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A. 求英文動畫片飛屋環游記的英文觀後感。大概在60詞左右。

There is love of people around, there is a dream to go to achieve, in fact, well-being has always been very simple.Becuse the love,Eille had their house flied with the many ballons to make their dream come true.Selfish,obstinate and mercilessly,but it changes when a boy's appearance.Eille feel the different love about take care of others and help others.Even though the house was missing,but the love exist forever.

B. 求兩篇英語電影影評(一片要動畫片)


我們已經習慣了期待皮克斯的驚奇,但是《星際總動員》確實開辟了新天地。它帶給我們G級(成年與兒童都適宜觀看的)的、電腦產生的、我們潛在滅絕的圖景。這不是近來投入此陰森主題的唯一電影。隨著全球變暖,人類的消失成為一個熱門話題,許多導演都對之關注,如史蒂芬-斯皮爾伯格(《人工智慧》)、弗郎西斯-勞倫斯(《我是傳奇》)、奈特-沙馬蘭 (《滅頂之災》)以及維納-赫爾佐格。在他最近的記錄片《在世界盡頭相遇》中,赫爾佐格先生沉思道「人類在此星球上的存在不會真正永續」,這個觀點在《星際總動員》的下半部中幾乎是逐字逐句地表達出來。當異想天開的皮克斯工程師和情緒化的德國導演發出同樣的信息時,也許我們該報以注意了。

《星際總動員》並不全是陰郁和毀滅。毫無疑問地,它是一部鄭重其事絕非簡單化的生態寓言,但它還是一個令人沉醉的、甜蜜簡單的愛情故事,感情的純潔帶著卓別林式的風格。在另一個層面,它帶著科幻的色彩,提到了《2001太空漫遊》、《異形》、《 酷狗寶貝:月球野餐記》中的一切。但是電影最公開、最堅持的引用對象是《俏紅娘》,這部老舊的錄影帶為主角提供舞蹈和愛情方面的指導。那首古老的、快被人遺忘的音樂,隨同Jerry Herman的歌詞、Louis Armstrong的低聲吟唱,成為瓦力(片中機器人)對我們的紀念。他是一個凹痕累累的苦力小機器人,已經過了計劃的報廢期,整天做著徒勞、機械的作業:收集、壓縮垃圾。他的名字Wall-E是「廢物安置裝載運送者-地球類」的縮寫。但是對於瓦力來說,並不是他發現的一切都沒有價值。在他和蟑螂躲避塵暴的銹鐵船中,他小心收藏了一些寶貝,包括芝寶打火機、炊事用具和一個魔方。

瓦力對一個失落文明工藝品的親切珍視是可以理解的,畢竟他也是人類心智的產物。而《星際總動員》(由皮克斯的骨幹Andrew Stanton導演、由Andrew Stanton和Jim Reardon編劇)的天才之處是,他提醒人們,創造和毀滅是硬幣的兩面。人類被致力於製造和消費更多物質的經濟行為驅離家園——瓦力最終知道我們沒有消失。但是人類產生的一些東西證明是有用、有趣、珍貴的。一些東西甚至能夠創造出靈魂。

觀察瓦力的周圍環境,觀眾們了解到,在過去的某個時候,一家叫Bnl(英語「買N大」的縮寫)的集團公司,用它的超大型商場和數以噸計的垃圾充斥了地球。最終公司把它的重要客戶載到一個太空站上(艦長是Jeff Garlin),在那兒他們漸漸變成由新一代特殊機器人服務的、肥胖懶惰的群體。一個叫做伊夫的研究探查機器人(所有機器人的姓名均為縮寫,性別均由儀表顯示),降臨地球,令瓦力動心。




從原著小說被翻譯成44種語言、在全球銷量超過5000萬本的熱潮,到作者丹-布朗被指剽竊掀起的軒然大波,再到被西方教會目為反基督的異端電影遭到梵*蒂*岡的抵制,《達芬奇密碼》(The Davinci Code)從面世的那一天起便註定要對傳統的基督教帶來顛覆性的沖擊,值得慶幸的是教會掌握政權的日子早已成為歷史,無須再擔心打著耶穌幌子的黑色恐怖瘟疫會再次蔓延,多元化的社會里,基督教不可一世的地位終於露出了平凡的一面。

自己一向對宗教文化不感冒,之所以能堅持看完原著多半是因為丹-布朗精妙的文筆與高潮迭起的懸念情節,不過對把原著搬上熒光幕的商業行為持懷疑態度,畢竟文字帶來的想像空間與視覺、聽覺等多重感知形成的復雜認知截然不同,許多東西一旦具體形象化往往就容易失去原有的吸引力,尤其是《達芬奇密碼》這類靠製造懸念、解讀復雜西方宗教歷史神學符號、營造心理驚悚的作品。結果雖然有Ron Howard、Tom Hanks和Audrey Tautou攜手合作,雖然作為電影藝術最高殿堂嘎納電影節的開幕電影,《達芬奇密碼》依然差強人意,只是費力不討好的製造了120分鍾的沉悶懸疑。

即使寬容的看待電影,把是否忠於原著放在一旁,《達芬奇密碼》也缺乏連貫的緊迫感和抽絲剝繭的驚悚元素,Tom Hanks和Audrey Tautou在影片中的角色本來註定他們不是《職業特工隊》式的「Superman」,過多的火爆場面只會起到喧賓奪主的反效果,可影片開始Ron Howard偏要安排Audrey Tautou來一段超「辣」的車技Show,這馬上就將一個弱智女流定位成超凡脫俗的強者,Hollywood式的娛樂標准即霸道又惹人生厭。按照小說的風格與結構,《達芬奇密碼》應該是一部充滿文藝懸念的電影,如何把復雜的謎題化繁為簡,讓觀眾參與到解迷中,可以說是影片成功與否的關鍵。可惜零散的劇情、蒼白的人物塑造,單純依靠Tom Hanks比手劃腳就解開神學符號,未免太過兒戲,尤其是最後「Apple」的解密過程簡直就是大話西遊,令人啼笑皆非。Tom Hanks的力不從心、Audrey Tautou的不入戲,兩人無法擦出預期的火花,加上巴黎倫敦濃郁的藝術氣息、以及宗教的神聖、膜拜氣氛又只是停留在表面的走馬觀花,都成為《達芬奇密碼》空有包羅萬有的野心,卻有漏洞百出的臭皮囊一樣,成為食之無味的「雞肋」。

全片最光芒四射的應該是苦行僧Silas這個角色,他背負的罪惡感,他心靈上承受的痛苦遠甚於傷痕累累的切膚之痛,在狂熱的宗教信仰和冷酷的眼神中,我們讀到了很濃厚的悲劇味道,Ron Howard在他身上著墨不多,但卻顯示了深厚的功力,無論鏡位還是背景音樂的烘托,他赤裸的身體充滿神秘感與強烈的威懾力,遠比兩位主角更具有感染力。


C. 求動畫片匹諾曹的英文影評

Such animation seems to be dwindling today when looking at- and thinking a lot about- Pinocchio, one of the real landmarks that Walt Disney ever proced. It might have not sparked up as much fascination when it was first released as Snow White and Dumbo did (apparently this and Fantasia did poorly on first release), but over time it's definitely got its place in the pantheon of truly wonderful works by the company. It tells a story that even babies can grasp- something that isn't really real that wants to be so for his creator. In fact, this is probably one of the most palatable stories for kids, about the dire straits of not just trying to fit in, but being a kid and still having to learn responsibilities, truth and courage. Of course, few kids will ever see their friends turn into donkeys or get thrown into the belly of a whale. But it's such out-of-this-world things that make the film so fantastic and terrifying in equal measure. It might lack the overall surreal whammy of Dumbo and Alice in Wonderland, yet in a small group of leaving a lasting impact Pinocchio has its unique bits.

It's got about all that someone could ask for with an animated film, for kids and alts alike. It's got plenty of colorful side characters, both sweet and clumsy and goofy and smart (all taking up the animals like Figaro, the Goldfish, and especially the iconic Jiminy Cricket), as well as ignorant, villainous and evil (Lampwick, Stromboli and Honest John among others). All of these characters are so rich in their simple characterizations that the combination of the old vocal talents- meant more for direct style and appearance instead of star power like in todays animation- and the distinct look of each character, make them all compelling to one degree or another. Just thinking about the scenes with Stromboli, for example, make me think that there had to be someone that imposing and larger-than-life in appearance acting it out as opposed to just the drawing being that. Only the Blue Fairy is the bland type, drawn in the Snow White style. But then the rest of the picture- particularly for Pinocchio and Gepetto- is up for grabs with whatever can be done with them.

So much emotion actually comes out of scenes. And it alternates very well, much as in fairy tales and other fantastical fiction. Pinocchio performs "I've got no strings" in one scene, which is one of the typical highlights, and then the next scene such sweetness gets contrasted with the defeat imposed by the evil Stromboli. What leaves the biggest impression, however, is Fantasy island, where all the boys who don't want to go to school go to, and soon enough (from Cricket's own words), become donkeys. I would probably rank that transformation scene of Lampwick's, by the way, as one of the top 5 scenes in any animated effort ever proced; it starts off kind of amusing, the way Pinocchio tries to put down the cigar, and then becomes like a child's true nightmare as we see his full-on transformation. It's an example of using abstractions that always work best in fairy tales, and somehow has become lost among the constant barrage of juvenile CGI films as of late. Seeing work like this again reminds one of the completeness given in well-rounded (if 2-dinemnsional) stories.

It's got action, music, pomp and circumstance, countless chances at very goofy gags and silly puns, and somehow it all works just as well- if not better in a way- as an alt as when I was a kid. Is it cheesy at times and maybe here and there hitting points home a little hard? Sure. But I never had any dis-liking to the characters, never really felt that I was being cheated with motivations or in some kind of truth in the un-reality of it all. Not to sound cheesy myself, but it is a timeless kind of picture, with a story that when told well can strike a chord with just about anyone willing for the experience. It's old-fashioned sensibilities are still resonant, and the proction values are all top-notch.

D. 跪求隨便一部英文動畫片的內容簡介以及影評 55555

內容:《超級大壞蛋》是一出顛覆漫畫英雄電影的動畫片。按照傳統,超級英雄與超級壞蛋一個代 表正義、一個代表邪惡,正義終究戰勝邪惡,但在這部動畫片里,超級壞蛋「Megamind卻最終打敗了超級英雄「Metro Man」。不過沒有了對手的日子相當枯燥,「Megamind」於是就自己造了一個超級英雄「Titan」出來,哪曾想這個「Titan」不想做超級英雄也想做超級壞蛋,不得已「Megamind」只好自己來做超級英雄,最後他打敗了「Titan」。其中還有一些其他的細節,是從超級英雄和超級壞蛋還是小孩的時候就開始講了。很值得一看

E. 50字左右的英語影評

<the corpse pride>,this movie is so beautiful,the pride sang well,those ghosts were so cute,and the vows were so moving.I like it very much and I want to watch it again,it is like a farytale,if I were the pride,i will be happy.初一,這個實在難得編啊

F. 冰河世紀英語小影評

Hello,I am a film critic on the 6th, I think the Ice Age film very good. It taught us to friendship with each other. We have to unite. Well, anything can be overcome.My favorite is the protagonist of a tiger. I would like to learn from the tiger's courage, in the face of Sham Shui Po, the courage to save his own companions. He made me feel deep. I should be brave to overcome difficulties.This is my understanding of the film, thank you.
大家好,我是6號影評,我認為冰河世紀非常好。它教我們互相友愛。我們必須團結起來。那麼,什麼問題都可以克服。我最喜愛的主角是一隻老虎。 我要學習虎的勇氣,面對深水 ,勇氣拯救自己的同伴。 他讓我感受深刻。我要勇於克服困難。這是我對這部電影的認識,謝謝大家。

G. 求一篇150字左右的英文影評

the movie is about Forrest Gump (Hanks), named after a civil war hero, grows up in Greenbow, Alabama, where his mother (Sally Field) runs a boarding house. Although Forrest is a little "slow" (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal"), his mental impairment doesn't seem to bother him, his mother, or his best (and only) friend, Jenny Curran (played as an alt by Robin Wright). In fact, the naivete that comes through a limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life.

Through the miracle of visual effects, Forrest meets his fair share of famous people - George Wallace, Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, and John Lennon. While mixing the real footage of these notables with new images featuring Hanks is not a seamless process, the result is nevertheless effective.

Ultimately, however, any gripes about Forrest Gump are minor. This is a marvelous motion picture -- a mint julep on a hot summer's afternoon.

H. 大鬧天宮英語影評




I can』t believe what my eyes are seeing.
Un - fucking - believable. I cannot believe I am privleged to see this amazing cultural artifact.
Which studio? What year? Who was the director? Tell me or so help me, I』ll drive up there and beat it out of you.

哪一個工作室?哪一個年?誰是導演?告訴我或幫助我,我要趕到那裡去,並且beat it out of you.(不理解是什麼意思)



There』s also a Japanese version of the Monkey Legend from the 1960』s.
The one I saw was bbed by Frankie Avalon & Jonathan Winters. Not
so authentic as this clip, but just as colorful and WEIRD!

華美奇異極了,還有一個1960年代的猴子神話的日本版本,我看到那個是Frankie Avalon & Jonathan Winters.配音的。不象這個這么地道純粹,但一樣顏色豐富和神秘



saw this when I was a little girl. When Channel 4 in the UK went on the
air, one of the first things it aired was this movie. I never saw it
again...I』ve wondered for a long time if it was some fantastically
beautiful dream I had. Its just as wonderful as I remember it! Thank you
so much for uploading.




God damn. This is from 1960s when animes weren』t even that far ahead.
uuuuhhh... its CHINA not JAPAN ^^




man, I haven』t seen this in over a decade! My parents had it recorded
on VHS tape, but it』s forever lost. I recently got the name of this show
from the library. Thank you so much for posting this up!




Watched this as a kid. It』s even better than I remembered. Oh, and for more info you can try wikipedia.




OMG OMG you just made my day! Thank you for this.




LOVE this movie, I remember watching it the first time on TV when I was
like 6-7 years old (I』m 23 now) and taped it, I still to this day have
the tape.




Hey man, thanks for uploading this movie~
there no way to get subtitles, though, for non-chinese speakers? It』d
be awesome if americans could watch this too. I』m guessing you』re
chinese and can speak/write it? Is it you don』t want to do subs, or
don』t know how to?




is so great, I saw this when I was a kid, my grandfather had it on
Betamax tape. I don』t know if it still exists or works for that matter. I
would really like to have this on DVD, the artstyle and music, just

這是如此偉大,當我是個孩子的時候,我看過它,我的爺爺把它錄在 Betamax帶上,我不知道它是否仍然存在或能播放。我真希望能有這個電影的DVD。這個藝術風格和音樂,就是華麗!!!



now! I haven』t seen this since I was about 7 or 8 yrs old. BBC2 had a
season of Asian animation, been trying to get old of this for years!!!!
It kept me quiet for 45 minutes! Ace.




Amazing!!!!!!! Wish they』d release more Chinese animation like this on TV or DVD. Love Journey to the West.




Thanks for uploading ! I also saw it when i was kid !! this is such a great souvenir !




Whoa! I really love this!
I wish i could understand chinese, this is so interresting!




seen it for the 1st time when i was like 8-10 years old and i found it
so awesome!! Dispite that it is chinees spoken, i want to thank you for
uploading this video.




love you for uploading this. Been looking for it a long time. I wish I
could understand it though haha. But I know the story so it』s all good.


I. 瘋狂動物城五句話英語影評


All in all, this is probably the most amazing Disney animated film ever since Disney took the road to the great renaissance. "Crazy Town animal" has a good and lovely role, a beautiful story of the stage, some good laughs, and the most important is: for children and alts transmits a strong positive information:


Peace makes great.

J. 英語動畫電影觀後感(初一的英語作文60詞

I loved watch cartoons before,but recently I saw an action movie called Transformers.It tells us the righteous will definitely beat the evil. The leading man was brave and he saved the world with his wisdom. The robots didn't disappointed me too.They were cool as much as they could be.I love each of those characters. From this movie,I learned a lot.



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