導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 你認為這部電影如何的英文翻譯


發布時間:2022-10-11 02:31:19

A. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣英語怎麼說

What do you think of the movie?
What's your opinion of the movie?
How do you like the movie?

B. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣翻譯成英文

What do you think of this movie?
How do you like this movie?
what do you think of = how do you like 你認為.怎麼樣

C. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣翻譯成英文

What do you think of this movie?
How do you like this movie?

what do you think of = how do you like 你認為.....怎麼樣


D. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣(用兩種方式翻譯)初二上冊

How did you like the movie?
What do you think of the movie?

E. 你覺得這電影怎麼樣,翻譯成英語

How do you feel about the film?

F. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣漢譯英How do you think of this movie.行不行

What do you think of this movie? 這個合適。


How do you like this movie? 可以用這個

G. 你認為這部電影怎麼樣用英語怎麼說

What do you think of the film?

How do you like the film?

How do you like=What do you think of:你覺得....怎麼樣

H. 「你覺得這部電影怎麼樣」用英語咋說

What do you think of the film?
How do you like the film?

I. 英語翻譯 你認為這部電影怎麼樣What do you think

你認為這部電影怎麼樣?What do you think of this film / movie?
我和她年齡一樣大. I am the same age as her. /I am as old as her.
比起去商店購物,我更喜歡網上購物。I prefer to do shopping on the Internet rather than go to the shop.
線上線下 : OTO/offline and online
我為你們感到驕傲。I'm proud of you.

J. 你認為這個電影怎麼樣我從來沒有看到過更好的用英語怎麼說

How do you think of the film?
I have never seen any better than this before.



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