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發布時間:2022-09-14 03:30:27

A. 中國電影 用英文怎麼說

[詞典] a Chinese film;
Do you have some VCD of Chinese movies?

B. 國產電影的英譯(看了電影,覺得它們英譯的名字很搞笑)

《霸王別姬》——《farewell my concubine》(再見了,我的小老婆)
《回家過年》——《seventeen years》(十七年)
《東邪西毒》——《ashes of time》(時間的灰燼,這個譯名以為深長,無論你是東邪還是西毒,武功再高還不是最後都成了時間的灰燼?)
《水滸傳》——《all men are brothers》(四海之內皆兄弟)
《甲方乙方》——《dream factory》(夢工廠)
《烈火金剛》——《steel meets fire》(鋼遇上了火)
《劉三姐》——《third sister liu》(第三個姐姐劉)
《花樣年華》——《in the mood for love》(在愛的情緒中)
《國產007》——《from beijing with love》(從北京帶著愛)
《唐伯虎點秋香》——《flirting scholar》(正在調情的學者)
《鹿鼎記》——《royal tramp》(皇家流浪漢)
《海上花》——《flowers of shanghai》(上海之花)
《英雄本色》——《a better tomorrow》(明天會更好)
《神鵰俠侶》——《saviour of the soul》(靈魂的救星)
《三國演義》——《romantic of three kingdoms》(三個王國的羅曼史)《求求你,表揚你》——《gimme kudos》(貪心的名聲)
《精武家庭》——《house of fury 》(狂怒的房子)
《千杯不醉》——《drink drank drunk》(喝酒 喝酒 喝酒)

C. 「片段」的英文怎樣說

1. segment
2. snatch
3. piece(s)
4. slice
5. fragment

Snatches of that music he heard last night keep running in his mind.
A piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's virtuosity.
A disconnected piece; a fragment.
Readings from Dickens
One of the major divisions of a play or an opera.
A thrilling sequence that includes a car chase
Part of a tune or piece of music being performed
A piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's virtuosity.
The structure of a work or passage as considered from the point of view of its chordal characteristics and relationships.
We hear snatches of their conversation as they raised their voice from time to time.
A blank strip at the end of a film or tape used in threading or winding.

D. 中國電影中英文對照

《Farewell My Concubine》 《霸王別姬》
《Be There or Be Square》《不見不散》
《Ashes of Time》《東邪西毒》
《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》《水滸傳:英雄本色》
《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora『s Box》《大話西遊之月光寶盒》 《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》
《Funeral of the Famous Star, The》《大腕》
《TheDream Factory 》《甲方乙方》
《Steal Happiness》《沒事偷著樂》
《In the Mood for Love》《花樣年華》
《From Beijing with Love》《國產007》
《In the Heat of the Sun》《陽光燦爛的日子》
《Keep Cool》《有話好好說》
《Flirting Scholar》《唐伯虎點秋香》
《A Better Tomorrow》《英雄本色》
《Once Upon a Time in China》《黃飛鴻》
《Twin Warriors》《太極張三豐》
《A Man Called Hero》《中華英雄》
《Mr. Nice Guy》《一個好人》

E. 我的1919 陳道明經典片段同步的英文翻譯

Allow me to speak in a formal, let us look at something.
Before entering the venue, Mr. Makino to please me, and compete for the privilege of Shandong, the piece of gold watch given to me.
Baron Makino angry, he really angry, tentatively, I suppose I stole his gold watch, Baron Makino I'd like to ask you to Japan, before the world stole the whole of Shandong Province, Shandong Province thirty-six million people should or should not angry, four hundred million Chinese people should or should not angry! I would like to ask the Japanese this behavior be considered a theft, is not shameless ah, is not outrageous extremes! ! !
Shandong Province is the cradle of Chinese culture, Chinese sage Confucius and Mencius was born in this land, Confucius, Jesus, Confucius, like the West, Shandong of China, in terms of economic or strategic, as well as religious culture, China can not loss of Shandong, like Jerusalem, the West can not lose! ! !
Dear Sir, distinguished delegates, I am happy to represent China and to participate in this and will, I am self-inctance of great responsibility, because I represent one quarter of the world speak Chinese here, just now, Mr. Makino said China is not a single soldier out of the victors, it is ignoring the most basic facts, see, (out of picture), ring the war, China sent workers to the old Europe, a fourteenth million, they were all over the battlefield a corner, they and all the soldiers as the victors in the blood, in sacrifice, I want you to look at a French cemetery on the battlefield at the expense of Chinese workers pictures, so that the cemetery in France have a dozen in Europe, most of them from China's Shandong Province, who for what, is to win this war! Their homes in exchange for peace and tranquility! Therefore, the Chinese delegation is convinced that the meeting discussed the issue when China's Shandong Province will take into account the legitimate rights and interests of China's basic, that is, sovereignty and territorial integrity, otherwise, the soul of Asia will have many crying, the world will not be at peace!
I say finished, thank you, thank you!

F. 電影片段 英文怎麼說

電影片段英文:Movie clips



英 [ˈmuːvi] 美 [ˈmuːvi]






英 [klɪps] 美 [klɪps]








Movie clips近義詞:footage、film clips


英 [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] 美 [ˈfʊtɪdʒ]





2、film clips

英 [fɪlm klɪps] 美 [fɪlm klɪps]





G. 用英文介紹一部中國電影

英文:"In Mount Taihang" is crosses the river by the Chinese redarmy soldier, very before

the opposition to Japan , wards offestablishes the Mount Taihang base the movie, it has

very muchecates Italy .







H. 中文影片英文翻譯 將以下的中文翻譯成英文

《Seventeen Years》 《回家過年》(官方翻譯)
《A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella》 《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》
《The Funeral of the Famous Star》 《大腕》
《Dream Factory》 《甲方乙方》
《In the Mood for Love》 《花樣年華》
《In the Heat of the Sun》 《陽光燦爛的日子》
《Keep Cool》 《有話好好說》
《Romance of Three Kingdoms》 《三國演義》
《Royal Tramp》 《鹿鼎記》
《A Man Called Hero 》 《中華英雄》

I. 簡短的用英文介紹中國的一部電影


英文:"In Mount Taihang" is crosses the river by the Chinese red
army soldier, very before the opposition to Japan , wards off
establishes the Mount Taihang base the movie, it has very much
ecates Italy .

J. 中國電影片名翻譯成英文

《farewell my concubine》——再見了,我的小老婆(這可是《霸王別姬》的英文譯名啊。)
《Be There or Be Square》 在那裡或者是平等的(《不見不散》,雲山霧罩的還是見了就快點散了吧)
《ashes of time》——時間的灰燼(《東邪西毒》,這個譯名意味深長,無論你是東邪還是西毒,武功再高還不是最後都成了時間的灰燼?)
《all men are brothers: blood of the leopard》 四海之內皆兄弟:豹子的血(《水滸傳》,《水滸傳》有個英文譯名就是《四海之內皆兄弟》)
《chinese odyssey 1: pandora『s box》——中國的奧德賽1:潘多拉寶盒(《大話西遊之月光寶盒》,這個絕對是入鄉隨俗了,不過好象都挨不上邊耶)
《chinese odyssey 2: cinderella》——灰姑娘(《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》,至尊寶成了孫悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!)
《dream factory》 夢工廠(《甲方乙方》,夠牛的)
《steel meets fire》 鋼遇上了火(翻譯遇上了鬼?《烈火金剛》)
《third sister liu》 第三個姐姐劉(《劉三姐》,典型的不動腦筋)
《in the mood for love》——在愛的情緒中(《花樣年華》,戀愛中的譯者)
《from beijing with love》 從北京帶著愛(到香港換不了菜,《國產007》)
《flirting scholar》 正在調情的學者(別人看《紅樓夢》看到詩,你看到了…… ?《唐伯虎點秋香》)
《royal tramp》 皇家流浪漢(《鹿鼎記》,為什麼不譯成 「 皇家馬德里 」 ?)
《flowers of shanghai》 上海之花(《海上花》)
《a better tomorrow》 明天會更好( 「 玉山白雪飄零,燃燒少年的心。。。」 ,《英雄本色》)
《saviour of the soul》 靈魂的救星(啊呸!真不要臉!《神鵰俠侶》)
《Romatic of Three Kingdoms》 三個王國的羅曼史(居然是《三國演義》)



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