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Ⅱ 《勇敢的心》

Brave Heart
梅爾·吉布森 Mel Gibson .....William Wallace
蘇菲·瑪索 Sophie Marceau .....Princess Isabelle
詹姆斯·卡沙莫 James Cosmo .....Campbell
辛·麥金利 Sean McGinley .....MacClannough
布萊恩·考克斯 Brian Cox .....Argyle Wallace
安古斯·麥克菲登 Angus Macfadyen .....Robert the Bruce
艾倫·阿姆斯特朗 Alun Armstrong .....Mornay
凱瑟琳·麥克馬克 Catherine McCormack .....Murron MacClannough
布萊丹·格里森 Brendan Gleeson .....Hamish Campbell
湯米·弗拉納根 Tommy Flanagan .....Morrison
亞力克斯·諾頓 Alex Norton .....Bride's Father
彼得·穆蘭 Peter Mullan .....Veteran
William Wallace: FREEDOM!!
William Wallace: Every man dies, not every man really lives.
William Wallace: Fight and you may die, run and you'll live. At least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom?!
William Wallace:Not nearly as beautiful as you
William Wallace: Why do you help me?
Princess Isabelle: Because of the way you are looking at me now.

Ⅲ 誰能用英文介紹下電影《勇敢的心》如題.介紹劇情和帶

Braveheart is a 1995 American epic war film directed by and starring Mel Gibson. Gibson portrays William Wallace, a 13th-century Scottish warrior who led the Scots in the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England. The story is inspired by Blind Harry's epic poem The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace and was adapted for the screen by Randall Wallace.
The film was nominated for ten Academy Awards at the 68th Academy Awards and won five: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Makeup, and Best Sound Editing.
In 1280, King Edward "Longshanks" invades and conquers Scotland following the death of Alexander III of Scotland, who left no heir to the throne. Young William Wallace witnesses Longshanks' treachery, survives the deaths of his father and brother, and is taken abroad on a pilgrimage throughout Europe by his paternal Uncle Argyle, where he is ecated. Years later, Longshanks grants his noblemen land and privileges in Scotland, including Prima Nocte. Meanwhile, a grown Wallace returns to Scotland and falls in love with his childhood friend Murron MacClannough, and the two marry in secret. Wallace rescues Murron from being raped by English soldiers, but as she fights off their second attempt, Murron is captured and publicly executed. In retribution, Wallace leads his clan to slaughter the English garrison in his hometown and send the occupying garrison at Lanark back to England.
Longshanks orders his son Prince Edward to stop Wallace by any means necessary. Wallace rebels against the English, and as his legend spreads, hundreds of Scots from the surrounding clans join him. Wallace leads his army to victory at the Battle of Stirling Bridge and then destroys the city of York, killing Longshanks' nephew and sending his severed head to the king. Wallace seeks the assistance of Robert the Bruce, the son of nobleman Robert the Elder and a contender for the Scottish crown. Robert is dominated by his father, who wishes to secure the throne for his son by submitting to the English. Worried by the threat of the rebellion, Longshanks sends his son's wife Isabella of France to try to negotiate with Wallace. After meeting him in person, Isabella becomes enamored of Wallace.
Warned of the coming invasion by Isabella, Wallace implores the Scottish nobility to take immediate action to counter the threat and take back the country. Leading the English army himself, Longshanks confronts the Scots at Falkirk where noblemen Lochlan and Mornay, having been bribed by Longshanks, betray Wallace, causing the Scots to lose the battle. As Wallace charges toward the departing Longshanks on horseback, he is intercepted by one of the king's lancers, who turns out to be Robert the Bruce. Remorseful, he gets Wallace to safety before the English can capture him. Wallace kills Lochlan and Mornay for their betrayal, and wages a guerrilla war against the English for the next seven years, assisted by Isabella, with whom he eventually has an affair. Robert sets up a meeting with Wallace in Edinburgh, but Robert's father has conspired with other nobles to capture and hand over Wallace to the English. Learning of his treachery, Robert disowns his father. Isabella exacts revenge on the now terminally ill Longshanks by telling him that his bloodline will be destroyed upon his death as she is now pregnant with Wallace's child.
In London, Wallace is brought before an English magistrate, tried for high treason, and condemned to public torture and beheading. Even whilst being hanged, drawn and quartered, Wallace refuses to submit to the king. As cries for mercy come from the watching crowd deeply moved by the Scotsman's valor, the magistrate offers him one final chance, asking him only to utter the word, "Mercy", and be granted a quick death. Wallace instead shouts, "Freedom!", and the judge orders his death. Moments before being decapitated, Wallace sees a vision of Murron in the crowd, smiling at him.
In 1314, Robert, now Scotland's king, leads a Scottish army before a ceremonial line of English troops on the fields of Bannockburn, where he is to formally accept English rule. As he begins to ride toward the English, he stops and invokes Wallace's memory, imploring his men to fight with him as they did with Wallace. Robert then leads his army into battle against the stunned English, winning the Scots their freedom.

Ⅳ 《勇敢的心》的電影簡介



動作 / 劇情 / 戰爭 / 歷史 / 傳記

177 min


英語 法語 拉丁語


杜比數碼環繞聲 DTS

Rated R for brutal medieval warfare.

Singapore:PG Portugal:M/12 Finland:K-16 Germany:16 Iceland:16 Sweden:15 UK:15 France:U Peru:14 USA:R Canada:R Australia:MA Hong Kong:IIB Norway:18 Spain:18 Chile:14 South Korea:18 Netherlands:16 Argentina:16 Ireland:15 Canada:18A Singapore:M18 South Korea:15 Greece:K-13 Belgium:KT

25,000,000 (estimated)

B.H. Finance C.V. (screenplay)
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

1994年6月6日 - 1994年11月
梅爾·吉布森 Mel Gibson

Randall Wallace .....(written by)

梅爾·吉布森 Mel Gibson .....William Wallace
蘇菲·瑪索 Sophie Marceau .....Princess Isabelle
詹姆斯·卡沙莫 James Cosmo .....Campbell
辛·麥金利 Sean McGinley .....MacClannough
布萊恩·考克斯 Brian Cox .....Argyle Wallace
安古斯·麥克菲登 Angus Macfadyen .....Robert the Bruce
艾倫·阿姆斯特朗 Alun Armstrong .....Mornay
凱瑟琳·麥克馬克 Catherine McCormack .....Murron MacClannough
布萊丹·格里森 Brendan Gleeson .....Hamish Campbell
湯米·弗拉納根 Tommy Flanagan .....Morrison
亞力克斯·諾頓 Alex Norton .....Bride's Father
彼得·穆蘭 Peter Mullan .....Veteran

梅爾·吉布森 Mel Gibson .....procer
艾倫·拉德二世 Alan Ladd Jr. .....procer
Bruce Davey .....procer
Dean Lopata .....associate procer
Stephen McEveety .....executive procer
Elisabeth Robinson .....associate procer

20世紀福克斯公司 20th Century Fox [美國]
B.H. Finance C.V.
Icon Entertainment International
派拉蒙影業公司 Paramount Pictures [美國]
The Ladd Company [美國]

20世紀福克斯家庭娛樂公司 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment [巴西] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (DVD)
20世紀福克斯義大利分公司 20th Century Fox Italia [義大利] ..... (2002) (Brazil) (DVD)
Abril Vídeo [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (VHS)
Gativideo [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)
Hispano Foxfilms S.A.E. [西班牙] ..... (Spain)
Nothing's New Video [美國] ..... (2005) (USA) (VHS)
派拉蒙家庭視頻公司 Paramount Home Video [美國] ..... (1996) (USA) (laserdisc)
20世紀福克斯電影公司 Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation [美國] ..... (Argentina)

R/Greenberg Associates (West) Inc. [美國]
The Computer Film Company [英國] ..... (crowd multiplication)




Ⅳ 勇敢的心原聲帶下載地址


英文名稱:Brave heart


專輯名稱:勇敢的心電影原聲大碟(2張) Soundtrack-Music From Braveheart


01. Main Title
02. A Gift Of A Thistle
03. Wallace Courts Murron
04. The Secret Wedding
05. Attack On Murron
06. Revenge
07. Murron's Burial
08. Making Plans (Gathering The Clans)
09. Sons Of Scotland
10. The Battle Of Stirling
11. For The Love Of A Princess
12. Falkirk
13. Betrayal and Desolation
14. Mornay's Dream
15. The Legend Spreads
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life
17. 'Freedom' - The Execution - Bannockburn
18. End Credits


01. Prologue- -I shall tell you of William Wallace- (Narration- Robert theBruce)
02. Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes
03. The Royal Wedding (Nattation- Robert the Bruce)
04. The trouble with Scotland- (King Edward the Longshanks)
05. Scottish Wedding Music
06. Prima Noctes
07. The Proposal (William Wallace and Murron)
08. Scotland is free! (William Wallace)
09. Point of War-Johnny Cope-Up in the Morning Early
10. Coversing with the Almighty (Stephen, William Wallace, Hamish, Campbell)
11. The Road to the Isles-Glendaural Highlanders-The Old Rustic Bridge bythe Mill
12. Sons of Scotland!- (William Wallace)
13. Vision of Murron
14. Unite the clans! (William Wallace)
15. The Legen Spreads (Scottish Storytellers)
16. -Why do you help me-- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
17. For the Love of a Princess
18. Not every man really lives- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
19. The prisoner wishes to say a word- (The Executioner and William Wallace)
20. After the beheading- (Robert the Bruce)
21. You have bled with Wallace!- (Robert the Bruce)
22. Warrior Poets (William Wallace)
23. Scotland the Brave
24. Leaving Glenhurqhart
25. Kirkhill

Ⅵ 《勇敢的心》的主題曲叫什麼在哪裡下載

BRAVE HEART的原聲音樂全是以愛爾蘭風笛為主,
片子開頭的音樂叫《Main Title》


英文名稱:Brave heart


專輯名稱:勇敢的心電影原聲大碟(2張) Soundtrack-Music From Braveheart


說起《Brave Heart》的原聲音樂,就不得不說說曲作者James Horner這位大名鼎鼎的好萊塢電影配樂家。國人熟悉Horner可能是從《Titanic》開始,那一首《My heart will go on》和一支悠揚的蘇格蘭風笛不知迷倒過多少人。其實在這之前,Horner就為多部優秀電影寫了出色的配樂,其中有《Apollo 13》、《Glory》、《Legends of the Fall》、《The Mask of Zorro》。值得一提的是,當年《Brave Heart》和《Apollo 13》同時獲得奧斯卡最佳配樂的提名,雖然顯示了Horner非凡的實力,但是造成了評委會選票的分流,留下了遺憾。

影片《Brave Heart》描述了蘇格蘭的民族英雄Wallace反抗英格蘭的殖民統治的英勇事跡。全篇氣勢恢宏,情感真摯纏綿,跌宕起伏。作為這樣一部影片的配樂師,Horner正確的選擇了蘇格蘭的民族樂器——風笛加世界頂級樂團——倫敦交響樂團的配器組合。

影片開頭,Main Title中悠揚的風笛聲將觀眾帶入了蘇格蘭高高的山嶺之上,在青山綠水的環繞中,生活著朴實的蘇格蘭人民。然而憂郁的小提琴在沒有低音襯托的空靈中,奏出了他們受到統治者壓迫的不幸。四支圓號不祥的和聲,暗示了統治力量的邪惡與黑暗。經過弦樂的過渡,獨奏圓號忽然吹出帶有升騰力量的旋律,這似乎是一種期盼,期盼英雄的誕生,來拯救他的民族;然而大提琴冷冷的對答,為這位英雄鋪設了艱難的道路。整首Main Title無疑是影片的序曲,Wallace一生的奮斗歷程其實已經預告在了這首短小的曲子中了。即使把此曲作為純音樂來欣賞,它的藝術價值也會閃現光芒。


在Wallace Courts Murron的開頭,是一個鄉間的婚禮舞會場面,這是整部影片中最歡快的音樂了。在風笛吹奏的洋溢著民族風情的舞曲中,人們暫時忘卻了苦難,盡情的歡樂。我記得托爾斯泰說過,無論生活的環境多麼艱苦,人們從未停止過對歡樂與自由的追求。從這首曲子中,我們可以聽出來,之所以Wallace率領的民族起義會在百姓中造成如此壯大的聲勢,對英統治造成空前的打擊,其原動力是來自於蘇格蘭這個民族的偉大。就在這樣一個舞會上,長大成人的Wallace,回到了闊別十多年的村莊,見到了兒時的好友和已經長成為一個婷婷玉立端莊少女的Murron。這時,兩人的愛情主題又重現了,只是這一次它不再那麼緩慢且傷感,卻顯出些許愉悅的色彩。Wallace取出幼時Murron送的紫薊花,雖然花朵已經干癟,但是色彩依舊明亮。愛情的種子在兩人的心生根發芽生,此時終於長出了美麗的花朵。這時的畫面:幽靜的夜晚,山崗上一對戀人促膝而坐,配上如此優美的風笛,真是讓人為之感動不已。

隨後的Secret Wedding,弦樂與長笛的合奏同風笛交相呼應,似乎代表了兩位主人公纏綿悱惻的愛情。在這六分多種的時間里,畫面中沒有任何語言,只有音樂在流淌。整個蘇格蘭連綿的群山似乎都沉浸在這纏綿的愛情中了。

然而好景不長,Murron受到統治者的迫害而被殺死了。Attack on Murron中,固定節奏的定音鼓製造出了危急的氣氛。Murron被綁在木桿上,眼裡流露出無助的淚水,哀怨的女聲似乎是她的輓歌。而這一切終被邪惡的獨奏圓號所吞沒——明晃晃的匕首指向Murron的喉頸——不和諧的交響終於將樂曲送至定音鼓那奪人心魄的致命一擊!緊接著的Revenge把Wallace復仇場面刻畫的栩栩如生。定音鼓在晃動音型的襯底下充滿了懸念與緊張,空氣似乎凝結住了。當Wallace從背後抽出木棍的同時,音樂急劇加速,風笛越來越顯出不安與凄涼。這一段音樂充分展現出了情節的張力。在Murron's Burial中,風笛又一次重現了愛情主題,而這次它卻是如此的悲涼,讓人不禁要落下眼淚……

接下來,Making Plans第一次展現出英雄的風采。風笛,一下變成了號角,召集人們起來反抗。蘇格蘭的人民覺醒了,在Sons of Scotland中,銅管占據了主角,表現出了人民的英勇氣概。隨著定音鼓堅定有力的鼓點,起義軍在風笛的領導下,同敵人展開了英勇的戰斗。這一段戰爭音樂是全篇中最有特色的一段:描寫蘇格蘭人的只有一支風笛,看來似乎勢單力薄,但是它卻頑強的抗爭著;樂曲間,弦樂隊時不時闖入進來一條極不和諧的旋律,表現出英軍肆虐的反撲。隨著節奏的不斷加快,幾條主線交織在一起,難解難分。這一段音樂,重現了六百多年前發生在蘇格蘭中部城鎮Stirling的著名的戰役,可謂精彩至極。

英王為了爭取集結部隊的時間,假派王妃去和義軍和談。豈料王妃卻被Wallace的勇敢、正氣和魅力所吸引,深愛上了這個「叛賊」的頭目。在For the love of a Princess中,作曲家表現了她矛盾的內心和深沉的愛。在義軍獲得了Falkirk的勝利之後,眼看形勢極為有利,Wallace卻受到了貴族的出賣。在Betrayal and Desolation中,大提琴表現出Wallace的悲憤。隨之呼應的獨奏圓號奏出無奈的嘆息;弦樂零星幾點,展現出一派悲涼的景象。最後,風笛又緩緩的登場,伴隨著如同天籟傳來的人聲給失敗的義軍於無盡的撫慰。

Mornar's Dream是一首短小的曲子,節奏局促。在這里,作曲家第一次使用了嘹亮的小號,使曲子帶有無限動力。曲中透出Wallace不畏失敗,越挫越奮的堅強毅力。而他已經成為人民心目中的英雄。在The Legends Spreads中,風笛居然以更快的速度,更激進高昂的旋律,旋風般的把英雄的事跡繼續傳遍蘇格蘭大地。 在Wallace再次受到出賣之後,終於被英王捉住。王妃向冷酷的英王祈求繞過他的性命。這一段音樂表現出她對Wallace的愛、對英王的仇恨、對自己的無助……其中笛子顫抖幽怨的旋律似乎是王妃的哭泣。





01. Main Title
02. A Gift Of A Thistle
03. Wallace Courts Murron
04. The Secret Wedding
05. Attack On Murron
06. Revenge
07. Murron's Burial
08. Making Plans (Gathering The Clans)
09. Sons Of Scotland
10. The Battle Of Stirling
11. For The Love Of A Princess
12. Falkirk
13. Betrayal and Desolation
14. Mornay's Dream
15. The Legend Spreads
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life
17. 'Freedom' - The Execution - Bannockburn
18. End Credits


01. Prologue- -I shall tell you of William Wallace- (Narration- Robert theBruce)
02. Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes
03. The Royal Wedding (Nattation- Robert the Bruce)
04. The trouble with Scotland- (King Edward the Longshanks)
05. Scottish Wedding Music
06. Prima Noctes
07. The Proposal (William Wallace and Murron)
08. Scotland is free! (William Wallace)
09. Point of War-Johnny Cope-Up in the Morning Early
10. Coversing with the Almighty (Stephen, William Wallace, Hamish, Campbell)
11. The Road to the Isles-Glendaural Highlanders-The Old Rustic Bridge bythe Mill
12. Sons of Scotland!- (William Wallace)
13. Vision of Murron
14. Unite the clans! (William Wallace)
15. The Legen Spreads (Scottish Storytellers)
16. -Why do you help me-- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
17. For the Love of a Princess
18. Not every man really lives- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
19. The prisoner wishes to say a word- (The Executioner and William Wallace)
20. After the beheading- (Robert the Bruce)
21. You have bled with Wallace!- (Robert the Bruce)
22. Warrior Poets (William Wallace)
23. Scotland the Brave
24. Leaving Glenhurqhart
25. Kirkhill

Ⅶ 求英文電影《勇敢的心》僅英文字幕,不要中文字幕高清視頻雲盤下載地址



Ⅷ 電影《勇敢的心》華萊士說自由的視頻


華萊士:i give homage to scotland.我效忠於蘇格蘭
and if this is your army, why does it go?

士兵1:we didn't come here to fight for them!

士兵2:home!the english are too many!回家吧!英國人太多了

華萊士:sons of scotland 英格蘭的子民們
i am william wallace.我是威廉姆華萊士

士兵3:william wallace is 7 feet tall.

華萊士:yes.i've heard.
he kills men by the hundreds.
and if he were here,he'd consume the english with fireballs
from his eyes,and bolts of lightning from his arse.
i am william wallace.我是威廉姆華萊士
and i see a whole army of my country men here in deliance of
you're come to fight as free men
and free men you are 你們是自由的人
what will you do with that freedom?
will you fight ?你們還會戰斗嗎?


戰士:against that? no! we will run,and we will live.

fight, and you may die 戰斗,你們可能會死
run,and you'll live at least a while.逃跑,至少還能多活一會兒
and dying in your beds many years from now.
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to
that , for one chance...just one chance...
to come back here and tell our enemies
that they be take our lives
but they'll never take our freedom!
albagu bra!


Ⅸ 勇敢的心,電影,超清,雲盤資源,謝謝!


Ⅹ 電影《勇敢的心》背景音樂

根據verycd資料 是 James Horner

專輯名稱:勇敢的心電影原聲大碟(2張) Soundtrack-Music From Braveheart


說起《Brave Heart》的原聲音樂,就不得不說說曲作者James Horner這位大名鼎鼎的好萊塢電影配樂家。國人熟悉Horner可能是從《Titanic》開始,那一首《My heart will go on》和一支悠揚的蘇格蘭風笛不知迷倒過多少人。其實在這之前,Horner就為多部優秀電影寫了出色的配樂,其中有《Apollo 13》、《Glory》、《Legends of the Fall》、《The Mask of Zorro》。值得一提的是,當年《Brave Heart》和《Apollo 13》同時獲得奧斯卡最佳配樂的提名,雖然顯示了Horner非凡的實力,但是造成了評委會選票的分流,留下了遺憾。


01. Main Title
02. A Gift Of A Thistle
03. Wallace Courts Murron
04. The Secret Wedding
05. Attack On Murron
06. Revenge
07. Murron's Burial
08. Making Plans (Gathering The Clans)
09. Sons Of Scotland
10. The Battle Of Stirling
11. For The Love Of A Princess
12. Falkirk
13. Betrayal and Desolation
14. Mornay's Dream
15. The Legend Spreads
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life
17. 'Freedom' - The Execution - Bannockburn
18. End Credits


01. Prologue- -I shall tell you of William Wallace- (Narration- Robert theBruce)
02. Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes
03. The Royal Wedding (Nattation- Robert the Bruce)
04. The trouble with Scotland- (King Edward the Longshanks)
05. Scottish Wedding Music
06. Prima Noctes
07. The Proposal (William Wallace and Murron)
08. Scotland is free! (William Wallace)
09. Point of War-Johnny Cope-Up in the Morning Early
10. Coversing with the Almighty (Stephen, William Wallace, Hamish, Campbell)
11. The Road to the Isles-Glendaural Highlanders-The Old Rustic Bridge bythe Mill
12. Sons of Scotland!- (William Wallace)
13. Vision of Murron
14. Unite the clans! (William Wallace)
15. The Legen Spreads (Scottish Storytellers)
16. -Why do you help me-- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
17. For the Love of a Princess
18. Not every man really lives- (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)
19. The prisoner wishes to say a word- (The Executioner and William Wallace)
20. After the beheading- (Robert the Bruce)
21. You have bled with Wallace!- (Robert the Bruce)
22. Warrior Poets (William Wallace)
23. Scotland the Brave
24. Leaving Glenhurqhart
25. Kirkhill



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