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① 男主變態喜歡收集芭比娃娃碰見女主像芭比娃娃倆人結婚的電影


② 求芭比之鑽石城堡《我們會找到》英文歌詞完整

Cause in this room
There might be friends
Can't see how the story ends
But it』s all right
Yeah,It』s all right

等一下,上一句是And a little alone

③ 求《芭比之真假公主》里的一首歌《free》

Free (自由)
How Can I Refuse (我怎麼能拒絕)
I Am A Girl Like You (我是個像你的女孩)
To Be A Princess (成為一個公主)
The Cats Meow (貓的叫聲?)
If You Love Me For Me (如果你愛上真實的我)
Written In Your Heart (寫在你我心中)
http://tieba..com/f?kz=469206562 (中英對照)
http://tieba..com/f?kz=144610483 (英文,貌似准確些)
http://tieba..com/f?kz=469206562 (帖子,整理了地址)

Megan Cavallari 是作曲 (芭比之真假公主)(tmarvolo提供)
1 Free - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)
2 How Can I Refuse? - Performed by Martin Short (Preminger)
3 Written in Your Heart - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)
4 I am a Girl Like You - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Melissa Lyons (Anneliese)
5 To be a Princess - Performed by Alessandro Juliani (Julian) & Julie Stevens (Erika)
6 The Cat's Meow - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika)
7 If You Love Me for Me - Performed by Julie Stevens (Erika) & Mark Luna (Dominick)
8 Written in Your Heart
9 I'm on My Way - Performed by Sara Niemietz

④ 芭比系列電影插曲

Barbie as Rapunzel
Theme to Rapunzel
Constant as the Stars Above
Wish Upon a Star

Barbie of Swan Lake

Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper
How Can I Refuse
Written In Your Heart(Prologue)
I Am a Girl Like You
To Be a Princess
The Cat's Meow
If You Love Me for Me
To Be a Princess(Reprise)
How Can I Refuse(Reprise)
Written In Your Heart
I』m On My Way

Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus
Hope Has Wings

The Barbie Diaries
This Is Me
Note to Self
Real Life

Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses
Birthday Song

Barbie as The Island Princess
Here On My Island
Right Here In My Arms
A Brand New Shore
I Need To Know
Love Is for Peasants
Right Here In My Arms–Greenhouse
At The Ball
The Rat Song
Always More
Right Here In My Arms–Reunion
When We Have Love
I Need To Know(Pop Version)

Barbie & The Diamond Castle
Two Voices, One Song
Connected(Meet Melody)
Three Voices, One Song
Wonderful Me
We』re Gonna Find It
Double Vision
Connected(End Title)
有一張叫Barbie & The Diamond Castle OST的原聲大碟,裡麵包括上述插曲之外,還有:
Two Voices, One Song (Pop Version)
We』re Gonna Find It (Pop Version)
Believe (Pop Version)

Barbie in A Christmas Carol
Oh Christmas Tree
Deck the Halls
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Joy to the World
We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Barbie and The Three Musketeers
All For One(First Title)
Making My Way
All For One


⑤ 芭比所有電影

系列電影1 童話公主系列 1 《芭比與胡桃夾子的夢幻之旅》(2001年) 2 《芭比之長發公主》(2002年) 3 《芭比之天鵝湖》(2003年) 4 《芭比之真假公主》(2004年) 5 《芭比與魔幻飛馬之旅》(2005年) 6 《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》(2006年) 7 《芭比之森林公主》(2007年) 8 《芭比之鑽石城堡》(2008年) 9 《芭比公主三劍客》(2009年)系列電影2 仙子系列 1 《芭比之彩虹仙子》(2005年) 2《芭比之彩虹仙子2-人魚公主》(2006年) 3《芭比之彩虹仙子3-魔法彩虹》(2007年) 4《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(2008年)系列電影3 現代系列 1 《芭比之奇幻日記》(2006年) 2 《芭比之花仙子》(2009年) 3 《芭比之美人魚歷險記》(2010年) 4 《芭芭比之仙子的秘密》(2010) 5《芭比之時尚童話》(2010年)系列電影4 假日系列 4.4.1 《芭比之聖誕頌歌》(2008年)http://i.mtime.com/1663621/list/74958/

⑥ 十大經典戰役有一部Grubby對MadFrog,芭比說的Grubby的廢話流是什麼


⑦ 芭比娃娃英文介紹


Barbie is a best-selling fashion doll launched in 1959. The doll is proced by Mattel, Inc., and is a major source of revenue for the company. The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.

Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. In recent years, Barbie has faced increasing competition from the Bratz range of dolls.

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, her parents' names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. Barbie has been said to attend Willows High School and Manhattan International High School in New York City, based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School. She has an on-off romantic relationship with her beau Ken (Ken Carson), who first appeared in 1961. Like Barbie, Ken shares his name with one of Ruth Handler's children. A news release from Mattel in February 2004 announced that Barbie and Ken had decided to split up, but in February 2006 they were back together again.

⑧ 有部電影里有個變態男殺完女人後化妝成芭比娃娃,電影名字是連個字

制服 國語
別名: 惡魔右手/紅眼睛 豆瓣評分: 5.1
導演: 王光利
演員: 任達華 徐若瑄 穎兒 袁弘 高群書
地區: 內地 年代: 2013 片長: 95分鍾
看點:犯罪 懸疑 警察 男生聚會
簡介: 漆黑的夜裡,一具被打扮成護士的艷屍驚現廢棄醫院。刑警隊長方友為(任達華 飾)和部下抽絲剝繭展開調查,就在他們苦苦尋覓線索時,類似兇案接連發生,引起了極大恐慌。面對變態兇手的公開挑釁,警方展開了周密的調查。而隨著一個神秘女人周瑾(徐若瑄 飾)的出現,方友為開始越來越接近真相。但當真凶浮出水面,看似塵埃落定時,方友為卻發現,原來一切並非看起來那麼簡單,故事的背後,原來還藏著另一重真相……

⑨ 有哪些芭比公主的動畫片


⑩ 芭比所有電影

1/2001.《芭比與胡桃夾子的夢幻之旅》 (Barbie in the Nutcracker)

2/2002.《芭比之長發公主》 (Barbie as Rapunzel)

3/2003.《芭比之天鵝湖》 (Barbie of Swan Lake)

4/2004.《芭比之真假公主》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)

5/2005.《芭比之彩虹仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia)

6/2005.《芭比與魔幻飛馬之旅》 (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)

7/2006.《芭比彩虹仙子之人魚公主》 (Barbie FairyTopia--Mermaidia)

8/2006.《芭比之奇幻日記》 (Barbie the diaries)

9/2006.《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》 (Barbie In the 12 Dancing princesses)

10/2007.《芭比彩虹仙子之魔法彩虹》 (Barbie FairyTopia --Magic of the Rainbow)

11/2007.《芭比之森林公主》(Barbie as the Island princess)

12/2008.《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa)

13/2008.《芭比之鑽石城堡》(Barbie& The Diamond Castle)

14/2008.《芭比之聖誕歡歌》(Barbie In A Christmas Carol)

15/2009.《芭比之花仙子》(Barbie Thumbelina)

16/2009.《芭比公主三劍客》(Barbie and the three musketeers)

17/2010.《芭比之美人魚歷險記》(Barbie in A Mermaid Tale

2010.《芭比之時尚童話》(Barbie In A Fashion Fairytale)

芭比之時尚童話,芭比公主三劍客,芭比之鑽石城堡 不錯



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