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Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated
comedy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and
proced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as Po.
The film was proced by DreamWorks Animation's studio inGlendale,Californiaand distributed by Paramount Pictures. Set in ancientChina, the plot revolves around a bumbling pandaPo, who aspires to be a kung fu master.


② 需要十部著名英文影片的名稱及中文翻譯

The Godfather教父
Gone with the wind飄(亂世佳人)
The graate畢業生
The English Patient英國病人
King Kong金剛
Lord of the Rings指環王

③ 用英文介紹一部英文電影,加翻譯

「Changeling" from U.S.A
This film was adapted from a true story happened in twenties last century in America. A mother played by Angelina Jolie lost her little boy first,then, she found the boy returned from Captain J.J. Jones (policeman) not a same one. So, after the big quarrels, Jones sent the mother to asylum as he was irritated severely and took her as the insane.
On the otherhand, a priest called Reverend Briegleb insisted that, what the mother suffered was no otherthing than the corruption of the police station, he supported the mother and was actively invovled in the whole case in order to fight against the evil power.
The culmination of the scenario was posed by a boy's wittness, who admitted himself as an assistant in a murder of children, and he pointed the lost son of the mother was just one of those victims. The film was ended in the court debating, and the truth of the cases was graally revealed.

④ 英文電影里的經典對白及翻譯

what's the matter ma? 媽,怎麼回事?
I『m died, Florus.弗勒斯,我快要死了。
Come on here and sit down over here.進來,過來坐下!
why are you die ma?媽,你為什麼要死?
my time,it』s my time.我的時候到了,時候到了。
oh,my heart.Don't be afraid.心肝寶貝,你別害怕。
Dead is a part of life.死亡是人生的一部分。
Somewhere are all death to do.是每一個人要去的終點。
I didn't know it.我原來不知道。
But I am destined to be your mama.卻註定了要做你的媽媽。
I try my best that I could.我盡我的全力了。
You do good ma.媽媽!你盡了全力。
We believed you have hold your own destiny.我相信你也把握了自己的命運。
you have to do the best that the God give you.把神給你的恩賜發揮到極致。
what's my destiny,ma?我的命運是什麼,媽?
you gonna figure it out by yourself.那要你自己去弄清楚。
life is like a box of chocolate .人生像一盒巧克力。
No one will know what you have got.你無法知道你吃到什麼口味。
Ma always have the well explain to let me understand.媽總是有辦法比喻得讓我明白。
I will miss you,Florus.弗勒斯,我會想念你。
She have got the cancer and dead on Tuesday.她得了癌症,星期二死亡。
I bought her a new hat with litter flower on it.我給她買了一頂有小花的帽子。


⑤ 10句經典英語電影並翻譯

一《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救贖》
1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.
2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.
那是一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。
3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
二《Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳》
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
2.Stupid is as stupid does.
3.Miracles happen every day.
4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.
5.Have you given any thought to your future?
6. You just stay away from me please.

⑥ 想知道英文電影名稱及中文譯名 越多越好




10. 靈異世界Ghost World (美國) IMDB:8.3,已發行DVD及原聲。
9. 天使愛美麗Amelie (法國) IMDB:9.0
8. 指環王首部曲Lord of the Rings (美國) IMDB:9.2
7. 姐妹情色Fat Girl (法/意/西班牙) IMDB:6.8
6. 怪物公司Monsters Inc. (美國) IMDB:8.3
5. Mulholland Drive(美國,大衛林奇新作)IMDB:8.3
4. 花樣年華In the Mood for Love(香港)IMDB:8.1
3. 黑鷹行動Black Hawk Down(美國)IMDB:6.9
2. 紅磨坊Moulin Rouge(英國)IMDB:8.2
1.坎大哈Kandahar (伊朗/法國)IMDB:6.6

名次 英文片名 大陸譯名

1 Better Tomorrow, A 英雄本色
2 Private Eyes, The 半斤八兩
3 Chinese Connection, The 精武門
3 Days Of Being Wild 阿飛正傳
5 Boat People 投奔怒海
6 Autumn[*]s Tale, The 秋天的故事;秋天的童話
7 Great Devotion, The 可憐天下父母心
8 Long Arm Of The Law 省港旗兵
8 Zu: Warriors From Magic Mountain 新蜀山劍俠
8 Chung King Express 重慶森林
8 Tragedy of the Emperor[*]s Daughter 帝女花
12 City On Fire 龍虎風雲
12 House Of 72 Tenants, The 七十二家房客
12 Father and Son 父子情
12 Sorrows of the Forbidden City 清宮秘史
12 Secret, The 瘋劫
17 One-Armed Swordsman 獨臂刀
17 Drunken Master 醉拳
17 Homecoming 似水流年
17 Cheun gwong tsa sit 春光乍泄
17 Ah Ying 半邊人
17 Aces Go Places 最佳拍檔
17 Touch Of Zen, Part II, A 俠女(下)
25 All For The Winner;God Of Gamblers 賭聖
25 如來神掌
25 In The Face Of Demolition 危樓春曉
25 Chinese Ghost Story, A 倩女幽魂
25 Kingdom and the Beauty, The 江山美人
30 Romance of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, The 梁山伯與祝英台
30 Blood Brother, The 刺馬
30 Dividing Wall, The 一板之隔
30 Rouge;Flower Legend 胭指扣
30 Festival Moon 中秋月
30 Fists Of Fury;China Mountain Big Brother 唐山大兄
30 Love Without End 不了情
30 Made In Hong Kong 香港製造
30 Longest Nite, The 暗花
30 家、春、秋
30 翠翠
30 Rumble In The Bronx;Red Bronx;Hong faan kui 紅番區
43 鬼打鬼
43 Yuen Ling-yuk;Actress, The;Center Stage 阮玲玉
43 Bullet In The Head 喋血街頭
43 From Beijing With Love 國產凌凌漆
43 Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎點秋香
43 Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandora[*]s Box, A 大話西遊之月光寶盒
43 Police Story 警察故事
43 Prison On Fire;Prison Turbulence 監獄風雲
43 烈火青春
43 生命線
43 Kaleidoscope 人海萬花筒
43 野玫瑰之戀
43 Marianna 胡越的故事
43 Return Of The Dragon;Fury Of The Dragon 猛龍過江
43 Scandal At Scourie 天下父母心
43 Storm Riders, The 風雲雄霸天下
43 Woman, Forty;Summer Snow 女人,四十
43 Shanghai Blues 上海之夜
43 Swordsman 笑傲江湖
43 Comrades; almost A Love Story 甜蜜蜜
43 God of Gamblers 賭神
43 Arch, The 董夫人
43 Killer, The 喋血雙雄
43 Jumping Ash 跳灰
43 再見,中國
43 Man on the Brink 邊緣人
43 Raining In The Mountain 空山靈雨
43 Butterfly Murders, The 蝶變
43 Cageman 籠民
43 Burning Of Imperial Palace, The 火燒圓明園
73 天網
73 Sun, Moon and Star 星星、月亮、太陽
73 Autumn Moon 秋月
73 死亡游戲
73 Empress Dowager,The 傾國傾城
73 14 Amazones, The 十四女英豪
73 Come Drink with Me 大醉俠
73 92 Legendary La Rose Noire 92黑玫瑰對黑玫瑰
73 Swordsman II 笑傲江湖II:東方不敗
73 Last Message, The 天才與白痴
73 呆佬拜壽
73 Painted Faces 七小福
73 十號風球
73 Soul of China, The 國魂
73 Tragedy on the Pearl River 珠江淚
73 As Tears Go By 旺角卡門;熱血男兒
73 Blood Will Tell 海棠紅
73 Enchanting Shadow, The 倩女幽魂
73 Mad Phoenix, The 南海十三郎
73 Thunderstorm 雷雨
73 Let[*]s Make Caugh 表錯七日情
73 Lucky Star 福祿雙星
73 Warlord, the 大軍閥
73 Shaolin Temple, the 少林寺
73 Romancing Star, the 精裝追女仔
73 七彩卡通老夫子
73 Lovers, The 梁祝
73 Call Girls, The 應召女郎;青樓艷妓
73 Nobody[*]s Child 苦兒流浪記
73 Passion 最愛
73 Killing Time 女殺手
73 Golden Swallow, The 金燕子
73 Enter The Dragon 龍爭虎鬥
73 Have Sword, Will Travel;Bodyguard, The 保鏢
73 Expect The Unexpected 非常突然
73 Gangs 童黨
73 Heart To Hearts 三人世界
73 Goodbye Again 何日君再來;再會
73 Love Unto Wastes 地下情
73 Health Warning 打擂台
73 Yesteryou, Yesterme, Yesterday 記得…香蕉成熟時
73 It[*]s Mad Mad World 富貴*人
73 Princess Chang Ping 帝女花
73 點指兵兵
73 Mission, The 槍火
73 Dangerous Encounter -- 1st Kind 第一類型危險
73 Strange Woman, A 一代妖姬
73 Wilderness 原野
73 Romance of Jade Hall 璇宮艷史
73 Autumn Comes to Purple Rose Garden 紫薇園的秋天
73 Feast of a Rich Family 豪門夜宴
73 十年割肉養金龍
73 Prince of Broadcasters 播音王子
73 Tragedy of the Poet King 李後主
73 Mother Remembers, A;Mother[*]s Tears, A 慈母淚
73 Why Not Return? 胡不歸
73 同命鴛鴦
73 Young and Furious 豆寇干戈
73 Be My Love 冬戀
73 玉女懷春
73 Money 錢
73 Grass by the Lake 湖畔草
73 Cold Nights 寒夜
73 Imp, The 凶榜
73 He[*]s A Woman, She[*]s A Man 金枝玉葉
73 Better Tomorrow III, A 英雄本色III:夕陽之歌
73 Beyond The Sunset 飛越黃昏
73 Goddess Of River Luo, The 洛神
73 Blade, The 刀
73 Once Upon A Time In Triad Society 2 去吧!揸FIT人兵團
73 Games Gamblers Play 鬼馬雙星
73 Ashes Of Time 東邪西毒
73 Tricky Brains 整蠱專家
73 Once A Thief 縱橫四海
73 Once Upon A Time In China 黃飛鴻
73 C[*]est La Vie, Mon Cheri 新不了情
73 Justice, My Foot! 審死官
73 Snake in the Eagles Shadow 蛇形刁手
73 Song Of The Exile 客途秋恨

⑦ 「電影」翻譯成英語怎麼說

電影,用英語說是,(一).cinema [5sinimE]它是個名詞
1.(=[美] movie theater) 電影院
2.電影, 影片
3.電影業; 電影製片技術
go to cinema
n.影片, 電影
[常用復][英俚、美口]電影(院); 影片
[the movies][口][總稱]電影; 製片業; 電影事業

⑧ 電影的英文翻譯


1. Movie

2. Film

3. motion picture
分類語匯之電影 ...
motion picture:電影
a movie:電影
newsreel:新聞片 ...

4. cinema
評論:美國舊金山州立大學 - 去留學... ...
Engineering 工程 (四個主攻項目)
Cinema 電影
Instrial Art 工業藝術 ...

1. 如果有機會,我將去看那部電影。
I will go to see the film if I get the opportunity.

2. 最著名的電影獎是奧斯卡金像獎。
The best-known movie awards are the Academy Awards.

3. 這些電影只適宜成人觀看。
These films are suitable for alts only.

On Monday nights, the pupils go to the cinema.

5. 我們是去看電影還是去夜總會呢?
Shall we go to a movie or a night club tonight?

⑨ 「電影」在英式英語和美式英語里分別怎麼說

[詞典] film; movie; cinema; motion picture; cine;
Let's see a movie for a change.

film 英[fɪlm] 美[fɪlm]
n. 電影; 影片; 膠片; 薄層;
vt. (把…) 拍攝(成)電影[電視等]; 上鏡頭;
vt. (給…) 覆上一薄層; 生薄膜; 變得朦朧;
[例句]Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun.

⑩ 誰知道一些外國大片的英文原名和中文翻譯,謝謝了 高分

影片名稱: La Bestia Nel Cuore
影片譯名: 心中的野獸
影片名稱: Phat Girlz
影片譯名: 肥妹有情天
Silent Hill
The Lost City
Phat Girlz
Les Formidables
Just My Luck
My Piano
The Uchoten Hoteru
Murder On The Orient Express *HDrip*
東方快車謀殺案 *HDrip*
APT Apartment
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
Starship Troopers
The Time of the Wolf
Charlie's Angels 2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Along Came Polly
Underworld Evolution
Taking Lives Unrated



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