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① 求一篇《馴龍高手》的英文影評

As much fire-breathing Lassie as a King Kong with wings, Toothless is the most misunderstood dragon to ever terrorize a Viking village in How To Train Your Dragon.

Toothless』s 「Timmy」 is town misfit Hiccup (voiced by Canada』s Jay Baruchel, adding just the right note of nerdy angst), a skinny kid who yearns to battle the dragons that regularly raid his bleak seaside home, making off with sheep and leaving smoking ruins behind. Perhaps lopping off a flame-belching head or two would help him finally earn his disapproving dad』s love. It』s not easy to live up to the standards of a hulking chieftain named Stoick the Vast (Gerard Butler), who is built like a walk-in freezer and wears Gentle Ben as a raincoat.

Finally allowed to attend dragon-fighting school, Hiccup just can』t make the grade, watching as Fishlegs (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), Snotlout (Jonah Hill) and brave super-babe Astrid (America Ferrera) do battle like old pros against dragons like the Deadly Nadder and hummingbird-winged, spud-like Gronckle in the training ring. Meanwhile, Hiccup is in danger of being the main course at the village barbecue.

Based on the children』s books by British author Cressida Cowell, Dragon owes much to its DreamWorks Animation predecessors Shrek and King Fu Panda, especially Shrek. Like the lovable green lout, all of alt Vikings speak with thick Scottish brogues, which somehow make their lines even funnier. As Gobber the Belch, the blacksmith and head of the training program who has lost a few body parts while battling the winged creatures, funnyman Craig Ferguson is in his element.

That traditional enemies Hiccup and Toothless are destined to meet and bond is destined. But the scenes of their tentative friendship are unpredictable and quite delightful, even if Toothless bears an uncanny resemblance to a sleek Siamese cat crossed with Stitch, Lilo』s animated alien pal. No surprise considering directors Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders were responsible for 2002』s Lilo & Stitch. Sanders even voiced the E.T. critter.

Turns out the dragons these villagers fear and detest are nothing more than huge housecats, prone to toppling over in rapture ring skin scratches or curling up and purring with delight over a fish dinner. But theirs is a dangerous friendship, and not just when Toothless takes Hiccup aloft in heart-stopping flights. He』s a rare Night Fury, considered the deadliest breed and the most despised by his village, and Hiccup has to keep things hidden, especially from his dragon-hating dad.

The flying scenes -- aided by a score by John Powell -- are pure, heart-stopping magic and two epic battles add a dose of action that will engage alts and older kids, even as Toothless』s plight plays with emotions. Yes, you』ll also bond with this onscreen anti-hero. And younger viewers will adore the colourful, often-comical dragons, although they may need a word of reassurance occasionally. All of it is heightened by the 3-D, which is used to good effect here; a simple scene of falling ash is especially impressive.

With its messages about acceptance, respect and tolerance, How To Train Your Dragon also brings some lessons of its own, including some valuable tools for doing battle with dragons, should the need arise. Did you know just about every dragon has a blind spot? So do people, it turns out.

② 馴龍高手英文台詞佳句

1. 馴龍高手摘抄好句英漢

Hiccup: I'm sorry, dad. I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I。 don't know。

小嗝嗝:對不起 爸。我沒能成為你期望中的領袖,也沒能像我想像中那樣捍衛和平。我,不知道……

Hiccup: I, uh。 I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How-how do you become someone。 that great, that。 brave, that。 selfless? I guess you can only try. A chief protects his own. We're going back.


Valka: You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. Oh, so frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father。 he never doubted. He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief, and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That。 is who you are, son.


Gobber: May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend.


2. 馴龍高手經典英文台詞

1、Okay, but I hit a Night Fury. It's not like the last few times, Dad!


2、Stoick: I need to speak with you too, son. I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons.


3、I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him.


4、I'm a Viking. I'm a Viking! I did this.


5、Hiccup: Oh, the Gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.


6、Stoick: Stop! Just, stop! Every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I have bigger problems?


7、Snotlout: I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped!


8、Stoick: My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him.


9、Hiccup: Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?


10、I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone!


11、Gobber: Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like. It's what's inside that he can't stand.


12、Stoick: We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me? Alright。Those who stay will look after Hiccup.


13、Stoick: He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.


14、He doesn't listen. He has the attention span of a sparrow. I take him fishing and he goes hunting for。for Trolls!


3. 馴龍高手經典英文台詞

It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death.

It's located solodly on the meridian of misery.

My village.In a word,sturdy.

It's been here for seven generations,but every single building is new.

We have fishing,hunting and a charming view of the sunsets.

The only problems are the pests.

You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes.

We have 。。。.dragons.

Most people would leave.Not us.

We are Vilings.We have stubbornness issues.

My name is Hiccup.

Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.

Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls.

Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.


-What are you doing here?-Get inside!

-What are you doing out?-Get back inside!

-Hiccup!What is he doing?What are you doing out?Get inside!

That's Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe.

When he was a baby,he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders.

Do I believe it?Yse, I do.

-What have we got?

-Gronckles,Nadders,Zipplebacks,Hoark saw a Mostrous Nighttmare.

-Any Night Furies?-None so far.


Hoist the torches!


-Who,me?No,come on.I'm way too muscular for their taste.They wouldn't know what to do with all this.

-They need toothpicks,don't they?

The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber.

I've been his apprentice since I was little.Well,litter.

-Move to the lower defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.


See?Old village,lots and lots of new houses.

一部分啦 不容易嘛 給個好評

4. 馴龍高手英文十句話

【1】Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.


【2】We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets.


【3】Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places


【4】Because killing a dragon is everything around here


【5】Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.


【6】Either we finish them or they'll finish us.


【7】Stop! Just, stop! Every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I have bigger problems?


【8】Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like. It's what's inside that he can't stand.


【9】We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me? Alright。Those who stay will look after Hiccup.



Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?



5. 求 馴龍高手 台詞 中、英版都要(幾句就好)

Every time you step outside disaster falls. 你一出門 災難就降臨! Winter is almost here and I have an entire villafeed! 冬天臨近了 我還得喂飽全村人! I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just。

我控制不住自己,每當我看到龍,就想。 Great name,I know.But it's not the worst. 好名字,我知道。

但是它不是最差的。 you are many things, Hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. 你可以勝任很多職責,但決不是捕龍者。

Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?看這身材差距,如果都不像你們這么碩大,村子也可以少負擔些口糧。

6. 馴龍高手英文對白

Hiccup: I really did hit one!

Gobber: Sure, Hiccup.

Hiccup: He never listens!

Gobber: Well, it runs in the family.

Hiccup: And when he does, its always with this disappointed scowl, like someone skimmed on the meat in his sandwich.


Hiccup: "Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side.

This here, this is a talking fish-bone!"

Gobber: Now, you're thinking about this all wrong! It's not so much what you look like, it's what's inside that he can't stand.

Hiccup: Thank you for summing that up!

Gobber: Look the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not!

Hiccup: I just wanna be one of you guys!

7. 馴龍高手的英文簡介7~8句話

Story takes place on the island is named Bock Island. Where there lived many robust Vikings .

Bok island's largest problem is the dragon,For thousands of years , the Vikings and the dragons fight with.Hicupe cant kill dragons,But once he caught toothless,and they become friend.In Dragon exam, small belch accidentally nightmare fierce attacks , Toothless in order to save the little hiccup hiccup was the Vikings to catch up. Viking Lair to find people with Toothless , but angered the Dragon King . Finally , a small belch belch and kill the dragon Toothless together , the other dragon finally no longer bound by the Dragon King , and living together in peace Viking people 。

8. 求馴龍高手台詞(一小部分)(英語)

It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death.

It's located solodly on the meridian of misery.

My village.In a word,sturdy.

It's been here for seven generations,but every single building is new.

We have fishing,hunting and a charming view of the sunsets.

The only problems are the pests.

You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes.

We have 。。。.dragons.

Most people would leave.Not us.

We are Vilings.We have stubbornness issues.

My name is Hiccup.

Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.

Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls.

Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.


-What are you doing here?-Get inside!

-What are you doing out?-Get back inside!

-Hiccup!What is he doing?What are you doing out?Get inside!

That's Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe.

When he was a baby,he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders.

Do I believe it?Yse, I do.

-What have we got?

-Gronckles,Nadders,Zipplebacks,Hoark saw a Mostrous Nighttmare.

-Any Night Furies?-None so far.


Hoist the torches!


-Who,me?No,come on.I'm way too muscular for their taste.They wouldn't know what to do with all this.

-They need toothpicks,don't they?

The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber.

I've been his apprentice since I was little.Well,litter.

-Move to the lower defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.


See?Old village,lots and lots of new houses.


9. 馴龍高手1電影中的好詞好句好段,要英中文

好詞: 勤懇 勤奮 勤勉 勤快 勤儉 辛勤 刻苦 勤勞刻苦 勤工儉學 勤學苦練 勤勞儉朴 勤儉持家 勤勤懇懇 克勤克儉 任勞任怨 埋頭苦幹 吃苦耐勞 廢寢忘食 磨穿鐵硯 含辛茹苦 兢兢業業 起早摸黑 嘔心瀝血 聞雞起舞好句: 1、他只知道工作,像一台永不停歇的發動機,轉動,前進,再轉動,再前進。

2、媽媽非常勤快,辦什麼事都是高效率,就像秒針那樣馬不停蹄。 3、他不太愛說話,而且有一股除了學習、什麼也不注意的勁頭;只要有書看,便連吃飯也忘記了。

4、半夜裡,我揉了揉眼睛,發現屋裡還亮著光,起身一看,只見媽媽還在寫字台旁埋頭批改作業。 5、不用誰下命令,大家就你拖地,我擦玻璃,他寫壁報,各顯身手,忙得不亦樂乎。

6、媽媽加倍努力工作,勤奮得像蜜蜂采蜜、螞蟻搬家那樣。 7、爺爺非常勤勞,燒得一手好菜,特別是他蒸的雞,看了就讓人口水直流。

好段: 1、夜深了,我一覺醒來,一道溫柔的燈光透過我的睫毛射進來。我睜開惺松的雙眼,看到爸爸正伏案疾書。


爸爸多勤奮呀! 2、英嫂是個勤勞慣了的人,她有事沒事都要到田頭地邊去轉轉。平日里,粗活、累活,她都肯幹得很。


因此,她家的地里常常引來了不少參觀的鄉鄰。 3、爸爸為了趕制曬席,經常做工到深夜。







一看就知道是個會勤儉持家的人。 5、哥哥愛讀書,全家人都支持他,幫他借書。


一天夜裡,我發現他被窩里有光,揭開一看,原來他正借著手電筒的光亮看書呢!他發現了我,雙手擺動著,用懇求的目光看著我,好像對我說:「我的弟弟,千萬別告訴媽媽……」看到這個情景,我被哥哥這種酷愛讀書的精神感動了,獃獃地望著他,半晌說不出話來。 7、每天放學後,在班主任的帶領下,全班同學一起准時來到菜地果園。



名家好句好段: 他從唐詩下手,目不窺園,足不下樓,兀兀窮年,瀝盡心血。杜甫晚年,疏懶得「一月不梳頭」。


深宵燈火是他的伴侶,因它大開光明之路,「漂白了的四壁」。——減克家《聞一多先生的說和做》 到處是老人。



你該記得看自行車、賣茶葉蛋老太太散亂的白發,你該記得磨剪刀、收廢品老伯伯污穢的雙手,你該記得賣蔥姜、刮魚鱗老太太冬天早晨的抖瑟,你該記得拉力車、賣棒冰老伯伯夏天背上的鹽花……在一個金錢支配著生活的世界裡,每個人都追求自主。——彭瑞高《只向老人鞠躬》最佳範文展示賣藕姑娘——謝肖冰 一天,放學回家,我看見胡同口圍著一群人。

上前一看,嗨,不過是「老農」在賣東西。 牆邊放著一輛自行車,車架左右掛著兩個籮筐,裡面放著兩筐藕。




③ 求電影 馴龍高手 英文簡介和故事概述,英文的都是~


馴龍高手 How to Train Your Dragon
導演: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
編劇: Dean DeBlois / Chris Sanders
主演: Jay Baruchel / Gerard Butler / America Ferrera / Craig Ferguson / Jonah Hill / Christopher Mintz-Plasse

④ 求《馴龍高手》里的經典台詞

1.This is Berk.這里是博克島
2.It's 12 days North of hopeless and a few degrees South of freezing to death.有像北極那樣12天絕望的嚴寒也有南極酷冷的垂死之感
3.It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.島就坐落在"悲劇子午線"上
4.My village.In a word:sturdy.這就是我的家鄉簡而言之:一成不變
5.It's been here for seven generations but every single building is new.現在這里是第七代人了但是房子都還很新
6.We have fishing,hunting,and a charming view of the sunsets.我們打漁打獵還可以欣賞迷人的夕陽
7.The only problems are the pests.唯一的問題是害蟲
8.You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes.一般來說害蟲都是老鼠或是蚊子
9.Most people would leave,but not us.大多數人選擇離開但是不是我們
10.We're Vikings.我們是維京人
11.We stubbornness issues.我們擁有頑強
12.My name is Hiccup.我叫Hiccup
13.Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.我知道不是什麼偉大的名字但是也不是最糟的
14.Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off Gnomes and Trolls.父母們相信一個難聽的名字可以驅趕地精和惡魔
15.Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.好像我們維京勇士的壯舉還不如一個名字
16.That's Stoick the Vast,Chief of the tribe.這是大塊頭Stoick部落的首領
17.They say that when he was a baby he popped a Dragon's head clean off its shoulders.他們說他還是嬰兒的時候他就能把龍頭從它的脖子上扭下來
18.Do I believe it?Yes,I do.我相信嗎?當然信
19.What have we got?有哪些龍?
20.Who?Me?Nah,come on...I'm way too muscular for their taste.誰?我?得了吧...我肌肉太多它們不喜歡
21.They wouldn't know what to do with all...this.它們不知道怎麼吃所有的...這些
22.Well,they need toothpicks,don't they?好吧它們需要牙簽是吧?
23.The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands,is Gobber.那個脾氣暴躁還裝著義肢的傻瓜叫Gobber
24.I have been his apprentice ever since I was little.我從小做他的學徒
25.We move to the moor defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.我們去空曠的地方防守用投射器反攻
26.See?Old village.Lots and lots of new houses.看見了嗎?老村落卻有很多很多新房子
27.Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.打倒一條肯定可以找到一個女朋友
28.This thing never steals food,never shows itself,and...它從不偷東西從不現身然而...
29.never misses.從未失手
30.No one has ever killed a Night Fury.沒人殺死過夜煞
31.That's why I'm going to be the first.這就是我想成為第一個的原因
32.It's not so much what you look like.It's what's inside that he can't stand.他在乎的不是你的外表他看重的是你的靈魂

⑤ 求馴龍高手台詞(一小部分)(英語)

It's twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death.
It's located solodly on the meridian of misery.
My village.In a word,sturdy.
It's been here for seven generations,but every single building is new.
We have fishing,hunting and a charming view of the sunsets.
The only problems are the pests.
You see,most places have mice or mosquitoes.
We have ..........dragons.
Most people would leave.Not us.
We are Vilings.We have stubbornness issues.
My name is Hiccup.
Great name,I know.But it's not the worst.
Parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls.
Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that.
-What are you doing here?-Get inside!
-What are you doing out?-Get back inside!
-Hiccup!What is he doing?What are you doing out?Get inside!
That's Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe.
When he was a baby,he popped a dragon's head clean off its shoulders.
Do I believe it?Yse, I do.
-What have we got?
-Gronckles,Nadders,Zipplebacks,Hoark saw a Mostrous Nighttmare.
-Any Night Furies?-None so far.
Hoist the torches!
-Who,me?No,come on.I'm way too muscular for their taste.They wouldn't know what to do with all this.
-They need toothpicks,don't they?
The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Gobber.
I've been his apprentice since I was little.Well,litter.
-Move to the lower defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.
See?Old village,lots and lots of new houses.


⑥ 馴龍高手經典英文台詞

1、Okay, but I hit a Night Fury. It's not like the last few times, Dad!
2、Stoick: I need to speak with you too, son. I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons.
3、I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him.
4、I'm a Viking. I'm a Viking! I did this.
5、Hiccup: Oh, the Gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.
6、Stoick: Stop! Just, stop! Every time you step outside disaster falls. Can you not see that I have bigger problems?
7、Snotlout: I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped!
8、Stoick: My father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it. I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him.
9、Hiccup: Between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?
10、I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms. Extra guts and glory on the side. This here. This is a talking fish bone!
11、Gobber: Now, you're thinking about this all wrong. It's not so much what you look like. It's what's inside that he can't stand.
12、Stoick: We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. Now who's with me? Alright...Those who stay will look after Hiccup.
13、Stoick: He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.
14、He doesn't listen. He has the attention span of a sparrow. I take him fishing and he goes hunting for...for Trolls!

⑦ 馴龍高手經典英文台詞


⑧ 馴龍高手1主要內容簡單英文版

主要內容:The story tells a Viking teenager Shikap who lives on Bok Island. He must pass a dragon training test before he can officially become a Viking warrior. The Dragon Trainer Quiz is coming soon, and Hikap must seize this only opportunity to prove the value of his existence to the tribe and his father.

However, when Hikap meets a wounded dragon and becomes friends with this dragon, Hikap's world will completely change from then on.





⑨ <<馴龍高手>>主要內容(英語)

A long time ago, when the world has not been poured into the steel jungle, when the technology has not yet made up invincible, Scandinavian masters of the land, based on hunting, fishing as the main livelihood of the nomadic Vikings. West down the sun rises in the east, strong, tall Viking and their wives and children, live a happy life comfortable. Just as people today can be flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs, like those nasty guys disturb and threaten the Vikings have bothered the "pests" - Long. Those flying flame, the canine teeth of the dragon's violations, so Viking no peace. Thus, generation after generation of pirates with tribal chiefs subjects, and the dragon fight to the death battle.
If He Kapu (Jieyibulu Thatcher) father's father's father's father, Dragon heroes are each generation, then as a pirate guide (Gerard Butler) his son , it is no good did not inherit the family lineage. The hand can not blame the children put the shoulder does not challenge, even ants are not trampled to death, the upper and lower body strength of character to find any little pirates. By looking at his skinny little body, he dreams to become a great Viking's "lofty aspiration" was always in exchange for peer ridicule.
When puffing flames of animals again attacked the residence of the Vikings, with his help the blacksmith's master tried to persuade him to hide a bit further.
Small He Kapu partial afraid of evil. Not 6 the abdominal muscles, and his intelligent mind is the most powerful weapon! Build out their own catch a long rope, he secretly with equipment, ready to do the first one caught the "Night evil" people. Qiao was also said that he cat with three legs of the martial arts really caught a lucky hit with the night evil. But no one believed that he hit the most ferocious dragon legends - night ghosts. Disappointed him alone to the jungle to find the night evil figure, fell to the floor when he saw the night when evil, it almost did not wet his pants, he was scared. The courage to bring a knife, He Kapu Yingzhuoxinchang ready to end the knife by ropes tied the dragon only lives! Fear can be evil when you see the eyes of the night, he should not have the unwavering courage is lost. He cut the rope tied to the dragon, but also in fear fed fish, and it established a wonderful friendship, and discovered that in fact the nature of Chun-liang Long warm, perfectly tame. But when the father did not think so commanding, affable chefs do not think he likes the little girl 艾絲特蕾德 (Asia and the United States 莉卡費雷拉) do not think so. One long battle about to begin, in time to prevent the outbreak of small He Kapu absolutely no need to struggle Why?中文意思如下很久很久以前,當世界還沒有被澆築成鋼鐵叢林,當科技還沒有發達到所向披靡,北歐大地上的主人,是以狩獵、捕魚為主要生計的游牧維京人。太陽東升西落,強壯、高大的維京海盜和他們的妻子兒女,過著快樂愜意的生活。可就像現代人會被蒼蠅、蚊子、老鼠、臭蟲這些可惡的傢伙打擾一樣,威脅維京人的也有煩心的「害蟲」——龍。那些飛天噴火、尖牙利齒的巨龍的侵犯,讓維京海盜寢食難安。於是,一代又一代的海盜首領們帶著部落子民,和飛龍誓死大戰。



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