導航:首頁 > 國外大片 > 這部電影應該忠於小說英文翻譯


發布時間:2022-09-19 15:26:51

1. 這部電影用英語怎麼說

"Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" "Seabed Searches Densely"

「my good friend MYY approximately I go to the movie theater to look that on Sunday the movie "Eye Porpoise" "Scorpion King Return" and "Seabed Searches Densely", I am very happy, because I thought after this is the test, relaxes best way.

2. 在這部電影中小說中的情節得到了再現的英語翻譯

The book plot has been recreated in this movie

3. 英語翻譯 這部電影改編自最暢銷的小說(adapt)

This film is adapted from one of the most popular novels.
This film is adapted from a popular novel.

4. 「這部電影改編自一部小說」英文怎麼說

"The film is adapted from a novel"



英 [fɪlm] 美 [fɪlm]



第三人稱單數: films 復數: films 現在分詞: filming 過去式: filmed

派生詞: filming n.





類似詞:「這部動畫改編自一部小說」:"This animation is adapted from a novel"



英 [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn]


復數: animations




5. 老師建議在看這部影片之前先看看它的同名小說英語翻譯

The film should tell you that you should hold on to your believes even with your own life and faith to play the melody of your firmness.
The opposite also tells us that we should be brave to face all negative aspects around us,and never escape from them,have the courage to pursue our own happiness.
If you are very frustrated,I suggest you watch this movie.Because it will tell you the true meaning of life.
If you are happy now,I suggest you watch this film.Because it will let you know how blessed you are now.
The meaning of life,one would understand often after everything is past,but holding on your believes is not necessarily wrong,since you chose this path,even if it can take you to your destruction,but still go ahead.
Even it's your destruction,but it's still a glorious destruction.
1 Oscar-winning film
2 Beautiful piano melody
3 Touching story
4 Unflappable Strength

6. 「根據小說改編的電影」這句話英文怎麼翻譯

Based on a true story. (根據真實故事改編)
所以,是 based on, 後面加上什麼什麼就可以了~~

7. 這部電影改編於長篇小說。翻譯

This film is based on a novel.

novel本身就是長篇小說。電影開頭經常可以看到「based on true story」字樣,意思是「根據真實故事改編」。

8. 這部電影確確實實值得一看,翻譯成英文

This movie is worth seeing.

祝你學習愉快! (*^__^*)

9. 這部電影是基於一部小說 英語翻譯

This film is based on a novel (story book).

10. 這部電影值得看 用英語翻譯至少3種形式

1.this movie is worth watching. 2. this movie is worthy watching. 3. this movie deserves to be watched.



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