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The principal differences between my generation and my parents』 generation are in how they relate to others. My generation is more tolerant of other people』s choices, less concerned about what others think, and more self-centered.My parents』 generation has stricter standards about what kinds of behavior are acceptable. They sometimes have a hard time accepting the fact that other people may have different ideas about what』s right and what』s wrong. My generation thinks people should have a lot of choices. For example, they choose whom they want to live with, whether or not to have children, whether or not to practice a particular religion, and what to do for a living.My parents (generation is much more concerned about what other people think of them. Many grew up in tightly knit communities where people knew each other』s families. Fitting in meant that you had to act a certain way. Many of my generation grew up in loosely knit communities, where we only knew about our closest neighbors. We didn』t care what the rest of the community thought of us. Also, we were a very rebellious generation and often did things just to shock people.Wherever we grew up, most of my generation didn』t have to worry about having enough to eat or a roof over our heads. My parents』 generation did. They grew up ring the Great Depression, when many people were poor. For this reason, my parents didn』t have time to analyze their feelings or think about their inner selves. They were too busy trying to get by. Children of my generation were well taken care of by their parents. Because of that, we had time to think about ourselves and our place in the universe. As alts, many of us have continued to be self-absorbed. We join health clubs to be perfect in body and go into therapy to be perfect in mind.
When I think about our actions, it seems that my parents』 generation is more 「outer「 directed and my generation is more 「inner directed.「可以看看

㈡ 求經典的英文電影大全!急~


1.Godfather, The (1972) 教父9/10 ( 81261)
2.Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) 肖申克的救贖8.9/10(10014)
3.Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 教父續集8.8/10(46964)
4.Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002) 魔戒二部曲—雙城奇謀8.7/10 ( 59901)
5.Casablanca (1942) 卡薩布蘭卡8.7/10 ( 47781)
6.Schindler''s List (1993) 辛德勒的名單8.7/10 (70689)數:
7.Shichinin no samurai (1954) 七武士8.7/10 (19698)
8.Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001) 魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身8.7/10 ( 106497)
9.Citizen Kane (1941) 公民凱恩8.7/10 ( 44786)
10.Star Wars (1977) 星球大戰8.7/10 ( 101792)
11.One Flew Over the Cuckoo''s Nest (1975)飛越瘋人院8.6/10(50060)
12.Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love mb (1964) 奇愛博士8.6/10(45415)
13.Rear Window (1954) 後窗8.6/10 ( 29217)
14.Memento (2000) 記憶拼圖8.6/10 ( 60096)
15.Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980) 帝國反擊戰8.6/10 ( 78391)
16.Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 奪寶奇兵8.6/10(68694)
17.Usual Suspects, The (1995) 非常嫌疑犯8.6/10 (75919)
18.Pulp Fiction (1994) 低俗小說8.6/10 ( 91518)
19.North by Northwest (1959) 西北偏北8.5/10 (26033)
20.Fabuleux destin d''Amelie Poulain, Le (2001) 天使愛美麗8.5/10 ( 37118)
21.Psycho (1960) 驚魂記/精神病患者8.5/10 (39727)
22.12 Angry Men (1957) 十二怒漢8.5/10 ( 19816)
23.Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 阿拉伯的勞倫斯8.5/10(22342)
24.Silence of the Lambs, The (1991) 沉默的羔羊8.5/10(68083)
25.Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966) 獨行俠勇破地獄門/好人、壞人和小丑;黃昏三鏢客8.5/10 ( 17546)
26.It''s a Wonderful Life (1946) 風雲人物8.5/10 (30349)
27.Goodfellas (1990) 好傢伙/盜亦有道8.5/10 ( 47219)
28.American Beauty (1999) 美國麗人8.4/10 ( 80621)
29.Vertigo (1958) 迷魂記/眩暈8.4/10 ( 24798)
30.Sunset Blvd. (1950) 日落大道8.4/10 ( 10840)
31.Pianist, The (2002) 鋼琴師8.4/10 ( 14318)
32.Apocalypse Now (1979) 現代啟示錄8.4/10 ( 45786)
33.Matrix, The (1999) 黑客帝國8.4/10 ( 103925)
34.To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 殺死一隻知更鳥8.4/10 (21382)
35.Some Like It Hot (1959) 熱情似火8.4/10 ( 17815)
36.Taxi Driver (1976) 的士司機8.3/10 ( 33105)
37.Paths of Glory (1957) 光榮之路8.3/10 ( 9860)
38.Third Man, The (1949) 第三者8.3/10 ( 13150)
39.Fight Club (1999) 搏擊會8.3/10 ( 74144)
40.Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 千與千尋8.3/10 ( 10995)
41.Boot, Das (1981) 從海底出擊8.3/10 ( 20700)
42.Double Indemnity (1944) 雙重保險8.3/10 ( 8269)
43.C''era una volta il West (1968) 狂沙十萬里8.3/10 (8824)
44.L.A. Confidential (1997) 幕後嫌疑犯/洛城機密8.3/10 ( 52246)
45.Chinatown (1974) 唐人街8.3/10 ( 18254)
46.Requiem for a Dream (2000) 夢之安魂曲8.3/10 ( 28019)
47.Maltese Falcon, The (1941)馬爾他之鷹 梟巢喋血戰8.3/10 (14550)
48.Singin'' in the Rain (1952) 雨中曲8.3/10 ( 14765)
49.All About Eve (1950) 彗星美人8.3/10 ( 9419)
50.Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)桂河大橋8.3/10 (16298)
51.M (1931)M就是兇手 8.3/10 ( 8174)
52.Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 巨蟒和聖杯8.3/10 ( 43268)
53.Se7en (1995) 七宗罪8.3/10 (61397)
54.Saving Private Ryan (1998) 拯救大兵瑞恩8.2/10 (73685)
55.Raging Bull (1980) 憤怒的公牛8.2/10 ( 18386)
56.Wizard of Oz, The (1939) 綠野仙蹤8.2/10 ( 28057)
57.Cidade de Deus (2002) 無主之城8.2/10 ( 6511)
58.Sting, The (1973) 騙中騙8.2/10 ( 17249)
59.Rash?mon (1950) 羅生門8.2/10 ( 7636)
60.American History X (1998) 野獸良民/美國X歷史8.2/10 (38736)
61.Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 史密斯先生到華盛頓8.2/10 ( 8355)
62.Alien (1979) 異形8.2/10 ( 45162)
63.Touch of Evil (1958) 歷劫佳人8.2/10 ( 8577)
64.Vita e bella, La (1997) 美麗人生8.2/10 (27930)
65.2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 2001太空漫遊8.2/10(49042)
66.Leon (1994) 這個殺手不太冷8.2/10 ( 34685)
67.Manchurian Candidate, The (1962) 滿洲候選人8.2/10(9499)
68.Wo hu cang long (2000) 卧虎藏龍8.2/10 (投票人數: 39297)
69.Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)碧血金沙8.2/10 ( 7410)
70.Clockwork Orange, A (1971) 發條橙8.2/10 ( 46646)
71.Great Escape, The (1963) 大逃亡8.2/10 ( 13759)
72.Reservoir Dogs (1992) 落水狗8.2/10 ( 46456)
73.Annie Hall (1977) 安妮.霍爾8.2/10 ( 15037)
74.Jaws (1975) 大白鯊8.2/10 ( 34008)
75.Ran (1985) 亂8.2/10 ( 8088)
76.Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特傳8.2/10 ( 27211)
77.On the Waterfront (1954) 碼頭風雲8.2/10 (8636)
78.Modern Times (1936) 摩登時代8.1/10 ( 6819)
79.High Noon (1952) 正午8.1/10 ( 8768)
80.Braveheart (1995) 勇敢的心8.1/10 ( 67727)
81.Sixth Sense, The (1999) 靈異第六感8.1/10 ( 69905)
82.Apartment, The (1960) 公寓春光8.1/10 (7800)
83.Fargo (1996) 冰雪暴8.1/10 ( 48963)
84.Blade Runner (1982) 銀翼殺手8.1/10 (57302)
85.Strangers on a Train (1951) 列車上的陌生人/火車怪客8.1/10 (7231)
86.Aliens (1986) 異形 28.1/10 (47418)
87.Shining, The (1980) 閃靈8.1/10 ( 35115)
88.Duck Soup (1933) 鴨羹8.1/10 ( 7126)
89.Donnie Darko (2001) 死亡幻覺8.1/10 ( 22301)
90.Metropolis (1927) 大都會8.1/10 ( 8077)
91.Toy Story 2 (1999) 玩具總動員28.1/10 ( 28785)
92.Princess Bride, The (1987) 公主新娘8.1/10 ( 40617)
93.General, The (1927) 將軍號8.1/10 ( 4736)
94.City Lights (1931) 城市之光8.1/10 ( 5283)
95.Finding Nemo (2003) 海底總動員8.1/10 ( 12580)
96.Lola rennt (1998) 羅拉快跑8.1/10 ( 22830)
97.Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 追殺比爾8/10 (17505)
98.Notorious (1946) 美人計8/10 ( 7283)
99.Full Metal Jacket (1987) 全金屬外殼8/10 ( 33204)
100.Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 第七封印8/10 ( 6185)
101.Great Dictator, The (1940) 大獨裁者8/10 ( 6508)
102.Rebecca (1940) 蝴蝶夢8/10 (7952)
103.Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1989) 天堂電影院8/10 (10021)
104.Big Sleep, The (1946) 夜長夢多8/10 ( 7203)
105.Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)虎豹小霸王8/10 (14637)
106.Graate, The (1967) 畢業生8/10 ( 19983)
107.Searchers, The (1956) 搜索者8/10 ( 7317)
108.Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946) 黃金時代8/10 ( 4354)
109.Manhattan (1979) 曼哈頓8/10 ( 9038)
110.Mononoke-hime (1997) 魔法公主8/10 ( 12218)
111.Deer Hunter, The (1978) 獵鹿人8/10 ( 19695)
112.Glory (1989) 光榮戰役8/10 ( 16254)
113.Patton (1970) 巴頓將軍8/10 (10120)
114.Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 終結者 28/10( 56595)
115.It Happened One Night (1934) 一夜風流8/10 ( 5472)
116.Ladri di biciclette (1948) 單車失竊記8/10 ( 5031)
117.African Queen, The (1951) 非洲皇後8/10 (10484)
118.Philadelphia Story, The (1940) 費城故事8/10 ( 7683)
119.Bringing Up Baby (1938) 育嬰奇譚8/10 ( 6542)
120.Ben-Hur (1959) 賓虛8/10 (15228)
121.Yojimbo (1961) 大鏢客8/10 ( 5510)
122.Cool Hand Luke (1967) 鐵窗喋血8/10 ( 10216)
123.Shrek (2001) 怪物史瑞克8/10 (40883)
124.Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正傳8/10 ( 63423)
125.Green Mile, The (1999) 綠色奇跡8/10 ( 40196)
126.Hable con ella (2002) 對她說8/10 ( 6952)
127.Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 絕地大反擊8/10 ( 61166)
128.Grapes of Wrath, The (1940) 憤怒的葡萄8/10 (5522)
129.Unforgiven (1992) 不可饒恕7.9/10 ( 21791)
130.Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 毒葯與老婦7.9/10 ( 8167)
131.Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 美國往事7.9/10(11844)
132.Stalag 17 (1953) 戰地軍魂/7.9/10 ( 4868)
133.Gone with the Wind (1939) 亂世佳人7.9/10 ( 21045)
134.Wild Bunch, The (1969) 日落黃沙7.9/10 ( 7772)
135.Night of the Hunter, The (1955) 獵人的夜晚7.9/10 ( 5215)
136.Straight Story, The (1999) 史崔特先生的故事7.9/10( 9921)
137.Elephant Man, The (1980) 象人7.9/10 ( 11315)
138.All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 西線無戰事7.9/10 (4691)
139.Young Frankenstein (1974) 年輕的科學怪人7.9/10(15868)
140.Christmas Story, A (1983) 聖誕故事7.9/10 (13856)
141.Hustler, The (1961) 江湖浪子7.9/10 ( 5824)
142.Platoon (1986) 野戰排7.9/10 ( 24451)
143.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 聖戰奇兵7.9/10 (44284)
144.His Girl Friday (1940) 女友禮拜五7.9/10 (4619)
145.Back to the Future (1985) 回到未來7.9/10 (49600)
146.Die Hard (1988) 虎膽龍威7.9/10 (43088)
147.Grande illusion, La (1937) 大幻影7.9/10 (3554)
148.Monsters, Inc. (2001) 怪獸公司7.9/10 (24384)
149.Almost Famous (2000) 成名在望7.9/10 (26602)
150.Conversation, The (1974) 對話7.9/10 ( 7038)
151.Spartacus (1960) 斯巴達克斯7.9/10 (11875)
152.Amores perros (2000) 愛情是狗娘7.9/10 ( 8274)
153.Gold Rush, The (1925) 淘金記7.9/10 ( 4356)
154.Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1938)羅賓漢歷險記7.9/10 (4880)
155.Charade (1963) 謎中迷7.9/10 (6113)
156.Being John Malkovich (1999) 成為約翰馬爾科維奇7.9/10 (38507)
157.Festen (1998) 家變7.9/10 ( 8567)
158.Gladiator (2000) 角鬥士7.9/10 (65974)
159.Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The (1962) 雙虎屠龍7.9/10 (4981)
160.Life of Brian (1979) 萬世魔星7.9/10 (23496)
161.Insider, The (1999) 局內人7.9/10 ( 20382)
162.Bronenosets Potyomkin (1925) 波坦金戰艦7.9/10 (3887)
163.Mulholland Dr. (2001) 穆荷蘭大道7.9/10 ( 21753)
164.Toy Story (1995) 玩具總動員7.9/10 (33596)
165.Sling Blade (1996) 彈簧刀7.9/10 (15562)
166.Magnolia (1999) 木蘭花7.9/10 (31678)
167.Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 控方證人7.9/10( 3522)
168.Brazil (1985) 巴西7.9/10 (22722)
169.Roman Holiday (1953) 羅馬假日7.8/10 ( 6524)
170.Streetcar Named Desire, A (1951) 慾望號街車7.8/10( 6659)
171.Smultronst & auml;llet (1957) 野草莓7.8/10 ( 3219)
172.Who''s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)靈欲春宵7.8/10 ( 5117)
173.Night at the Opera, A (1935) 歌聲儷影7.8/10( 4233)
174.Exorcist, The (1973) 驅魔人7.8/10 (23348)
175.All the President''s Men (1976) 驚天大陰謀7.8/10( 9201)
176.Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)地球停頓記7.8/10 (7326)
177.cents coups, Les (1959) 四百擊7.8/10 ( 4177)
178.Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 辣手摧花7.8/10 (3690)
179.To Be or Not to Be (1942) 你逃我也逃7.8/10 (2423)
180.Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994) 紅色情深7.8/10 ( 7502)
181.Killing, The (1956) 殺手7.8/10 ( 4533)
182.Terminator, The (1984) 終結者7.8/10 ( 43085)
183.Ed Wood (1994) 艾德 伍德7.8/10 (14601)
184.Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 炎熱的下午7.8/10 ( 9938)
185.Adaptation. (2002) 蘭花賊/改編劇本7.8/10 (12386)
186.Twelve Monkeys (1995) 十二隻猴子7.8/10 ( 45954)
187.Stand by Me (1986) 站在我這邊/伴我同行7.8/10 (22234)
188.Harvey (1950) 迷離世界7.8/10 (5510)
189.Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922)吸血僵屍7.8/10 (5442)
190.Right Stuff, The (1983) 征空先鋒7.8/10 ( 9815)
191.This Is Spinal Tap (1984) 搖滾萬萬歲7.8/10 (13889)
192.Minority Report (2002) 關鍵報告7.8/10 (32803)
193.Midnight Cowboy (1969) 午夜牛郎7.8/10 (9257)
194.Others, The (2001) 神鬼第六感/小島驚魂7.8/10 (24190)
195.Network (1976) 電視台風雲7.8/10 (6573)
196.Miller''s Crossing (1990) 米勒的十字路口7.8/10 (9618)
197.Trainspotting (1996) 猜火車7.8/10 (37396)
198.Lion in Winter, The (1968) 冬獅7.8/10 (4142)
199.Gandhi (1982) 甘地傳7.8/10 (11338)
200.Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 雌雄大盜7.8/10 (8854)

㈢ 英語強人請進,幫忙翻譯英語電影名稱!




㈤ 在假期里讀了哪些書看過那些電影呢用英語寫一篇A Report About a Book/Film

Film Report of Kung Fu Panda
I saw a film called Kung Fu Panda ring the summer vacation.It is a comedy.It was set in the USA in 2008.The leading character is a panda called Po.It』s a story about Po.He is lazy and fat .His dream is to be a Kung Fu master.Hower,nobody thinks he can do it.To make his dream come true,he goes to a temple to learn if from a master. From then on ,his hard life begins.But he works hard later and in the end he becomes a real Kung Fu master and defeats his enemy ,his former brother Tai Long.The film is great for everyone,especially for children. I give it 8 out of ten.

㈥ 英文的report怎麼寫

porch 門廊
pork 豬肉
horse 馬
horn 角,號角,圓號
fort 防波堤
morning 早晨
corn 玉米
fork 叉子

㈦ 求一個英語作文 題目是 A report 最好有40單詞 謝謝哈

A report on weekend activities

Since the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to do an investigation on how the students spend their weekends. I find that almost half of the students study by themselves at home.About 25% of them prefer to watch TV or listen to music. 20% of them like to chat onlinne or play computer games, while 10% of them of tehn help their parents do housework. Only a small number of them go in for sports or travelling.
In my opinion, all of us students should have a proper plan for our weekends. We should make good use of our time, learning more knowledge, developing our interests,...We should also learn to relax, but I don't think it's a good idea to spend too much time watching TV , chatting online or playing computer games.

A report
I interviewed two new students in our class about what they do in free time and how often they do the activities.(寫你一個同學的名字)XXX watches TV once a week.She surfs the Internet once a month.She never does exercise and she never runs.She goes the movies twice month.She play basketball once a month and she play badminton once a week.She never play computer games.
As for learning English,XXX never listen to the radio and he never reads English newspapers.He does English exercise and watches English movies once a week.He sings English songs every day.He reads English loudly once a month.



㈧ 電影哈利波特的英語是film report嗎


㈨ 跪求英語Daily Report 就是一篇小文章 最好介紹電影 動漫 或音樂

Music is everywhere nowadays.It plays an important role in our life.
There are all kinds of music in the world.Such as Blues,Black music,Rock&Roll,Dance music of Punks,Disco,Jazz,Classical music,Rap ,Pop-music and so on.
Music is of great use in many fields.It is used in advertising,broadcast,TV,films or the supermarkets.People are supposed to be atrracted by the sweet-souding music.So ,you can see that it bring profits to the companies.
More and more people have their own tools to approach music, like Mp3,Mp4 .But before this,we often use radio,TV or walkman to listen to the music.
Why so many people like enjoying music ?In my opinion ,it can ease our presure of social relationship ,study ,work and relax ourselves,also make us feel better.



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