① 《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸歷險》(Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Event)的英文影評
In Brief: Welcome to the wicked world of Lemony Snicket, free of a troublesome happy ending and devoid of any sort of joy. It's a world where one bad thing happens after another, a veritable series of unfortunate events. And it's wonderfully executed, brilliantly cast and almost perfectly Potter-beating. If only it weren't for Jim Carrey...
In Full: With The Lord of The Rings now officially a part of cinematic history with the release of the final Extended Edition last week, and the next instalment of Harry Potter still warning of wet paint on its sets at Leavesden, there's a definite gap in the market for some good, solid fantasy on the big screen. And this is the candidate to fill the post - the first cinematic adaptation of Daniel Handler's prolific Lemony Snicket books (Snicket is Handler's pen-name).
The similarities, particularly with the Potter franchise, are hard to miss, although the story does its best to innovate: A series of books (eleven currently in print and thirteen in total - this film condenses the first three) tells of the adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, Klaus (a reader), Violet (an inventor), and Sunny (a biter), following the death of their parents in a fire at the family home. They find themselves plunged into a world they cannot control under the guardianship of a wicked relative who'd like nothing better than to tap into the hideous fortune their parents have left them.
But unlike those Fantasy stalwarts of recent years, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Event doesn't serve its treats easily. First off, there is no happy ending here but rather, as the title implies, simply a final unfortunate event. And, perhaps more importantly, there's Jim Carrey.
Distracting from everything that's good about this film and its source material, Carrey is Count Olaf, a devilishly wicked method-acting cousin of the Baudelaire orphans. Simply a nasty and horrible man in the books, Carrey perverts the character into his own comedic vision, delivering Ace Ventura with sillier hair or The Cable Guy without a lisp, depending on your persuasion. The man is given too much freedom to ad-lib and succeeds in removing any trace of danger from the character. The job of the orphans in escaping their tormentor is motivated here by annoyance, surely, for there is nothing threatening about Carrey's Olaf.
Carrey's character is, frustratingly, the crux of the film and, whether we like it or not, he turns up to spoil every episodic incident the film plays out. Liam Aiken and Emily Browning do fine jobs as the verbal Baudelaire orphans, Klaus and Violent, and baby Sunny's subtitled gurgles are hilariously funny when they aren't wallowing in cliché, but they're not trusted with the weight of the film and so the script is given over to Carrey as often as possible.
But the real genius is in Handler's stories and Robert Gordon's screenplay and Carrey relies on neither to craft his Olaf. He is the only distraction of an otherwise brilliant film.
But Carrey isn't representative of the rest of the alt cast. Billy Connoly never really works when he's given a script, but Meryl Streep is simply wonderful. As the Baudelaire's nervous and gun-shy Aunt Josephine, Streep brings the script to life and is given the funniest line of the piece. Her fear of realtors (a word which here means "estate agents" - you'll do well to keep that little Americanism in mind when you watch) is executed delightfully well and will leave you crying with laughter.
This film's real strength, though, is in its stylistic precision. Incredibly Burtonesque, the visuals are powerful enough to secure the film a spot high on the fantasy league tables, everything is so brilliantly other-worldly that there's a spirit to the film that not even Jim Carrey can touch.
In spite of Carrey (yes, in spite of), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events has the comedic edge on its JK Rowling cousin, and has the weight and smarts to become this Christmas' big movie. It's Carrey's involvement that, very nearly, lets the entire film down, but do your best to look past him and you won't go far wrong. One thing's for sure: you could do much, much worse than Lemony Snicket this Christmas.
因為看了某推薦 說是很奢華的兒童片 看完奢華倒是沒覺得 不過場景精緻製作用心倒是的確的 最獨特之處在於 從開始就強調生活不是童話 但生活的真實裡面 美好還是多過於邪惡 P.S. 約瑟芬姑媽個人感覺 換成海倫娜會更帶感
③ 請問誰能我幫寫一篇對電影《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸歷險》的英語影評啊
Some movies are just plain fun to watch. This is one.
It's funny, it's dramatic and it's a great visual treat with Tim Burton-esquire wild images throughout. This is a superb job of combining great visuals, special effects and an entertaining story.
The two kids, played by Emily Browning and Liam Aiken, should get top billing since they are in every scene while Jim Carrey is in about half.
Everyone in this film is a hoot, especially Carrey who plays "Count Olaf" and then disguises himself by pretending to be other people throughout the story. Whomever he was playing he was hilarious. With his crazy persona, Carrey was good choice for this role. The lines he delivers are so hammy they make me just laugh out loud. I appreciated his work even more on the second viewing.
The kids are likable, good-looking and decent actors and the "baby" is given the funniest "lines" in the movie - all in subtitles.
This film is too dark for the little kids but fun for adolescents on up. There is almost no profanity in here and no sex. The sets are particularly strange and interesting, from the various houses to the clothing to the computer-enhanced scenery, with gorgeous colors. Make no mistake: this is a very pretty film with so many fascinating objects in here to view that even multiple viewings can't possibly pick them all up.
④ 《雷蒙斯奇尼的不幸歷險》電影簡介
父母在一次離奇的大火中喪生之後,三個出身優裕的孩子突然變成了三個天底下最不幸的孤兒,他們不得不開始尋找一個新的接納他們的家庭,同時也遇到了形形色色不同目的的人,這其中也包括這個故事的講述者,雷蒙尼?斯尼奇先生(裘德?洛飾)。 在遭遇變故之後,三個孩子被莫名其妙地送到了他們的一個遠親,奧拉夫伯爵(吉姆?凱瑞飾)偏僻陰森的家裡,貪婪的奧拉夫伯爵認領孩子的目的只有一個,那就是奪取他們應該繼承的一大筆遺產,為此他在自己一大群幫凶的協助下,對孩子們使出了所有卑鄙的招數。但三個孩子並非那麼容易受騙的……
中文名: 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸歷險
外文名: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events,Lemony Snicket ,Lemony Snicket - Rätselhafte Ereignisse
其它譯名: 尼蒙利斯連環不幸事件,波特萊爾的冒險
製片地區: 美國 德國
導演: 布拉德·塞伯寧
編劇: Daniel Handler 等
主演: 金·凱瑞 梅麗爾·斯特里普
類型: 奇幻 / 家庭 / 冒險
片長: 108 min
上映時間: 2004年12月16日 澳大利亞
⑤ 《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸歷險》 詳細劇情 注意是「詳細」劇情!!!夠詳細懸賞加至50分 急求!
⑥ 雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸歷險的結局怎麼樣
⑦ 雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸歷險影評
看了電影 《雷蒙 斯尼奇 的不幸歷險》 帶著TIM BURDEN 濃郁色彩的電影
或許 也是正是這個原因 才選擇了這部片子 即使他有著很著名的主演 JIM CARREY
故事的美工場景值得一提 文藝復興時期印象派的借鑒 哥特式建築 亦真亦幻的境界
故事的設計相對很簡單 基本是聰明小孩大戰白痴大壞人
但故事的一開始 卻始終籠罩著一種陰郁的情懷
旁白反復的重述 這是一個悲傷的故事 他們悲慘的命運才開始
三個小孩 因一場大火 失去了父母 被送到了親戚家
這個看中他們財產的惡親戚不斷的虐待他們 設法殺死他們
即使他們設法逃出 遇到了可善的監護人 可依然沒被那壞親戚放過
因著旁白反復的暗示 這是個悲傷的故事 有著悲慘的結局
即使知道那三個小孩機智過人 依然為他們捏著把汗 你們逗的過他嗎
直到故事的結局 才微微鬆了口氣 其實 故事並沒有結束 戰斗也許才正開始
但是我們總有辦法 。。。
故事的最後 孩子們來到了也許是他們的最後一站的地方:被大火燃成廢墟的家
他們發現了一封遲到的信 他們的父母在歐洲時寄回但被遺失的信
信上說:我們出國後非常想念你們 特別事件迫使我們延長了我們的旅程
總有一天你們長大後 會認識我們幫助過的所有人 會知道我們面臨過的所有危險
有時這個世界看上去很不友善甚至非常邪惡 但相信我們 善良一定多於邪惡
你們要做的 便是艱難地期待
看上去可能是一連串的不幸歷險 實際上可能是旅程的第一步
但萬一這封信先於我們寄到 你們要知道我們愛你們
生命中無論發生什麼事情 你們三個都要一如既往地和睦相處 鼓起勇氣 忘我無私地相互照顧
有一件事要銘記於心:無論我們身在何處 只要你們在一起 你們就擁有家庭 你們就是一家人
世界上有些人他們不懂什麼叫悲慘 卻沉迷於歡快的電影中 對嘰嘰喳喳的鳥兒和咯咯笑的精靈感到寬心
也會有人知道 秘密總會被揭開 他們致力於研究並記錄一切重要的證據 但這個故事描寫的並不是這類人
這個故事描寫的是波特萊爾一家 他們是這樣的一類人
他們知道總會有辦法 總會發明點什麼 總會讀點什麼書 咬點什麼東西
總會有辦法找到避難所 無論多麼狹小
正是這個原因 我們才能幸福的講 波特萊爾一家實際上非常幸運。。。
故事的結尾的那些旁白是冗長的 但他們重回他們廢墟的家 看著父母留給他們的信
那是我最喜歡的一個鏡頭 看到它就感覺到溫暖
彷彿雖然波特萊爾一家的父母不在了 但卻永遠在一起一樣
想起了那句話 即使有一天我們不能在一起了 我們也要象我們在一起的時候那樣
⑧ 我看過一部外國電影叫《不幸的 》講述了三個孤兒被人折磨
父母在一次離奇的大火中喪生之後,三個出身優裕的孩子突然變成了三個天底下最不幸的孤兒,他們不得不開始尋找一個新的接納他們的家庭,同時也遇到了形形色色不同目的的人,這其中也包括這個故事的講述者,雷蒙尼·斯尼奇先生(裘德·洛飾)。 在遭遇變故之後,三個孩子被莫名其妙地送到了他們的一個遠親,奧拉夫伯爵(吉姆·凱瑞飾)偏僻陰森的家裡,貪婪的奧拉夫伯爵認領孩子的目的只有一個,那就是奪取他們應該繼承的一大筆遺產,為此他在自己一大群幫凶的協助下,對孩子們使出了所有卑鄙的招數。但三個孩子並非那麼容易受騙的……
⑨ 問一部美國電影的名字,講的是兩個小孩流浪探險的故事,應該是幾年前的
電影《雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸歷險》 中文名: 雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸歷險 外文名: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events 其它譯名: 波特萊爾的冒險(台)、 尼蒙利斯連環不幸事件 出品時間: 2004年 出品公司: 派拉蒙影業公司 製片地區: 美國 德國 導演: 布拉德·塞伯寧 編劇: Robert Gordon、Daniel Handler 製片人: Laurie MacDonald 類型: 奇幻,家庭,冒險 主演: 金·凱瑞,梅麗爾·斯特里普,連姆·艾肯,艾米莉·布朗寧,卡拉·霍夫曼,裘德·洛 片長: 108 分鍾 上映時間: 2004年12月16日 澳大利亞