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⑴ 英語作文 一部電影的評價 用英語寫一篇 關於一部電影的評價

A precious stone which called "The Heart of Ocean"brought a love story between Rose and Jack.
They met on Titanic and fell in love with each other.On the way to love,they came across many obstacles but surmounted.Four days after the Titanic set out,a very big iceberg floated towards her.The ship was holed by an iceberg.Many people cannot be saved besides Rose and Jack.Death is the biggest obstacle for love to surmounte.In other to save Rose,Jack lay down his life.
In this movie,when teh ship suffered the unexpected,some people would rather help other people than save themselves,such as the sailors and the musicians.They moved me the most.This movie made me thought a lot in some fields,such as relationship of the people around you.For example,when we are facing love,how to express our feeling to our lovers and deal the problem about love with them;When we are facing the social problems,how to settle them perfectly?Let's suppose we are on the Titanic and taking different positions,what we should do when the unexpected coming?In my opinion,diferent people take the different positions and we do different things in society,but the most important thing is that we should assume our responsibilities.
As a whole,this movie not only has a wonderful plot but also provide food for thought.(發人深思)

⑵ 英語補全對話 幫忙翻譯下。每個選項都要翻譯 還有題!謝謝

C 早上好,王女士,今天我是第一個到達學校的人。
A 感謝上帝!又到了星期五,可以有一個快樂的周末了!
D Mike,我們隊將會在這個周末和火箭隊比賽,我相信我們會嬴
B 真是不能更糟了!我在考試中又失敗了
H 你感覺這個新電影怎麼樣?

⑶ 初二英語作文80詞 關於影評的 急急急!!

《刺殺希特勒》(Valkyrie:歷史) 2009 (115 min) 英文影評:
What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade? If the movie star is smart, they go back to basics, reconnecting with the fire of their formative years. What drove them back then? What first made them strive for greatness? "When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently. "I hated that guy and all he stood for."

Valkyrie, then, is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller. It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life. Inevitably he bungles it.

Bryan Singer's picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to save the fatherland. Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch, von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war. He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler". He hates that guy and all he stands for.

The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler. The plot failed and the conspirators were executed. Played as a tragedy, or a stark study of failed ambitions, this might not have been a problem. Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller, inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.

The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed. Singer's, by contrast, seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.

But what of Singer's co-conspirator? Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German", a model of elegant disenchantment. And yet Cruise, for all his skills as a performer, does not do disenchantment. For all the anguished moments of doubt, the constant stares into the mirror, his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.

The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents. The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent. And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself, intoning his lines in pureblood American. He might as well have been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess. He couldn't manage it as a kid, and he can't quite do it now. Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.

什麼成為一個電影明星,當職業生涯擊呃逆和光澤開始褪色?如果是聰明的電影明星,他們回歸本源,重新與消防的形成時期。是什麼驅使他們回呢?第一次是什麼使他們爭取的偉大? 「當我還是孩子的我一直想殺死希特勒, 」湯姆克魯斯近日透露。 「我討厭那個傢伙和他主張。 」


布萊恩辛格的圖片蒙上克魯斯的克勞斯馮施陶芬貝格,在國防軍上校誰帶頭1944年7月20號陰謀拯救祖國。在戰斗中受傷,並身穿整潔眼補丁,馮施陶芬貝格增加患病的戰爭。他希望「向世界表明,並不是所有的德國人喜歡希特勒」 。他討厭那個傢伙和他主張。

最明顯的症結是, (擾流板! )馮施陶芬貝格實際上沒有殺死希特勒。陰謀失敗,陰謀被處決。打一場悲劇,或形成了鮮明的研究沒有野心,這可能不是一個問題。但辛格選擇框女神作為高概念戰時懸疑驚悚片,邀請我們停止我們的懷疑和湊湊熱鬧。


但是歌手的同謀?女神油漆馮施陶芬貝格作為典型的「德國好人」 ,一個優雅的模型覺醒。但克魯斯,他的所有技能,作為一個演員,不會覺醒。所有的痛苦的時刻,毫無疑問,不斷地凝視到鏡子,他的馮施陶芬貝格基本上是壯志凌雲的眼睛修補程序。

影片的好奇混雜的方言不僅強調了這一點質量。馮施陶芬貝格的同夥正在發揮英國演員(比爾奈伊,特倫郵票,肯尼斯布萊納)誰提供的線在英語口音。納粹的罪惡所描繪的是德國演員托馬斯克萊徹曼誰講英語的德國口音。然後-除了常設單獨-是克魯斯本人,他的線intoning美國在pureblood 。他可能也已下降盟軍飛機從一個長庚浩好萊塢英雄發出清理非常歐洲一團糟。他無法管理它作為一個孩子,他不能做到現在。希特勒之一;湯姆克魯斯為零。

⑷ 補全對話,英語口常口語,高手進!

42.No,thanks. 不用了,謝謝。
43.Yes,I did.But I think it nothing special.是的,我看過了。不過我覺得沒什麼特別的。
44.Would you like something to drink?想喝點兒什麼嗎?
45.Yes,I can't agree more.是的,我完全同意。
46.Hello!May I speak to Lily,please?你好!我想跟Lily通話。

⑸ 英語作文:為你喜歡的電影寫一篇影評。

It is sunny today. I am excited, It』s not because of the nice weather but 「The Smurfs」, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are grandiose and magnificent. I think it's a successful motivation. Time goes fast! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !

⑹ 寫一篇評價電影的英語作文,80個單詞左右

A review of "The Smurfs"
It is sunny today. I am excited, It』s not because of the nice weather but 「The Smurfs」, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are grandiose and magnificent. I think it's a successful motivation. Time goes fast! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !

⑺ 初一英語補全對話

Do you want to go to a movie?(你想要去看電影嗎?)
Yes,I do.I like comedies/action movies/documentaries/thrillers所有的電影類型都可以寫。
Oh,I don't like it ,it's boring/scary/所有的表示貶意的形容詞都可以填。
I don't think so .(我不這樣認為。)It's interesting/funny/所有的褒意形容詞。

⑻ 用英語寫一個簡單的電影評價,任何一部電影都行

James Cameron once more shows that he knows what he is doing. I finally get to watch it after waiting so long. I am still in shock from what I experienced. The visual effects in the movie is great, you have to watch it with your own eyes to feel the magic James Cameron has captured with this masterpiece. Acting is excellent, you can't ask for anything more than the actors gave from science fiction. Whoever said no love or passion in the movie is mistaking big time, it has something for everyone starting from astonishing score and love story, big epic, awesome war episode and a unrepeatable beauty of Pandora. If you didn't like the movie at any point, you seriously need to see your doctor. Thank you, James Cameron for the best experience of my life!

⑼ 關於電影的英語口語帶翻譯

英語已經慢慢滲透入人們的日常生活,想要學好英語一定要多讀多聽多說多欣賞。我在此獻上日常的 英語口語 ,希望對你有所幫助。


1.That movie we saw last night was very boring, wasn't it?


2.It's said that the movie is a box-office hit.


3.That movie he starred is a blockbuster.


4.What do you think of the new film?


5. think that movie is boring.


6.The film you recommended is really worth watching.


7.The new thriller is a real eye-popper.


8.This new love film has evoked general approval.


9.He performed the role well.


10.These old films are wonderful.


11.I’ve been opposed to attract the audience by nakedness.


12.Keep the children away from those crime dramas.


13.The movie has been hyped up far beyond its worth.


14.We were deeply touched by the sentimental story that the movie told.

我們深深被那部電影講述的傷感 故事 所感動。

15.It is the most popular independent French movie ever made.


16.I think the film does have some positive effect.


17.That was undoubtedly the best film I've seen all year.



1.I heard that Black Hawk Down is a war film, isn’t it?


2.Is the movie starred by Jet Lee?


3.This new film is said to be adapted from a classic novel.


4.The cast of the play includes many famous actors.


5.There is an interesting film on Channel Two.


6.Do you know who is in this movie?


7.I wouldn't go to see it if I had known who starred in that film.



1.When does the film begin?


2.What's on tomorrow evening?


(也可以這樣說:What's playing tomorrow evening?)

3.What time will the movie be over?


(也可以這樣說:What time will the movie end?)

4.How long does the movie last?


(也可以這樣說:How long will the movie last?

How long is the movie? )

5.You are in the back of the cinema, aren’t you?


6.I can't see the screen because of the person in front of me.


(也可以這樣說:That person is blocking my view.

That person is in my way. )

7.Let's sit in the front of the cinema.


8.What time is the showing of the film you want to see?


(也可以這樣說:When is the showing of the film you want to see?)

9.I groped my way to a seat in the dim cinema.


10.The movie hadn't yet begun by the time we got there.


11.The movie started at seven and ended at half past nine.


12.He was on edge of his seat through the action movie.


13.They've got Star Wars on.


14.They are showing Titanic.


15.The popcom has become a staple at movie theaters nowadays.




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