A. 周星馳電影《功夫》里的台詞!~
他最後說的是英文:"What are you preparing to do? "
這句對白是故意不打出字幕。電影公司的解釋是:阿鬼是寨主徒弟,當年跟隨寨主夫婦遷入豬籠城寨決意隱姓埋名,後來,斧頭幫來襲,阿鬼逼不得已先顯露身手。其實他臨終時所說的是「What are you preparing to do?」,意為「你們准備做點什麼?」這句話亦引致寨主夫婦決心重出江湖對付斧頭幫。」就是說,包租公和包租婆是阿鬼的師父,阿鬼這個徒弟臨死時再也不能忍受師父的退縮了,說這句話是想刺激他們重出江湖。
B. 功夫里的英文是什麼
kong fu,由李小龍寫入英文詞典……
C. 電影《功夫》里功夫很厲害的那個人死之前,對包租公和包租婆說的那一句英文是什麼
D. 請問在電影《功夫》里,三大高手之一臨死的時候說的英語是什麼意思我只聽到最後的to do.
原文是:what are you prepairing to do !
E. 電影《功夫》,阿鬼臨死之前說的那句英文是什麼意思
阿鬼講的英文是:「What are you prepared to do(你們准備做什麼)」。
F. 周星馳電影功夫中阿唐死前說的英語是什麼
what are you prepared to do?
這句台詞源自電影《鐵面無私》( The Untouchables)
G. 功夫電影英文名
1.《功夫之王》(King of Kungfu 或 The Forbidden Kingdom)
主演:李連傑(Jet Li), Michael Angarano, 陳龍(Jackie Chen)等
In Forbidden Kingdom, American teenager Jason (Michael Angarano), who is obsessed with Hong Kong cinema and kungfu classics, finds an antique Chinese staff in a pawn shop: the legendary stick weapon of the Chinese sage and warrior, the Monkey King (Jet Li). With the lost relic in hand, Jason unexpectedly finds himself transported back to ancient China.
There, he meets the drunken kungfu master, Lu Yan (Jackie Chan); an enigmatic and skillful Silent Monk (Jet Li); and a vengeance-bent kungfu beauty, Golden Sparrow (Crystal Liu Yi Fei), who lead him on his quest to return the staff to its rightful owner, the Monkey King - imprisoned in stone by the evil Jade Warlord (Collin Chou) for five hundred years. Along the way, while attempting to outmaneuver scores of Jade Warriors, Cult Killers and the deadly White Hair Demoness, Ni Chang (Li Bing Bing), Jason learns about honor, loyalty and friendship, and the true meaning of kungfu, and thus frees himself.
2. 《功夫》(Kungfu 或 Kungfu Hustle)
主演:周星弛(Stephen Chow), 馮小剛等
Set in Canton, China in the 1940s, the story revolves around a hapless wannabe gangster who aspires to become a member of the notorious "Axe Gang." Other characters include an obnoxious landlady and her apparently frail husband who exhibit extraordinary powers in defending their turf. Written by Metroplex
It is 1940's China, and gangs rule the city. The most notorious of them all is the axe gang, lead by the insane Brother Sum. A slum called Pig Sty Alley is the only area safe from the Axes because the people there are so poor. Soon, wannabe gangster Sing and his pal Bone attempt to extort money out of a barber and fail, drawing the real Axe Gang to Pig Sty. However, it turns out that there are several kung fu masters living in the slum, and soon the two sides are enemies. As the plot thickens, Sing must decide- should he become a mobster, or save the day?
H. 周星馳 功夫 英文名
kung fu與康夫諧音.
周星馳Zhou Xingchi 按拼音讀.或者英文名Stephen Zhou
I. 周星馳的電影《功夫》裡面啊鬼臨死前抓著包租公的手說的那句英語是什麼
油炸鬼:what are you prepare to do?(你們打算做什麼)
J. 電影《功夫》中阿鬼說的最後一句英文是什麼意思
What are you ...prepare(或者是preparing) ...to do意思就是「你打算怎麼做」或者「你准備做什麼」
據說是1987年一部電影《鐵面無私》裡面肖恩·康納利臨死前捏著凱文·科斯特納說的就是這句話.What are you preparing to do?
這句對白是故意不打出字幕.電影公司解釋:「阿鬼是寨主徒弟,當年跟隨寨主夫婦遷入豬籠城寨決意隱姓埋名,後來,斧頭幫來襲,阿鬼逼不得已先顯露身手.其實他臨終時所說的是「What are you preparing to do?」,這句話亦引致寨主夫婦決心重出江湖對付斧頭幫.」