is in awe, considering the shop a place where stories begin.
Shizuku notices the late hour and rushes off to the library, stopping when she hears someone calling her name. It is the boy from school, returning the lunch she left at the shop. He comments on how much food it is and starts to mis-sing her song as he rides away, revealing the cat from before on the back on his bicycle and leaving Shizuku in another foul mood. The next day Shizuku stops by the teacher's lounge on the way to lunch and asks about the name "Amasawa". One of the teachers recalls him as being a former chairman of the PTA. He also remarks that his son is in Shizuku's grade. Shizuku's friends tease her about this mysterious Amasawa boy until she changes the subject to the new draft of her song. After lunch Sugimura asks Yuko for a word. He tells her his friend wrote the love letter, and asks if she'd consider going out with the friend. Yuko yells at him for being insensitive and runs away crying, leaving him completely bewildered. Yuko tells Shizuku about the incident and decides to miss school the next day, even though they have exams.
The next day Sugimura asks Shizuku about Yuko. She yells at him for being dense and tells him Yuko loves him, which causes him to admit he loves Shizuku. Shocked, she tells him she'd rather they stay friends. Later, Shizuku goes to visit the antique shop again and finds it closed. The boy from the library shows up on his bike and lets her in to see The Baron. He shows her the way The Baron's eyes sparkle in the sunlight. She follows the boy downstairs and sees his workshop, where he is making a violin. She asks him to play, and he replies he will, if she will sing. Midway through the song, Nishi-san and his two friends arrive and play an accompaniment. One of Nishi-san's friends addresses the boy as "Seiji". Shizuku demands to know if his name is Seiji Amasawa, and he confirms this. She becomes distressed to finally know this, but calms down enough to allow him to walk her home. On the way he tells her his dream is to become a master luthier. He is fighting with his parents for the chance to go to Cremona, Italy to study with a master. He also compliments her on her lyrics.
The next morning at school Yuko says someone saw Shizuku and Seiji walking home together and that rumor says they're going out. Shizuku denies this, but as soon as class is dismissed for lunch, Seiji appears at the door of the classroom and asks for a word. As her classmates begin taunting them, Shizuku takes Seiji up to the roof. There he tells her his parents have consented to let him go to Cremona, Italy for two months to study with a master. If he believes Seiji has potential, then he'll be allowed to stay; if he does not, Seiji must return and attend high school. The two confess that they have feelings for each other, while their classmates spy on them. Seiji admits that he checked out all those library books hoping it would get her attention. That evening, Shizuku tells Yuko she worries she isn't good enough for Seiji, since he seems to know what he wants to do in life. She decides to test her talent, too: She will write a book to see if her skills are good enough.
She asks Nishi-san's permission to write about The Baron in her story. He agrees, provided he is allowed to be the first to read it. She begins to do research in the library for her story, when Seiji appears to tell her he's leaving the next day. She tells him she'll be waiting for him to come back. Shizuku begins to devote all her time to working on her book, and her grades start to slip. Her parents are concerned but decide to allow her to finish her project. As soon as she finishes, she takes it to Nishi-san and asks him to read it right away. Hours later he finds her and tells her it was very good. She is upset and points out all its flaws, but Nishi-san says she simply needs to polish it.
After some discussion, Nishi-san divulges to Shizuku the story of how he obtained the Baron. Like the story Shizuku wrote, the Baron had a female cat statue that accompanied him. However, Nishi-san had to leave Europe. He took the Baron with him and promised his lover that he'd return to find her and the Baron's mistress. War prevented him from returning. Much later, he did finally come back, but was unable to find his love or the Baron's mistress.
Shizuku decides that attending high school is the best way to learn more about writing. Early the next morning Shizuku looks out her window and sees Seiji below. She rushes out to see him. He tells her he came home a day early to see her and tells her to get on the back of his bike. They ride to a steep hill, which he says he wants to ride up carrying her. She hops off to help push, saying she wants to help him, not be a burden to him. They make it to the top and look out at the incredible view, waiting for the sunrise. He tells her he's decided to attend high school, then go back to Cremona to study. He apologizes to her for concentrating on his dream so much he forgot to encourage her, but she tells him she's glad he did, because it pushed her to do her best and learn more about herself. Seiji asks her if, once he becomes a luthier, she would consent to marry him. She happily tells him she hoped it would be that way and agrees. They watch the sunrise together.
⑵ 宮崎駿《傾耳傾聽》的簡介
《側耳傾聽》里的小女孩月島雯,正在念中學,和每個臨將畢業的學生一樣,她也面臨著今後的抉擇。但是她並不是一個沉迷於功課的小女孩,她喜歡看更多的課外書,並把自己的感受寫下來。有一天,雯給當圖書館管理員的爸爸送盒飯,半路上遇見一隻胖貓,居然象人一樣搭坐電車。她好奇的一路追蹤過去,於是在半山坡發現了一家古老而精緻的玩具店——「地球村」。放在店裡桌上的貓玩偶男爵閃爍著神奇的光暈,令她深深著迷。回家的路上,一個男孩送回了她遺忘的便當。而先前失蹤的那隻胖貓,則笑嘻嘻的坐在男孩自行車的後坐上。於是一個神奇的童話般的故事在男孩和雯之間開始了。原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望雯能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛爾的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候其他的老樂手們回來了,於是在「地球村」,他們演奏起了自己的樂器。這個溫馨的小型演唱會,最後在大家快樂的掌聲中結束。經過互相的介紹,雯認識了這個學小提琴的男孩,天澤聖司。聖司對雯傾訴了自己想去義大利古老的制琴學校學習的夢想。而雯被玩具店的貓男爵的愛情故事所啟發,也決定寫關於貓男爵的作品——相愛的兩個人卻因為種種誤解而不能在一起的故事。雯和聖司兩個人都在面臨著畢業抉擇的十字路口,卻堅定的選擇了自己所嚮往的道路。頂住學業和考試的重壓,雯終於完成了小說,並帶給玩具店的老爺爺看。老爺爺深受感動,並講述了貓男爵真正的故事。原來貓男爵的故事恰恰和雯所寫的故事吻合。雯這一切幻境般的經歷而陶醉。而聖司也終於得到家裡父母的理解,終於可以去義大利學習造琴技藝。最後在那個日出時分,在明凈晴朗的天空下,臨行前的聖司勇敢的向雯告白,而雯幸福的答應了。他們擁抱在一起——聖司高喊著:「我最喜歡你!」
⑶ 側耳傾聽的劇情介紹
"Country roads take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain Mama
Take me home country roads"
英文名稱:Whisper of the Heart
側耳傾聽 Whisper of the Heart (1995)
1995年,近藤喜文執導的《側耳傾聽》「耳をすませば」公映。同年,宮崎駿還幫日本著名演唱組合CHAGE & ASKA製作了音樂動畫短片《ON YOUR MARK》。
製作プロデューサー;腳本;絵コンテ/宮崎 駿
プロデューサー/鈴木 敏夫
電影的主題曲是由英文名曲<Take Me Home、Country Roads>(故鄉的路)的日本語版本,片中主人公「月島雫」的聲優本名陽子演唱。可惜看國內的D版是無法聽到本名陽子為主角的配音的(粵語版嘛),真是遺憾遺憾,殘念殘念!!
原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望霞能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛爾的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候其他的老樂手們回來了,於是在「地球村」,他們演奏起了自己的樂器。這個溫馨的小型演唱會,最後在大家快樂的掌聲中結束。經過互相的介紹,霞認識了這個學小提琴的男孩,天澤聖司。聖司對霞傾訴了自己想去義大利古老的制琴學校學習的夢想。而霞被玩具店的貓男爵的愛情故事所啟發,也決定寫關於貓男爵的作品——相愛的兩個人卻因為種種誤解而不能在一起的故事。
霞和聖司兩個人都在面臨著畢業抉擇的十字路口,卻堅定的選擇了自己所嚮往的道路。頂住學業和考試的重壓,霞終於完成了小說,並帶給玩具店的老爺爺看。老爺爺深受感動,並講述了貓男爵真正的故事。原來貓男爵的故事恰恰和霞所寫的故事吻合。霞為這一切幻境般的經歷而陶醉。而聖司也終於得到家裡父母的理解,終於可以去義大利學習造琴技藝。最後在那個日出時分,在明凈晴朗的天空下,臨行前的聖司勇敢的向霞告白,而霞幸福的答應了。他們擁抱在一起 —— 聖司高喊著: 「 我最喜歡你! 」
《側耳傾聽》最寓意深刻的是在影片末,聖司用自行車載著霞走著一段很陡的路,霞想到她可能會成為聖司踏上理想之路的負擔,所以毅然從車上跳了下來幫忙推車, 「 不想成為聖司君的負累,而是要和聖司君一起努力把路走完。 」 當時這短短的一幕實在令人感動得說不出話來!
《側耳傾聽》和上一部動畫《百變狸貓》是連貫的,都發生在多摩地區。片首曲《Take Me Home Country Roads》播放時,畫面上映出的背景就是從多摩地方眺望都心的夜景。實際上這個夜景,是《平城狸合戰》最後播報演職人員時最終的場景。狸貓的居住地被剝奪的多摩,而雫和聖司就住在這多摩新區。
⑷ 側耳傾聽的簡介
片長:67 min
混音:杜比數碼環繞聲 DTS SDDS
⑸ 很久以前看了一部日本動畫片,只看到片段,講的是一個男生會製作小提琴,然後他拉奏小提琴,一個女生唱歌
原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望雯能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候西司朗和另外兩個老樂手回來了,於是在「地球屋」他們演奏起了自己的樂器。
⑹ 側耳傾聽的劇情介紹
原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望雯能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候西司朗和另外兩個老樂手回來了,於是在「地球屋」他們演奏起了自己的樂器。這個溫馨的小型演唱會,最後在大家快樂的掌聲中結束。經過互相的介紹,雯認識了這個學小提琴的男孩 ——天澤聖司。聖司對雯傾訴了自己想去義大利古老的制琴學校學習的夢想。而雯被玩具店的貓男爵的愛情故事所啟發,也決定寫關於貓男爵的作品——相愛的兩個人卻因為種種誤解而不能在一起的故事。雯和聖司兩個人都在面臨著畢業抉擇的十字路口,卻堅定的選擇了自己所嚮往的道路。頂住學業和考試的重壓,雯終於完成了小說,並帶給玩具店的老爺爺看。老爺爺深受感動,並講述了貓男爵真正的故事。原來貓男爵的故事恰恰和雯所寫的故事吻合。雯為這一切幻境般的經歷而陶醉。而聖司也終於得到家裡父母的理解,終於可以去義大利學習造琴技藝。最後在那個日出時分,在明凈晴朗的天空下,從義大利回來的聖司勇敢的向雯告白,而雯幸福地答應。
⑺ 請問下宮崎俊《側耳傾聽》好看嗎講的是什麼故事
原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望雯能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛爾的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候其他的老樂手們回來了,於是在「地球村」,他們演奏起了自己的樂器。這個溫馨的小型演唱會,最後在大家快樂的掌聲中結束。經過互相的介紹,雯認識了這個學小提琴的男孩——天澤聖司。聖司對雯傾訴了自己想去義大利古老的制琴學校學習的夢想。而雯被玩具店的貓男爵的愛情故事所啟發,也決定寫關於貓男爵的作品——相愛的兩個人卻因為種種誤解而不能在一起的故事。
雯和聖司兩個人都在面臨著畢業抉擇的十字路口,卻堅定的選擇了自己所嚮往的道路。頂住學業和考試的重壓,雯終於完成了小說,並帶給玩具店的老爺爺看。老爺爺深受感動,並講述了貓男爵真正的故事。原來貓男爵的故事恰恰和雯所寫的故事吻合。雯為這一切幻境般的經歷而陶醉。而聖司也終於得到家裡父母的理解,終於可以去義大利學習造琴技藝。最後在那個日出時分,在明凈晴朗的天空下,臨行前的聖司勇敢的向雯告白,而雯幸福的答應了。他們擁抱在一起—— 聖司高喊著:「嫁給我吧!」
《側耳傾聽》最寓意深刻的是在影片末,聖司用自行車載著雯走著一段很陡的路,雯想到她可能會成為聖司踏上理想之路的負擔,所以毅然從車上跳了下來幫忙推車,「不想成為聖司君的負累,而是要和聖司君一起努力把路走完。」當時這短短 的一幕實在令人感動得說不出話來!
⑻ 宮崎駿的《側耳傾聽》到底講的是什麼呢
影片開頭隨著悠揚悅耳、朗朗上口的美國鄉村音樂《Take Me Home,Country Roads》拉開了序幕,第一次聽到女聲版的唱法,很好聽,別有一番情調。整部電影兩個小時,劇情平實清淡、生活真實、節奏緩慢,故事沒有起伏,好像是發生在我們身邊一樣,很貼心,並小小的感動……
原來男孩自己在學做小提琴,並且希望雯能唱她正在翻譯的一首英文歌:約翰·丹佛的《COUNTRY ROAD》,自己用小提琴來為她伴奏。這時候西司朗和另外兩個老樂手回來了,於是在「地球屋」他們演奏起了自己的樂器。這個溫馨的小型演唱會,最後在大家快樂的掌聲中結束。經過互相的介紹,雯認識了這個學小提琴的男孩 ——天澤聖司。