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發布時間:2022-10-03 13:57:06

❶ 求一篇初二英語作文(我最喜歡的電影)60~100詞 最好翻譯一下

1、My favourite movie is transformer.This film was made in America.It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.I like it very much.This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars.Besides,it has good story,and it told me to respect anybody protects us.This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.It also have a lot of robot troys I like.This is my favourite movie.
2、我最喜歡的電影—(My favourite movie—Titanic)
A precious stone which called "The Heart of Ocean"brought a love story between Rose and Jack.
They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.On the way to love,they came across many obstacles but surmounted.Four days after the Titanic set out,a very big iceberg floated towards her.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved besides Rose and Jack.Death is the biggest obstacle for love to surmounte.In other to save Rose,Jack lay down his life.
In this movie,when teh ship suffered the unexpected,some people would rather help other people than save themselves,such as the sailors and the musicians.They moved me the most.This movie made me thought a lot in some fields,such as relationship of the people around you.For example,when we are facing love,how to express our feeling to our lovers and deal the problem about love with them;When we are facing the social problems,how to settle them perfectly?Let's suppose we are on the Titanic and taking different positions,what we should do when the unexpected coming?In my opinion,diferent people take the different positions and we do different things in society,but the most important thing is that we should assume our responsibilities.

❷ 寫一遍關於我最喜歡的電影類型(科幻)的英語作文

Hi, I am... I have many hobbies, such as playing basketball, badminton, taking a walk.
I also like watching movies, I like to read science fiction movies, I think the science fiction movies of the device is novel,is also very advanced, the sci-fi film effect is also very good, in a science fiction movie, I compare like "Transformers",which was about the from Cybertron planet robot, and also from Cebota against the enemy. The representative of justice is to Optimus Prime led the Autobots, representatives of evil is a Decepticon Megatron led.


❸ 求介紹漫威的英語作文150—200字即可

您好:This article is about the comic book company using this name beginning in 1961. For the earlier comic book series, see Marvel Mystery Comics.
Marvel Worldwide Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, is an American publisher of comic books and related media. In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Worldwide's parent company.

Marvel started in 1939 as Timely Publications, and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics. Marvel's modern incarnation dates from 1961, the year that the company launched The Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and many others.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known properties as Spider-Man, the X-Men, Wolverine, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America, the Silver Surfer, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Avengers and antagonists such as the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Kingpin, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Loki, Galactus, Thanos, the Abomination, and the Red Skull. Most of Marvel's fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with locations that mirror real-life cities. Characters such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Daredevil, and Dr. Strange are based in New York City,[1][2] whereas the X-Men have historically been based in Salem Center, New York,[3][4][5] and the Hulk's stories have usually been set in the American Southwest.[6]

In 2013 Marvel held a 33.5% share of the comics market, compared to its competitor DC Comics' 30.33% share. By comparison, the companies held 40.81% and 29.94% shares in 2008

❹ 《我最喜歡看的電影》英語作文 鋼鐵俠

My favorite movie is Iron Man.To be honest,I like the Iron Man suit of Tony Stark to death.Sometimes, I even dream that one day,I also can wear that special suit to protect the folks from bad guys.I guess a lot of guys have such similar dreams.Nowdays,the technology is more and more advanced.And more and more bad guys have emerged.When people are in danger,if some person can show up and step forward like Iron Man,the world would be much safer.The movie just cater to people's thinking like this.I guess that's why so many people like this film.Of course,I don't doubt the function of exciting fighting movements inside this film.And as also,the romantic love story between Tony and Pepper indeed drew a lot of female audience.I am really looking forward to new episodes of Iron Man.
我最喜歡的電影要數鋼鐵俠。說實話,我 愛死托尼.斯塔克那身鎧甲了。甚至我夢想有一天我也能穿著那身奇特的鎧甲保護人們不受壞蛋的傷害。我猜很多人都過類似的夢。在現代,科技越發進步。出現了越來越多的壞傢伙。當人們處於危險時,如果有人像鋼鐵俠一樣出現,挺身而出,世界將會更加安全。這部電影正迎合了群眾的這種想法。我猜這也是為什麼那麼多人喜歡這部電影。當然我不懷疑電影里激烈打鬥動作的作用。並且托尼和派潑的浪漫愛情故事也卻是吸引了很多女性觀眾。我真的很期待鋼鐵俠續集。

❺ 我最喜歡的電影為什麼喜歡它英語作文


My favorite movie is Titanic.


It's a love story about Jack and Ruth.


They met on the Titanic.他們在太坦尼克號上相遇。


They fell in love with each other at the first sight.


On the night of April 15, 1920, the Titanic encountered an accident on its way to the United States.


Jack, Ruth and many others fell into the sea.


They are afraid because they are afraid of losing each other.


Finally, Ruth was saved, but Jack died. Ruth was very sad.


I like this movie very much.


❻ 英語作文,喜歡的漫威英雄,為什麼他們會變成英雄人物


❼ 用英語介紹漫威的電影

如果通過了英語六級考試,說明你的英語水平已經很不錯了,基本的英文溝通、閱讀通俗文章等都沒有太大的問題。 通常說的英語六級考試指的是筆試考試,通過筆試以後可以考慮口語考試。根據教育部規定只要六級英語成績在425分以上就可以進行口語

❽ 我最喜歡的電影英語作文 蜘蛛俠

When I watched the film 《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed.The main host-peter who is handsome and brave.He helped so many people who is need others help.
If we were him,whether we can sarcrified our love and friendship and even our study.In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.
Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people.For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries
If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth.People can make getting along well with each other。



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