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『壹』 有《魯濱遜漂流記》電影嗎


《魯濱遜漂流記》(Robinson Crusoe)
英文名稱:Robinson Crusoe
電影導演:喬治·米勒 George Miller
羅德·哈迪 Rod Hardy
電影演員:皮爾斯·布魯斯南 Pierce Brosnan
呂塞特·安東尼 Lysette Anthony
伊恩·哈特 Ian Hart
Sean Brosnan
Jim Clark
詹姆斯·弗萊恩 James Frain
Martin Grace
戴米恩·劉易斯 Damian Lewis


導 演:
喬治·米勒 George Miller 羅德·哈迪 Rod Hardy
主 演:
皮爾斯·布魯斯南 Pierce Brosnan 呂塞特·安東尼 Lysette Anthony 伊恩·哈特 Ian Hart Sean Brosnan Jim Clark 詹姆斯·弗萊恩 James Frain Martin Grace 戴米恩·劉易斯 Damian Lewis
上 映: 1997年06月12日 ( 新加坡 )更多地區
地 區: 美國 ( 拍攝地 )
對 白: 英語
評 分: 5.7/10( 540票 )
顏 色: 彩色
聲 音: Dolby
時 長: 105 分鍾
類 型: 劇情 冒險
分 級: 德國:12 美國:PG-13 英國:12 挪威:15




Pierce Brosnan .... Robinson Crusoe
William Takaku .... Man Friday
Polly Walker .... Mary McGregor
Ian Hart .... Daniel Defoe
James Frain .... Robert/Defoe's Publisher
Damian Lewis .... Patrick
Ben Robertson .... James/Patrick's Brother
Tim McMulian .... Crusoe's Second
Martin Grace .... Captain Braga
Sean Brosnan .... Cabin Boy

『貳』 魯賓遜漂流記中英文翻譯。

2《魯濱遜漂流記》是「歐洲小說之父」丹尼爾·笛福晚年時代創作的一部小說。他塑造的魯濱遜是一個新興資產階級的代表人物,一個理想化的英雄。他不僅賦予魯濱遜種種人類優良的品質,像勇敢、堅強、智慧和熱愛勞動,並使他具有一個「理想的」資產者的所應有的實干精神,宗教信仰和嚴謹等。作者用生協逼真的細節把虛構的情景寫得使人如同身臨其境,使故事具有強列的真實感。 拜讀這部小說後,我不僅對作者獨特的寫作手法和豐富的想像力大為贊嘆,更對魯濱遜這一人物在坎坷經歷中表現出的剛毅、堅強不屈的品格欽佩至極。 我深刻體會到,魯濱遜有如此豐富多彩的經歷,與他的實干精神和堅強性格是分不開的。而我正是缺乏這種精神和品格。 我早已習慣了父母為我創造的優越條件。像溫室里的花朵,不經歷風雨,沒愛過生活的磨勵,根本無法體會到幸福生活來之不易。成天安於現狀,不思進取,只會空談理想,缺乏認真扎實的奮斗精神。 在學習中,我常遇到一些困難,但這點困難與魯濱遜獨自生活在荒島上遇到的艱難險阻相比,是微足不道的。他能用雙手創造奇跡,我為什麼不能鼓起勇敢戰勝困難呢? 讀過樣一個富有冒險精神的英雄的傳奇生涯後,我深深的被一個英雄頑強奮斗的精神和不屈的靈魂震撼著。那麼從現在起,我應該堅強、勇敢,以積極向上的心態向對美好生活。
他是一個堅強的勇敢的漂流者。沒錯,他-魯濱遜是英國小說家丹尼爾.笛福筆下的一名主人公,出於笛福1719年所創作的虛構長篇小說《魯濱遜漂流記》。 《魯濱遜漂流記》採用當時風靡一時的紀時性航海回憶錄的文學體裁;主人公則以當時一名因過失被流放荒島的水手的原形。他是個永不疲倦.永不安生的行動者,是當是不斷擴張.不斷攫取的資本主義原始積累時期的社會的典型產物,他不屑守成,傾心開拓,三番五次地離開小康之家,出海闖天下;他理智明達,勤於勞動並擅於勞動。他遭遇海難流落到荒島上以後,不坐嘆命運不濟,而是充分利用自己的頭腦和雙手,修建住所,種植糧食.馴養家畜.製造器具.縫紉衣服,把荒島改造成了井然有序的欣欣向榮的家園。他流浪多年,歷經千辛萬苦,終於獲取了一筆可觀的財富,並且收服一位忠心的僕人「星期五」,完成了他那個時代的典型英雄人物的創業歷程。 當我讀完了這篇小說後,使我明白了一個道理:「從根本上說,人里不開社會,也離不開健康的自我。」是荒島經驗使魯濱遜那些被描述「原罪」和人類本性的慾望明白無誤地顯示出其社會性的本質。魯濱遜的生存環境改變了:一自然為伴,與山水林木相守,孤獨的生活形成某種宗教隱修的環境,迫使他和自我.和自然及神對話。為他走出荒島融入社會有另好的基礎。 讀《魯濱遜漂流記》有感
他是一個堅強的勇敢的漂流者。沒錯,他-魯濱遜是英國小說家丹尼爾.笛福筆下的一名主人公,出於笛福1719年所創作的虛構長篇小說《魯濱遜漂流記》。 《魯濱遜漂流記》採用當時風靡一時的紀時性航海回憶錄的文學體裁;主人公則以當時一名因過失被流放荒島的水手的原形。他是個永不疲倦.永不安生的行動者,是當是不斷擴張.不斷攫取的資本主義原始積累時期的社會的典型產物,他不屑守成,傾心開拓,三番五次地離開小康之家,出海闖天下;他理智明達,勤於勞動並擅於勞動。他遭遇海難流落到荒島上以後,不坐嘆命運不濟,而是充分利用自己的頭腦和雙手,修建住所,種植糧食.馴養家畜.製造器具.縫紉衣服,把荒島改造成了井然有序的欣欣向榮的家園。他流浪多年,歷經千辛萬苦,終於獲取了一筆可觀的財富,並且收服一位忠心的僕人「星期五」,完成了他那個時代的典型英雄人物的創業歷程。 當我讀完了這篇小說後,使我明白了一個道理:「從根本上說,人里不開社會,也離不開健康的自我。」是荒島經驗使魯濱遜那些被描述「原罪」和人類本性的慾望明白無誤地顯示出其社會性的本質。魯濱遜的生存環境改變了:一自然為伴,與山水林木相守,孤獨的生活形成某種宗教隱修的環境,迫使他和自我.和自然及神對話。為他走出荒島融入社會有另好的基礎。
題目就叫永不放棄。開頭最好加題記,題記最好包括永不放棄四個字。如(放棄是一個念頭,而永不放棄是一種信念、一種精神。現實生活中我們往往會自覺不自覺地選擇前者,因此,我們極易成為普通的沒有一點稜角的人,而有些人卻堅定得近乎倔強地選擇了後者,這種人雖是少數,但他們卻往往能贏得大多數人的掌聲。) Read Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe", reminds me of a word: knowledge is power. Robinson, in an uninhabited island to survive alone 28 year, relied on his intelligence and labor: if he did not work, then he is only likely to be eaten cannibal; if he did not have the knowledge, Well, he died only in the uninhabited island possible.
Robinson, with their own hands in the tent in the wilderness, g a cave, hit the wall, built for themselves a safe and solid "castle", from the cannibal's against. With the living, but also have to eat. Transported from the ship down the food despite the fact that many, but it is limited, if not self-reliance, it will empty. Robinson then began their own kinds of crops, livestock captive. The vicissitudes of the weather on a desert island, Robinson's first year on the island fell ill, very ill, all day long all fell away. This is his use of Brazilians have no matter what disease do not take medicine and eat leaves this instance successfully saved their life.
After reading the "Robinson Crusoe", let me feel human wisdom is infinite. With intelligence and labor, in a desert island to live on 28 year is nothing difficult.
"Robinson Crusoe," an amazing human intelligence and hard work of the great books, beautiful and amazing life.
2 "Robinson Crusoe" is the "Father of the European novel," Daniel Defoe later years created a novel era. Robinson, shaped him as a representative of the emerging bourgeoisie, an idealized hero. Robinson not only given him all kinds of good quality human beings, such as brave, strong, wisdom and love of labor, and he has an "ideal" asset who should have the enterprising spirit of strict religious beliefs and so on. The authors used the details of Health and Society realistic fictional scenarios written to people like Down on the ground, so the story has a strong realism. Read the novel, I not only on the author's unique writing approach and rich imagination much praise, but also for Robinson in the bumpy experience of the characters to show strength, strong and unyielding extremely goods. I should have realized that Robinson has such rich and varied experience, with his enterprising spirit and a strong personality are inseparable. And I is the lack of this spirit and character. I have become accustomed to their parents for me to create favorable conditions. Like hothouse flowers, do not experience wind and rain, no grinding Patrick loved life, can hardly realize the happy life did not come easily. All day thinking that nothing can do nothing but talk the ideal, the lack of a serious down-to-earth spirit. During the study, I often encountered some difficulties, but this is difficult with Robinson on a desert island to live alone in the difficulties and obstacles encountered as compared to micro-foot dragging Road. He can use both hands to perform miracles, why I can not muster courage to overcome difficulties? Read like an adventurous spirit of the legendary hero of his career, I was a hero deep indomitable fighting spirit and indomitable soul of a shock. So from now on, I should be strong, courageous, positive and progressive attitude to a better life.
Reading of "Robinson Crusoe" felt
He is a strong and courageous person drifting. Yes, him - Daniel Robinson is a British novelist. Defoe to write about a hero, for Defoe in 1719 created the fictional novel "Robinson Crusoe." "Robinson Crusoe" to adopt all the rage at the time when the discipline of maritime memoir literature; heroine was then exiled to a desert island because of the fault was the prototype of the sailors. He is never tired. Never Chan actors is when it is constantly expanding. Constantly grabbing capitalist primitive accumulation period of a typical proct of society, his disdain built, heart development, again and again to leave the well-off homes, out into the world ; him informed rational, diligent and skilled labor workforce. Distress to him living on a desert island after a sigh do not take the fate of poor, but make full use of their own minds and hands, to build shelter, grow food. Domesticated livestock. Manufacturing apparatus. Sewing clothes, the island became the orderly transformation of the thriving home. Him many years in exile, after a lot of hard work, and finally obtained a substantial amount of wealth, and win the support of a loyal servant "Friday", completed his time classic hero journey of entrepreneurship. When I read this novel after so I see a reason: "Fundamentally speaking, the person is no open society, it can not be separated from healthy self-." Desert island experience is Robinson who has been described "original sin "and the desire of human nature clearly shows that the nature of its society. Robinson changed the living environment: one with nature as,trees and landscape, lonely life of the formation of a religious Monasticism environment, forcing him and self. And Dialogue of Nature and God. As he walked out of the island into the community there is another good foundation. Reading of "Robinson Crusoe" felt
He is a strong and courageous person drifting. Yes, him - Daniel Robinson is a British novelist. Defoe to write about a hero, for Defoe in 1719 created the fictional novel "Robinson Crusoe." "Robinson Crusoe" to adopt all the rage at the time when the discipline of maritime memoir literature; heroine was then exiled to a desert island because of the fault was the prototype of the sailors. He is never tired. Never Chan actors is when it is constantly expanding. Constantly grabbing capitalist primitive accumulation period of a typical proct of society, his disdain built, heart development, again and again to leave the well-off homes, out into the world ; him informed rational, diligent and skilled labor workforce. Distress to him living on a desert island after a sigh do not take the fate of poor, but make full use of their own minds and hands, to build shelter, grow food. Domesticated livestock. Manufacturing apparatus. Sewing clothes, the island became the orderly transformation of the thriving home. Him many years in exile, after a lot of hard work, and finally obtained a substantial amount of wealth, and win the support of a loyal servant "Friday", completed his time classic hero journey of entrepreneurship. When I read this novel after so I see a reason: "Fundamentally speaking, the person is no open society, it can not be separated from healthy self-." Desert island experience is Robinson who has been described "original sin "and the desire of human nature clearly shows that the nature of its society. Robinson changed the living environment: one with nature as,trees and landscape, lonely life of the formation of a religious Monasticism environment, forcing him and self. And Dialogue of Nature and God. As he walked out of the island into the community there is another good foundation.
In the long road of life, with a lot of difficulties and obstacles, there are many hardships and frustrations will block their own pace, so that they can not move forward, never give up if anything will be to conquer your own.
Topic is called never give up. Increase at the beginning of the best title in mind that the best title in mind, including words never give up. Such as (to give up is an idea, and never give up is a belief, a kind of spirit. In real life we tend to consciously or unconsciously, choose the former, so we can easily become the ordinary people who have no edges and corners, and some people firm has almost stubborn to choose the latter, although this is one of the few, but they are often able to win most of applause.)

『叄』 《魯濱遜漂流記》的英文簡介


Due to the shipwreck, Robinson drifted to a desert island. He survived with his hard-working hands and perseverance.

Later, Robinson encountered a terrible cannibal on the desert island. Robinson rescued a savage from the cannibal and named it "Friday".

It was not until 28 years later that Robinson returned to his native England on a merchant ship.




《魯濱遜漂流記》是英國作家丹尼爾·笛福的一部長篇小說。該書首次出版於1719年4月25日。該作主要講述了主人公魯濱遜·克魯索(Robinson Crusoe)出生於一個中產階級家庭,一生志在遨遊四海。


『肆』 魯濱遜漂流記英文版簡介

Robinson Crusoe is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. The book was first published on April 25, 1719.

Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist, was born in a middle-class family and spent his life traveling around the world.

On a voyage to Africa, I was caught in a storm and drifted to a deserted island, where I began to live in isolation.

With tenacious will and unremitting efforts, he survived tenaciously on the desert island and returned to his hometown after 28 years, 2 months and 19 days.

This novel was written by Defoe inspired by a real story at that time. In September 1704, a Scottish sailor named Alexander Selkirk quarreled with the captain.

Abandoned by the captain in the Atlantic Ocean and living on a desert island for four years and four months, he was rescued by Captain Woods Rogers.

Defoe is based on the legend of Selkirk.I pour my many years'experience and experience on the sea into the characters.

and make full use of my rich imagination to carry out literary processing.Robinson became not only the hero of the middle and small bourgeoisie at that time.

but also the first idealized new bourgeoisie in Western literature.After many years of publication.

the novel has been translated into many languages and widely spread all over the world. It has been adapted into movies and TV dramas for many times.


《魯濱遜漂流記》是英國作家丹尼爾·笛福的一部長篇小說。該書首次出版於1719年4月25日。該作主要講述了主人公魯濱遜·克魯索(Robinson Crusoe)出生於一個中產階級家庭。









Defoe lived in an era when British capitalism began to develop on a large scale. In 1702, he was arrested for publishing Shortcuts to Eliminate Different Sects.

which satirized the government's religious policy.He was sentenced to shackles three times. After his release from prison.

he edited newspapers and magazines, wrote many political and economic pamphlets, and was arrested three times for speech relations.

In 1719, Defoe published his first novel Robinson Crusoe. The novel is based on the real experience of Alexander Selkirk on a desert island.

According to the British magazine at that time, in April 1704, Selkirk rebelled at sea and was abandoned by the captain on an island called Massachel in Juan-Fernandez.

Islands, more than 900 kilometers off the coast of Chile.Four years and four months later, he was found and rescued by the navigators. At that time.

Selkirk had forgotten human language and completely turned into a savage. Inspired by this incident, Defoe conceived Robinson's story.

But in the process of the novel's creation, Defoe created Robinson's image from his own perception and feeling of the times.

with the spirit of adventure and enterprising in the rising period of the bourgeoisie and the spirit of colonialism in the 18th century.








『伍』 求電影魯濱遜漂流記的百度雲




『陸』 魯濱遜漂流記簡介(英文)


Robinson, the protagonist, was born in a relatively wealthy family, but he resolutely abandoned his comfortable family life and was willing to live with the waves to realize his dream of sailing.


He sailed to London, Africa and Brazil. He was hijacked and slaved by pirates on the way, but he finally got out of danger.


During a voyage to Africa, he was unfortunately struck by a storm and the ship was overthrown. Robinson survived and drifted to an uninhabited island. From then on, he began to live on an island for 28 years.


In the desolate and lonely desert island, Robinson, with his pioneering spirit of daring to take risks and dare to create, struggled alone with difficulties and finally regained his freedom.


In the desolate island of serious material shortage, Robinson built a house with his own hands, and made clothes, utensils and other necessities of life.


He raised wild animals in captivity and planted many crops.


Finally, he built a beautiful and rich island, which was once desolate. Instead of being overwhelmed by difficulties, he lived a happy life.












『柒』 英文電影《魯濱遜漂流記》經典台詞20句


1、 我救你為的是如果有一天,我也可能命運不濟,落到和你一樣的境地,那時我也希望得到人搭救。
2、 當人們把比他們不幸的人與自己相比時,老天可能會使他們成為那些不幸的人中的一個,讓他們自己去體會以前的幸福;如果老天這么做了,那這做法是正當的,也值得所有人的考慮。
3、 一個人糟蹋了好運,常會遭到報應,招來大難。
4、 在考慮到所有壞事的時候,應當想到壞事中還有好事。當然還應當想到,壞事中還可能會有更壞的情況出現。
5、 世界上縱使一種處境使多麼艱難困苦,多麼令人難受,總還是有一些正面的情況值得慶幸的。
6、 我們對於所需要的東西感到不滿足,都是由於我們對於已經得到的東西缺乏感激之心。
7、 現在我才明白,只要上帝有意捉弄,他是多麼容易把人類最不幸的環境變得更加不幸。
8、 我們平常人,不親眼見到惡劣的環境,就無法理解原來環境的優越;不到山窮水盡的地步,就不懂得珍惜自己原來享受的東西。
9、 同現實出現於我們面前的危險相比,對危險的恐懼更讓人驚恐萬分;我們也看出,我們經常擔憂遭到不幸,而這種擔驚給我們所帶的壓力遠大於那不幸本身。
10、 無論一個人處境怎麼樣,若一直把自己同情況好的人相比,那麼他就更加不滿,滿口怨言,若同出境不如自己的人相比,那麼心裡就會感恩戴德。
11、 一個人的安全很可能就是另一個人的毀滅。
12、 平常人往往有一個通病,就是對上帝和自然界為他們安排好的生活環境,常常不滿意。
13、 我看到一種必要性,那就是對我們各種強烈的感情要保持警惕,無論歡樂和快慰,還是憂傷和憤怒,都必須如此。
14、 人們的小心謹慎是受天意支配的。只要我們注意傾聽上天的教誨,我們就可以防止許多災禍。可是,就是由於我們自己的粗心大意,我們在生活中要遭遇多少的災難。
15、 有時候,想要教育別人正是教育自己的最佳方法。
16、 只有自己付出慘痛的代價,人類才可能自省而變得聰明。
17、 聰明的人可不要自信過了頭,非得認為自己的判斷力天下無敵,認為自己能替自個兒選定不平常的生活之路。人,是一種短視的動物,看不到離眼前稍遠的地方的事情,所以他不同於一般的感情,通常弄巧成拙。
18、 生命中的真正偉大,就是做自己的主人。
19、 當一個人的願望能被自己理性所控制時,那麼,他肯定會比一個攻佔一座城市的人更偉大。
20、 我經歷了七十二年變化莫測的生活,已充分領會隱退生活的價值,也完全明白在安寧度過餘生是一種幸福,所以我在這兒決定,要作一個比所有這些旅程更長的旅行准備了。


『捌』 求魯濱遜漂流記電影。




『玖』 誰有電影【魯濱遜漂流記】,1997年版的,網上找的都是收費的,求百度雲分享,要英文版的,有中英雙字幕的

書 名
又 名
作 者
The life and strange surprising adventures
譯 者
類 別
頁 數
定 價
裝 幀
開 本
字 數
Robinson Crusoe



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百墓大電影 瀏覽:318
有一部日本電影男主角熊也 瀏覽:381
一個可以看外國好電影的網站 瀏覽:256
電影蔣築英的導演是誰 瀏覽:967
類似成龍城市獵人的電影 瀏覽:697
買領帶的電影名字 瀏覽:924
一部法國電影女主是記者 瀏覽:677
經典血腥恐怖電影大全 瀏覽:595
大畫特務電影天堂 瀏覽:481
七個字法國電影名字叫什麼 瀏覽:46