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① 英語:介紹一位喜歡的電影明星及他(她)的電影.單詞數60 -70個


魔法師的學徒又名《見習魔法師》或《巫師學徒》The Sorcerer's Apprentice(2010-7-16)----Balthazar Blake
海扁王 Kick-Ass (2010-4-16)----Damon Macready
女巫季節Season of the Witch (2010-3-19)----Lavey
壞中尉:新奧爾良港Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009-11-20)----Terence McDonagh
鐵臂阿童木(配音)Astro Boy (2009-10-23)----Dr. Tenma (voice)
豚鼠特攻隊(配音)G-Force (2009-7-24)----Speckles (voice)
先知/地球毀滅密碼/末日預言/神秘代碼 Knowing (2009-3-20)----Ted Myles
曼谷殺手 Bangkok Dangerous(2008-8-21)----Joe
國家寶藏2National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007-12-21)----Ben Gates
預見未來/驚魂下一秒 Next(2007-4-27)----Cris Johnson
世貿中心:World Trade Center(2006-11-9) ----John McLoughlin
惡靈騎士/幽靈騎士/靈魂戰車/鬼面騎士 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4) ----Johnny Blaze
異教徒/柳條人 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1) ----Edward Malus
天氣預報員 The Weather Man (2005-4-1) ----David Spritz
戰爭之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1) ----Yuri Orlov
國家寶藏National Treasure (2004-11-19) ----Ben Gates
火柴人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8) ----Roy Waller
改編劇本/蘭花盜 Adaptation (2002-12-6) ----Charlie Kaufman / Donald Kaufman
追風戰士/風語者 Windtalkers (2002-6-14) ----Sergeant Joe Enders
柯萊利上尉的曼陀林/戰地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17) ----Captain Antonio Corelli
居家男人/住家男人/加料感情線 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22) ----Jack Campbell
極速60秒/驚天動地60秒/致命60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5) ----Memphis Raines 替代情人/穿梭陰陽界 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22) ----Frank Pierce
八毫米 8mm (1999-2-19) ----Tom Welles
蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7) ----Rick Santoro
天使之城/X情人/天使多情 City of Angels (1998-4-10) ----Seth
變臉/奪面雙雄 Face Off (1997-6-27)----Castor Troy/Sean Archer
空中監獄 Con Air (1997-6-5) ----Cameron Poe
勇闖奪命島/石破天驚/絕地任務 The Rock (1996-6-7) ----Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21) ----Little Junior Brown
離開拉斯維加斯/遠離賭城/兩顆絕望的心 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1) ----Ben Sanderson
天堂有難 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2) ----Bill Firpo 尼古拉斯·凱奇
傾城佳話 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29) ----Charlie Lang
超級賭徒.連環計中計 Deadfall (1994-7-15) -----Eddie
第一夫人的保鏢 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11) ----Doug Chesnic
黑白追緝令 Lily in Winter ( 1994 )_
世紀電影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)
西部紅石鎮 Red Rock West (1993-6-16) -----Michael Williams
拉斯維加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28) ----Jack Singer
情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情緣 Zandalee (1991年)----Johnny
火鳥出擊 Fire Birds (1990-5-25) ----Jake Preston
全面攻擊/殺戮時刻 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1) ----Enrico Silvestri
我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1) ----Sailor
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2) ----Peter Loew
月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18) ----Ronny Cammareri
撫養亞歷桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6) ----H.I. McDunnough
憂郁男孩/藍衣人 the Boy in Blue(1986) ----Ned Hanlan
佩姬蘇要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10) ----Charlie Bodell
棉花俱樂部 The Cotton Club (1984) ----Vincent Dwyer
鳥人 Birdy (1984-12-14) ----Sergeant Al Columbato
愛的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23) -----Nicky/Bud
斗魚 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21) ----Smokey
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)
黑獄風雲 Brubaker(1980-6-20)【凱奇的處女作】

② 用英語介紹偉人或明星的品質的文章

Michael Jackson,musician,dancer,philanthropist,humanist,pacifist,founder of charity。


Michael Jackson has a persistent,meticulous spirit of dedication,a desire for peace and love of humanity,no ethnic boundaries,only the thinking of all mankind。



1984年,Michael Jackson憑借代表作品《Thriller》以及收錄其中的《Beat It》在第26屆格萊美獲得包括「年度最佳搖滾男歌手」、「年度最佳流行男歌手」「年度最佳唱片」等在內的八項大獎,成為「年度格萊美獲得獎項最多的個人」。

截止至2000年,Michael Jackson通過現金捐助、靜默拍賣等形式支持過全球共計39個慈善機構,他為非洲賑災所創作的歌曲《we are the world》至今傳唱,是「支持慈善機構最多的藝人」。

③ 我最喜歡的明星英語作文(有給人簡介,翻譯,喜歡的原因)


Lin Junjie, a famous male singer, was born in Singapore in 1981.


In 2003, he released his first solo album "musician", which has made great achievements.


His outstanding creative ability was fully displayed in many popular albums such as Jiangnan, Cao Cao and JJ Lu.


At the same time, Lin Junjie has also won numerous music awards, becoming one of the most dazzling male singers in today's Chinese singing world.


I sincerely recommend his songs to you and hope you enjoy them.


④ 最喜愛的明星 初一第二單元英文簡短介紹 要有中文解釋。。


My favourite Star is XXX. 我最喜歡的明星是XXX。
He/She is XXX years old. 他/她XXX歲了。
He/She is a famous movie star/ singer/ writer. 他/她是一位著名的電影明星/歌手/作家。
And his/her most popular works are XXXX, YYYY and ZZZZ. 他/她最流行的作品有XXXX,YYYY和ZZZZ。
I like him/her because ... . 我喜歡他/她的原因是……。(這個沒法幫你編了,比如說:因為你喜歡他/她的歌 I like his/her songs;喜歡他/她帥或漂亮 he/she is very handson/ beautiful;因為他/她很聰明 he/she is clever;等等)


⑤ 求一篇寫電影明星的英語作文

Full name: Liu De
Hua race name: Liu
Fu Rong spends a
name: Glorious young
young China Hua Di
China hero English
name: Andy Lau blood
group: Ab type
height: 1.74 cm
weight: 64 kg date
of birth: 1961.9.27
birthplaces: Hong
Kong "New
Territories" Dabu
Taiheng village
native place:
Guangdong Xin Hui
constellation: Libra
religion: Buddhism
background: May
erect high school
graating ,
wireless Hong Kong
tenth phases of
actors training
class vital
dimension: 38 , 30 ,
36 family
condition: Parents ,
three elder sisters
one younger brother
one sister
花名:華仔 華弟 華英雄 榮仔
英文名:Andy Lau

graating ,
wireless Hong Kong
tenth phases of
actors training
class vital
dimension: 38 , 30 ,
36 family
condition: Parents ,
three elder sisters
one younger brother
one sister

⑥ 英語短文 介紹電影明星及電影


Jay Chou was born in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. At the tender age of three, he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom, Jay practiced piano diligently and eventually developed a love for the instrument and music. He went on to master a number of other instruments, including guitar, cello, jazz drum as well as the Chinese Dizi.
Jay's parents divorced when he was 13. Already a quiet boy to begin with, Jay grew even more secluded. He became independent rather quickly and was absorbed in his own music world. Whenever any musical ideas came to mind, he would jot them down. It wasn't before long he started writing his own songs.

Basketball was his other love and he often played with friends. In terms of school, Jay was not very strong academically, but he did manage to complete high school.

⑦ 我急需一個電影或電影明星的英文簡介,要有譯文,謝謝

導演】Nancy Meyers
【主演】Lindsay Lohan .... Hallie Parker/Annie James
Dennis Quaid .... Nicholas Parker
Natasha Richardson .... Elizabeth James
Elaine Hendrix .... Meredith Blake
Lisa Ann Walter .... Chessy
Simon Kunz .... Martin, the James' Butler
Polly Holliday .... Marva Kulp, Sr.
Maggie Wheeler .... Marva Kulp, Jr.
Ronnie Stevens .... Charles James
Erin Mackey .... Hallie/Annie Acting Double
Joanna Barnes .... Vicki
Hallie Meyers-Shyer .... Lindsay, Girl at Camp
Maggie Emma Thomas .... Zoe, Girl at Camp
Courtney Woods .... Nicole, Girl at Camp
Katerina Graham .... Jackie, Girl at Camp

Summer camp in Maine, USA. Two young redheads, Hallie and Annie, coincidentally meet and discover that they look pretty (and) similar. Soon, their common history opens up when they are banned into the isolation cabin for unsocial behaviour. Being twin sisters, their parents separated them at birth and divorced also. So, Annie grew up in London, England, living with her mother Elizabeth, who is a wedding gown designer. Hallie lived with her father Nick, a vineyard-owner, in Napa Valley, California. Both sisters decide to switch sides, as Annie never had a father and Hallie never had a mother. All works well, until Nick decides to marry Meredith, a creepy but beautiful woman who is only after his money. Now, the girls decide to let the parents meet. Let the games begin.

⑧ 用英文介紹電影明星,簡潔的,帶翻譯。

Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, screenwriter, and philanthropist whose career was launched following the success of the film Good Will Hunting (1997), from a screenplay he co-wrote with friend Ben Affleck. The pair won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay.

⑨ 用英語介紹一個喜歡的電影明星

Robin Williams a man who born July 21, 1951.he is an American actor and comedian. I like him cause he is very hormor.no matter in the show or in normal life.and he is very smart, he's show start in 1977 called Can I do it till I need glasses? and the old film Good Morning, Vietnam in 1987. but my favorite film is Good Will Hunting in 1997,and the new film in the 2010 called wedding banned. even when he is old now,he is still the popular actor in America that is why I like him 我自己喜歡的明星 簡單了點 但是希望能幫到你

⑩ 用英語(帶翻譯)介紹一位明星。他的出生年月,成就和外界對他的評價。

chan, April 7, 1954 was born in Hong Kong vivtoria and native shandong, the greater China area film star and international kung fu movie superstar, in Chinese world very prestigious and influence. He and Stephen chow chow, saying "double Monday into", meaning the Hong Kong movie box office guarantee. The Hong Kong film awards won many of the best design honorary title. Jackie chan is famous for its kung fu movies, many times to break the Hong Kong film box office records, the film starring global total box office has more than 20 billion yuan, for the Chinese actor. Jackie chan is the well-known kung fu comedy the drunken fist "; 1994 by he starred in "red" areas of the public in the United States after a strong response to make it into the USA Hollywood; "Rush hour" series movie also gain the highest box office, and lay the international film star status.



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