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⑴ 求電影 美麗人生的英文簡介,網上復制的就不要了,考試要用,能將2到3分鍾就行

In the spring of 1939, the Yin elk of war hung over Europe, simple and honest and optimistic young jews base came to the Tuscan town of arezzo, Italy ready to open a bookstore, on the way met a beautiful young woman, DORA, stretched like DORA is town primary school teacher, her fiance is a local Nazi stooges. Base that DORA is the princess, his heart so he with superman's sense of humor and wit brave, eventually won the DORA's love, Joshua, the son of a few years after the lovely, in Quito, also has realized the life biggest dream is to own a bookstore, a family lived a peaceful peaceful happy life.
But as the war escalated all wiped out between instantly, the germans began in Italy under the anti-semitic policy crazy persecution of the jews, and Joshua the son five years old birthday this day, the nazis seized the base of father and son have a jewish descent, they are being sent to a concentration camp. No jewish DORA counterparts, imprisoned in NvLao. Base is not willing to let son young and small mind on tragic shadow, in the inhumanity of the camps, base on the one hand, one thousand party hundreds of getting the chance to get in touch with the NvJian wife, quote DORA peace, on the one hand and to protect and care for the infant Joshua. Coaxing his son it is playing a game, as long as he can abide by the \"game rules\", the total number of full 1000 points, you can get a real tank as a reward. Innocent and curious son to believed, simmered for hunger, fear, loneliness and all the bad environment.
Near the end of world war ii, Germany defeated the facts have been unable to hide. The Nazi concentration camp began fleeing in panic. Good base at the last minute to hide his little son, told him at the end of the game, make sure no one around and then walked out of the house. Then he disguises to find his wife, but unfortunately found by German soldiers. On loaded executions after a son, he toward the iron box last funny smile and exaggeration of walking, let the young, the weak of heart again believe he was weaving a beautiful white lie: this is only part of the game. His son rushed to squeeze eyes, strides into the corner, never get out again ^
Around the next morning, when everything is back to calm, morning, Joshua iron box came out from hiding, standing in the yard. At that time, there was the rumbling behind the crawler rumbling, a really tanks rumble drove up to his in front, Joshua screaming joyfully, dad didn't cheat him, they really won the lottery, really tanks...
On the tank of Joshua, arms happily nestled in the United States. When he found the mother from the staggering flow and back into the mother's arms, he excitedly shout: \"mother, we win!\" DORA lifted the son, and said, smiling with tears: \"yes, we won!\"
Under the sunshine, mother and son two people hugging. Who didn't also asked my father where is -- it will be many years, little Joshua would understand father degree for what he did..

⑵ 英文電影美麗人生的簡介









⑶ 誰有義大利電影《美麗人生》的英文影評或者介紹

劇情: Set in late 1930s Arezzo, Italy, Jewish man and poet, Guido Orefice (Roberto Benigni) uses cunning wit to win over an Italian schoolteacher, Dora (Nicoletta Braschi) who's set to marry another man. Charming her with "Buongiorno Principessa", getting the timing perfect every time and whisking her away on a green horse (don't ask!) ensures they soon live together happily in Guido's uncle, Eliseo Orefice's (Giustino Durano) house. Bringing up their 5 year old boy, Giosué (Giorgio Cantarini), the war continues without them noticing until one fateful day when the Germans arrest Guido and his son in their bookshop, and transfer them to a concentraction camp. Dora demands to be taken too, thus Guido is devastated to see his non-Jewish wife board the train. Protecting his son from the vile truth, Guido tells Giosué that they are just on a big hoilday, and he turns the camp into a big game for Giosué, claiming that they must win 1000 points to win a real tank and leave. His elderly uncle, however, is on a different "team" and is lead towards the showers first. Guido must complete "tasks" for the camp "moderators" (ie. the Nazi SS), while avoiding the impending fate with everything he can offer. His quick thinking saves Giosué from the truth when a German officer requires a translator. Despite not speaking a word of German, Guido steps forward and makes up the "Regole del Campo" from the German's body language, claiming that tanks, scoreboards and games of Hide and Seek litter the camp, while cleverly stating that Giosué cannot cry, ask for his mother or declared he's hungry, resulting in the loss of the "game", in other words, death. Giosué later refuses to take a shower, and unknowingly escapes being gased, so Guido hides him with the help of other Italian prisoners, since there are no other children. Playing messages over the tannoy for Dora, kept prisoner on the other side of the camp, the family build up hope, only to be diminuished by the SS. With the help of Guido's former German friend, Herr Lessing, Guido can hide Giosué amongst the German children, while waiting the German Officer's meals. With the days becoming steadily worse, Guido realises that time is short and that he must make certain sacrifices if his son is ever to see the tanks roll over the hills, and be reunited with his mother. Giosué is pessimistic, and doesn't believe that there are any real tanks or games. Hiding Giosué in a junction box for the last time, telling him that everyone is looking for him, Guido jeapordises his own survival to prevent the Germans discovering Giosué, while he attempts to free Dora, giving his own life away at the same time. The Americans break into the seemingly deserted camp the following morning. Giosué immerges just as a tank pulls around the corner. Hitching a lift out, Giosué soon spots his mother and the film closes. 評論: The Best Movie I've seen for a long long time , 6 December 1999 Author: kvonarx from Halifax, Canada I am surprised about the negative comments that some people made on this web-page. I can see how some people might not experience the same kind of uplift or joy that most of us lived through when seeing the movie. But that some viewers felt insulted and betrayed because the movie did not depict "reality" as it really was or is, is not fair. I must concur with my fellow proponents of the movie -- it was a great and very satisfying movie. It provided me with something that everyone in one or another shape or form needs -- Hope. The movie showed the cruelty of life and yet managed to shed some light and insight into the beauty of love and life in general. I urge anyone who has not seen La Vita è bella to go out there and watch it. If we all take with us just little bit of that hope and love that this movie is trying to convey; this world would be a much better place. Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy the movie as much as I did.

⑷ 電影《美麗人生》英文簡介(20詞左右,八年級適用)

Pafb iabbbap iiuebanl man osd bfibbqym mimnan tyaa nanpp

⑸ 求電影《美麗人生》(義大利)的英文簡介..

In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy by German forces. In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank.

⑹ 求電影《美麗人生》英文觀後感

I am surprised about the negative comments that some people made on this web-page. I can see how some people might not experience the same kind of uplift or joy that most of us lived through when seeing the movie. But that some viewers felt insulted and betrayed because the movie did not depict "reality" as it really was or is, is not fair.

I must concur with my fellow proponents of the movie -- it was a great and very satisfying movie. It provided me with something that everyone in one or another shape or form needs -- Hope. The movie showed the cruelty of life and yet managed to shed some light and insight into the beauty of love and life in general.

I urge anyone who has not seen La Vita è bella to go out there and watch it. If we all take with us just little bit of that hope and love that this movie is trying to convey; this world would be a much better place.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed or will enjoy the movie as much as I did.

⑺ 誰有義大利電影美麗人生的英文影評或者介紹

"Life is beautiful" is not a tragedy, from the first appearance of Guido funny can see director Roberto Benigni to create a comedy atmosphere, but definitely not to deliberately weaken the idea of kitsch popular movie. In fact, on the contrary, Benigni is to deal with this is not vulgar, in order to show a deeper thought, so that the audience can not inlge in the shallow touched. Benigni just want to tell all the people who really love life through the film, the nightmare is temporary, I believe that the beautiful life is forever. Even in the concentration camp, Guido always wears a smile on his face

⑻ 誰有義大利電影美麗人生的英文影評或者介紹急需!!


Plot Summary for Vita è bella, La (1997)

In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy by German forces. In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank.



This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on you. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son. The holocaust provides the ultimate context, that brings and highlights the story and adds yet another deep dimension to the movie. No such piece of art has ever before combined laughter and tears of sadness in me before and that is the miracle of the movie. The realism of the movie is not its strong point, but then again it is not supposed to be; this helps in bringing the audiences to a state of mind away from reality, focusing on the feelings generated by forgetting about all external events and developments of the war. Despite that, the movie does not fail to point out an element of the nazi psychology demonstrated by the doctor who was obsessed with riddles. This portrayed the nazi 'state of mind' (if ever such an expression existed) as a sick mentally disturbed state. Life is really beautiful as you watch Guido's relentless efforts to make a lovely exciting experience of the concentration camp to his son. You get exhausted just watching him going through his painful day and yet you smile as he speaks to his son and makes him laugh. One can go on forever describing the creativity of this movie, but one will not be able to capture all its beauty in writing.



As a labrador puppy, Quill is sent to live with a couple, Isamu (Teruyuki Kagawa) and Mitsuko Nii (Shinobu Terajima), who work as volunteers, training guide dogs (seeing eye dogs). When he grows to an alt dog, he is taken to a guide dog school, by a friendly, yet firm trainer Satoru Tawada. Although Quill is a little slower than the other dogs at the school, he seems to have an unusual 'empathy' and remarkable patience with his trainers. Tawade decides that Quill would be the ideal guide dog for Mitsuru Watanabe (Kaoru Kobayashi), but Wanatabe, a lonely and ill-tempered middle aged man, isn't as enthusiastic - he would "would rather sleep than be dragged around by a dog.". From here, the story is narrated by Wanatabe's daughter, Mitsuko (Yukika Sakuratani), and slowly, Wantanbe is rehabilitated, venturing into the outside world, and learning, not only to trust other humans, but the animal at his side who guides him.


This is an emotional movie, very heartwarming. A true life story cycle of a guide dog. I've seen it and it warms you up directly for animal lovers and indirectly for non animal lovers. Overall, a good cinematography but more can be add on. They should make more films like this, where they can show us how it looks like in the eyes of these superb creatures created by god for a purpose. Directorship is of this film is good and the director emphasize on balancing the act of both animals and humans in this film. At least, I know now how an animal feels when things like this happens. It just warms your heart when watching this film. In words, its a good movie to watch with your girlfriend who will definitely hold your hand whilst watching this movie.


⑼ 有沒有電影《美麗人生》的英文簡介

It's 1939. The ebullient, playful Guido comes to town. He works as a waiter under the watchful eye of his uncle, an elegant man who is a Jew. Guido falls for Dora, a schoolteacher, whom he calls "princess" and courts by popping up at unexpected times. She mps her fiancé to choose Guido. The film jumps ahead to the war's last months. Nora and Guido have a child, Giosué, and when Guido and the lad are shipped to a concentration camp, Dora voluntarily follows. Although the men and women in the camp are separated and a child is in mortal peril, Guido finds ways to communicate with Dora, to hide Giosué, and to convince the boy this is an elaborate game, a special contest to win a tank.

⑽ 有沒有電影《美麗人生》的英文簡介


1.In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy by German forces. In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido imagines that the Holocaust is a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank.

2.The film starts in the 1930s when Guido relocates from the country to a large Tuscan town where he falls in love with schoolteacher Dora. She is already engaged to another guy, but Guido stills fights for her. The story continues 5 years later, ring wartime, Guido is married to Dora and they have a son called Giosue. Guido is of Jewish origin, and he is sent to a concentration camp with Giosue and Dora follows them, only to be sent to another part of the camp.

3.It's 1939. The ebullient, playful Guido comes to town. He works as a waiter under his uncle's eye, an elegant man who is also a Jew. Guido falls for Dora, a schoolteacher, whom he calls "princess" and courts by popping up at unexpected times. She mps her fiancé to choose Guido. The film jumps ahead to the last months of the war. Nora and Guido have a child, Giosué, and when Guido and the lad are shipped to a concentration camp, Dora voluntarily follows. Although the men and women in the camp are separated and a child is in mortal peril, Guido finds ways to communicate with Dora, to hide Giosué, and to convince him this is an elaborate game, a special contest to win a tank.



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