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發布時間:2022-10-02 22:53:56

1. 要電視劇神探夏洛克的簡介,簡單概括一下,英文的更好。

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character created by Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, a graate of the University of Edinburgh Medical School. A London-based "consulting detective" whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is known for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise and his use of forensic science to solve difficult cases.

Sherlock Holmes, who first appeared in print in 1887, was featured in four novels and 56 short stories. The first novel, A Study in Scarlet, appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887 and the second, The Sign of the Four, in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1890. The character's popularity grew with the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine, beginning with "A Scandal in Bohemia"
in 1891; additional short-story series and two novels (published in
serial form) appeared from then to 1927. The events in the stories take
place from about 1880 to 1914.

2. 神探夏洛克第一季的劇情簡介

這一次,夏洛克·福爾摩斯(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇飾)不僅是著名大偵探更是一名時尚潮人,和他的好友兼得力助手約翰·H·華生(馬丁·弗瑞曼飾)陸續經歷了離奇市民自殺案件、黑幫走私事件和倒計時炸彈殺人案。每一個案件看似獨立,其實都有聯系,兩人每解決一個案子,就又會出現新的難題和無辜的受害者。經過抽絲剝繭,幕後黑手吉姆·莫里亞蒂(安德魯·斯科特飾)終於浮出水面,最後一集的交鋒中,被炸彈和狙擊槍威脅的夏洛克和華生該如何脫身,只能等到第二季讓BBC來告訴大家了 。

3. 急求《神探夏洛克》英文影評,80詞左右

Sherlock is a BBC proced by the mini drama, starring Charlotte Holmes, a make known to every family man, once many times by the screen, people all over the world once again and again for the smart, haughty, arrogant but lonely genius detective tracks. The film will be Sherlock this image depicts the very delicate, full of the British gentleman, also attracted many China audience

4. 神探夏洛克第一季第一集劇情簡介英文版

The metropolitan police is a series of Dutch act case busy all the dead for taking the deadly toxic capsule and die. He cornered the officer Lestrade had to turn to the Sherlock Holmes -- the unofficial detective advisers for help. Sherlock from the case of traces to infer Dutch act this series of events is not a simple but has a serial murderer behind. At the same time with the search for apartment roommate John Watson and the Sherlock introced two people fit in easily with immediately moved into Beck street 221B apartment.

The murderer was finally exposed the true colors -- a London taxi driver killed in reasoning and chase. Sherlock single-handed and murderer into the empty university where the killer revealed his mos operandi that is to use a gun to the victim forcing them to participate in a Russian Roulette gamble like life two capsules a harmless a deadly. When the victim made a choice. He picked up another gold at the same time capsule and the swallow. But even win the four murderer really is visited by fate do dangerous explosive. The critical moment followed the Watson pistol shot the taxi driver. In the BiWen Sherlock ghost was the killer finally say the real behind the scenes of the pilot - Moriarty.

5. 求神探夏洛克的英文簡介帶翻譯,高二的詞彙量水平

所以說wikipidea不能用? 中英文都有啊....

6. 求《神探夏洛克》的英文簡介~


"Sherlock" is a television series proced by the BBC BBC since 2010. It was created by Shidiwen·mofate and Mading·furuiman Gattis, and Benedict Cumberbatch. starring.


The play is adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle's detective novel Sherlock Holmes, which moved the original background from the 19th century to the 21st century and tells about the bustling metropolis of London.


The fashionable detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend John H. Watson experienced a series of dangerous and unusual adventures.

時尚的大偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯和他的朋友約翰·H·華生經受的一系列危險的、不同尋常的歷險 。

As of 2015, the series won 10 awards including the best series in the TV Awards of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and won the best actor and best supporting actor at the Emmy Award.


Best screenwriter and other 7 awards and 21 nominations. The play also refreshed the British ratings record since 2001 and was broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions.

最佳編劇等7個獎項及21項提名。該劇也刷新了英國自2001年以來的收視紀錄,並在超過200個國家及地區播放 。

7. 神探夏洛克電影簡介

《神探夏洛克》是一部由BBC出品的英國迷你電視劇,該劇將原著的故事背景從19世紀大英帝國國勢鼎盛的時期搬到了21世紀繁華熱鬧的大都市中。試播集為原型短劇,從未在電視上播出過,2010年8月28日作為DVD花絮放出。這一次夏洛克·福爾摩斯(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 飾)不僅是著名大偵探更是一名時尚潮人。這一集的故事從他與日後的好友兼得力助手約翰·華生(馬丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 飾)如何相識說起。起初兩人合租貝克街221B公寓時候,華生並不能忍受這個奇怪的室友。但在共同經歷了離奇市民自殺案件後兩人的關系明顯改善。而華生原本左肩在戰斗時中彈,留下了心理障礙導致的跛足,也在跟隨夏洛克追蹤兇手,穿越倫敦市區的過程中克服了心理上的傷殘障礙而痊癒。之後還有多少精彩絕倫的故事,只有讓BBC的正式劇集來告訴大家了

8. 神探夏洛克英文簡介

This is a story in modern London of a modern sherlork. This TV drama is based on the famouse detective novel of the british novelist Arthur Conan Doyle.It took the background from the 19C to the 21 centry .And the fashion and talent detective sherlock holmes with his fantastic assistant John watson are facing a series of danderous and unusual events in London.
There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion sherlock and the classical one.He is fashion,he use blackberry,sent masagers.He takes taxi instead of gharry.He writes blog,he even became a hit on twitter.But the same thing is that he is thing and tall,sagacious and shouws quick first response all the time.He is also good at biology and his incredible outsight shocks the audience all the time.The change of the new sherlock dosen't make us fell uncomfortable,but the quick plot and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode makes an impression to holmes fans.All of the changes show that this Holmes belongs to our times.

9. 神探夏洛克的劇情簡介

《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock),是英國廣播公司BBC自2010年出品的電視系列劇,該劇改編自阿瑟·柯南·道爾創作的偵探小說《福爾摩斯探案集》,將原著的時間背景從19世紀搬到了21世紀,講述在繁華熱鬧的倫敦大都市中,時尚的大偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯和他的朋友約翰·H·華生經受的一系列危險的、不同尋常的歷險 。





截至2015年,《神探夏洛克》系列劇集在英國電影和電視藝術學院電視獎中獲得了包括最佳劇集在內的10個獎項,而在艾美獎上則奪得最佳男主角、最佳男配角、最佳編劇等7個獎項及21項提名。該劇也刷新了英國自2001年以來的收視紀錄,並在超過200個國家及地區播放 。


它帶有《軍情五處》的敘事技巧,但毫無疑問是夏洛克·福爾摩斯的故事。推理橋段非常巧妙,而情節更是撲朔迷離 。馬丁·弗瑞曼所飾演的能幹可靠的華生,解放出了現代福爾摩斯。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇則成功演活了這個住在自己腦袋裡,對外面的世界漠不關心的人。

10. 求《神探夏洛克》的英文簡介~


"Sherlock" is a television series proced by the BBC BBC since 2010. It was created by Shidiwen·mofate and Mading·furuiman Gattis, and Benedict Cumberbatch. starring.


The play is adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle's detective novel Sherlock Holmes, which moved the original background from the 19th century to the 21st century and tells about the bustling metropolis of London.


The fashionable detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend John H. Watson experienced a series of dangerous and unusual adventures.

時尚的大偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯和他的朋友約翰·H·華生經受的一系列危險的、不同尋常的歷險 。

As of 2015, the series won 10 awards including the best series in the TV Awards of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and won the best actor and best supporting actor at the Emmy Award.


Best screenwriter and other 7 awards and 21 nominations. The play also refreshed the British ratings record since 2001 and was broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions.

最佳編劇等7個獎項及21項提名。該劇也刷新了英國自2001年以來的收視紀錄,並在超過200個國家及地區播放 。



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