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Background data:Gram Clone technique ABC

From the gram clone sheep many benefits publish, "the gram clone " became a familiar phrase of the news medium graally.An evil teach to organize to declare on 27th, it used a 31 years old American women to make a contribution to take off the oxygen pit sugar nucleic acid gram Clonea little girl.

Once someone think, using a person about 30 years old the posterity of the gram Clone , living out and there will be 30 many year old, is an alt's shape, this kind of viewpoint is incorrect.The gram Clone the person just was born peace a kid to often have no two with the result that, is all infant whom the weep aloud, the unique was special is she had completely similar gene with mother.In fact this kind of two persons shared circumstance everyone of the gene to also see, those are the egg twins together.However almost publish to compare in the meantime with common twins, the gram Clonethe girl compare her mother, be also the elder sister of the egg to be born late for 31 years together.

The gram Clone conceived technically at the earliest stage to put forward in 1938 from the German embryologist, but mankind didn't used body cell gram Clonesuccess of become alt the mammal for the first time until 1996.Complete the British scientist of this heroic act especially of the gram Clone method BE:Took out cell nucleus from the body cell of a head of sheep first, then took the second ovum cell of sheep fishing out among them, put into previous cell nucleus again, again through the electricity incitement make this put together to pack of the cell fusion became integral whole and start split up, like common of the fertilizied egg is similar, the e-out transplants into the third womb of sheep after teach to certainly the degree.In this kind of fulfillment that transplants a technique at the test-tube baby already through maturity.The small sheep that livings finally have with the gene of[with] a head of sheep homology, but see from the gene angle, with give birth to its mother, namely the third sheep have no a relation.

Invented technique in"Honolulu" by the international research group of American scientist's the leader in 1998, carried on the graveness improvement to the gramClone technique.This kind of technique no longer transplants the whole cell nucleus, but make use of super absorb to move a tube thinly to infuse into gene to check ovary cell only.Secondly is no longer adopt the electricity incitement to promote the cell fusion and split up, but adopt the chemistry material chlorination to come to the empress of the processing of the ovary cell carry on incitement.Technique in"Honolulu" raised the success rate of the gram Cloneconsumedly.

The gram Cloneperson and the gram Clone other animals is also incompletely same, needing new technique breakthrough.But this is evil and taught organization and announce up to now their gram Clone the person's concrete technique detail, make not a few scientists contain a doubt to the gram Clone person's reliability.

D. 英語課要用ppt介紹一部電影,要怎麼做













E. 求一個英文電影介紹的ppt,隨便什麼電影都行


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Use of Cloning Technology to Clone a Human Being

As a consequence of scientific and biotechnological progress ring the past decades, new biological therapies involving somatic cells and genetic material are being investigated. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) described existing legal authorities governing a new class of human somatic cell therapy procts and gene therapy procts in an October 14, 1993 Federal Register Notice.

On February 23, 1997, the public learned that Ian Wilmut, a Scottish scientist, and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute successfully used a technique called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to create a clone of a sheep; the cloned sheep was named Dolly. SCNT involves transferring the nucleus of an alt sheep somatic cell, into a sheep egg from which the nucleus had been removed. After nearly 300 attempts, the cloned sheep known as Dolly was born to a surrogate sheep mother.

SCNT is not reproction since a sperm cannot be used with the technique, but rather it is an extension of technology used not only in research but also used to proce medically relevant cellular procts such as cartilage cells for knees, as well as gene therapy procts. On February 28, 1997, FDA announced a comprehensive plan for the regulation of cell and tissue based therapies that incorporated the legal authorities described in FDA's 1993 guidance Proposed Approach to Regulation of Cellular and Tissue-Based Procts

On March 7, 1997 then President Clinton issued a memoranm that stated: "Recent accounts of advances in cloning technology, including the first successful cloning of an alt sheep, raise important questions. They potentially represent enormous scientific breakthroughs that could offer benefits in such areas as medicine and agriculture. But the new technology also raises profound ethical issues, particularly with respect to its possible use to clone humans." (Prohibitions on Federal Funding for Cloning of Human Beings)

The memoranm explicitly prohibited Federal Funding for cloning of a human being, and also directed the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) to thoroughly review the legal and ethical issues associated with the use of cloning technology to create a human being.

"NBAC found that concerns relating to the potential psychological harms to children and effects on the moral, religious, and cultural values of society merited further reflection and deliberation." The report, Ethical Issues in Human Stem Cell Research, September 1999, describes 5 recommendations.

Somatic cell nuclear transfer holds great potential to someday create medically useful therapeutic procts. FDA believes, however, that there are major unresolved questions pertaining to the use of cloning technology to clone a human being which must be seriously considered and resolved before the Agency would permit such investigation to proceed. The Agency sent a "Dear Colleague" letter which stated that creating a human being using cloning technology is subject to FDA regulation under the Public Health Service Act and the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. This letter notified researchers that clinical research using SCNT to create a human being could precede only when an investigational new drug application (IND) is in effect. Sponsors are required to submit to FDA

Recently, FDA sent letters to remind the research community that FDA jurisdiction over clinical research using cloning technology to create a human being, and to advise that FDA regulatory process is required in order to initial these investigations. (March 2001 letter - PDF, Text)

On March 28, 2001, Dr. Kathryn C. Zoon, Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research gave testimony before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House of Representatives. Her statement described FDA's role in regulating the use of cloning technology to clone a human being and further described current significant scientific concerns in this area.

Clone (genetics)
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In genetics, a clone is a replica of all or part of a macromolecule (eg. DNA). Cloning a gene means to extract a gene from one organism (for example by PCR) and insert it into a second organism (usually via a vector), where it can be used and studied.

Cloning a gene sometimes can refer to success in identifying a gene associated with some phenotype. For example, when biologists say that the gene for disease X has been cloned, they mean that the gene's location and DNA sequence has been identified, although the ability to specifically the physical DNA is a side-effect of its identification. A related technique called subcloning refers to transferring a gene from one plasmid into another for further study.


How to Clone a Human (Version 1.1)
This procere is based upon the Sheep cloning procere. The mouse cloning procere seems to have worked better, so I'll be changing this page to Version 1.2 when I get all that information together. The two proceres are similar, but not identical.

Rumor has it that I personally have cloned 7400 people, but when I got to Subject: 07401 I ran into trouble!

This page provided courtesy of:

The BioFact Report
Human Tissue: Pure human cells of one tissue type, from the indivial who will be cloned.
Human Tissue Culture Media: Media in which these human cells will grow and divide.
Minimal Human Tissue Culture Media: Media in which cells will stop dividing, and enter a state of "quiescence" without dying.
Laboratory supplies: Incubator, Sterile Hood, petri dishes, microscopes, and tools capable of removing and implanting cellular organelles, such as the nucleus, from one cell to another.
Unfertilized human egg cells.
Human Egg Cell growth media: Media where fertilized eggs will grow and divide.
Grow the human cells to be cloned until you have a good supply.
Transfer the cells to minimal media. [For now, The Sheep Cloning Paper is a good reference for exactly how long.] This should allow the cells to live, but they should stop dividing and enter quiescence. This is likely the step in which the cells lose their differentiation, and revert to a more totipotent state.
When the cultured cells are in the quiescent state, get an unfertilized human egg cell. Remove the nucleus from this egg cell. Try to minimize damage done to this cell and discard the nucleus.
Take one of the quiescent cells in it's entirely, and implant it inside the coat around the egg (known as the zona pellucida) next to the egg itself.
Electroshock the egg. [For now, The Sheep Cloning Paper is probably a good reference for how much and how long to electroshock.] The electroshock inces the fusion of the two cells, so you should be able to tell when you've electroshocked enough just by looking at the cells. The rebooting of the human genetic program is believed to be initiated by the replacement of donor cell protien signals by egg cell protien signals, but the electroshock might assist in moving those protien signals across the nuclear membrane as well. Electroporation is a common technique for moving DNA molecules through a cellular membrane.
Repeat the last three steps as necessary until you have enough clones. Expect a lot of them not to survive because of cellular damage and other mishaps. Allow the embryos to grow and divide a few times in Human Egg Cell growth media.
Implant the embryos in human mothers where they will can be carried to term, and born normally.
參考 http://www.biofact.com/cloning/human.html

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