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❶ 求寫一個英語小話劇,內容充實,短小精悍,可以是某個經典的電影片段

Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on)
我:我馬上就要時正式職員了,可不能象現在這樣破爛。 Me: I formally staff soon, and can not be broken as they are now.
(走到一個老闆旁邊) (A boss walked beside)
我:有沒有作的不合適被顧客退回來的服裝? I: There was no inappropriate for the customer to return to the clothes? (老闆用極其輕蔑的眼神看他) (Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him)
(走到一個店員旁) (Go near a shop assistant)
店員:等一會兒,馬上就來。 Clerk: Wait a minute, come at once.
(店員挑了一件很小的衣服) (Pick up a small shop clothes)
我:請你們照顧一下,我過幾天在再付款。 I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in the re-payment. 我身上沒有帶零錢。 I had no belt change.
店員:噢,你沒有帶零錢? Clerk: Oh, you do not bring change? 對了,當然,你這樣子像帶了的? Yes, of course, brought you this way like it? 我想像得到,像你這樣的紳士身上只會帶大票子。 I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets.
我:朋友,你對外地人不能總是只認衣衫不認人。 I am: a friend, you can not always recognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people. 我完全付的起這套衣服的錢,我只是不想讓你因為找不開一長大票子而為難。 I fully paid the money from this suit, I just do not want you as a grown up can not find tickets for the difficult to open.
店員:我沒有傷害人的意思,不過,對於你剛才的指責,我要告訴你,你從下結論說我找不開你身上恰好帶的鈔票,那你就不必為我們操心了。 Clerk: I do not hurt people's means, but, for you have just accused, I must tell you, have you concluded that I can not break your body just take the money, you will not have to worry about us. 事情恰恰相反,我們找的開。 Things the contrary, we find the open.
我:噢,太好了,我向你們道歉。 I: Oh, good, I apologize to you.
(老闆過來) (Boss come)
老闆:站著干什麼? Boss: stand for?
店員:這位先生等這找錢呢? Clerk: The President and so does this give change?
老闆:那就快找給他呀,你不知道他站在這兒,哪個客戶還敢上門來買衣服呀? Boss: Then looking to fast for him, you do not know what he stood here, which customers would be willing to visit to buy clothes you?
店員:你自己看吧! Clerk: Look at it yourself!
(動作) (Action)
老闆:是呀是呀,我是說,哪個人會傻到跟一個紳士站在一起自慚形愧呢? Boss: Yeah, Yeah, I mean, what stupid people will stand together with a gentleman ashamed Zican shape it? 不過,我不在乎了,這份光榮讓我忘卻了自己跟您站在一起是多麼的拙陋了,(指著店員)即使你沒有招待這樣特大客戶的經驗,也不能眼花到拿錯了這樣一件衣服呀! However, I do not care, and the glory of me to forget his stand with you how humble humble, and (pointing to staff) even if you do not entertain such a large customer's experience, a wrong can not be blurred to such an clothes ah!
我:不,我覺得這很好了。 Me: No, I think this good.
老闆:看,再有風度的紳士面對這樣不可容忍的錯誤也是會感到氣惱的,您消氣,我帶你去看,來,快脫下身上這身破爛吧,將他扔進垃圾堆,或者一把火把他燒掉,不,還是留著它,讓我供著,一個懷揣百萬的富豪曾經穿過它,噢,太榮幸了,讓我量量,噢,看看,多好的身材,穿什麼衣服都合身,來看看,蝙蝠俠披風,不好? Boss: Look, again bearing the face of such a gentleman would feel intolerable error is angry, and you cool down, I'll show you, come fast upon this body broken off it, will he thrown into the trash, or a torch he burned, no, or keep it with me for a million rich carries through it once, oh, so proud, let me take, Oh, look, more than a good figure, what to wear are fit, look, Batman cape, right? 唐僧穿的袈裟? Tang Seng wear cassock? 還是…那,恐龍皮製的襯衫? Or ... Well, the dinosaur leather shirt? 還是要馬拉多納穿過的球衣? Maradona still have to pass through the jersey? 都不好? Not good? 那,那…來看看我們的新品種吧——(拿出一套乞丐裝) That, that ... to see our new varieties of it - (out of a Beggar)
(我嚇滾了) (I am scared rolled)
老闆:噢,原來是這樣,雖然您喜歡開玩笑,就像剛才穿著那樣來光顧我的小店,看來您要的衣服還是正經場合穿的,看這件伊麗莎白親手作的衣服,傳說世界上曾經只有一個人穿過,我小店把它當傳家之寶,看來只有您才能配穿這種檔次的衣服,放在我們這兒,也的確糟踏了它了,試試,看,多合身,多象是為您定做的一樣,太完美了,想您這樣的紳士一定要參加很多的舞會,自然是要穿的體面的,如果這樣。 Boss: Oh, that is the case, although you like to joke, just like the dress I like to patronize the shop, it seems that you want to wear clothes or decent, and look at this hand-made clothes, Elizabeth, who legend in the world only one pass through, and I store it as family heirloom, it seems that only you can wear this grade with the clothes on here we do indeed spoil the it, and try to see, more fitting, more like a custom-made for you, like, too perfect, like a gentleman like you have to participate in a lot of dance, of course wear a decent, if so. 我們小店也就跟著榮耀了。 We also follow the honor of the shop.
我:可我沒有零錢呀! Me: I did not change ah!
老闆:噢,看您說的,依你的財富,像我們這樣的小店,開100都綽綽有餘呀! Boss: Oh, look at you say, depending on your wealth, small shops like ours, are more than enough to open 100 ah! 何必把您的珍貴的大腦放在這樣的小事上,那完全是我們的罪過了。 Why put your brain on this precious little things, it is in our sin. 沒有帶錢的話那沒有關系,就算忘了,也是不要緊的,能看見您這樣的紳士,我活了一生也就沒有遺憾了。 No money, then it does not matter, even if forgotten, is does not matter, could see a gentleman like you, I live the life there would be no regrets.
老闆:來,我扶您出去,來,慢走,走好。 Boss: come, I help you to go to, walking, for living well.

❷ 經典英語話劇


❸ 可以改變成小話劇的經典英語電影片段 適合在班裡演

羅密歐與朱麗葉 還是不錯的 如果要搞笑的話 就乖乖女是大明星 人這么多的話 就灰姑娘吧

❹ 英語話劇劇本



威尼斯商人是由英國戲劇家莎士比亞創作的戲劇,是具有諷刺意味的喜劇。 大約在1596年至1597年間製作的。

該劇的情節通過三個線索得以展現:一個是Portia選擇親戚的方式;另一個是Portia選擇親戚的方式。 一個是傑西卡和羅蘭多的愛與私奔。


「鳥」是阿里斯托芬斯(公元前414年)的傑作之一,它是唯一一部以神話和幻想為主題的喜劇。 在劇中,兩個雅典人和一群鳥兒在天地之間建立了「雲端國家」。 國家是理想的社會,貧富不分,沒有剝削,勞動是生存的唯一條件。

❺ 電影《音樂之聲》的英文劇本

(Maria makes the children's play clothes out of the drapes and takes the children out to enjoy the out-door activities.)
Louisa: Fraulein Maria, can we do this every day?
M: Don't you think you'd soon get tired of it, Louisa?
Louisa: I suppose so. Every other day?
Kurt: I haven't had so much fun since the day we put glue on Fraulein Josephine's toothbrush.
M: I can't understand how children as nice as you manage to play such awful tricks on people.
Bargitta: Oh, it's easy.
M: But why do it?
Liesl: How else could we get father's attention?
Bargitta: Yes.
M: Oh, I see. Well, we'll have to think about that one. All right everybody, over here.
Liesl: What are we going to do?
M: Let's think of something to sing for the Baroness when she comes.
Kurt: Father doesn't like us to sing.
M: Well, perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know?
Frederick: We don't know any songs.
M: Not any?
Marta: We don't even know how to sing.
Bargitta: No.
M: Well, let's not lose any time. You must learn.
Liesl: But how?
M: (singing) Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.
When you read you begin with?
Gretl: ABC.
M: When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi.
Children: Do Re Mi.
M: Do Re Mi, the first three notes just happen to be: Do Re Mi.
Children: Do Re Mi.
M: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. Let's see if I can make it easier.
Doe, a deer, a female deer.
Ray, a drop of golden sun.
Me, a name I call myself.
Far, a long, long way to run.
Sew, a needle pulling thread.
La, a note to follow Sew.
Tea, a drink with jam and bread.
That will bring us back to Doe, oh, oh, oh.
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do! So, Do!
M: Now children, Do Re Mi Fa So, and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re. You do that?
Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re.
M: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.
Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do.
M: Now, put it all together.
Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do.
M: Good!
Frederick: But it doesn't mean anything.
M: So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this: (singing) When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything. Together!
Children (singing): When you know the notes to sing, you can sing almost anything.
Doe, a deer, a female deer,
Ray, a drop of golden sun,
Me a name I call myself,
Far, a long, long way to run,
Sew, a needle pulling thread,
La, A note to follow Sew......

"哆" 是一隻小母鹿,
"來" 是一束金色的陽光,
"發" 是道路遠又長,
"唏" 是飲料與茶點,
就象這樣:嗖, 哆, 啦, 發, 咪, 哆, 來。你們會嗎?
孩子們:嗖, 哆, 啦, 發, 咪, 哆, 來。
瑪:嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 來,哆。
孩子們:嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 來,哆。
孩子們:嗖, 哆, 啦, 發, 咪, 哆, 來;嗖, 哆, 啦, 唏, 哆, 來,哆。
"啦" 是音符跟著"嗖",

❻ 急求《綠野仙蹤》英語話劇劇本




❼ 有哪些英文電影適合用來演話劇的




❽ 關於電影與音樂的英語話劇

英語短劇:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) http://www.coffbar.com/Article/eng/Index.html

❾ 英語的話劇



泰坦尼克 The Titanic [10分鍾]

Scene 1
ROSE: (Rose enters she is 150 years old. She puts in her teeth and starts to talk.) Have you ever heard of the Titanic? Today I would like to tell you my love story as it happened on the Titanic. (She exits. Music is played)
ROSE: (Young Rose) Why, this is a fancy boat, isn't it?
FIANCE: Yes it certainly is.
JACK: Hello, I'm Leonardo DiCaprio. Have you heard of me? I am very famous. (Talking to the audience) Would you like my autograph?
ROSE: (Whispering) Excuse me… but your role is Jack. We are acting in the movie 「Titanic」
JACK: Oh Yeah… (He exits. Music starts to play)
FIANCE: My darling, I love you… and I am rich. Goodnight.
Scene 2
ROSE: (Crying) Oh, I do not love him. I want to die! (She stands at the end of the boat and waits for Jack) I said I want to die. (Shouting) DIE DIE DIE!!! I want to die!
JACK: Don't do it.
ROSE: Stay back! Don't come any closer!
JACK: Take my hand. I'll pull you back in.
ROSE: Go away.
JACK: I will jump in after you.
ROSE: But your beautiful blond hair will get wet.
JACK: Don』t worry. I am prepared. (He takes out a swimming cap from his pocket)
ROSE: Ok, Ok! You can save me… but hurry up!
JACK: Hey…you are very pretty….
ROSE: Rose, my name is Rose.
JACK: Well Rose you are pretty!
ROSE: Thank you. So are you.
JACK: I know. I am prettier than you. My name is Jack. Why were you going to jump?
ROSE: I am beautiful, and rich… and I am going to marry a rich and handsome man.
JACK: Wow … your life sounds terrible. I am poor, but I am very sexy. What do you think? (He makes a sexy smile. He talks to a woman in the audience) Don』t you think I am the sexiest man in the world?
ROSE: While you're doing that, I will stand here and look pretty.
FIANCE: Excuse me. What the hell is going on here?
ROSE: He saved my life.
FIANCE: I do not like you, Jack.
JACK: Why?
FIANCE: You are better looking than me. (To audience) but he is poor. I am rich. Here is an expensive necklace. (Gives her necklace) Come with me my dear.
Scene 3
JACK: (Music is playing in the background. Jack is dancing. Rose enters.) Want to dance?
ROSE: I don't know the steps.
JACK: Just move with me. Don't think. (She grins at Jack. He tries to kiss her)
ROSE: Wait... stop! I can』t do this. I have to go. (She leaves… Leonardo starts to talk to woman in the audience)
JACK: Hi what』s your name?
ROSE: (Enters stage holding the script) Leonardo… What are you doing? We are acting! You should not be talking to other women! Look! (She shows him the script) It says Rose exits and Jack calls after her. She exits and he cries. He Cries! Uggghhh! Let』s try it again. From here. (She points to the script)
JACK: Ok Ok… Calm down! (He grabs her and they start dancing again.) Just move with me. Don't think. (She grins at Jack. He tries to kiss her)
ROSE: Wait... stop! I can』t do this. I have to go. (She leaves… This time Jack starts to cry… really cry!)
JACK: (Crying) Ohhhh… Boo hoo… (He stops and winks at the woman in the audience)
ROSE: (Offstage) Leonardo….
JACK: Sorry (He starts crying again and runs off-stage) Oh Roooose!
Scene 4
FIANCE: I had hoped you would come to my room last night.
ROSE: I was tired.
FIANCE: Too much dancing… with Jack?
ROSE: (stiffening) Did you follow me?
FIANCE: (Shouting) You will never behave like that again! Do you understand? (He exits and Jack enters)
JACK: (She is crying. He is trying to calm her) Sssshh. Come here.
ROSE: Hello, Jack. I changed my mind. (Jack puts his hands on her waist. As if he is going to kiss her.)
JACK: Close your eyes. (She does, and he turns her. She is standing with her arms outstretched on each side…like wings.) Okay. Open them.
ROSE: I'm flying!
JACK: Doesn』t it feel wonderful? Wheeeeeeeeeee!
ROSE: Jack? (Jack is still shouting 「wheee」) Jack! JACK!!
JACK: Yeah?
ROSE: My arms are tired!
JACK: (Smelling her armpits) And they smell too. (They stop flying)
JACK: Can I paint you?
ROSE: Oh yes… (She starts to take off her clothes)
JACK: What are you doing?
ROSE: Taking off my clothes. Don』t you want to paint me naked?
JACK: No stop! Oh my god, I am going to be sick. I don』t think that they audience wants to see you naked.
ROSE: (Starts to cry…) Why? Do you think I am fat? I exercise everyday! I am not fat! I am not fat! (She runs off stage crying)
JACK: Women? They are all crazy! (He takes a small bottle of whiskey from his pocket, and takes a shot. Suddenly there is the sound of the ship hitting the iceberg. He falls to the floor.) That can't be good. Oh well… Bottoms up! (Drinks his whiskey… and passes out)
Scene 4
ROSE: (Runs on stage screaming franticly) I have been informed that this boat is sinking!
JACK: (Waking up) Huh?
ROSE: The boat… The Titanic is sinking! (She starts to cry)
JACK: That is terrible. (He falls asleep again. Snoring… Rose tries to wake him up.)
ROSE: Oh well… (She exits screaming franticly again)
Scene 5
FIANCE: (Enters) I am going to handcuff him to this pipe, this room will soon be filling with water… and we will all die… (Does an incredibly evil laugh)
JACK: Why don』t you just shoot me?
FIANCE: Because then you wouldn't be able to escape and save Kate from me…
JACK: Rose, Rose, help!
FIANCE: Enjoy your time together!! (Rose races onstage. She frees him. They all run around stage with squirt guns…occasionally stopping to fight or to kiss… adlibbing. Then there is a loud crash and the ship sinks. The stage is empty)
Scene 6
ROSE: (ROSE enters she is 150 years old, wearing the necklace. Annoying Celine Dion song is playing.)


❿ 阿加莎克里斯蒂有哪幾部作品改編成了電影和話劇

《破碎的鏡子》又叫《破鏡謀殺案》(The Mirror Crack`d) 主演Elizabeth Taylor

《東方快車謀殺案》〈Murder on the Orient Express〉主演Albert Finney
《尼羅河上的慘案》<Death on the Nile> 主演Peter Ustinov
《陽光下的罪惡》<Evil under the Sun> 主演Peter Ustinov
《死亡約會》<Appointment with Death>主演Peter Ustinov
《ABC謀殺案》〈The Alphabet Murders〉
《長夜》〈Endless Night〉
《無人生還》〈Ten Little Indians〉



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