Sherlock is a British television series that presents a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle』s Sherlock Holmes detective stories. This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelist Arthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century. And the fashion and talent detective Sherlock Holmes with his fantastic assistant John Watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London. It contains six stories up to now, such as a study in pink, the blind banker, the great game, a scandal in Belgravia, hounds of Baskerville, and the reichenbach fall. As for the characters, first, Sherlock Holmes, he is brilliant, aloof and almost entirely lacking in social graces; second, Dr john Watson, SH』s assistant and best friends, he is brave, resourceful and practical; third, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock』s older brother, but there is little brotherly love there; fourth, detective Inspector Lestrade, Sherlock』s friend, he is the only policemen who Sherlock has any respect for, often call in Sherlock to examine a case; fifth, Jim Moriarty, consulting criminal, the biggest Villain character, he is brilliant but crazy.
B. 如何評價電影《神探夏洛克》里的the women
C. 急求《神探夏洛克》英文影評,80詞左右
Sherlock is a BBC proced by the mini drama, starring Charlotte Holmes, a make known to every family man, once many times by the screen, people all over the world once again and again for the smart, haughty, arrogant but lonely genius detective tracks. The film will be Sherlock this image depicts the very delicate, full of the British gentleman, also attracted many China audience
D. 神探夏洛克的影片評價
該片的故事相對獨立,沒有看過劇集的觀眾也能感受福爾摩斯的魅力,對於劇迷而言,影片用一種巧妙的方式串聯起已經完結的第三季和之後第四季的劇情。這次非同尋常的「穿越」通過福爾摩斯的「頭腦迷宮」來進行,頭發不卷、離開了智能手機且變得更紳士的「卷福」,在腦洞大開之後帶給觀眾一次非同一般的觀影體驗(電影網評) 。
該片節奏明快、情節有趣、演員表現亮眼,堪稱2016年電視劇的巔峰水準(衛報評)。本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇得到了表演這位維多利亞時期大偵探的好機會,但是他的表演失去了立場,「自我放縱」的結果,可能會影響這部英劇的好名聲(每日郵報評) 。
E. 神探夏洛克英文簡介
This is a story in modern London of a modern sherlork. This TV drama is based on the famouse detective novel of the british novelist Arthur Conan Doyle.It took the background from the 19C to the 21 centry .And the fashion and talent detective sherlock holmes with his fantastic assistant John watson are facing a series of danderous and unusual events in London.
There is quite a lot of differences between this fashion sherlock and the classical one.He is fashion,he use blackberry,sent masagers.He takes taxi instead of gharry.He writes blog,he even became a hit on twitter.But the same thing is that he is thing and tall,sagacious and shouws quick first response all the time.He is also good at biology and his incredible outsight shocks the audience all the time.The change of the new sherlock dosen't make us fell uncomfortable,but the quick plot and the mixture of many stories of the novel in every episode makes an impression to holmes fans.All of the changes show that this Holmes belongs to our times.
F. 如何評價《神探夏洛克》
G. 怎樣評價英劇《神探夏洛克》第一季
截至2015年,系列劇集在英國電影和電視藝術學院電視獎中獲得了包括最佳劇集在內的10個獎項,而在艾美獎上則奪得最佳男主角、最佳男配角、最佳編劇等7個獎項及21項提名。該劇也刷新了英國自2001年以來的收視紀錄,並在超過200個國家及地區播放 。《神探夏洛克》是一部優秀、乃至卓越的電視劇,即便在影視劇製作水準極高的范圍內看,人物精準,情節連貫,戲劇沖突激烈而飽滿。
H. 求《神探夏洛克》的英文簡介~
"Sherlock" is a television series proced by the BBC BBC since 2010. It was created by Shidiwen·mofate and Mading·furuiman Gattis, and Benedict Cumberbatch. starring.
The play is adapted from Arthur Conan Doyle's detective novel Sherlock Holmes, which moved the original background from the 19th century to the 21st century and tells about the bustling metropolis of London.
The fashionable detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend John H. Watson experienced a series of dangerous and unusual adventures.
時尚的大偵探夏洛克·福爾摩斯和他的朋友約翰·H·華生經受的一系列危險的、不同尋常的歷險 。
As of 2015, the series won 10 awards including the best series in the TV Awards of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and won the best actor and best supporting actor at the Emmy Award.
Best screenwriter and other 7 awards and 21 nominations. The play also refreshed the British ratings record since 2001 and was broadcast in more than 200 countries and regions.
最佳編劇等7個獎項及21項提名。該劇也刷新了英國自2001年以來的收視紀錄,並在超過200個國家及地區播放 。
I. 《神探夏洛克》電影版值得一看嗎
J. 如何評價《神探夏洛克》